Research Article
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Year 2025, Volume: 03, 20 - 28



  • 1. Abraha, J. D. Comparison of Numerical Methods for System of First Order Ordinary Differential Equations. Pure and Applied Mathematics Journal. 2020;9(2), 32-36.
  • 2. Audu, K. J., Taiwo, A. R., & Soliu, A. A. Assessment of Numerical Performance of Some Runge-Kutta Methods and New Iteration Method on First Order Differential Problems. Dutse Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 9(4a). 2023b;58-70.
  • 3. Dold, J. G., & Rackauckas, C. A comparison of Runge-Kutta and Butcher's methods for stiff differential equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2023;432, 125689.
  • 4. Rackauckas, C., Nie, Q., Carpenter, B. A comparison of explicit Runge Kutta, implicit Runge-Kutta, and Rosenbrock methods for stiff differential equations. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. 2022;31(4), 783-801.
  • 5. Audu, K. J., Babatunde, O. A. Comparative Analysis of Two Semi Analytic Approaches in Solving Systems of First-Order Differential Equations. Department of Mathematics, F.U.T, Minna, Nigeria. 2024;7(1), 8-24.
  • 6. MacDonell, J. R. A comparative review of numerical methods for ordinary differential equations. Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics. 2021;21(2), 321-339.
  • 7. Odeh, F. Advancements in Runge-Kutta methods for solving ordinary differential equations. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations. 2022;38(5), 1591-1609.
  • 8. Keller, A. Efficiency analysis of Butcher's RK5 method in the numerical solution of first-order ODEs. Applied Numerical Mathematics. 2023;162, 67-82.
  • 9. Hu, C., & Shen, L. A novel comparison of the Runge-Kutta methods for the numerical solution of first-order ordinary differential equations. Numerical Algorithms. 2023;84(2), 537-555.
  • 10. Audu, K. J., Yahaya, Y. A., Garba, J., Cole, A. T., Tafida, F. U. Continuous Formulation of Hybrid Block Milne Technique for System of Ordinary Differential Equations. Abacus Journal. 2023a;49(4), 1-15.
  • 11. Richter, S. Comparison of RK4 and RK5 for solving stiff ordinary differential equations. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. 2022;62(3), 384-399.
  • 12. Strehmel, K., Lubich, C. Adaptive time-stepping and error control for Butcher's RK5 method. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis. 2023;43(1), 387-405.
  • 13. Izzo, D. On the accuracy of Butcher's RK5 method in the context of orbital mechanics. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy. 2023;125(1), 57-74.
  • 14. Johnston, H. S., Van der Houwen, P. J. Comparative study of Butcher's RK5 method with other numerical schemes. Computers & Mathematics with Applications. 2021;84, 203-218.
  • 15. Kvaal, S., Stork, D. Comparative study of Runge-Kutta methods for solving non-linear ordinary differential equations. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 2022;194, 78-94.
  • 16. Quispel, G. R. W., Sauer, T. The numerical performance of Butcher's fifth-order Runge-Kutta method on Hamiltonian problems. Journal of Computational Physics. 2021;437, 110348.
  • 17. Kennedy, A. D. Runge-Kutta and Butcher's RK5: A comparative study for nonlinear differential equations. Numerical Algorithms. 2021;88(1), 159-175.
  • 18. Liu, J., Wang, Y., Zhao, X. Comparison of Runge-Kutta methods in the numerical solution of stiff differential equations. Applied Numerical Mathematics. 2023;172, 321-339.
  • 19. Poornima, S., Nirmala, T. Comparative Study of Runge-kutta Methods of Solving Ordinary Differential Equation. 2020;3(5), 2581-5792.
  • 20. kayiran, H. F. Stresses Ocurring on a Cylinder with Annular Silicon Carbide (SiC), Ti6A14V and Copper (Cu) materials. Journal of Engineering and Basic Sciences. 2024, 02, 1502299.
  • 21. Namdari N, Dehghan A. Natural frequencies and mode shapes for vibrations of rectangular and circular membranes: A numerical study. International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science. 2018;3(2):30-4.

Comparative Numerical Evaluation of Some Runge-Kutta Methods for Solving First Order Systems of ODEs

Year 2025, Volume: 03, 20 - 28


In this study, a comparative analysis of two Runge-Kutta methods; fourth-order Runge-Kutta method and Butcher’s Fifth Order Runge-Kutta method are presented and used to solve systems of first-order linear Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs). The main interest of this work is to test the accuracy, convergence rate and computational efficiency of these methods by using different numerical problems of ODEs. Empirical conclusions are drawn after close observation of the results presented by the two methods, which further highlights their limitations and enabling researchers to make informed decisions in choosing the appropriate technique for specific systems of ODEs problems.


  • 1. Abraha, J. D. Comparison of Numerical Methods for System of First Order Ordinary Differential Equations. Pure and Applied Mathematics Journal. 2020;9(2), 32-36.
  • 2. Audu, K. J., Taiwo, A. R., & Soliu, A. A. Assessment of Numerical Performance of Some Runge-Kutta Methods and New Iteration Method on First Order Differential Problems. Dutse Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 9(4a). 2023b;58-70.
  • 3. Dold, J. G., & Rackauckas, C. A comparison of Runge-Kutta and Butcher's methods for stiff differential equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2023;432, 125689.
  • 4. Rackauckas, C., Nie, Q., Carpenter, B. A comparison of explicit Runge Kutta, implicit Runge-Kutta, and Rosenbrock methods for stiff differential equations. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. 2022;31(4), 783-801.
  • 5. Audu, K. J., Babatunde, O. A. Comparative Analysis of Two Semi Analytic Approaches in Solving Systems of First-Order Differential Equations. Department of Mathematics, F.U.T, Minna, Nigeria. 2024;7(1), 8-24.
  • 6. MacDonell, J. R. A comparative review of numerical methods for ordinary differential equations. Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics. 2021;21(2), 321-339.
  • 7. Odeh, F. Advancements in Runge-Kutta methods for solving ordinary differential equations. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations. 2022;38(5), 1591-1609.
  • 8. Keller, A. Efficiency analysis of Butcher's RK5 method in the numerical solution of first-order ODEs. Applied Numerical Mathematics. 2023;162, 67-82.
  • 9. Hu, C., & Shen, L. A novel comparison of the Runge-Kutta methods for the numerical solution of first-order ordinary differential equations. Numerical Algorithms. 2023;84(2), 537-555.
  • 10. Audu, K. J., Yahaya, Y. A., Garba, J., Cole, A. T., Tafida, F. U. Continuous Formulation of Hybrid Block Milne Technique for System of Ordinary Differential Equations. Abacus Journal. 2023a;49(4), 1-15.
  • 11. Richter, S. Comparison of RK4 and RK5 for solving stiff ordinary differential equations. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. 2022;62(3), 384-399.
  • 12. Strehmel, K., Lubich, C. Adaptive time-stepping and error control for Butcher's RK5 method. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis. 2023;43(1), 387-405.
  • 13. Izzo, D. On the accuracy of Butcher's RK5 method in the context of orbital mechanics. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy. 2023;125(1), 57-74.
  • 14. Johnston, H. S., Van der Houwen, P. J. Comparative study of Butcher's RK5 method with other numerical schemes. Computers & Mathematics with Applications. 2021;84, 203-218.
  • 15. Kvaal, S., Stork, D. Comparative study of Runge-Kutta methods for solving non-linear ordinary differential equations. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 2022;194, 78-94.
  • 16. Quispel, G. R. W., Sauer, T. The numerical performance of Butcher's fifth-order Runge-Kutta method on Hamiltonian problems. Journal of Computational Physics. 2021;437, 110348.
  • 17. Kennedy, A. D. Runge-Kutta and Butcher's RK5: A comparative study for nonlinear differential equations. Numerical Algorithms. 2021;88(1), 159-175.
  • 18. Liu, J., Wang, Y., Zhao, X. Comparison of Runge-Kutta methods in the numerical solution of stiff differential equations. Applied Numerical Mathematics. 2023;172, 321-339.
  • 19. Poornima, S., Nirmala, T. Comparative Study of Runge-kutta Methods of Solving Ordinary Differential Equation. 2020;3(5), 2581-5792.
  • 20. kayiran, H. F. Stresses Ocurring on a Cylinder with Annular Silicon Carbide (SiC), Ti6A14V and Copper (Cu) materials. Journal of Engineering and Basic Sciences. 2024, 02, 1502299.
  • 21. Namdari N, Dehghan A. Natural frequencies and mode shapes for vibrations of rectangular and circular membranes: A numerical study. International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science. 2018;3(2):30-4.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Soft Computing
Journal Section Research Articles

Khadeejah James Audu 0000-0002-6986-3491

Tunde Adekunle Abubakar 0009-0002-3127-4760

Yahaya Yusuph Amuda

James Essien Nkereuwem 0009-0007-9257-8668

Early Pub Date December 12, 2024
Publication Date
Submission Date September 26, 2024
Acceptance Date December 12, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 03


Vancouver Audu KJ, Abubakar TA, Amuda YY, Essien Nkereuwem J. Comparative Numerical Evaluation of Some Runge-Kutta Methods for Solving First Order Systems of ODEs. JOEBS. 2024;03:20-8.

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