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Gizli Isıl Enerji Depolama Sistemleri: Faz Değiştiren Malzemelerin Kullanıldığı Aktif ve Pasif Sistem Uygulamaları

Year 2023, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 531 - 547, 01.03.2023


Enerji verimliliği çalışmaları sonucunda sağlanan tasarruf son derece önemlidir. Nitekim tasarruf edilen enerji; kaynakların etkin kullanımı, insan sağlığı ve çevresel açıdan olmak üzere pek çok yönden katkı sağlar. Bu nedenle, enerji depolama teknolojilerinin enerji verimliliği çalışmalarına sağladığı faydalar önem arz etmektedir. Teknolojinin gelişmesi ve ihtiyaçların değişmesi ile enerjinin depolanarak başka bir yer ve/veya zamanda kullanılması talep görmektedir. Bu sebeple, enerjinin çeşitli formlarda depolanması üzerine araştırmacılar tarafından çalışmalar yürütülmektedir. Enerji depolama teknolojileri içinde ısıl enerji depolama yöntemi enerji tüketim miktarlarının ve maliyetlerinin azaltılması noktasında son yıllarda ilgi çeken araştırma konularından biri olmuştur. Gizli ısıl enerjinin depolanmasına imkan tanıyan ve Faz Değiştiren Malzeme (FDM) olarak adlandırılan yeni nesil enerji malzemeleri, bu hedefe ulaşmada kullanılabilecek umut vaat eden enerji depolama malzemelerindendir. Bu çalışmada, FDM’lere dayalı aktif ve pasif sistem uygulamaları incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla, bu konu üzerinde literatürde yapılan çalışmalar araştırılarak elde edilen sonuçlar sistematik bir şekilde sunulmuştur. Yapılan incelemeler sonucunda, FDM’lerin görece düşük ısıl iletkenliğe sahip olmaları sebebiyle çalışmaların genellikle ısı aktarımı ve performans iyileştirmeleri üzerine yoğunlaştığı görülmüştür.

Supporting Institution

Yalova Üniversitesi

Project Number



Bu çalışmanın gerçekleştirilmesinde proje desteği sağlayan Yalova Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi’ne (Proje Numarası: 2020/YL/0022) teşekkür ederiz.


  • Abhat, A. (1976). Experimental investigation and analysis of a honeycomb-packed phase change material device. In: 11th AIAA thermophysics conference, 14-16 July, San Diego, CA, USA.
  • Akeiber, H., Nejat P., Majid M.Z.A., Wahid, M.A., Jomehzadeh F., Famileh I.Z., Calautit J.K., Hughes B.R., Zaki S.A. (2016. A review on phase change material (PCM) for sustainable passive cooling in building envelopes. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 60, 1470-1497.
  • Alawadhi, E.M., Alqallaf, H.J. (2011). Building roof with conical holes containing PCM to reduce the cooling load: Numerical study. Energy Conversion and Management, 52(8–9), 2958-2964.
  • Arıcı, M., Bilgin, F., Krajčík, M. Nižetić, S., Karabay, H. (2022. Energy saving and CO2 reduction potential of external building walls containing two layers of phase change material, Energy, Volume 252.
  • Arkar, C., Medved, S. (2007). Free cooling of a building using PCM heat storage integrated into the ventilation system. Solar Energy, 81(9), 1078-1087.
  • ASHRAE Standard 55. (2004). Thermal environmental conditions for human occupancy, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-conditioning Engineers, Atlanta, U.S.A.
  • Barzin, R., Chen, J.J.J, Young, B.R., Farid, M.M. (2015). Application of PCM energy storage in combination with night ventilation for space cooling. Applied Energy, 158, 412-421.
  • Bugaje, I.M. (1997). Enhancing the thermal response of latent heat storage system. Energy Res, 21(9), 759–66.
  • Butala, V., Stritih U., 2009. Experimental investigation of PCM cold storage. Energy and Buildings, 41(3), 354-359.
  • Cabeza, L.F., Ibanez, M., Sole, C., Roca, J., Nogues, M. (2006). Experimentation with a water tank including a PCM module. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 90(9), 1273–1282.
  • Chaiyat, N., Kiatsiriroat, T. (2014). Energy reduction of building air-conditioner with phase change material in Thailand. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 4, 175-186.
  • Chen, C., Guo, H., Liu, Y., Yue, H., Wang, C. (2008). A new kind of phase change material (PCM) for energy-storing wallboard. Energy and Buildings, 40(5), 882-890.
  • Chen, X., Zhang, Q.Z., Zhai, J., Ma, X. (2019). Potential of ventilation systems with thermal energy storage using PCMs applied to air conditioned buildings. Renewable Energy, 138, 39-53.
  • Chopra, K., Tyagi, V.V., Pandey, A.K., Popli, S., Singh G., Sharma R.K., Sari A. (2022). Effect of simultaneous & consecutive melting/solidification of phase change material on domestic solar water heating system, Renewable Energy, 188, 329-348.
  • De Jong, A., Hoogendoorn, C. (1980). Improved of heat transport in paraffin for latent heat storage systems. In: Proceedings of TNO Symposium on Thermal Storage of Solar Energy (s. 99–110). Amsterdam, Holland,
  • Dinçer, İ., Rosen, M.A. (2010). “Thermal Energy Storage Methods” in Thermal Energy Storage Systems and Applications Second Edition (s. 83-190) içinde, Wiley, West Sussex, U. K.
  • Dolado P., Lazaro, A., Marin, J.M., Zalba, B. (2011). Characterization of melting and solidification in a real scale PCM-air heat exchanger: Numerical model and experimental validation. Energy Conversion and Management, 52(4), 1890-1907.
  • Erek, A., İlken, Z., Acar, M.A. (2005). Experimental and numerical investigation of thermal energy storage with a finned tube. International Journal of Energy Research, 29, 283-301.
  • Falco, M.D., Capocelli, M., Giannattasio, A. (2016). Performance analysis of an innovative PCM-based device for cold storage in the civil air conditioning. Energy and Buildings, 122, 1-10.
  • Fath, H.E.S. (1998). Technical assessment of solar thermal energy storage technologies. Renewable Energy, 14(1-4), 35-40.
  • Gencel, O., Yaras, A., Hekimoğlu, G., Ustaoglu A., Erdogmus, E., Sutcu M., Sarı, A. (2022). Cement based-thermal energy storage mortar including blast furnace slag/capric acid shape-stabilized phase change material: Physical, mechanical, thermal properties and solar thermoregulation performance. Energy and Buildings, 258, 111849.
  • Gholamibozanjani, G., Farid, M. (2020). Application of an active PCM storage system into a building for heating/cooling load reduction, Energy, 210(1), 118572.
  • Gong, Z., Mujumdar, A.S. (1997). Finite-element analysis of cyclic heat transfer in a Shell and tube latent heat energy storage exchanger. Applied Thermal Engineering, 17(4), 583–591.
  • Güngör, A., Karaçaylı, İ., Şimşek, E., Canlı, Y. (2017). Geri dönüş havalı iklimlendirme sistemlerinde enerji ve ekserji analizi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 32(3), 19-29.
  • Halawa, E., Bruno, F., Saman, W. (2005). Numerical analysis of a PCM thermal storage system with varying wall temperature. Energy Conversion and Management, 46(15–16), 2592-2604.
  • Hekimoğlu, G., Sarı, A. (2022). Shape stabilized attapulgite/myristic-palmitic acid composite PCM for thermal energy storage implementations in buildings. Materials Today: Proceedings, 58, 1350-1353.
  • Ibrahim, N.I., Al-Sulaiman, F.A., Rahman, S., Yilbas, B.S., Sahin, A.Z. (2017). Heat transfer enhancement of phase change materials for thermal energy storage applications: A critical review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 74, 26-50.
  • Iten, M., Liu, S. (2014). A work procedure of utilising PCMs as thermal storage systems based on air-TES systems. Energy Conversion and Management, 77, 608-627.
  • Iten, M., Liu, S., Shukla, A. (2016). A review on the air-PCM-TES application for free cooling and heating in the buildings. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 61, 175-186.
  • Karim, L., Barbeon, F., Gegout, P., Bontemps, A., Royon, L. (2014). New phase-change material components for thermal management of the light weight envelope of buildings. Energy and Buildings, 68: 703-706.
  • Kenisarin, M., Mahkamov K. (2007). Solar energy storage using phase change materials. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 11(9), 1913-1965.
  • Kuznik, F., Virgone, J., Noel J. (2008). Optimization of a phase change material wallboard for building use. Applied Thermal Engineering, 28(11-12), 1291-1298.
  • Lazaro, A., Dolado, P., Marín, J.M., Zalba B. (2009). PCM–air heat exchangers for free-cooling applications in buildings: Experimental results of two real-scale prototypes. Energy Conversion and Management, 50(3), 439-443.
  • Lecomte, D., Mayer, D. (1985). Design method for sizing a latent heat store/heat exchanger in a thermal system. Applied Energy, 21, 55-78.
  • Li, D., Wu, Y., Wang, B., Liu, C., Arıcı, M. (2020). Optical and thermal performance of glazing units containing PCM in buildings: A review. Construction and Building Materials, 233, 117327.
  • Liu, M., Saman, W., Bruno, F. (2012). Review on storage materials and thermal performance enhancement techniques for high temperature phase change thermal storage systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16(4), 2118-2132.
  • Lu, S., Xu, B., Tang, X. (2020). Experimental study on double pipe PCM floor heating system under different operation strategies. Renewable Energy, 145, 1280-1291.
  • Luo, J, Zou, D, Wang, Y, Wang, S, Huang L. (2022). Battery thermal management systems (BTMs) based on phase change material (PCM): A comprehensive review. Chemical Engineering Journal, 430, 132741.
  • Marín, J.M., Zalba, B., Cabeza, L.F., Mehling, H. (2005). Improvement of a thermal energy storage using plates with paraffin-graphite composite. Heat Mass Transfer, 48(12), 2561–70.
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Latent Thermal Energy Storage Systems: Active and Passive System Applications Using Phase Change Materials

Year 2023, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 531 - 547, 01.03.2023


The savings achieved as a result of energy efficiency studies are extremely important. As a matter of fact, the energy saved contributes in many ways, including effective use of resources, human health and environmental aspects. Therefore, the benefits of energy storage technologies to energy efficiency studies are significant. With the development of technology and changed needs, energy is demanded to be stored and used elsewhere and/or at another time. For this reason, studies are carried out by researchers on the storage of energy in various forms. The thermal energy storage method among energy storage technologies has been one of the research topics that have attracted attention in recent years in terms of reducing energy consumption amounts and costs. The new generation energy materials, called Phase Change Material (PCM), which enables the storage of latent thermal energy, are among the promising energy storage materials that can be used to achieve this goal. In this study, active and passive system applications based on PCMs were examined. For this purpose, the results obtained by researching the studies in the literature on this subject are presented in a systematic way. As a result of the examinations, it was seen that the studies generally focused on heat transfer and performance improvements due to the relatively low thermal conductivity of PCMs.

Project Number



  • Abhat, A. (1976). Experimental investigation and analysis of a honeycomb-packed phase change material device. In: 11th AIAA thermophysics conference, 14-16 July, San Diego, CA, USA.
  • Akeiber, H., Nejat P., Majid M.Z.A., Wahid, M.A., Jomehzadeh F., Famileh I.Z., Calautit J.K., Hughes B.R., Zaki S.A. (2016. A review on phase change material (PCM) for sustainable passive cooling in building envelopes. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 60, 1470-1497.
  • Alawadhi, E.M., Alqallaf, H.J. (2011). Building roof with conical holes containing PCM to reduce the cooling load: Numerical study. Energy Conversion and Management, 52(8–9), 2958-2964.
  • Arıcı, M., Bilgin, F., Krajčík, M. Nižetić, S., Karabay, H. (2022. Energy saving and CO2 reduction potential of external building walls containing two layers of phase change material, Energy, Volume 252.
  • Arkar, C., Medved, S. (2007). Free cooling of a building using PCM heat storage integrated into the ventilation system. Solar Energy, 81(9), 1078-1087.
  • ASHRAE Standard 55. (2004). Thermal environmental conditions for human occupancy, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-conditioning Engineers, Atlanta, U.S.A.
  • Barzin, R., Chen, J.J.J, Young, B.R., Farid, M.M. (2015). Application of PCM energy storage in combination with night ventilation for space cooling. Applied Energy, 158, 412-421.
  • Bugaje, I.M. (1997). Enhancing the thermal response of latent heat storage system. Energy Res, 21(9), 759–66.
  • Butala, V., Stritih U., 2009. Experimental investigation of PCM cold storage. Energy and Buildings, 41(3), 354-359.
  • Cabeza, L.F., Ibanez, M., Sole, C., Roca, J., Nogues, M. (2006). Experimentation with a water tank including a PCM module. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 90(9), 1273–1282.
  • Chaiyat, N., Kiatsiriroat, T. (2014). Energy reduction of building air-conditioner with phase change material in Thailand. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 4, 175-186.
  • Chen, C., Guo, H., Liu, Y., Yue, H., Wang, C. (2008). A new kind of phase change material (PCM) for energy-storing wallboard. Energy and Buildings, 40(5), 882-890.
  • Chen, X., Zhang, Q.Z., Zhai, J., Ma, X. (2019). Potential of ventilation systems with thermal energy storage using PCMs applied to air conditioned buildings. Renewable Energy, 138, 39-53.
  • Chopra, K., Tyagi, V.V., Pandey, A.K., Popli, S., Singh G., Sharma R.K., Sari A. (2022). Effect of simultaneous & consecutive melting/solidification of phase change material on domestic solar water heating system, Renewable Energy, 188, 329-348.
  • De Jong, A., Hoogendoorn, C. (1980). Improved of heat transport in paraffin for latent heat storage systems. In: Proceedings of TNO Symposium on Thermal Storage of Solar Energy (s. 99–110). Amsterdam, Holland,
  • Dinçer, İ., Rosen, M.A. (2010). “Thermal Energy Storage Methods” in Thermal Energy Storage Systems and Applications Second Edition (s. 83-190) içinde, Wiley, West Sussex, U. K.
  • Dolado P., Lazaro, A., Marin, J.M., Zalba, B. (2011). Characterization of melting and solidification in a real scale PCM-air heat exchanger: Numerical model and experimental validation. Energy Conversion and Management, 52(4), 1890-1907.
  • Erek, A., İlken, Z., Acar, M.A. (2005). Experimental and numerical investigation of thermal energy storage with a finned tube. International Journal of Energy Research, 29, 283-301.
  • Falco, M.D., Capocelli, M., Giannattasio, A. (2016). Performance analysis of an innovative PCM-based device for cold storage in the civil air conditioning. Energy and Buildings, 122, 1-10.
  • Fath, H.E.S. (1998). Technical assessment of solar thermal energy storage technologies. Renewable Energy, 14(1-4), 35-40.
  • Gencel, O., Yaras, A., Hekimoğlu, G., Ustaoglu A., Erdogmus, E., Sutcu M., Sarı, A. (2022). Cement based-thermal energy storage mortar including blast furnace slag/capric acid shape-stabilized phase change material: Physical, mechanical, thermal properties and solar thermoregulation performance. Energy and Buildings, 258, 111849.
  • Gholamibozanjani, G., Farid, M. (2020). Application of an active PCM storage system into a building for heating/cooling load reduction, Energy, 210(1), 118572.
  • Gong, Z., Mujumdar, A.S. (1997). Finite-element analysis of cyclic heat transfer in a Shell and tube latent heat energy storage exchanger. Applied Thermal Engineering, 17(4), 583–591.
  • Güngör, A., Karaçaylı, İ., Şimşek, E., Canlı, Y. (2017). Geri dönüş havalı iklimlendirme sistemlerinde enerji ve ekserji analizi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 32(3), 19-29.
  • Halawa, E., Bruno, F., Saman, W. (2005). Numerical analysis of a PCM thermal storage system with varying wall temperature. Energy Conversion and Management, 46(15–16), 2592-2604.
  • Hekimoğlu, G., Sarı, A. (2022). Shape stabilized attapulgite/myristic-palmitic acid composite PCM for thermal energy storage implementations in buildings. Materials Today: Proceedings, 58, 1350-1353.
  • Ibrahim, N.I., Al-Sulaiman, F.A., Rahman, S., Yilbas, B.S., Sahin, A.Z. (2017). Heat transfer enhancement of phase change materials for thermal energy storage applications: A critical review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 74, 26-50.
  • Iten, M., Liu, S. (2014). A work procedure of utilising PCMs as thermal storage systems based on air-TES systems. Energy Conversion and Management, 77, 608-627.
  • Iten, M., Liu, S., Shukla, A. (2016). A review on the air-PCM-TES application for free cooling and heating in the buildings. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 61, 175-186.
  • Karim, L., Barbeon, F., Gegout, P., Bontemps, A., Royon, L. (2014). New phase-change material components for thermal management of the light weight envelope of buildings. Energy and Buildings, 68: 703-706.
  • Kenisarin, M., Mahkamov K. (2007). Solar energy storage using phase change materials. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 11(9), 1913-1965.
  • Kuznik, F., Virgone, J., Noel J. (2008). Optimization of a phase change material wallboard for building use. Applied Thermal Engineering, 28(11-12), 1291-1298.
  • Lazaro, A., Dolado, P., Marín, J.M., Zalba B. (2009). PCM–air heat exchangers for free-cooling applications in buildings: Experimental results of two real-scale prototypes. Energy Conversion and Management, 50(3), 439-443.
  • Lecomte, D., Mayer, D. (1985). Design method for sizing a latent heat store/heat exchanger in a thermal system. Applied Energy, 21, 55-78.
  • Li, D., Wu, Y., Wang, B., Liu, C., Arıcı, M. (2020). Optical and thermal performance of glazing units containing PCM in buildings: A review. Construction and Building Materials, 233, 117327.
  • Liu, M., Saman, W., Bruno, F. (2012). Review on storage materials and thermal performance enhancement techniques for high temperature phase change thermal storage systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16(4), 2118-2132.
  • Lu, S., Xu, B., Tang, X. (2020). Experimental study on double pipe PCM floor heating system under different operation strategies. Renewable Energy, 145, 1280-1291.
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There are 77 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makina Mühendisliği / Mechanical Engineering

Furkan Talu 0000-0002-3815-7957

Mehmet Selçuk Mert 0000-0002-8646-0133

Hatice Hande Mert 0000-0003-0743-1981

Project Number 2020/YL/0022
Early Pub Date February 24, 2023
Publication Date March 1, 2023
Submission Date October 18, 2022
Acceptance Date December 28, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 13 Issue: 1


APA Talu, F., Mert, M. S., & Mert, H. H. (2023). Gizli Isıl Enerji Depolama Sistemleri: Faz Değiştiren Malzemelerin Kullanıldığı Aktif ve Pasif Sistem Uygulamaları. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 13(1), 531-547.
AMA Talu F, Mert MS, Mert HH. Gizli Isıl Enerji Depolama Sistemleri: Faz Değiştiren Malzemelerin Kullanıldığı Aktif ve Pasif Sistem Uygulamaları. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. March 2023;13(1):531-547. doi:10.21597/jist.1190593
Chicago Talu, Furkan, Mehmet Selçuk Mert, and Hatice Hande Mert. “Gizli Isıl Enerji Depolama Sistemleri: Faz Değiştiren Malzemelerin Kullanıldığı Aktif Ve Pasif Sistem Uygulamaları”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 13, no. 1 (March 2023): 531-47.
EndNote Talu F, Mert MS, Mert HH (March 1, 2023) Gizli Isıl Enerji Depolama Sistemleri: Faz Değiştiren Malzemelerin Kullanıldığı Aktif ve Pasif Sistem Uygulamaları. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 13 1 531–547.
IEEE F. Talu, M. S. Mert, and H. H. Mert, “Gizli Isıl Enerji Depolama Sistemleri: Faz Değiştiren Malzemelerin Kullanıldığı Aktif ve Pasif Sistem Uygulamaları”, J. Inst. Sci. and Tech., vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 531–547, 2023, doi: 10.21597/jist.1190593.
ISNAD Talu, Furkan et al. “Gizli Isıl Enerji Depolama Sistemleri: Faz Değiştiren Malzemelerin Kullanıldığı Aktif Ve Pasif Sistem Uygulamaları”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 13/1 (March 2023), 531-547.
JAMA Talu F, Mert MS, Mert HH. Gizli Isıl Enerji Depolama Sistemleri: Faz Değiştiren Malzemelerin Kullanıldığı Aktif ve Pasif Sistem Uygulamaları. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2023;13:531–547.
MLA Talu, Furkan et al. “Gizli Isıl Enerji Depolama Sistemleri: Faz Değiştiren Malzemelerin Kullanıldığı Aktif Ve Pasif Sistem Uygulamaları”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, vol. 13, no. 1, 2023, pp. 531-47, doi:10.21597/jist.1190593.
Vancouver Talu F, Mert MS, Mert HH. Gizli Isıl Enerji Depolama Sistemleri: Faz Değiştiren Malzemelerin Kullanıldığı Aktif ve Pasif Sistem Uygulamaları. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2023;13(1):531-47.