Research Article
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Stresses Occurring on a Cylinder with Annular Silicon Carbide (SiC), Ti6Al4V and Copper (Cu) materials

Year 2024, Volume: 02, 35 - 40, 31.07.2024


In this study, the stresses occurring in the annular cylinder modeled as a circular layer were analyzed numerically. Of the materials selected in accordance with the cylinder; Silicon Carbide (SiC) is known to be frequently used in the avia-tion industry due to the high abrasion and erosion resistance of the material. In this study, Silicon Carbide (SiC) is lo-cated in the upper layer of the annular cylinder due to its high strength. Titanium alloy and Ti6Al4V materials are also used in the aircraft and defense industry, where high strength, low weight and resistance to high temperatures are of great importance. Copper (Fr) material also shows high corrosion resistance. At the end of the study, it was seen that Silicon Carbide (SiC) with high elastic modulus has higher resistance to heat than Ti6Al4V (Titanium alloy) material. It has been observed that the stresses occurring in the Ti6Al4V (Titanium alloy) material part are higher than in the Cop-per (Cu) material Fractions. The results obtained at the end of the study were shared with graphs. In addition to the results obtained, the stresses obtained in a regional part of the disk with the ANSYS 2024 program were shown with graphs.

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Dergimize çok teşekkür ediyorum


  • 1. Özkan, M. Y., & Uğurlu, B. (2016). The effect of temperature and velocity on stress distribution in rotating disks. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 45(3), 215-225.
  • 2. Eraslan, A. N., & Arslan, E. (2010). Thermoelastic stress analysis in rotating annular disks. Interna-tional Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 52(10), 1353-1361.
  • 3. Singh, T., & Verma, R. S. (2018). Stress distribution in rotating composite disks. Composite Structures, 195, 87-95.
  • 4. Zhao, Y., & Liew, K. M. (2012). Finite element analysis of rotating functionally graded material disks. Computational Mechanics, 50(2), 193-203.
  • 5. Lekhnitskii, S. G. (1981). Theory of Elasticity of an Anisotropic Elastic Body. Mir Publishers.
  • 6. Carrier, G. F., & Pearson, C. E. (1953). Partial Differential Equations: Theory and Technique. Academic Press. 7. Srinivas V B, Manthena V R, Warbhe S D, Kedar G D, Lamba NK. Thermal stresses associated with a thermosensitive multilayered disc analysed due to point heating. International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2024;29(2):118-137. doi:10.59441/ijame/187051.)
  • 8. Manthena V.R. Srinivas V.B. Kedar G.D. (2020). Analytical solution of heat conduction of a multi-layered annular disk and associated thermal de-flection and thermal stresses, Journal of Thermal Stresses 43(5): 563-578.
  • 9. Hosseini M. Arani A.G. Karamizadeh M. Niknejad S.H., Hosseinpour A. (2022). Static and dynamic stability analysis of thick CNT reinforced beams resting on pasternak foundation under axial and follower forces, Journal of Solid Mechanics 14(1): 1-16.
  • 10. Noda N., Hetnarski R.B. and Tanigawa Y. (2003): Thermal Stresses, second edition. Taylor & Fran-cis, New York
  • 11. Singh S., Jain P.K. and Rizwan-uddin (2011): Finite integral transform method to solve asymmetric heat conduction in a multilayer annulus with time-dependent boundary conditions.– Nuclear Engineering and Design, vol.241, No.1, pp.144-154.
  • 12. ASM International. (1990). ASM Handbook Vol-ume 2: Properties and Selection: Nonferrous Al-loys and Special-Purpose Materials. Materials Park, OH: ASM International. ISBN: 978-0871703781.
  • 13. Donachie, M. J. (2000). Titanium: A Technical Guide. Materials Park, OH: ASM International. ISBN: 978-0871706867.
  • 14. Munro, T., Ban, H., Xing, C., & Harris, K. (2016). Thermal Conductivity and Diffusivity for SiC Fi-bers for Use in ATF Cladding Composites. Journal of Nuclear Materials. Retrieved from OSTI.
  • 15. Koyanagi, T., Arregui Mena, J. D., Petrie, C. M., Wang, H., Deck, C., Kim, W. J., ... & Kato, Y. (2021). Thermal diffusivity and thermal conduc-tivity of SiC composite tubes: The effects of micro-structure and irradiation. Journal of Nuclear Ma-terials, 557, 153217
  • 16. Lu X, Tervola P, Viljanen M. An efficient analyti-cal solution to transient heat conduction in a one dimensional hollow composite cylinder. Journal of Physics A Mathematical and General. 2005, 38-47: 10145.
  • 17. Malzbender J. Mechanical and thermal stresses in multilayered materials. Journal of Applied Phys-ics. 2004, 95(4): 1780-1782.
Year 2024, Volume: 02, 35 - 40, 31.07.2024


Project Number



  • 1. Özkan, M. Y., & Uğurlu, B. (2016). The effect of temperature and velocity on stress distribution in rotating disks. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 45(3), 215-225.
  • 2. Eraslan, A. N., & Arslan, E. (2010). Thermoelastic stress analysis in rotating annular disks. Interna-tional Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 52(10), 1353-1361.
  • 3. Singh, T., & Verma, R. S. (2018). Stress distribution in rotating composite disks. Composite Structures, 195, 87-95.
  • 4. Zhao, Y., & Liew, K. M. (2012). Finite element analysis of rotating functionally graded material disks. Computational Mechanics, 50(2), 193-203.
  • 5. Lekhnitskii, S. G. (1981). Theory of Elasticity of an Anisotropic Elastic Body. Mir Publishers.
  • 6. Carrier, G. F., & Pearson, C. E. (1953). Partial Differential Equations: Theory and Technique. Academic Press. 7. Srinivas V B, Manthena V R, Warbhe S D, Kedar G D, Lamba NK. Thermal stresses associated with a thermosensitive multilayered disc analysed due to point heating. International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2024;29(2):118-137. doi:10.59441/ijame/187051.)
  • 8. Manthena V.R. Srinivas V.B. Kedar G.D. (2020). Analytical solution of heat conduction of a multi-layered annular disk and associated thermal de-flection and thermal stresses, Journal of Thermal Stresses 43(5): 563-578.
  • 9. Hosseini M. Arani A.G. Karamizadeh M. Niknejad S.H., Hosseinpour A. (2022). Static and dynamic stability analysis of thick CNT reinforced beams resting on pasternak foundation under axial and follower forces, Journal of Solid Mechanics 14(1): 1-16.
  • 10. Noda N., Hetnarski R.B. and Tanigawa Y. (2003): Thermal Stresses, second edition. Taylor & Fran-cis, New York
  • 11. Singh S., Jain P.K. and Rizwan-uddin (2011): Finite integral transform method to solve asymmetric heat conduction in a multilayer annulus with time-dependent boundary conditions.– Nuclear Engineering and Design, vol.241, No.1, pp.144-154.
  • 12. ASM International. (1990). ASM Handbook Vol-ume 2: Properties and Selection: Nonferrous Al-loys and Special-Purpose Materials. Materials Park, OH: ASM International. ISBN: 978-0871703781.
  • 13. Donachie, M. J. (2000). Titanium: A Technical Guide. Materials Park, OH: ASM International. ISBN: 978-0871706867.
  • 14. Munro, T., Ban, H., Xing, C., & Harris, K. (2016). Thermal Conductivity and Diffusivity for SiC Fi-bers for Use in ATF Cladding Composites. Journal of Nuclear Materials. Retrieved from OSTI.
  • 15. Koyanagi, T., Arregui Mena, J. D., Petrie, C. M., Wang, H., Deck, C., Kim, W. J., ... & Kato, Y. (2021). Thermal diffusivity and thermal conduc-tivity of SiC composite tubes: The effects of micro-structure and irradiation. Journal of Nuclear Ma-terials, 557, 153217
  • 16. Lu X, Tervola P, Viljanen M. An efficient analyti-cal solution to transient heat conduction in a one dimensional hollow composite cylinder. Journal of Physics A Mathematical and General. 2005, 38-47: 10145.
  • 17. Malzbender J. Mechanical and thermal stresses in multilayered materials. Journal of Applied Phys-ics. 2004, 95(4): 1780-1782.
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Solid Mechanics
Journal Section Research Articles

Hüseyin Fırat Kayıran 0000-0003-3037-5279

Project Number .-
Publication Date July 31, 2024
Submission Date June 17, 2024
Acceptance Date July 22, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 02


Vancouver Kayıran HF. Stresses Occurring on a Cylinder with Annular Silicon Carbide (SiC), Ti6Al4V and Copper (Cu) materials. JOEBS. 2024;02:35-40.

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