Research Article
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Gamelan Land: A Multiplayer Virtual Reality Game based on a Social Presence Approach

Year 2024, , 1 - 10, 30.06.2024


A Multiplayer Virtual Reality Game (MVRG) was developed in order to support experiences in learning and playing orchestral music through a virtual world called the Gamelan Land (GL) game. The GL game was aimed as a virtual place to support interaction between musicians and Gamelan enthusiasts who are spread all over the world. It supports them carrying out Gamelan community activities in the real world into a virtual world through immersive virtual experiences. The story developed in the GL game reflects the real life of the Gamelan community. Oculus Quest 2 which is a Head Mounted Displays (HMD) device that can deliver highly immersive 3D environments was selected as the platform to run the Gamelan music MVRG provided in the GL game. The performance of the Gamelan music MVRG shows promising results. Improvement of audio and visual latency in playing music in orchestra is still a problem to be solved. The problem can be caused by differences in internet network speed and device specifications. So far, low poly 3D models can be an alternative solution. Moreover, although it still requires testing involving more users and longer time, the social presence approach in the GL game can be implemented well and has promising prospects for further development.


  • Mystakidis, S. (2022). Metaverse. Encyclopedia, 2, 486-497.
  • Xi, N., Chen, J., Gama, F., Riar, M., & Hamari, J. (2023). The challenges of entering the metaverse: An experiment on the effect of extended reality on workload. Information Systems Frontiers, 25, 659–680.
  • Kye, B., Han, N., Kim, E., Park, Y., & Jo, S. (2021). Educational applications of metaverse: possibilities and limitations. Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions, 18(32), 1-13.
  • Gamelan merdu mengalun di Amerika. Accessed 21 June 2022.
  • Mereka yang berjasa mempopulerkan Gamelan di Inggris. Accessed 21 June 21 2022.
  • Yudana, N.P., & Wahyono, S.B. (2019). The development of Gamelan learning media for android operating system. Indonesian Journal of Curriculum and Educational Technology Studies, 7(2), 64-71.
  • Fanani, A.Z., Hastuti, K., Syarif, A.M., & Mulyana, A.R. (2020). Rule-based interactive learning application model on how to play music instruments. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 15(15), 52-63.
  • Makransky, G., & Petersen, G.B. (2021). The cognitive affective model of immersive learning (camil): a theoretical research-based model of learning in immersive virtual reality. Educational Psychology Review, 33, 937–958.
  • Lee, L-H., Braud, T., Zhou, P., Wang, L., Xu, D., Lin, Z., Kumar, A., Bermejo, C., & Hui, P.. (2021). All one needs to know about metaverse: a complete survey on technological singularity. Virtual Ecosystem, and Research Agenda. arXiv:2110.05352v3 [cs.CY], 1-66.
  • Ning, H., Wang, H., Lin, Y., Wang, W., Dhelim, S., Farha, F., Ding, J., & Daneshmand, M. (2021). A Survey on Metaverse: The state-of-the-art, technologies, applications, and challenges, arXiv - CS - Computers and Society (IF), 1-34.
  • Choi, S., Yoon, K., Kim, M., Yoo, J., Lee, B., Song, I., & Woo, J. (2022). Building Korean DMZ metaverse using a web-based metaverse platform. Appl. Sci, 12, 7908.
  • Jin, Y., Chen, M., Goodall, T., Patney, A., & Bovik, A.C. (2021). Subjective and objective quality assessment of 2d and 3d foveated video compression in virtual reality. In IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 30, 5905-5919.
  • Serafin, S., Erkut, C., Kojs, J., Nilsson, N.C., & Nordahl, R. (2016). Virtual reality musical instruments: State of the art, design principles, and future directions, Computer Music Journal, 40(3), 22–40.
  • Rychkova, A., Korotkikh, A., Mironov, A., Smolin, A., Maksimenko, N., & Kurushkin, M. (2020). Orbital battleship: A multiplayer guessing game in immersive virtual reality, Journal of Chemical Education, 97(11), 4184–4188.
  • Pirker, J., Lesjak, I., Kopf, J., Kainz, A., & Dini, A. (2021). Immersive learning in real VR”,, 271-285. Accessed 19 December 2021.
  • Costa, W., Filgueira, D., Ananias, L., Barioni, R.R., Figueiredo, L.S., & Teichrieb, V. (2020). Songverse: a digital musical instrument based on virtual reality. Journal on Interactive Systems, 11(1), 57-65.
  • Vega, A.V., Madrigal, O.C. & Kugurakova, V. (2021). Approach of immersive adaptive learning for virtual reality simulator. In Proceedings of 3rd Workshop on Advanced Virtual Environments and Education (WAVE2 2021), 1-8.
  • Willemsen, S., Horvath, A-S., & Nascimben, M. (2020). Digidrum-a haptic-based virtual reality musical instrument and a case study. In Proceedings of the 17th Sound and Music Computing Conference, 292-299.
  • Hofmann, A. (2021). Study for virtual keyboard instrument and hand tracking in a VR environment. In International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression NIME 2021. 10.21428/92fbeb44.2e31abfe.
  • Brunnström, K., Dima, E., Qureshi, T., Johanson, M., Andersson, M. & Sjöström, M. (2020). Latency impact on quality of experience in a virtual reality simulator for remote control of machines. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 89, 116005.
  • Syukur, A., Andono, P.N., Hastuti, K., & Syarif, A.M. (2023). Immersive and Challenging Experiences through A Virtual RealitKy Musical Instruments Game: An Approach to Gamelan Preservation, Journal of Metaverse, 3(1), 34-42.
  • Sykownik, P., Emmerich, K., & Masuch, M. (2020). Like in the good old times, but virtual - a case for simulating co-located multiplayer games in VR. In CHI PLAY '20: The Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 379–383.
  • Christensen, J.V., Mathiesen, M., Poulsen, J.H., & Ustrup, E.E. (2018). Player experience in a VR and non-VR multiplayer game. In Proceedings of the Virtual Reality International Conference - Laval, 1–4.
  • Damar, M. (2021). Metaverse shape of your life for future: A bibliometric snapshot, Journal of Metaverse, 1(1), 1-8.
  • Hyun, J.J. (2021). A study on education utilizing metaverse for effective communication in a convergence subject, International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication, 13(4), 129-134.
  • Siriaraya, P., Visch, V., Boffo, M., Spijkerman, R., Wiers, R., Korrelboom, K., Hendriks, V., Salemink, E., Dooren, M. van., Bas, M., & Goossens, R. (2021). Game design in mental health care: case study–based framework for integrating game design into therapeutic content. JMIR Serious Games, 9(4), e27953.
  • Han, J., Heo, J., & You, E. (2021). Analysis of metaverse platform as a new play culture: focusing on roblox and zepeto*. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Human-centered Artificial Intelligence, 27-36.
  • Estudante A., & Dietrich, N. (2020). Using augmented reality to stimulate students and diffuse escape game activities to larger audiences. Journal of Chemical Education, 97(5), 1368-1374, 202.
  • Lee, J-H., Lee, T.S., Lee, S-W., Jang, J-H., Yoo, S-Y., Choi, Y-J., & Park, Y.R. (2022). Development and application of a metaverse-based social skills training program for children with autism spectrum disorder to improve social interaction: protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) Research Protocols, 11(6), e35960.
  • Park, S., & Kim, S. (2022). Identifying world types to deliver gameful experiences for sustainable learning in the metaverse. Sustainability, 14(3), 1361.
  • Sailer, M., Hense, J.U., Mayr, S.K., & Mandl, H. (2017). How gamification motivates: An experimental study of the effects of specific game design elements on psychological need satisfaction. Computers in Human Behavior, 69, 371-380.
  • Zhao, Y., Jiang, J., Chen, Y., Liu, R., Yang, Y., Xue, X., & Chen, S. (2022). Metaverse: perspectives from graphics, interactions and visualization. Visual Informatics, 6(1), 56-67.
  • Park S-M., & Kim, Y-G. (2022). A metaverse: taxonomy, components, applications, and open challenges. In IEEE Access, 10, 4209-4251.
  • Supanggah, R. (2011). Bothekan-garap karawitan: the rich styles of interpretation in javanese Gamelan music. ISI Press, Surakarta, 56-57.
  • Yin, R.K. (2009). Case study research, design and method. Sage Publications Ltd.: London, UK, 22-23.
  • Gao, Y., Min, X., Zhu, Y., Li, J., Zhang, X-P., & Zhai, G. (2022). Image Quality Assessment: From Mean Opinion Score to Opinion Score Distribution. In Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM '22), 997–1005.
  • Sloan, C., Kelly, D., Harte, N., Kokaram, A., & Hines, A. (2017). Objective Assessment of Perceptual Audio Quality Using ViSQOLAudio. In IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting , 99, 1-13.

Gamelan Land: A Multiplayer Virtual Reality Game based on a Social Presence Approach

Year 2024, , 1 - 10, 30.06.2024


A Multiplayer Virtual Reality Game (MVRG) was developed in order to support experiences in learning and playing orchestral music through a virtual world called the Gamelan Land (GL) game. The GL game was aimed as a virtual place to support interaction between musicians and Gamelan enthusiasts who are spread all over the world. It supports them carrying out Gamelan community activities in the real world into a virtual world through immersive virtual experiences. The story developed in the GL game reflects the real life of the Gamelan community. Oculus Quest 2 which is a Head Mounted Displays (HMD) device that can deliver highly immersive 3D environments was selected as the platform to run the Gamelan music MVRG provided in the GL game. The performance of the Gamelan music MVRG shows promising results. Improvement of audio and visual latency in playing music in orchestra is still a problem to be solved. The problem can be caused by differences in internet network speed and device specifications. So far, low poly 3D models can be an alternative solution. Moreover, although it still requires testing involving more users and longer time, the social presence approach in the GL game can be implemented well and has promising prospects for further development.

Supporting Institution

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of The Republic Indonesia


Thanks to The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of The Republic Indonesia for financial support through the second year of Applied Research Grant 2023 (Hibah Penelitian Terapan 2023).


  • Mystakidis, S. (2022). Metaverse. Encyclopedia, 2, 486-497.
  • Xi, N., Chen, J., Gama, F., Riar, M., & Hamari, J. (2023). The challenges of entering the metaverse: An experiment on the effect of extended reality on workload. Information Systems Frontiers, 25, 659–680.
  • Kye, B., Han, N., Kim, E., Park, Y., & Jo, S. (2021). Educational applications of metaverse: possibilities and limitations. Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions, 18(32), 1-13.
  • Gamelan merdu mengalun di Amerika. Accessed 21 June 2022.
  • Mereka yang berjasa mempopulerkan Gamelan di Inggris. Accessed 21 June 21 2022.
  • Yudana, N.P., & Wahyono, S.B. (2019). The development of Gamelan learning media for android operating system. Indonesian Journal of Curriculum and Educational Technology Studies, 7(2), 64-71.
  • Fanani, A.Z., Hastuti, K., Syarif, A.M., & Mulyana, A.R. (2020). Rule-based interactive learning application model on how to play music instruments. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 15(15), 52-63.
  • Makransky, G., & Petersen, G.B. (2021). The cognitive affective model of immersive learning (camil): a theoretical research-based model of learning in immersive virtual reality. Educational Psychology Review, 33, 937–958.
  • Lee, L-H., Braud, T., Zhou, P., Wang, L., Xu, D., Lin, Z., Kumar, A., Bermejo, C., & Hui, P.. (2021). All one needs to know about metaverse: a complete survey on technological singularity. Virtual Ecosystem, and Research Agenda. arXiv:2110.05352v3 [cs.CY], 1-66.
  • Ning, H., Wang, H., Lin, Y., Wang, W., Dhelim, S., Farha, F., Ding, J., & Daneshmand, M. (2021). A Survey on Metaverse: The state-of-the-art, technologies, applications, and challenges, arXiv - CS - Computers and Society (IF), 1-34.
  • Choi, S., Yoon, K., Kim, M., Yoo, J., Lee, B., Song, I., & Woo, J. (2022). Building Korean DMZ metaverse using a web-based metaverse platform. Appl. Sci, 12, 7908.
  • Jin, Y., Chen, M., Goodall, T., Patney, A., & Bovik, A.C. (2021). Subjective and objective quality assessment of 2d and 3d foveated video compression in virtual reality. In IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 30, 5905-5919.
  • Serafin, S., Erkut, C., Kojs, J., Nilsson, N.C., & Nordahl, R. (2016). Virtual reality musical instruments: State of the art, design principles, and future directions, Computer Music Journal, 40(3), 22–40.
  • Rychkova, A., Korotkikh, A., Mironov, A., Smolin, A., Maksimenko, N., & Kurushkin, M. (2020). Orbital battleship: A multiplayer guessing game in immersive virtual reality, Journal of Chemical Education, 97(11), 4184–4188.
  • Pirker, J., Lesjak, I., Kopf, J., Kainz, A., & Dini, A. (2021). Immersive learning in real VR”,, 271-285. Accessed 19 December 2021.
  • Costa, W., Filgueira, D., Ananias, L., Barioni, R.R., Figueiredo, L.S., & Teichrieb, V. (2020). Songverse: a digital musical instrument based on virtual reality. Journal on Interactive Systems, 11(1), 57-65.
  • Vega, A.V., Madrigal, O.C. & Kugurakova, V. (2021). Approach of immersive adaptive learning for virtual reality simulator. In Proceedings of 3rd Workshop on Advanced Virtual Environments and Education (WAVE2 2021), 1-8.
  • Willemsen, S., Horvath, A-S., & Nascimben, M. (2020). Digidrum-a haptic-based virtual reality musical instrument and a case study. In Proceedings of the 17th Sound and Music Computing Conference, 292-299.
  • Hofmann, A. (2021). Study for virtual keyboard instrument and hand tracking in a VR environment. In International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression NIME 2021. 10.21428/92fbeb44.2e31abfe.
  • Brunnström, K., Dima, E., Qureshi, T., Johanson, M., Andersson, M. & Sjöström, M. (2020). Latency impact on quality of experience in a virtual reality simulator for remote control of machines. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 89, 116005.
  • Syukur, A., Andono, P.N., Hastuti, K., & Syarif, A.M. (2023). Immersive and Challenging Experiences through A Virtual RealitKy Musical Instruments Game: An Approach to Gamelan Preservation, Journal of Metaverse, 3(1), 34-42.
  • Sykownik, P., Emmerich, K., & Masuch, M. (2020). Like in the good old times, but virtual - a case for simulating co-located multiplayer games in VR. In CHI PLAY '20: The Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 379–383.
  • Christensen, J.V., Mathiesen, M., Poulsen, J.H., & Ustrup, E.E. (2018). Player experience in a VR and non-VR multiplayer game. In Proceedings of the Virtual Reality International Conference - Laval, 1–4.
  • Damar, M. (2021). Metaverse shape of your life for future: A bibliometric snapshot, Journal of Metaverse, 1(1), 1-8.
  • Hyun, J.J. (2021). A study on education utilizing metaverse for effective communication in a convergence subject, International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication, 13(4), 129-134.
  • Siriaraya, P., Visch, V., Boffo, M., Spijkerman, R., Wiers, R., Korrelboom, K., Hendriks, V., Salemink, E., Dooren, M. van., Bas, M., & Goossens, R. (2021). Game design in mental health care: case study–based framework for integrating game design into therapeutic content. JMIR Serious Games, 9(4), e27953.
  • Han, J., Heo, J., & You, E. (2021). Analysis of metaverse platform as a new play culture: focusing on roblox and zepeto*. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Human-centered Artificial Intelligence, 27-36.
  • Estudante A., & Dietrich, N. (2020). Using augmented reality to stimulate students and diffuse escape game activities to larger audiences. Journal of Chemical Education, 97(5), 1368-1374, 202.
  • Lee, J-H., Lee, T.S., Lee, S-W., Jang, J-H., Yoo, S-Y., Choi, Y-J., & Park, Y.R. (2022). Development and application of a metaverse-based social skills training program for children with autism spectrum disorder to improve social interaction: protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) Research Protocols, 11(6), e35960.
  • Park, S., & Kim, S. (2022). Identifying world types to deliver gameful experiences for sustainable learning in the metaverse. Sustainability, 14(3), 1361.
  • Sailer, M., Hense, J.U., Mayr, S.K., & Mandl, H. (2017). How gamification motivates: An experimental study of the effects of specific game design elements on psychological need satisfaction. Computers in Human Behavior, 69, 371-380.
  • Zhao, Y., Jiang, J., Chen, Y., Liu, R., Yang, Y., Xue, X., & Chen, S. (2022). Metaverse: perspectives from graphics, interactions and visualization. Visual Informatics, 6(1), 56-67.
  • Park S-M., & Kim, Y-G. (2022). A metaverse: taxonomy, components, applications, and open challenges. In IEEE Access, 10, 4209-4251.
  • Supanggah, R. (2011). Bothekan-garap karawitan: the rich styles of interpretation in javanese Gamelan music. ISI Press, Surakarta, 56-57.
  • Yin, R.K. (2009). Case study research, design and method. Sage Publications Ltd.: London, UK, 22-23.
  • Gao, Y., Min, X., Zhu, Y., Li, J., Zhang, X-P., & Zhai, G. (2022). Image Quality Assessment: From Mean Opinion Score to Opinion Score Distribution. In Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM '22), 997–1005.
  • Sloan, C., Kelly, D., Harte, N., Kokaram, A., & Hines, A. (2017). Objective Assessment of Perceptual Audio Quality Using ViSQOLAudio. In IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting , 99, 1-13.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Entertainment and Gaming, Virtual and Mixed Reality
Journal Section Research Articles

Abdul Syukur This is me 0000-0003-3443-6833

Pulung Nurtantio Andono This is me 0000-0001-7408-0558

Arry Maulana Syarif 0000-0002-8338-4956

Early Pub Date December 14, 2023
Publication Date June 30, 2024
Submission Date July 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Syukur, A., Andono, P. N., & Syarif, A. M. (2024). Gamelan Land: A Multiplayer Virtual Reality Game based on a Social Presence Approach. Journal of Metaverse, 4(1), 1-10.

Journal of Metaverse
is indexed and abstracted by
Scopus, ESCI and DOAJ

Izmir Academy Association