Research Article
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Ak Üçgülün (Trifolium repens L.) Farklı Hasat Zamanlarına Ait Verim ve Kalite Özelliklerinin Değişimi

Year 2024, , 1099 - 1111, 23.12.2024


Bu çalışma; ak üçgülün farklı hasat zamanlarındaki verim ve kalite özelliklerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Çalışma, 2021 ve 2022 yıllarında tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre yürütülmüş ve çalışmada bitkisel materyal olarak ak üçgülün Rivendel çeşidi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma konusu olarak, ak üçgülün erken çiçeklenme, yarı çiçeklenme, tam çiçeklenme ve çiçeklenme sonrası olmak üzere dört farklı hasat zamanı ele alınmıştır. Araştırmada ak üçgülün sahip olduğu bitki boyu, yeşil ot verimi, kuru ot verimi, kuru madde oranı, ham protein oranı, ham protein verimi, asit deterjanda çözünmeyen lif (ADF) oranı, nötr deterjanda çözünmeyen lif (NDF) oranı, nispi yem değeri ile fosfor, potasyum, kalsiyum ve magnezyum oranları incelenmiştir. İncelenen bu özelliklerin tümünün ak üçgülün farklı hasat dönemlerinde gösterdiği farklılığın istatistiksel olarak önemli olduğu belirlenmiştir. Araştırmada ak üçgül, her iki yılda da en yüksek bitki boyuna (32.3 cm ve 27.8 cm), yeşil ot verimine (38.367 kg ha-1 ve 52.080 kg ha-1), kuru ot verimine (10.707 kg ha-1 ve 13.424 kg ha-1) ve ham protein verimine (1987 kg ha-1 ve 2544 kg ha-1) tam çiçeklenme aşamasında ulaşmıştır. 2021 yılında en yüksek ham protein ve nispi yem değeri ile en düşük ADF ve NDF oranları erken çiçeklenme ve yarı çiçeklenme, 2022 yılında ise bu özelliklere ait en yüksek değerler ise sadece erken çiçeklenme aşamalarından elde edilmiştir. Her iki yılda da en düşük fosfor ve potasyum oranları ile en yüksek kalsiyum ve magnezyum oranlarının çiçeklenme sonrası aşamadan elde edildiği belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak en yüksek verim değerleri ile ortalama kalite değerleri tam çiçeklenme aşamasından elde edildiğinden, ak üçgülün bu aşamada hasat edilmesinin üretici açısından daha avantajlı olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.

Ethical Statement

Bu çalışma için etik kuruldan izin alınmasına gerek yoktur.

Supporting Institution

Bingöl Üniversitesi Pilot Üniversite Koordinasyon Merkez Birimi

Project Number



Verdiği katkıdan dolayı Bingöl Üniversitesi Pilot Üniversite Koordinasyon Merkezine teşekkür ederiz.


  • Acar, Z. and Onal Asci, O. (2006). The effect of phosphorus application on hay and straw yield of white clover (Trifolium repens L.). Journal of Faculty of Agriculture OMU, 21(3): 323-329. (In Turkish)
  • Acar, Z. and Ayan, I. (2012). Forage Crops Culture. Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Agriculture Publication, No: 2, Samsun, Türkiye. (In Turkish)
  • Acikgoz, E. 2001. Forage Crops. Uludag University Empowerment Foundation Publication No: 182, Bursa, Türkiye. (in Turkish)
  • Acikgoz, N. and Acikgoz, N. (2001). Common mistakes in the statistical analyzes of agricultural experiments I. single factorial. Anadolu Journal of AARI, 11(1): 135-147. (In Turkish)
  • Aygun, C. and Olgun, M. (2014). Determination of genotypic performances of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) collected from natural pastures. Artvin Coruh University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 15(1): 73-84.
  • Barnes, T. G., Varner, L. W., Blankenship, L. H., Fillinger, T. J. and Heineman, S. C. (1990). Macro and trace mineral content of selected South Texas deer forages. Journal of Range Management, 43: 20‐223.
  • Basaran, U., Acar, Z., Mut, H. and Onal Asci, O. (2006). Some morphological and agricultural characters of some forage legumes naturally grown. Journal of Faculty of Agriculture OMU, 21(3): 314-317. (In Turkish)
  • Basbag, M., Gul, I. and Saruhan, V. (2007). Investigation for the determination of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) cultivars that can be grown in Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. Journal of Agronomy, 6(3): 449-453.
  • Basbag, M., Cacan, E., Aydin, A. and Sayar, M. S. (2011). The Determination of Quality Characters of Some Vetch Species (Trifolium spp.) Collected in Natural Areas of Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. IX. Turkey Field Crops Congress, 12-15 September, Bursa, Türkiye.
  • Bayar, M. and Cacan, E. (2019). The Change of Some Herbage Yield and Quality Characteristics of Hungarian Vetch (Vicia pannonica Crantz) at Harvested Different Times. 1st International Harran Multidisciplinary Studies Congress, 8-10 March, Şanlıurfa, Türkiye.
  • Bozkurt Kiraz, A. (2011). Determination of relative feed value of some legume hays harvested at flowering stage. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 6(5): 525-530.
  • Brogna, N., Pacchioli, M. T., Immovilli, A., Ruozzi, F., Ward, R. and Formigoni, A. (2009). The use of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) in the prediction of chemical composition and in vitro neutral detergent fiber (NDF) digestibility of Italian alfalfa hay. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 8(Suppl. 2): 271-273.
  • Buxton, D. R. and Fales, S. L. (1994). Plant Environment and Quality. In: Forage Quality, Evaluation and Utilization, Eds. Fahey, G.C. Jr., Collins, M., Mertens, D.R and Moser, L.E., Madison, WI, USA.
  • Cacan, E., Aydin, A. and Basbag, M. (2015). Determination of quality features of some legume forage crops in Bingöl University campus. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 2(2): 214-219. (In Turkish)
  • Cacan, E., Ulger, I., Kilic, O., Yilmaz, M. F., Kokten, K. and Kaplan, M. (2017). Potential nutritive value of Astragalus species harvested at three different maturity stages. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 15(4): 2071-2080.
  • Cacan, E., Kokten, K. and Kaplan, M. (2018). Determination of yield and quality characteristics of some alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivars in the east Anatolia region of Turkey and correlation analysis between these properties. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 16(2): 1185-1198.
  • Can, M. and Ayan, I. (2020). Determination of yield and some quality traits of chicory mixtures with some forage crops. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 3(2): 103-109. (In Turkish)
  • Çaçan, E., Kılıç, Ö. and Kökten, K. (2023). Determination of macro, micro element and heavy metal contents of Astragalus taxa collected from nature. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 20(2): 334-342.
  • Demirel, R., Saruhan, V., Baran, M. S., Andic, N. and Senturk Demirel, D. (2010). Determination of different ratios of Trifolium repens and Hordeum vulgare mixtures on silage quality. YYU Journal of Agricultural Science, 20(1): 26-31. (In Turkish)
  • Demirkol, G. and Yilmaz, N. (2018). The determination of genetic diversity in white clover (Trifolium repens L.) populations. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(1): 40-44. (In Turkish)
  • Demi̇roglu, G. and Avcioglu, R. (2010). An investigation on the performances of some new Leguminous forage crops cultivars under Mediterranean climatic conditions. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Ege University, 47(2): 151-159. (In Turkish)
  • Engin, B. and Mut, H. (2018). Variation of some nutrient contents with relative feed value according to cutting order in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) varieties. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 15(02): 119-127. (In Turkish)
  • Ergon, A., Kirwan, L., Fystro, G., Bleken, M.A., Collins, R.P. and Rognli, O.A. (2016). Species interactions in a grassland mixture under low nitrogen fertilization and two cutting frequencies. II. Nutritional quality. Grass and Forage Science, 72(2): 333-342.
  • Gursoy, E. and Macit, M. (2020). Effect of harvesting time on chemical composition and quality of forage. Euroasia Journal of Mathematics, Engineering, Natural & Medical Sciences, 7(9): 168-177. (In Turkish)
  • Karayilanli, E. and Ayhan, V. (2016). Investigation of feed value of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) harvested at different maturity stages. Legume Research, 39(2): 237-247.
  • Kemp, P. D., Kenyon, P. R. and Morris, S. T. (2010). The use of legume and herb forage species to create high performance pastures for sheep and cattle grazing systems. Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia, 39: 169-174.
  • Kurt, O., Kamalak, A. and Kurt, A. N. (2022). Determination of relative feed value, in vitro gas production, organic matter digestibility and metabolic energy content of some legume forages. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 12(2): 1143-1153. (In Turkish)
  • Marshall, A. H., Williams, T. A., Abberton, M. T., Michaelson-Yeates, T. P. T. and Powell H. G. (2003). Dry matter production of white clover (Trifolium repens L.), Caucasian clover (T. ambiguum M. Bieb.) and their associated hybrids when grown with a grass companion over 3 harvest years. Grass and Forage Science, 58(1): 63-69.
  • Marshall, A. H., Williams, T. A., Abberton, M. T., Michaelson-Yeates, T. P. T., Olyott, P. and Powell, H. G. (2004). Forage quality of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) x Caucasian clover (T. ambiguum M. Bieb.) hybrids and their grass companion when grown over three harvest years. Grass and Forage Science, 59(1): 91-99.
  • Motsara, M. and Roy, R. (2008). Guide to Laboratory Establishment for Plant Nutrient Analysis. FAO Fertilizer and Plant Nutrition Bulletin No: 19, Rome, Italy.
  • Rivera, D. and Parish, J. (2010). Interpreting Forage and Feed Analysis Reports. Extension Service of Mississippi State University, cooperating with U.S. Department of Agriculture, USA.
  • Röck Okuyucu, B. and Okuyucu, F. (2006). Organic farming applications and its benefits in grassland pastures. Hayvansal Üretim, 47(1): 54-61. (In Turkish)
  • Tukel, T., Hatipoglu, R., Polat, T., Can, E., Yilmaz, S., Celiktas, N. and Kokten, K. (2001). Research on the Forage Yields of Some Perennial Grasses and Legumes under Irrigated Conditions of Cukurova and Southeastern Regions. GAP II. Agriculture Congress, 24-26 October, Şanlıurfa, Türkiye.
  • Onal Asci, O. (2016). Importance of clover (Trifolium sp.) genus for Black Sea Region. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 4(1): 1-4. (In Turkish)
  • Oten, M., Kiremitci, S. and Erdurmus, C. (2019). Collecting and morphological characterization of some clover species (Trifolium sp.) in Antalya natural flora. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 6(2): 190-195. (In Turkish)
  • Ozkan, C. O., Kamalak, A., Sahin, M. and Canbolat, O. (2018). Determination of digestive degree and metabolic energy values of some leguminous feed crop harvest in different periods by in vitro gas technique. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 1(1): 15-19. (In Turkish)
  • Van Dyke, N. J. and Anderson, P. M. (2000). Interpreting a Forage Analysis. Alabama cooperative extension. Circular ANR-890.

Change of Forage Yield and Quality Characteristics of White Clover (Trifolium repens L.) at Different Harvest Time

Year 2024, , 1099 - 1111, 23.12.2024


This study was conducted to determine the yield and quality characteristics of white clover at different harvest time. The study was carried out according to the randomized blocks experimental design in 2021 and 2022, and the Rivendel variety of white clover was used as the plant material in the study. Four different harvest time of white clover, as early bloom, mid-bloom, full bloom, and after-bloom, were considered as the research subject. In the experiment, the plant height, green forage yield, dry matter yield, dry matter ratio, crude protein, crude protein yield, insoluble fiber in acid detergent (ADF), insoluble fiber in neutral detergent (NDF), relative feed value and phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium contents of white clover were investigated. It has been determined that the differences in all of these examined features in different harvest time of white clover were statistically significant. In the research, white clover reached the highest plant height (32.3 cm and 27.8 cm), green forage yield (38.367 kg ha-1 and 52.080 kg ha-1), dry matter yield (10.707 kg ha-1 and 13.424 kg ha-1), and crude protein yield (1987 kg ha-1 and 2544 kg ha-1) in full bloom in both years. In 2021, the highest crude protein and relative feed value and the lowest ADF and NDF ratios were obtained during early bloom and mid-bloom, while in 2022, the highest values for these characteristics were obtained only from early bloom stages. It was determined that the lowest phosphorus and potassium contents and the highest calcium and magnesium contents were obtained from the after bloom stage in both years. As a result, since the highest yield values and average quality values are obtained from the full bloom stage, it has been concluded that it was more advantageous for the producer to harvest the white clover at this stage.

Ethical Statement

There is no need to obtain permission from the ethics committee for this study.

Supporting Institution

Bingol University Pilot University Coordination Centre Unit

Project Number



We would like to thank the Pilot University Coordination Central Unit for the support given


  • Acar, Z. and Onal Asci, O. (2006). The effect of phosphorus application on hay and straw yield of white clover (Trifolium repens L.). Journal of Faculty of Agriculture OMU, 21(3): 323-329. (In Turkish)
  • Acar, Z. and Ayan, I. (2012). Forage Crops Culture. Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Agriculture Publication, No: 2, Samsun, Türkiye. (In Turkish)
  • Acikgoz, E. 2001. Forage Crops. Uludag University Empowerment Foundation Publication No: 182, Bursa, Türkiye. (in Turkish)
  • Acikgoz, N. and Acikgoz, N. (2001). Common mistakes in the statistical analyzes of agricultural experiments I. single factorial. Anadolu Journal of AARI, 11(1): 135-147. (In Turkish)
  • Aygun, C. and Olgun, M. (2014). Determination of genotypic performances of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) collected from natural pastures. Artvin Coruh University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 15(1): 73-84.
  • Barnes, T. G., Varner, L. W., Blankenship, L. H., Fillinger, T. J. and Heineman, S. C. (1990). Macro and trace mineral content of selected South Texas deer forages. Journal of Range Management, 43: 20‐223.
  • Basaran, U., Acar, Z., Mut, H. and Onal Asci, O. (2006). Some morphological and agricultural characters of some forage legumes naturally grown. Journal of Faculty of Agriculture OMU, 21(3): 314-317. (In Turkish)
  • Basbag, M., Gul, I. and Saruhan, V. (2007). Investigation for the determination of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) cultivars that can be grown in Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. Journal of Agronomy, 6(3): 449-453.
  • Basbag, M., Cacan, E., Aydin, A. and Sayar, M. S. (2011). The Determination of Quality Characters of Some Vetch Species (Trifolium spp.) Collected in Natural Areas of Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. IX. Turkey Field Crops Congress, 12-15 September, Bursa, Türkiye.
  • Bayar, M. and Cacan, E. (2019). The Change of Some Herbage Yield and Quality Characteristics of Hungarian Vetch (Vicia pannonica Crantz) at Harvested Different Times. 1st International Harran Multidisciplinary Studies Congress, 8-10 March, Şanlıurfa, Türkiye.
  • Bozkurt Kiraz, A. (2011). Determination of relative feed value of some legume hays harvested at flowering stage. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 6(5): 525-530.
  • Brogna, N., Pacchioli, M. T., Immovilli, A., Ruozzi, F., Ward, R. and Formigoni, A. (2009). The use of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) in the prediction of chemical composition and in vitro neutral detergent fiber (NDF) digestibility of Italian alfalfa hay. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 8(Suppl. 2): 271-273.
  • Buxton, D. R. and Fales, S. L. (1994). Plant Environment and Quality. In: Forage Quality, Evaluation and Utilization, Eds. Fahey, G.C. Jr., Collins, M., Mertens, D.R and Moser, L.E., Madison, WI, USA.
  • Cacan, E., Aydin, A. and Basbag, M. (2015). Determination of quality features of some legume forage crops in Bingöl University campus. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 2(2): 214-219. (In Turkish)
  • Cacan, E., Ulger, I., Kilic, O., Yilmaz, M. F., Kokten, K. and Kaplan, M. (2017). Potential nutritive value of Astragalus species harvested at three different maturity stages. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 15(4): 2071-2080.
  • Cacan, E., Kokten, K. and Kaplan, M. (2018). Determination of yield and quality characteristics of some alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivars in the east Anatolia region of Turkey and correlation analysis between these properties. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 16(2): 1185-1198.
  • Can, M. and Ayan, I. (2020). Determination of yield and some quality traits of chicory mixtures with some forage crops. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 3(2): 103-109. (In Turkish)
  • Çaçan, E., Kılıç, Ö. and Kökten, K. (2023). Determination of macro, micro element and heavy metal contents of Astragalus taxa collected from nature. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 20(2): 334-342.
  • Demirel, R., Saruhan, V., Baran, M. S., Andic, N. and Senturk Demirel, D. (2010). Determination of different ratios of Trifolium repens and Hordeum vulgare mixtures on silage quality. YYU Journal of Agricultural Science, 20(1): 26-31. (In Turkish)
  • Demirkol, G. and Yilmaz, N. (2018). The determination of genetic diversity in white clover (Trifolium repens L.) populations. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(1): 40-44. (In Turkish)
  • Demi̇roglu, G. and Avcioglu, R. (2010). An investigation on the performances of some new Leguminous forage crops cultivars under Mediterranean climatic conditions. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Ege University, 47(2): 151-159. (In Turkish)
  • Engin, B. and Mut, H. (2018). Variation of some nutrient contents with relative feed value according to cutting order in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) varieties. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 15(02): 119-127. (In Turkish)
  • Ergon, A., Kirwan, L., Fystro, G., Bleken, M.A., Collins, R.P. and Rognli, O.A. (2016). Species interactions in a grassland mixture under low nitrogen fertilization and two cutting frequencies. II. Nutritional quality. Grass and Forage Science, 72(2): 333-342.
  • Gursoy, E. and Macit, M. (2020). Effect of harvesting time on chemical composition and quality of forage. Euroasia Journal of Mathematics, Engineering, Natural & Medical Sciences, 7(9): 168-177. (In Turkish)
  • Karayilanli, E. and Ayhan, V. (2016). Investigation of feed value of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) harvested at different maturity stages. Legume Research, 39(2): 237-247.
  • Kemp, P. D., Kenyon, P. R. and Morris, S. T. (2010). The use of legume and herb forage species to create high performance pastures for sheep and cattle grazing systems. Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia, 39: 169-174.
  • Kurt, O., Kamalak, A. and Kurt, A. N. (2022). Determination of relative feed value, in vitro gas production, organic matter digestibility and metabolic energy content of some legume forages. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 12(2): 1143-1153. (In Turkish)
  • Marshall, A. H., Williams, T. A., Abberton, M. T., Michaelson-Yeates, T. P. T. and Powell H. G. (2003). Dry matter production of white clover (Trifolium repens L.), Caucasian clover (T. ambiguum M. Bieb.) and their associated hybrids when grown with a grass companion over 3 harvest years. Grass and Forage Science, 58(1): 63-69.
  • Marshall, A. H., Williams, T. A., Abberton, M. T., Michaelson-Yeates, T. P. T., Olyott, P. and Powell, H. G. (2004). Forage quality of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) x Caucasian clover (T. ambiguum M. Bieb.) hybrids and their grass companion when grown over three harvest years. Grass and Forage Science, 59(1): 91-99.
  • Motsara, M. and Roy, R. (2008). Guide to Laboratory Establishment for Plant Nutrient Analysis. FAO Fertilizer and Plant Nutrition Bulletin No: 19, Rome, Italy.
  • Rivera, D. and Parish, J. (2010). Interpreting Forage and Feed Analysis Reports. Extension Service of Mississippi State University, cooperating with U.S. Department of Agriculture, USA.
  • Röck Okuyucu, B. and Okuyucu, F. (2006). Organic farming applications and its benefits in grassland pastures. Hayvansal Üretim, 47(1): 54-61. (In Turkish)
  • Tukel, T., Hatipoglu, R., Polat, T., Can, E., Yilmaz, S., Celiktas, N. and Kokten, K. (2001). Research on the Forage Yields of Some Perennial Grasses and Legumes under Irrigated Conditions of Cukurova and Southeastern Regions. GAP II. Agriculture Congress, 24-26 October, Şanlıurfa, Türkiye.
  • Onal Asci, O. (2016). Importance of clover (Trifolium sp.) genus for Black Sea Region. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 4(1): 1-4. (In Turkish)
  • Oten, M., Kiremitci, S. and Erdurmus, C. (2019). Collecting and morphological characterization of some clover species (Trifolium sp.) in Antalya natural flora. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 6(2): 190-195. (In Turkish)
  • Ozkan, C. O., Kamalak, A., Sahin, M. and Canbolat, O. (2018). Determination of digestive degree and metabolic energy values of some leguminous feed crop harvest in different periods by in vitro gas technique. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 1(1): 15-19. (In Turkish)
  • Van Dyke, N. J. and Anderson, P. M. (2000). Interpreting a Forage Analysis. Alabama cooperative extension. Circular ANR-890.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Pasture-Meadow Forage Plants
Journal Section Articles

Erdal Çaçan 0000-0002-9469-2495

Selim Özdemir 0000-0003-1840-9907

Kağan Kökten 0000-0001-5403-5629

Rıdvan Uçar 0000-0001-6365-7200

Sam Mokhtarzadeh 0000-0002-3927-0855

Muammer Ekmekçi 0000-0002-0610-8552

Mehmet Ali Kutlu 0000-0003-0862-9690

Project Number PİKOM-Bitki.2019.001
Early Pub Date December 13, 2024
Publication Date December 23, 2024
Submission Date August 24, 2023
Acceptance Date July 19, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Çaçan, E., Özdemir, S., Kökten, K., Uçar, R., et al. (2024). Change of Forage Yield and Quality Characteristics of White Clover (Trifolium repens L.) at Different Harvest Time. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(5), 1099-1111.
AMA Çaçan E, Özdemir S, Kökten K, Uçar R, Mokhtarzadeh S, Ekmekçi M, Kutlu MA. Change of Forage Yield and Quality Characteristics of White Clover (Trifolium repens L.) at Different Harvest Time. JOTAF. December 2024;21(5):1099-1111. doi:10.33462/jotaf.1349101
Chicago Çaçan, Erdal, Selim Özdemir, Kağan Kökten, Rıdvan Uçar, Sam Mokhtarzadeh, Muammer Ekmekçi, and Mehmet Ali Kutlu. “Change of Forage Yield and Quality Characteristics of White Clover (Trifolium Repens L.) at Different Harvest Time”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 21, no. 5 (December 2024): 1099-1111.
EndNote Çaçan E, Özdemir S, Kökten K, Uçar R, Mokhtarzadeh S, Ekmekçi M, Kutlu MA (December 1, 2024) Change of Forage Yield and Quality Characteristics of White Clover (Trifolium repens L.) at Different Harvest Time. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 21 5 1099–1111.
IEEE E. Çaçan, S. Özdemir, K. Kökten, R. Uçar, S. Mokhtarzadeh, M. Ekmekçi, and M. A. Kutlu, “Change of Forage Yield and Quality Characteristics of White Clover (Trifolium repens L.) at Different Harvest Time”, JOTAF, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 1099–1111, 2024, doi: 10.33462/jotaf.1349101.
ISNAD Çaçan, Erdal et al. “Change of Forage Yield and Quality Characteristics of White Clover (Trifolium Repens L.) at Different Harvest Time”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 21/5 (December 2024), 1099-1111.
JAMA Çaçan E, Özdemir S, Kökten K, Uçar R, Mokhtarzadeh S, Ekmekçi M, Kutlu MA. Change of Forage Yield and Quality Characteristics of White Clover (Trifolium repens L.) at Different Harvest Time. JOTAF. 2024;21:1099–1111.
MLA Çaçan, Erdal et al. “Change of Forage Yield and Quality Characteristics of White Clover (Trifolium Repens L.) at Different Harvest Time”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 21, no. 5, 2024, pp. 1099-11, doi:10.33462/jotaf.1349101.
Vancouver Çaçan E, Özdemir S, Kökten K, Uçar R, Mokhtarzadeh S, Ekmekçi M, Kutlu MA. Change of Forage Yield and Quality Characteristics of White Clover (Trifolium repens L.) at Different Harvest Time. JOTAF. 2024;21(5):1099-111.