Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 7 Issue: 4, 210 - 226, 31.12.2020


Purpose- The aim of this research is to examine the mediating role of consumers' attitudes towards content marketing practices on the relationship between perceived utilities from these practices and content sharing behaviors. The secondary aim of the research is to expose the direct and indirect effects of the utilities perceived by social media users from the content marketing practices on their attitudes towards these contents and content sharing behaviors.
Methodology - The research included 529 respondents who have an account on any social media network. The data were collected by applying the online survey tool to those respondents selected using the convenience sampling method. The data obtained was tested with a PLS-SEM equality analysis using the Smart PLS 3.2.9 program
Findings- Based on the results of the analysis, it is seen that while both perceived economic utility and the perceived entertainment utility have direct effects on the attitude and the behavior, trust utility and the informative utility have direct affects only on attitude. However, it is seen that all utility variables have indirect effects on the behavior variable through the attitude variable
Conclusion- It was concluded that the attitude towards content marketing has a mediating effect on the relationship between perceived utilities of content marketing practices and content sharing behavior.


  • Akkaya, D.T. (2013). Sosyal Medya Reklamlarında Tüketici Algılarının Tutum, Davranış ve Satın Alma Niyeti Üzerine Etkisi, Doktora Tezi, Trakya Üniversitesi, Edirne.
  • Arora, Taanika, Bhawna Agarwal (2019), Empirical Study on Perceived Value and Attitude of Millennials Towards Social Media Advertising: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach,the journal of business perspective, vol. 23(1), pp. 56–69, 2019, DOI: 10.1177/0972262918821248
  • Baldus, B., J., Voorhees, C. & Roger C. (2015). Online brand community engagement: Scale development and validation. Journal of Business Research, 68, 978–985.
  • Baron, R. M. & Kenny, D. A. (1986). The Moderator-Mediator Variable Distinctionin Social Psychological Research: Conceptual, Strategic, And Statistical Considerations, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51 (6), 1173-1182.
  • Bergh, B.G.V., Lee, M., Quilliam, E.T. & Hove, T. (2011) The multidimensional nature and brand impact of user-generated ad parodies in social media. International Journal of Advertising, 30(1), 103–131.
  • Bozoklu, Ç. P., & Yıldız, E. (2019). Bilgi Toplama ile Reklam Şüpheciliği Arasındaki İlişki: Yetkisiz İkincil Bilgi Kullanımı ve Ürün Kalitesinin Seri Aracılık Rolü. Journal of Yaşar University, 14, 34-45.
  • Brackett, L. K., & Carr, B. N. (2001). Cyberspace advertising vs. other media: Consumer vs. mature student attitudes. Journal of advertising research, 41(5), 23-32.
  • Cheong, H. J., and Morrison, M. A. (2008). Consumers' reliance on product information and recommendations found in UGC. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 8 (2), 38-49.
  • Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical Power Analysis For The Behavioral Sciences. NJ: Mahwah, Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Dao William Van-Tien, Angelina Nhat Hanh Le, Julian Ming-Sung Cheng & Der Chao Chen (2014) Social media advertising value, International Journal of Advertising, 33:2, 271 294, DOI: 10.2501/IJA-33-2-271-294
  • Dao, W.V-T., Le, A.N.H., Cheng, J.M-S. & Chen, D.C. (2014). Social media advertising value The case of transitional economies in Southeast Asia, International Journal of Advertising, 33 (2), 271-294.
  • Doğan, D. 2018. SmartPLS İle Veri Analizi. US: Charleston SC.
  • Ducoffe, Robert H., Advertising Value and Advertising on the Web, Journal of Advertising Research, 36 (5), 1996, pp.21-35.
  • Fishbein, Martin (1967), “Readings In Attitude Theory And Measurement”, Newyork: Wiley
  • Fornell, C., Larcker, D.F. 1981. “Evaluating Structural Equation Models With Unobservable Variables And Measurement Error”. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1):39-50.
  • Gajanová, Ľ. (2018). Strategy of Online Content Marketing Based the Demographic and Psychographic Segmentation. Marketing Identity, 6(1/1), 303-314.
  • Haida, Amilia & Hardy Loh Rahim (2015). Social Media Advertising Value: A Study on Consumer’s Perception, International Academic Research Journal of Business and Technology 1(1) 2015, Pages: 1-8
  • Hair, Joseph F., G. Tomas M. Hult, Christian M. Ringle ve Marko Sarstedt (2014). A Primer on Partial Least Square Structural Equations Modeling (PLS-SEM), Los Angeles: Sage.
  • Hair, Joseph F., William C. Black, Barry J. Babin ve Rolph E. Anderson (2006). Multivariate Data Analysis. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • Hamouda Manel (2018). Understanding social media advertising effect on consumers’ responses An empirical investigation of tourism advertising on Facebook, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Vol. 31 No. 3
  • Hennig-Thurau, T., Gwinner, K.P., Walsh, G. and Gremler, D.D. (2004), Electronic word-of-mouth via consumer-opinion platforms: what motives consumers to articulate themselves on the internet?, Journal of Interactive Marketing 18 (1), 38-52.
  • Henseler, J., Ringle, C.M. and Sarstedt, M. (2015), “A new criterion for assessing discriminant validity in variance-based structural equation modeling”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 43 No. 1, pp. 115-135.
  • Hosanagar, K., Nair, S.H. & Lee, D. (2013). The Effect of Advertising Content on Consumer Engagement: Evidence from Facebook, ISIS Conference.
  • Kujur F. & Singh S., (2017). Engaging Customers Through Online Participation İn Social Networking Sites. Asia Pacific Management Review, 22, 16-24.
  • Ling, K. C., Piew, T. H. & Chai, L. T. (2010). The Determinants of Consumers Attitude Towards Advertising”, Canadian Social Science, 6 (4), 114-126.
  • Liu, C-L., Sinkovics, R. R., Pezderka, N. & Haghirian, P. (2012). Determinants of Consumer Perceptions toward Mobile Advertising- A Comparison Between Japan and Austria, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 26 (1), 21-32.
  • McKenzie, S.B. and Lutz, R.J. (1989), “An empirical examination of the structural antecedents of attitude toward the ad in an advertising pretesting context”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 53 No. 2,pp. 48-65
  • Mikalef, Patrick; Giannakos, Michail; and Pateli, Adamantia, "Exploring the Business Potential of Social Media: An Utilitarian and Hedonic Motivation Approach" (2012). BLED 2012 Proceedings. 21.
  • Mir, I. & Zaheer, A. (2012). Verification of Social İmpact Theory Claims in Social Media Context, Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 17 (1).
  • Mir, Imran & Arshad Zaheer (2012), Verification of social impact theory claims in social media context, Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce · April, vol. 17, no. 1, pp.1-15
  • Mir, Imran Anwar & Kashif Ur Rehman (2013). Factors Affecting Consumer Attitudes And Intentions Toward User-Generated Product Content On Youtube Management & Marketing Challenges For The Knowledge Society, Vol. 8, No. 4, Pp. 637-654
  • Newman. Joseph W. (1977). "Consumer External Search: Amount And Determinants." In Consumer And Industrial Buying Behavior, Eds, .Arch G, Woodside.
  • Noprisson Handrie, Nanang Husin, Nuralamsah Zulkarnaim Puji Rahayu , Arief Ramadhan, Dana Indra Sensuse (2016). Antecedent Factors of Consumer Attitudes toward SMS, E-mail and Social Media for Advertising, International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS),pp.165-170
  • Raktham, W., Chaipoopirutana, S. & Combs, H. (2017). Factors Influencing Consumer Attitudes toward Social Media Advertising, International Conference on Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, London.
  • Robbins, S. (1994). “Essentials of organizational behavior”, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall.
  • Rodgers, S. & Thorson, E. (2000) The interactive advertising model: how users perceive and process online ads. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 1(1), 42–61.
  • Rogers, Ronald W.(1975), “A Protection Motivation Theory Of Fear Appeals And Attitude Change”, The Journal Of Psychology, Vol. 91, Pp.93-114
  • Rosenberg, Milton (1956), “Cognitive Structure And Attitudinal Affect”, Journal Of Abnormal And Social Psychology, November, Vol 53, Pp. 367-372
  • Sari, Dessy Kurnia, Suziana Suziana and Donard Games (2020), An evaluation of social media advertising for Muslim millennial parents, Journal of Islamic Marketing, A 21 June , DOI 10.1108/JIMA-02-2020-0055.
  • Sarkar, Abhigyan (2011), “İmpact Of Utilitairan And Hedonic Shopping Values On Individual’s Perceived Benefits And Risks In Online Shopping”, International Management Review, Vol. 7, No:1, Pp. 58-65
  • Sarstedt, M., Bengart, P., Shaltoni, A. M., & Lehmann, S. (2017). The use of sampling methods in advertising research: A gap between theory and practice. International Journal of Advertising, forthcoming.
  • Sarstedt, M., Ringle, C.M., Hair, J.F. (2017). Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling, In C. Homburg, M.Klarmann, A.Vomberg (Eds.), Handbook of Market Research, Heidelberg: Springer.
  • Sheth, Jagdish N. (1972), “Reply To Comments On The Nature And Uses Of Expectancy-Value Models In Consumer Attitude Research”, Journal Of Marketing Research, November, Vol 9, Pp. 462-465.
  • Singh, H., & Bhatia, J. (2016). Evaluation of official tourism websites of world’s leading tourist destinations using the balanced score-card approach. Journal of Tourismology, 2(1), 35-49.
  • Stephen, A. (2016). The role of digital and social media marketing in consumer behavior. Current Opinion in Psychology, 10, 17-21.
  • Kotler P., Kartajaya H., Setiawan I. (2017). Pazarlama 4.0 Gelenekselden Dijitale Geçiş, Nadir Özata (çev.), Optimist Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Ünal, S., Erciş, A. & Keser, E. (2011). Attitudes Towards Mobile Advertising – A Research to Determine The Differences Between the Attitudes of Youth and Adults, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 24, 361-377.
  • Wolin, L. D., Korgaonkar, P. & Lund, D. (2002). Beliefs, Attitude and Behaviour Towards Web Advertising, International Journal of Advertising, 21 (1).
  • Yang, K. C. C. (2003). Internet Users Attitudes Toward and Beliefs About Internet Advertising, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 15 (4), 43-65.
  • Yıldız, E. (2020). Müşteri Vatandaşlığı Davranışlarının Müşteri İlgisi ve Algılanan Müşteri Değeri Üzerindeki Etkileri: İnternet Servis Sağlayıcı Firmalar Üzerine Bir Araştırma. European journal of managerial research (eujmr), 4(6), 91-113.
  • Zhang, T., Cheng, X., Yuan, M., Xu, L., Cheng, C., Chao, K. (2016). Mining target users for mobile advertising based on telecom big data, 16th International Sympos
  • Zhao, X., Lynch, J. G., & Chen, Q. (2010). Reconsidering Baron and Kenny: myths and truths about mediation analysis. Journal of Consumer Research Inc., 37 (2), 197-206.
  • Zheng, X., Cheung, C.M. K. & Lee, M.K.O. (2015). Building Brand Loyalty Through User Engagement İn Online Brand Communities İn Social Networking Sites, Information Technology & People, 28 (1), 90-106


Year 2020, Volume: 7 Issue: 4, 210 - 226, 31.12.2020


Amaç- Bu araştırmanın amacı, tüketicilerin içerik pazarlaması uygulamalarına yönelik tutumlarının, bu uygulamalardan algılanan faydalar ile içerik paylaşım davranışları arasındaki ilişkide aracılık rolünün incelenmesidir. Sosyal medya kullanıcılarının işletmelerin kendilerine sundukları içerik pazarlaması faaliyetlerinden algıladıkları faydaların bu içeriklere yönelik tutuma ve içerik paylaşım davranışlarına olan doğrudan ve dolaylı etkilerinin ortaya konması ise çalışmanın ikincil amacını oluşturmaktadır.
Yöntem- Çalışmaya herhangi bir sosyal medya platformunda hesabı olan 529 kişi dâhil edilmiştir. Kolayda örnekleme yöntemi kullanılarak seçilen bu kişilere online anket yöntemi uygulanarak veriler toplanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler PLS-SEM eşitlik analiziyle Smart PLS 3.2.9 programı kullanılarak test edilmiştir.
Bulgular- Analiz sonuçlarına göre algılanan fayda değişkenlerinden maddi fayda ve eğlence faydasının hem tutum hem de davranış üzerinde doğrudan etkileri görülürken, güvenilirlik ve bilgilendirme faydalarının sadece tutum üzerinde doğrudan etkileri görülmektedir. Ancak tüm fayda değişkenlerinin davranış değişkeni üzerinde tutum değişkeni aracılığıyla dolaylı etkileri olduğu da görülmektedir
Sonuç- İçerik pazarlamasına yönelik tutumun içerik pazarlaması uygulamalarından algılanan faydalar ile içeriği paylaşım davranışı arasındaki ilişkide aracı etkiye sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir.


  • Akkaya, D.T. (2013). Sosyal Medya Reklamlarında Tüketici Algılarının Tutum, Davranış ve Satın Alma Niyeti Üzerine Etkisi, Doktora Tezi, Trakya Üniversitesi, Edirne.
  • Arora, Taanika, Bhawna Agarwal (2019), Empirical Study on Perceived Value and Attitude of Millennials Towards Social Media Advertising: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach,the journal of business perspective, vol. 23(1), pp. 56–69, 2019, DOI: 10.1177/0972262918821248
  • Baldus, B., J., Voorhees, C. & Roger C. (2015). Online brand community engagement: Scale development and validation. Journal of Business Research, 68, 978–985.
  • Baron, R. M. & Kenny, D. A. (1986). The Moderator-Mediator Variable Distinctionin Social Psychological Research: Conceptual, Strategic, And Statistical Considerations, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51 (6), 1173-1182.
  • Bergh, B.G.V., Lee, M., Quilliam, E.T. & Hove, T. (2011) The multidimensional nature and brand impact of user-generated ad parodies in social media. International Journal of Advertising, 30(1), 103–131.
  • Bozoklu, Ç. P., & Yıldız, E. (2019). Bilgi Toplama ile Reklam Şüpheciliği Arasındaki İlişki: Yetkisiz İkincil Bilgi Kullanımı ve Ürün Kalitesinin Seri Aracılık Rolü. Journal of Yaşar University, 14, 34-45.
  • Brackett, L. K., & Carr, B. N. (2001). Cyberspace advertising vs. other media: Consumer vs. mature student attitudes. Journal of advertising research, 41(5), 23-32.
  • Cheong, H. J., and Morrison, M. A. (2008). Consumers' reliance on product information and recommendations found in UGC. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 8 (2), 38-49.
  • Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical Power Analysis For The Behavioral Sciences. NJ: Mahwah, Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Dao William Van-Tien, Angelina Nhat Hanh Le, Julian Ming-Sung Cheng & Der Chao Chen (2014) Social media advertising value, International Journal of Advertising, 33:2, 271 294, DOI: 10.2501/IJA-33-2-271-294
  • Dao, W.V-T., Le, A.N.H., Cheng, J.M-S. & Chen, D.C. (2014). Social media advertising value The case of transitional economies in Southeast Asia, International Journal of Advertising, 33 (2), 271-294.
  • Doğan, D. 2018. SmartPLS İle Veri Analizi. US: Charleston SC.
  • Ducoffe, Robert H., Advertising Value and Advertising on the Web, Journal of Advertising Research, 36 (5), 1996, pp.21-35.
  • Fishbein, Martin (1967), “Readings In Attitude Theory And Measurement”, Newyork: Wiley
  • Fornell, C., Larcker, D.F. 1981. “Evaluating Structural Equation Models With Unobservable Variables And Measurement Error”. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1):39-50.
  • Gajanová, Ľ. (2018). Strategy of Online Content Marketing Based the Demographic and Psychographic Segmentation. Marketing Identity, 6(1/1), 303-314.
  • Haida, Amilia & Hardy Loh Rahim (2015). Social Media Advertising Value: A Study on Consumer’s Perception, International Academic Research Journal of Business and Technology 1(1) 2015, Pages: 1-8
  • Hair, Joseph F., G. Tomas M. Hult, Christian M. Ringle ve Marko Sarstedt (2014). A Primer on Partial Least Square Structural Equations Modeling (PLS-SEM), Los Angeles: Sage.
  • Hair, Joseph F., William C. Black, Barry J. Babin ve Rolph E. Anderson (2006). Multivariate Data Analysis. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • Hamouda Manel (2018). Understanding social media advertising effect on consumers’ responses An empirical investigation of tourism advertising on Facebook, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Vol. 31 No. 3
  • Hennig-Thurau, T., Gwinner, K.P., Walsh, G. and Gremler, D.D. (2004), Electronic word-of-mouth via consumer-opinion platforms: what motives consumers to articulate themselves on the internet?, Journal of Interactive Marketing 18 (1), 38-52.
  • Henseler, J., Ringle, C.M. and Sarstedt, M. (2015), “A new criterion for assessing discriminant validity in variance-based structural equation modeling”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 43 No. 1, pp. 115-135.
  • Hosanagar, K., Nair, S.H. & Lee, D. (2013). The Effect of Advertising Content on Consumer Engagement: Evidence from Facebook, ISIS Conference.
  • Kujur F. & Singh S., (2017). Engaging Customers Through Online Participation İn Social Networking Sites. Asia Pacific Management Review, 22, 16-24.
  • Ling, K. C., Piew, T. H. & Chai, L. T. (2010). The Determinants of Consumers Attitude Towards Advertising”, Canadian Social Science, 6 (4), 114-126.
  • Liu, C-L., Sinkovics, R. R., Pezderka, N. & Haghirian, P. (2012). Determinants of Consumer Perceptions toward Mobile Advertising- A Comparison Between Japan and Austria, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 26 (1), 21-32.
  • McKenzie, S.B. and Lutz, R.J. (1989), “An empirical examination of the structural antecedents of attitude toward the ad in an advertising pretesting context”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 53 No. 2,pp. 48-65
  • Mikalef, Patrick; Giannakos, Michail; and Pateli, Adamantia, "Exploring the Business Potential of Social Media: An Utilitarian and Hedonic Motivation Approach" (2012). BLED 2012 Proceedings. 21.
  • Mir, I. & Zaheer, A. (2012). Verification of Social İmpact Theory Claims in Social Media Context, Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 17 (1).
  • Mir, Imran & Arshad Zaheer (2012), Verification of social impact theory claims in social media context, Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce · April, vol. 17, no. 1, pp.1-15
  • Mir, Imran Anwar & Kashif Ur Rehman (2013). Factors Affecting Consumer Attitudes And Intentions Toward User-Generated Product Content On Youtube Management & Marketing Challenges For The Knowledge Society, Vol. 8, No. 4, Pp. 637-654
  • Newman. Joseph W. (1977). "Consumer External Search: Amount And Determinants." In Consumer And Industrial Buying Behavior, Eds, .Arch G, Woodside.
  • Noprisson Handrie, Nanang Husin, Nuralamsah Zulkarnaim Puji Rahayu , Arief Ramadhan, Dana Indra Sensuse (2016). Antecedent Factors of Consumer Attitudes toward SMS, E-mail and Social Media for Advertising, International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS),pp.165-170
  • Raktham, W., Chaipoopirutana, S. & Combs, H. (2017). Factors Influencing Consumer Attitudes toward Social Media Advertising, International Conference on Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, London.
  • Robbins, S. (1994). “Essentials of organizational behavior”, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall.
  • Rodgers, S. & Thorson, E. (2000) The interactive advertising model: how users perceive and process online ads. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 1(1), 42–61.
  • Rogers, Ronald W.(1975), “A Protection Motivation Theory Of Fear Appeals And Attitude Change”, The Journal Of Psychology, Vol. 91, Pp.93-114
  • Rosenberg, Milton (1956), “Cognitive Structure And Attitudinal Affect”, Journal Of Abnormal And Social Psychology, November, Vol 53, Pp. 367-372
  • Sari, Dessy Kurnia, Suziana Suziana and Donard Games (2020), An evaluation of social media advertising for Muslim millennial parents, Journal of Islamic Marketing, A 21 June , DOI 10.1108/JIMA-02-2020-0055.
  • Sarkar, Abhigyan (2011), “İmpact Of Utilitairan And Hedonic Shopping Values On Individual’s Perceived Benefits And Risks In Online Shopping”, International Management Review, Vol. 7, No:1, Pp. 58-65
  • Sarstedt, M., Bengart, P., Shaltoni, A. M., & Lehmann, S. (2017). The use of sampling methods in advertising research: A gap between theory and practice. International Journal of Advertising, forthcoming.
  • Sarstedt, M., Ringle, C.M., Hair, J.F. (2017). Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling, In C. Homburg, M.Klarmann, A.Vomberg (Eds.), Handbook of Market Research, Heidelberg: Springer.
  • Sheth, Jagdish N. (1972), “Reply To Comments On The Nature And Uses Of Expectancy-Value Models In Consumer Attitude Research”, Journal Of Marketing Research, November, Vol 9, Pp. 462-465.
  • Singh, H., & Bhatia, J. (2016). Evaluation of official tourism websites of world’s leading tourist destinations using the balanced score-card approach. Journal of Tourismology, 2(1), 35-49.
  • Stephen, A. (2016). The role of digital and social media marketing in consumer behavior. Current Opinion in Psychology, 10, 17-21.
  • Kotler P., Kartajaya H., Setiawan I. (2017). Pazarlama 4.0 Gelenekselden Dijitale Geçiş, Nadir Özata (çev.), Optimist Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Ünal, S., Erciş, A. & Keser, E. (2011). Attitudes Towards Mobile Advertising – A Research to Determine The Differences Between the Attitudes of Youth and Adults, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 24, 361-377.
  • Wolin, L. D., Korgaonkar, P. & Lund, D. (2002). Beliefs, Attitude and Behaviour Towards Web Advertising, International Journal of Advertising, 21 (1).
  • Yang, K. C. C. (2003). Internet Users Attitudes Toward and Beliefs About Internet Advertising, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 15 (4), 43-65.
  • Yıldız, E. (2020). Müşteri Vatandaşlığı Davranışlarının Müşteri İlgisi ve Algılanan Müşteri Değeri Üzerindeki Etkileri: İnternet Servis Sağlayıcı Firmalar Üzerine Bir Araştırma. European journal of managerial research (eujmr), 4(6), 91-113.
  • Zhang, T., Cheng, X., Yuan, M., Xu, L., Cheng, C., Chao, K. (2016). Mining target users for mobile advertising based on telecom big data, 16th International Sympos
  • Zhao, X., Lynch, J. G., & Chen, Q. (2010). Reconsidering Baron and Kenny: myths and truths about mediation analysis. Journal of Consumer Research Inc., 37 (2), 197-206.
  • Zheng, X., Cheung, C.M. K. & Lee, M.K.O. (2015). Building Brand Loyalty Through User Engagement İn Online Brand Communities İn Social Networking Sites, Information Technology & People, 28 (1), 90-106
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Mert Inal 0000-0002-2993-2982

Semih Okutan This is me 0000-0002-9430-0367

Yeliz Bas This is me 0000-0002-8159-1716

Publication Date December 31, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 7 Issue: 4



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