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Turunçgil Posalarının Ruminant Beslemede Alternatif Yem Kaynağı Olarak Kullanımı ve Metan Üretim Kapasiteleri

Year 2020, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 1449 - 1455, 01.06.2020


Hatay ilinde yetişen turunçgil posalarının ruminant beslemede alternatif yem kaynağı olarak kullanımı ve metan üretim kapasitesini belirlemek amacıyla; kuru madde (KM), pH, olması gereken pH (OlpH), fleig skoru (FS), ham kül (HK), ham protein (HP), ham yağ (HY), ADF, NDF, net gaz, net metan gazı, metabolik enerji (ME) ve organik madde sindirim derecesi (OMSD) içerikleri belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonunda pH değerleri 2.72 ile 3.48 arasında bulunan turunçgil silajının düşük değerlere sahip olması nedeniyle uzun süre depolanabilir bir silaj türü olduğu söylenebilir. Turunçgil silajları metan gazı üretim kapasitesi açısından değerlendirildiğinde % 8.17 ile 11.23 arasında değerler almış olup; en düşük metan gazı içeriği kabuksuz greyfurt cinsinden en yüksek metan gazı içeriği kabuklu Washington cinsinden elde edilmiştir. Turunçgil silajlarının yonca, mısır gibi silaj türlerinin metan gazı içeriklerine (%16-18) göre daha düşük metan gazı üretim kapasitesine sahip olması nedeniyle atmosfer’e yayılan sera gazı etkisi bakımından düşük kapasiteli az zararlı bir silaj türü olarak değerlendirilebilir. Metan gazı üretim kapasitesi açısından kabuksuz turunçgil silajlarının kabuklu turunçgil silajlarına göre daha avantajlı olduğunu söylenebilir. Sonuç olarak meyve suyu üretim tesislerinde her yıl gelişi güzel etrafa dökülen binlerce ton turunçgil posaları yem maliyetini düşürmek, kötü koku oluşumunu ve çevre kirliğini önlemek amacıyla uygun şekilde katkı maddesi olmadan silolanıp hayvan beslemede kullanılabilir.

Supporting Institution

Iğdır Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi

Project Number



  • AOAC, 1990. Official method of analysis. Association of official analytical chemists 15th.edition. s. 66 Washington DC. USA
  • Aguilera A, Perezgil F, Grande D, Cruz D, Juarez J, 1997. Digestibility and fermentative characteristics of mango lemon and corn stover silages with or without addition of molasses and urea Small Ruminant Research 26:87-91
  • Alnaimy A, 2017. Using of citrus by-products in farm animals feding Department of Biological Applications. Nuclear Research Center. Egypt Sci. 1(3):58‒67
  • Ayaşan T., İnci H., 2019. Hayvan beslemede narenciye yan ürünlerinin kullanımı. ISPEC 3. Uluslararasi Tarım, Hayvancılık Ve Kırsal Kalkınma Kongresi. 20-22 Aralık 2019, Van. S:524-536.
  • Bampidis VA, Robinson PA, 2005 Citrus by-products as ruminant feeds: A review Department of Animal Science. University of California. Davis. CA 95616. USA
  • Basir R, Toghyani M. 2017. Effect of dietary graded levels of dried lemon (Citrus aurantifulia) pulp on performance, intestinal morphology, and humoral immunity in broiler chickens. Int J Recycl Org Waste Agricult., 6:125-132.
  • Belibasakis, NG, Tsirgogianni D, 1996. Effects of dried citrus pulp on milk yield, milk composition and blood components of dairy cows. Animal Feed Science Technology 60: 87-9
  • Besharati M, Shafipour N, Nemati Z, 2018. Effects of supplementation alfalfa silage with molasses. orange pulp and Lactobacillus buchneri on in vitro dry matter digestibility and gas production, Journal BioScience Biotechnology 6(1): 43-47
  • Beyzi SB, Ülger İ, Kaliber M, Konca Y, 2018. Determination of Chemical. nutritional and fermentation properties of citrus pulp silages Department of Animal Science. Erciyes University. 38039 Kayseri. Turkey
  • Dağtekin M, Aybek A, Üçok S, Beyaz A, 2018. The effect of adding corn silage at different ratios to orange and tangerine wastes on Biogas Production Efficiency. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24 (4): 531-538
  • Goel G, Makkar HPS, Becker K, 2008 Effect of Sesbania sesban and Carduus pycnocephalus leaves and Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L) seeds and their extract on partitioning of nutrients from roughage-and concentrate-based feeds to methane. Animal Feed Science Technology, 147(1-3), 72-89
  • FAO 2016.
  • Fegeros K, Zervas G, Stamouli S, Apostolaki E, 1995. Nutritive value of dried citrus pulp and its effect on milk yield and milk composition of lactating ewes. Journal Dairy Science 78: 1116-1121.
  • Filya İ, Karabulut A, Değirmencioğlu T, Canbolat Ö, Kalkan H, 2001. Turunçgil Posalarının muhafaza ve yem değeri özelliklerinin geliştirilmesi Turk Journal Veterinary Anim Science 939-945.
  • Guessous, F., Rihani, N., Kabbali, A., Johnson, W.L., 1989.Improving feeding system for sheep in a Mediterranean rainfed cereals/livestock area of Morocco. Journal Animal Science. 67, 3080-3086.
  • Ibrahim MR, El-Banan HM, Omara II, Suliman MA, 2011. Evaluation of nutritive value of some citrus pulp as feedstuffs in rabbit diets. Pakistan Journal Nutritive 10: 667-674.
  • Kılıç A, 1984. Silo Yemi. Bilgehan Basımevi. ss:3-327. Bornova-İzmir
  • Kiran RG, Suresh KP, Sampath KT, Giridhar K, Anandan S, 2012. Modeling and forecasting livestock and fish feed resources: Requirements and Availability in India. National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology. Bangalore. 25(4): 462–470
  • Makkar H, 2005. In vitro gas methods for evaluation of feeds containing phytochemicals. Animal Feed Science and Technology 123-124: 291-302.
  • Menke KH, Raab L, Salewski A, Steingass H, Fritz D, Schneider W, 1979. The estimation of the digestibility and metabolisable energy content of ruminant feeding stuff from the gas production when they are incubated with rumen liquor. Journal of Agricultural Science. 93:217-222
  • Menke KH, Steingass H, 1988. Estimation of the energetic feed value from chemical analysis and in vitro gas production using rumen fluid. Animal Resources and Development, 28:7-55
  • Meeske R, 2005. Silage additives: Do they make a difference? South Africa Journal Animal Science 6:49-55.
  • Oni AO, Onwuka CFI, Oduguwa OO, Onifade OS, Arigbede OM, 2008. Utilization of citrus pulp based diets and Enterolobium Cyclocarpum (JACQ. GRISEB) foliage by West African dwarf goats. Livestock. Science. 117: 184-191.
  • Özkan ÇÖ, Kaya E, Ülger İ, Güven İ, Kamalak A, 2017. Effect of species on nutritive value and methane production of citrus pulps for ruminants Hayvansal Üretim 58(1): 8-12.
  • Van Soest PJ, Robertson JD, Lewis BA, 1991. Methods for diatery fibre neutral detergent fibre and non-starch polysaccharides in relation to animals nutrition. Journal of Dairy Science. 74. 3583-3597
  • USA, 1956. Depertmant of agriculture chemistry and technology of citrus. citrus products and byproducts agrıculture handbook
  • Watanabe PH, Thomaz MC, Ruiz UDS, Santos VMD, Fraga AL, Pascoal LAF, Silva SZD, Faria HGD, 2010. Effect of inclusion of citrus pulp in the diet of finishing swines. Brazil. Arch. Biological Techonogy 53: 709-718.

The Use of Citrus Pulps As an Alternative Feed Sources in Rumınant Feeding and Its Methane Production Capacities

Year 2020, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 1449 - 1455, 01.06.2020


In order to determine the use of citrus pulps grown in Hatay province as an alternative feed source in ruminant feeding and methane production capacity; Dry matter (DM), pH, required pH value, Fleig Score, Crude Ash (CA), Crude Protein (CP), Ether Extract (EE), ADF, NDF, net gas, net methane gas, methane gas, metabolic energy and organic matter digestibility contents were determined. Citrus silage, with the pH values between 2.72 and 3.48 due to its low pH content can be considered as a type of silage that can be stored for a long time. In terms of methane gas production capacity of citrus silage was found between 8.17-11.23% and the lowest methane gas content was found in peeled grapefruit type citrus the highest methane content was found in unpeeled Washington type. Citrus silages can be considered as a low harmful type of silage with low capacity in terms of greenhouse gas emission due to the lower methane gas production capacity of silage species such as alfalfa and corn (16-18%). In terms of methane gas production capacity, unpeeled citrus silages are more favorable than peeled citrus silages. As a result, thousands of tons of citrus fruit pulps, which are pouring out around every year in fruit juice production facilities, can be used in animal feeding without any additives in order to reduce feed costs and prevent bad smell and environmental pollution.

Project Number



  • AOAC, 1990. Official method of analysis. Association of official analytical chemists 15th.edition. s. 66 Washington DC. USA
  • Aguilera A, Perezgil F, Grande D, Cruz D, Juarez J, 1997. Digestibility and fermentative characteristics of mango lemon and corn stover silages with or without addition of molasses and urea Small Ruminant Research 26:87-91
  • Alnaimy A, 2017. Using of citrus by-products in farm animals feding Department of Biological Applications. Nuclear Research Center. Egypt Sci. 1(3):58‒67
  • Ayaşan T., İnci H., 2019. Hayvan beslemede narenciye yan ürünlerinin kullanımı. ISPEC 3. Uluslararasi Tarım, Hayvancılık Ve Kırsal Kalkınma Kongresi. 20-22 Aralık 2019, Van. S:524-536.
  • Bampidis VA, Robinson PA, 2005 Citrus by-products as ruminant feeds: A review Department of Animal Science. University of California. Davis. CA 95616. USA
  • Basir R, Toghyani M. 2017. Effect of dietary graded levels of dried lemon (Citrus aurantifulia) pulp on performance, intestinal morphology, and humoral immunity in broiler chickens. Int J Recycl Org Waste Agricult., 6:125-132.
  • Belibasakis, NG, Tsirgogianni D, 1996. Effects of dried citrus pulp on milk yield, milk composition and blood components of dairy cows. Animal Feed Science Technology 60: 87-9
  • Besharati M, Shafipour N, Nemati Z, 2018. Effects of supplementation alfalfa silage with molasses. orange pulp and Lactobacillus buchneri on in vitro dry matter digestibility and gas production, Journal BioScience Biotechnology 6(1): 43-47
  • Beyzi SB, Ülger İ, Kaliber M, Konca Y, 2018. Determination of Chemical. nutritional and fermentation properties of citrus pulp silages Department of Animal Science. Erciyes University. 38039 Kayseri. Turkey
  • Dağtekin M, Aybek A, Üçok S, Beyaz A, 2018. The effect of adding corn silage at different ratios to orange and tangerine wastes on Biogas Production Efficiency. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24 (4): 531-538
  • Goel G, Makkar HPS, Becker K, 2008 Effect of Sesbania sesban and Carduus pycnocephalus leaves and Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L) seeds and their extract on partitioning of nutrients from roughage-and concentrate-based feeds to methane. Animal Feed Science Technology, 147(1-3), 72-89
  • FAO 2016.
  • Fegeros K, Zervas G, Stamouli S, Apostolaki E, 1995. Nutritive value of dried citrus pulp and its effect on milk yield and milk composition of lactating ewes. Journal Dairy Science 78: 1116-1121.
  • Filya İ, Karabulut A, Değirmencioğlu T, Canbolat Ö, Kalkan H, 2001. Turunçgil Posalarının muhafaza ve yem değeri özelliklerinin geliştirilmesi Turk Journal Veterinary Anim Science 939-945.
  • Guessous, F., Rihani, N., Kabbali, A., Johnson, W.L., 1989.Improving feeding system for sheep in a Mediterranean rainfed cereals/livestock area of Morocco. Journal Animal Science. 67, 3080-3086.
  • Ibrahim MR, El-Banan HM, Omara II, Suliman MA, 2011. Evaluation of nutritive value of some citrus pulp as feedstuffs in rabbit diets. Pakistan Journal Nutritive 10: 667-674.
  • Kılıç A, 1984. Silo Yemi. Bilgehan Basımevi. ss:3-327. Bornova-İzmir
  • Kiran RG, Suresh KP, Sampath KT, Giridhar K, Anandan S, 2012. Modeling and forecasting livestock and fish feed resources: Requirements and Availability in India. National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology. Bangalore. 25(4): 462–470
  • Makkar H, 2005. In vitro gas methods for evaluation of feeds containing phytochemicals. Animal Feed Science and Technology 123-124: 291-302.
  • Menke KH, Raab L, Salewski A, Steingass H, Fritz D, Schneider W, 1979. The estimation of the digestibility and metabolisable energy content of ruminant feeding stuff from the gas production when they are incubated with rumen liquor. Journal of Agricultural Science. 93:217-222
  • Menke KH, Steingass H, 1988. Estimation of the energetic feed value from chemical analysis and in vitro gas production using rumen fluid. Animal Resources and Development, 28:7-55
  • Meeske R, 2005. Silage additives: Do they make a difference? South Africa Journal Animal Science 6:49-55.
  • Oni AO, Onwuka CFI, Oduguwa OO, Onifade OS, Arigbede OM, 2008. Utilization of citrus pulp based diets and Enterolobium Cyclocarpum (JACQ. GRISEB) foliage by West African dwarf goats. Livestock. Science. 117: 184-191.
  • Özkan ÇÖ, Kaya E, Ülger İ, Güven İ, Kamalak A, 2017. Effect of species on nutritive value and methane production of citrus pulps for ruminants Hayvansal Üretim 58(1): 8-12.
  • Van Soest PJ, Robertson JD, Lewis BA, 1991. Methods for diatery fibre neutral detergent fibre and non-starch polysaccharides in relation to animals nutrition. Journal of Dairy Science. 74. 3583-3597
  • USA, 1956. Depertmant of agriculture chemistry and technology of citrus. citrus products and byproducts agrıculture handbook
  • Watanabe PH, Thomaz MC, Ruiz UDS, Santos VMD, Fraga AL, Pascoal LAF, Silva SZD, Faria HGD, 2010. Effect of inclusion of citrus pulp in the diet of finishing swines. Brazil. Arch. Biological Techonogy 53: 709-718.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Zootechny (Other)
Journal Section Zootekni / Animal Science

Yunus Başar 0000-0002-1220-4559

Ali İhsan Atalay 0000-0002-7379-9082

Project Number 2019-FBE-L02
Publication Date June 1, 2020
Submission Date April 22, 2020
Acceptance Date May 14, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 10 Issue: 2


APA Başar, Y., & Atalay, A. İ. (2020). Turunçgil Posalarının Ruminant Beslemede Alternatif Yem Kaynağı Olarak Kullanımı ve Metan Üretim Kapasiteleri. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 10(2), 1449-1455.
AMA Başar Y, Atalay Aİ. Turunçgil Posalarının Ruminant Beslemede Alternatif Yem Kaynağı Olarak Kullanımı ve Metan Üretim Kapasiteleri. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. June 2020;10(2):1449-1455. doi:10.21597/jist.725292
Chicago Başar, Yunus, and Ali İhsan Atalay. “Turunçgil Posalarının Ruminant Beslemede Alternatif Yem Kaynağı Olarak Kullanımı Ve Metan Üretim Kapasiteleri”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 10, no. 2 (June 2020): 1449-55.
EndNote Başar Y, Atalay Aİ (June 1, 2020) Turunçgil Posalarının Ruminant Beslemede Alternatif Yem Kaynağı Olarak Kullanımı ve Metan Üretim Kapasiteleri. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 10 2 1449–1455.
IEEE Y. Başar and A. İ. Atalay, “Turunçgil Posalarının Ruminant Beslemede Alternatif Yem Kaynağı Olarak Kullanımı ve Metan Üretim Kapasiteleri”, J. Inst. Sci. and Tech., vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 1449–1455, 2020, doi: 10.21597/jist.725292.
ISNAD Başar, Yunus - Atalay, Ali İhsan. “Turunçgil Posalarının Ruminant Beslemede Alternatif Yem Kaynağı Olarak Kullanımı Ve Metan Üretim Kapasiteleri”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 10/2 (June 2020), 1449-1455.
JAMA Başar Y, Atalay Aİ. Turunçgil Posalarının Ruminant Beslemede Alternatif Yem Kaynağı Olarak Kullanımı ve Metan Üretim Kapasiteleri. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2020;10:1449–1455.
MLA Başar, Yunus and Ali İhsan Atalay. “Turunçgil Posalarının Ruminant Beslemede Alternatif Yem Kaynağı Olarak Kullanımı Ve Metan Üretim Kapasiteleri”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, vol. 10, no. 2, 2020, pp. 1449-55, doi:10.21597/jist.725292.
Vancouver Başar Y, Atalay Aİ. Turunçgil Posalarının Ruminant Beslemede Alternatif Yem Kaynağı Olarak Kullanımı ve Metan Üretim Kapasiteleri. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2020;10(2):1449-55.

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