Research Article
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MetaBlock: A Revolutionary System for Healthcare Industry Fusing Metaverse and Blockchain

Year 2024, , 116 - 125, 31.12.2024


The Metaverse is like another world functioning parallel to the actual physical world. It merges physical reality with digital virtuality by the convergence of different technologies that enable interactions with virtual objects and environment. The complete immersive experience with metaverse generates huge data which comes with its own set of challenges, a major one being the security and storage of user centric data. Considerably, blockchain offers a significant solution due to its exceptional features of decentralization, immutability, and transparency. For a detailed insight into the role of blockchain in the metaverse, the paper explores its usage in the healthcare industry. The paper then proposes a healthcare system named MetaBlock that is a fusion of both the metaverse and blockchain techniques. The paper discusses the components of the system from a detailed technical interpretation, such as data acquisition, data storage, virtual object and space simulation, data sharing and data privacy protection. Finally, an important research direction in terms of distributed consensus mechanism is discussed.


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Year 2024, , 116 - 125, 31.12.2024



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  • Çöltekin, A., Lochhead, I., Madden, M., Christophe, S., Devaux, A., Pettit, C., ... & Hedley, N. (2020). Extended reality in spatial sciences: A review of research challenges and future directions. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(7), 439. Doi: 10.3390/ijgi9070439
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  • Logeswaran, A., Munsch, C., Chong, Y. J., Ralph, N., & McCrossnan, J. (2021). The role of extended reality technology in healthcare education: Towards a learner-centred approach. Future healthcare journal, 8(1), e79-e84. Doi: 10.7861/fhj.2020-0112
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  • Golf-Papez, M., Heller, J., Hilken, T., Chylinski, M., de Ruyter, K., Keeling, D. I., & Mahr, D. (2022). Embracing falsity through the metaverse: The case of synthetic customer experiences. Business Horizons, 65(6), 739-749. Doi: 10.1016/j.bushor.2022.07.007
  • Christopoulos, A., Mystakidis, S., Pellas, N., & Laakso, M. J. (2021). ARLEAN: An augmented reality learning analytics ethical framework. Computers, 10(8), 92. Doi: 10.3390/computers10080092
  • Gadekallu, T. R., Huynh-The, T., Wang, W., Yenduri, G., Ranaweera, P., Pham, Q. V., ... & Liyanage, M. (2022). Blockchain for the metaverse: A review. arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.09738. Doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2203.09738
  • Gadekallu, T. R., Pham, Q. V., Nguyen, D. C., Maddikunta, P. K. R., Deepa, N., Prabadevi, B., ... & Hwang, W. J. (2021). Blockchain for edge of things: Applications, opportunities, and challenges. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9(2), 964-988. Neal Stephenson. Snow crash: A novel. Spectra, 2003. Doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3119639
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  • Jeon, H. J., Youn, H. C., Ko, S. M., & Kim, T. H. (2022). Blockchain and AI Meet in the Metaverse. Advances in the Convergence of Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence, 73(10.5772), 73-82.
  • Yang, Q., Zhao, Y., Huang, H., Xiong, Z., Kang, J., & Zheng, Z. (2022). Fusing blockchain and AI with metaverse: A survey. IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society, 3, 122-136. Doi: 10.1109/OJCS.2022.3188249
  • Mozumder, M. A. I., Sheeraz, M. M., Athar, A., Aich, S., & Kim, H. C. (2022, February). Overview: Technology roadmap of the future trend of metaverse based on IoT, blockchain, AI technique, and medical domain metaverse activity. In 2022 24th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) (pp. 256-261). IEEE. Microsoft Hololens2. Microsoft hololens2, 2022. Doi: 10.23919/ICACT53585.2022.9728808
  • Desselle, M. R., Brown, R. A., James, A. R., Midwinter, M. J., Powell, S. K., & Woodruff, M. A. (2020). Augmented and virtual reality in surgery. Computing in Science & Engineering, 22(3), 18-26. Doi: 10.1109/MCSE.2020.2972822
  • Penza, V., Soriero, D., Barresi, G., Pertile, D., Scabini, S., & Mattos, L. S. (2020). The GPS for surgery: A user‐centered evaluation of a navigation system for laparoscopic surgery. The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 16(5), 1-13. Doi: 10.1002/rcs.2119
  • Aulisio, M. C., Han, D. Y., & Glueck, A. C. (2020). Virtual reality gaming as a neurorehabilitation tool for brain injuries in adults: A systematic review. Brain injury, 34(10), 1322-1330. Doi: 10.1080/02699052.2020.1802779
  • Dedeilia, A., Sotiropoulos, M. G., Hanrahan, J. G., Janga, D., Dedeilias, P., & Sideris, M. (2020). Medical and surgical education challenges and innovations in the COVID-19 era: a systematic review. In vivo, 34(3 suppl), 1603-1611. Doi: 10.21873/invivo.11950
  • Thomason, J. (2021). Metahealth-how will the metaverse change health care?. Journal of Metaverse, 1(1), 13-16.
  • Chen, D., & Zhang, R. (2022). Exploring research trends of emerging technologies in health metaverse: A bibliometric analysis. Available at SSRN 3998068. Doi: 10.2139/ssrn.3998068
  • Martin, C., & Leurent, H. (2017, March). Technology and innovation for the future of production: Accelerating value creation. In World Economic Forum (pp. 1-38).
  • Azaria, A., Ekblaw, A., Vieira, T., & Lippman, A. (2016, August). Medrec: Using blockchain for medical data access and permission management. In 2016 2nd international conference on open and big data (OBD) (pp. 25-30). IEEE. Doi: 10.1109/OBD.2016.11
  • Ekblaw, A., Azaria, A., Halamka, J. D., & Lippman, A. (2016, August). A Case Study for Blockchain in Healthcare:“MedRec” prototype for electronic health records and medical research data. In Proceedings of IEEE open & big data conference (Vol. 13, p. 13).
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  • Xia, Q. I., Sifah, E. B., Asamoah, K. O., Gao, J., Du, X., & Guizani, M. (2017). MeDShare: Trust-less medical data sharing among cloud service providers via blockchain. IEEE access, 5, 14757-14767. Doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2730843
  • Fan, K., Wang, S., Ren, Y., Li, H., & Yang, Y. (2018). Medblock: Efficient and secure medical data sharing via blockchain. Journal of medical systems, 42, 1-11. Doi: 10.1007/s10916-018-0993-7
  • Jiang, S., Cao, J., Wu, H., Yang, Y., Ma, M., & He, J. (2018, June). Blochie: a blockchain-based platform for healthcare information exchange. In 2018 ieee international conference on smart computing (smartcomp) (pp. 49-56). IEEE. Doi: 10.1109/SMARTCOMP.2018.00073.
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There are 66 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Information Security and Cryptology, Artificial Reality
Journal Section Research Articles

Shamama Anwar 0000-0002-2013-7181

Adla Sanober This is me 0000-0001-8678-3701

Early Pub Date October 22, 2024
Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date July 10, 2024
Acceptance Date October 16, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Anwar, S., & Sanober, A. (2024). MetaBlock: A Revolutionary System for Healthcare Industry Fusing Metaverse and Blockchain. Journal of Metaverse, 4(2), 116-125.

Journal of Metaverse
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