Research Article
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Production of Hull-less Mutant of Pumpkin Seed under Different Abiotic Conditions

Year 2022, , 508 - 514, 13.09.2022


Pumpkin seeds are crucial for both human and animal nutrition. Furthermore, the importance of pumpkin seed oil, the snack seed trade and even the medicinal uses of pumpkin seed products have been taken into account for the attempts to improve oil pumpkin seed yield, seed quality and other parameters. The climatic conditions may have a considerable effect on both the vegetative and the reproductive growth as well, and can influence the quality and quantity of the yield. Large-scale field experiment was set up to investigate the climatic sensitivity of hull-less pumpkins. Three groups of fields in different regions of Eastern-Hungary; Southern, Northern and Middle regions were involved in this study. Monthly average temperature and precipitation and soil chemical characteristics were analyzed. Based on the results, the lowest yield was achieved in the Northern region, potentially because of the higher amount of precipitation during the vegetation period. The higher precipitation can possibly increase the sensitivity of pumpkin plants to diseases. The highest amount of the seeds was achieved in the Middle region, where the distribution of the rainfall was moderate. From the investigated soil parameters, the pH had a measurable effect on the final seed yield. It could be concluded that higher precipitation and lower pH can lower pumpkin seed yield. Maximum yield might rely on continuously monitoring the soil moisture status and on the irrigation scheduling management, in addition to the nutrient availability in the soil. Further studies, however, are necessary to prove these hypotheses and to provide more useful data.


  • Ahmad, G., Khan, A.A. Mohamed, H.I. (2021). Changes in Growth, Yield, Photosynthetic Pigments, Biochemical Substances, Oxidative Damage, and Antioxidant Activities Induced by Treatment with Different pH of Artificial acid rain in Pumpkin (Cucurbita Moschata). Gesunde Pflanzen, 73: 623-637.
  • Amaya-Carpio, L., Davies Jr., F.T., Fox, T., He, C. (2009). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and organic fertilizer influence photosynthesis, root phosphatase activity, nutrition, and growth of (Ipomoea carnea ssp. Fistulosa). Phtosynthetica, 47: 1–10.
  • Andres, T.C. (2000). An Overview of the Oil Pumpkin. Proceedings of the First International Pumpkin Conference Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report, 23: 87–88.
  • Antolín, M.C., Muro, I., Sánchez-Díaz, M. (2010). Application of sewage sludge improves growth, photosynthesis and antioxidant activities of nodulated alfalfa plants under drought conditions. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 68: 75–82.
  • Basal, O., Szabó, A. (2020). Yield and Quality of Two Soybean Cultivars in Response to Drought and N Fertilization. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(2): 203-210.
  • Bavec, F., Gril, L., Grobelnik-Mlakar, S., Bavec, M. (2002). Production of pumpkin for oil. Trends in new crops and new uses, 187-190.
  • Baxter, G.G., Murphy, K., Paech, A. (2012). The Potential to Produce Pumpkin Seed for Processing in North East Victoria. RIRDC Project No. PRJ-005518, publication No. 11/145. p. 56.
  • Berenji, J. (2000). Breeding, Production, and Utilisation of Oil Pumpkin in Yugoslavia. Proceedings of the First International Pumpkin Conference Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report, 23: 105-107.
  • Das, B., Pandit, M.K., Ray, K., Bhattacharyya, K., Pari, A., Sidhya, P. (2016). Impact of irrigation and organic matter amendments on arsenic accumulation in selected vegetables. Plant Soil Environ., 62: 266-273.
  • Dimsey, R. (1994). Agriculture Notes: Growing Pumpkins. State of Victoria, Department of Natural Resources and Environment (Now Department of Primary Industries) AGO283. p. 21.
  • Farzamisepehr, M., Ghorbanli, M., Tadji, Z. (2021). Effect of drought stress on some growth parameters and several biochemical aspects in two pumpkin species. Iranian Journal of Plant Physiology, 11(3): 3731-3740.
  • Gaussen, H., Bagnouls, F. (1952). L'indice xérothermique. Bulletin de l'Association de géographes français, 29(222): 10-16.
  • Hamzei, J., Najjari, S. (2014). Effect of integrated application of phosphorus and phosphate solubilizing microorganisms on root colonization, productivity and seed quality of Cucurbita pepo L. Journal of Applied Horticulture, 16(1).
  • Howitt, C.A., Pogson, B.J. (2006). Carotenoid accumulation and function in seeds and non-green tissues. Plant, Cell and Environment, 29: 435-445.
  • Https://
  • Loy, J.B. (2004). Morpho-physiological aspects of productivity and quality in squash and pumpkins (Cucurbita spp.). Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 23(4): 337–363.
  • Marinari, S., Masciandaro, G., Ceccanti, B., Grego, S. (2000). Influence of organic and mineral fertilizers on soil biological and physical properties. Bioresource Technology, 72: 9–17.
  • Maširević, S., Iličić, R., Balaž, J., Berenji, J. (2011). Appearance of black rot (Dydimella bryoniae Auersw.) on naked seeded oil pumpkin fruit. Biljni Lekar (Plant Doctor), 39(5): 505-511.
  • Moradi, M.E., Banayan, A.M., Rezvani, M.P., Shabahangh, j. (2014). Effects of different amounts of nitrogen and plant density on yield, yield components and seed oil percentage of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.). Agroecolgy Journal, 6(1): 21-30.
  • Napier, T. (2009). Pumpkin Production. Primefacts for Profitable, Adaptive and Sustainable Primary Industries: New South Wales Industry and Investment Primefact 964.
  • Robinson, R.G. (1981). Production of naked-seed pumpkin: a food-crop for the family farm. Miscallaneous Report. University of Minesota. 156: 1-6.
  • Seymen, M., Yavuz, D., Dursun, A., Kurtar, E.S., Türkmen, Ö. (2019). Identification of drought-tolerant pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) genotypes associated with certain fruit characteristics, seed yield, and quality. Agricultural Water Management, 221: 150-159.
  • Süheri, S., Hussein, N.M.H., Kurtar, E.S., Yavuz, N., Yeşim, D.A.L. (2020). Determination of Yield and Quality of Different Snap Bean Varieties Under Deficit Irrigation. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(2): 252-263.
  • Tartoura, K.A., Youssef, S.A. (2011). Stimulation of ROS-scavenging systems in squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) plants by compost supplementation under normal and low temperature conditions. Scientia horticulturae, 130(4): 862-868.
  • Teppner, H. (2004). Notes on Lagenaria and Cucurbita (Cucurbitaceae) – review and new contributions. Phyton (Horn, Austria), 44(2): 245–308.
  • Top, M., Ashcroft, B. (2000). Japanese Pumpkin – Kabocha. A Production Manual for Victoria. Asian Vegetable Series: Department of Natural Resources and Environment (Now Department of Primary Industries) 2nd ed. p. 21.
  • Ünlükara, A., Varol, I.S., Güneş, A. (2021). Effects of Various Fertilizers and Different Nitrogen Doses on Pumpkin Seed and Plant Water Consumption. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 1-12.
  • Vorobyova, O.A., Bolshakova, A.E., Pegova, R.A., Kolchik, O.V., Klabukova, I.N., Krasilnikova, E.V., Melnikova, N.B. (2014). Analysis of the components of pumpkin seed oil in suppositories and the possibility of its use in pharmaceuticals. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 6(5): 1106-1116.
  • Yousefi, M., Zandi, P. (2012). Effect of foliar application of zinc and manganese on yield of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) under two irrigation patterns. Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities. Series Agronomy, 15(4): 1-9.

Production of Hull-less Mutant of Pumpkin Seed under Different Abiotic Conditions

Year 2022, , 508 - 514, 13.09.2022


Pumpkin seeds are crucial for both human and animal nutrition. Furthermore, the importance of pumpkin seed oil, the snack seed trade and even the medicinal uses of pumpkin seed products have been taken into account for the attempts to improve oil pumpkin seed yield, seed quality and other parameters. The climatic conditions may have a considerable effect on both the vegetative and the reproductive growth as well, and can influence the quality and quantity of the yield. Large-scale field experiment was set up to investigate the climatic sensitivity of hull-less pumpkins. Three groups of fields in different regions of Eastern-Hungary; Southern, Northern and Middle regions were involved in this study. Monthly average temperature and precipitation and soil chemical characteristics were analyzed. Based on the results, the lowest yield was achieved in the Northern region, potentially because of the higher amount of precipitation during the vegetation period. The higher precipitation can possibly increase the sensitivity of pumpkin plants to diseases. The highest amount of the seeds was achieved in the Middle region, where the distribution of the rainfall was moderate. From the investigated soil parameters, the pH had a measurable effect on the final seed yield. It could be concluded that higher precipitation and lower pH can lower pumpkin seed yield. Maximum yield might rely on continuously monitoring the soil moisture status and on the irrigation scheduling management, in addition to the nutrient availability in the soil. Further studies, however, are necessary to prove these hypotheses and to provide more useful data.


  • Ahmad, G., Khan, A.A. Mohamed, H.I. (2021). Changes in Growth, Yield, Photosynthetic Pigments, Biochemical Substances, Oxidative Damage, and Antioxidant Activities Induced by Treatment with Different pH of Artificial acid rain in Pumpkin (Cucurbita Moschata). Gesunde Pflanzen, 73: 623-637.
  • Amaya-Carpio, L., Davies Jr., F.T., Fox, T., He, C. (2009). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and organic fertilizer influence photosynthesis, root phosphatase activity, nutrition, and growth of (Ipomoea carnea ssp. Fistulosa). Phtosynthetica, 47: 1–10.
  • Andres, T.C. (2000). An Overview of the Oil Pumpkin. Proceedings of the First International Pumpkin Conference Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report, 23: 87–88.
  • Antolín, M.C., Muro, I., Sánchez-Díaz, M. (2010). Application of sewage sludge improves growth, photosynthesis and antioxidant activities of nodulated alfalfa plants under drought conditions. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 68: 75–82.
  • Basal, O., Szabó, A. (2020). Yield and Quality of Two Soybean Cultivars in Response to Drought and N Fertilization. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(2): 203-210.
  • Bavec, F., Gril, L., Grobelnik-Mlakar, S., Bavec, M. (2002). Production of pumpkin for oil. Trends in new crops and new uses, 187-190.
  • Baxter, G.G., Murphy, K., Paech, A. (2012). The Potential to Produce Pumpkin Seed for Processing in North East Victoria. RIRDC Project No. PRJ-005518, publication No. 11/145. p. 56.
  • Berenji, J. (2000). Breeding, Production, and Utilisation of Oil Pumpkin in Yugoslavia. Proceedings of the First International Pumpkin Conference Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report, 23: 105-107.
  • Das, B., Pandit, M.K., Ray, K., Bhattacharyya, K., Pari, A., Sidhya, P. (2016). Impact of irrigation and organic matter amendments on arsenic accumulation in selected vegetables. Plant Soil Environ., 62: 266-273.
  • Dimsey, R. (1994). Agriculture Notes: Growing Pumpkins. State of Victoria, Department of Natural Resources and Environment (Now Department of Primary Industries) AGO283. p. 21.
  • Farzamisepehr, M., Ghorbanli, M., Tadji, Z. (2021). Effect of drought stress on some growth parameters and several biochemical aspects in two pumpkin species. Iranian Journal of Plant Physiology, 11(3): 3731-3740.
  • Gaussen, H., Bagnouls, F. (1952). L'indice xérothermique. Bulletin de l'Association de géographes français, 29(222): 10-16.
  • Hamzei, J., Najjari, S. (2014). Effect of integrated application of phosphorus and phosphate solubilizing microorganisms on root colonization, productivity and seed quality of Cucurbita pepo L. Journal of Applied Horticulture, 16(1).
  • Howitt, C.A., Pogson, B.J. (2006). Carotenoid accumulation and function in seeds and non-green tissues. Plant, Cell and Environment, 29: 435-445.
  • Https://
  • Loy, J.B. (2004). Morpho-physiological aspects of productivity and quality in squash and pumpkins (Cucurbita spp.). Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 23(4): 337–363.
  • Marinari, S., Masciandaro, G., Ceccanti, B., Grego, S. (2000). Influence of organic and mineral fertilizers on soil biological and physical properties. Bioresource Technology, 72: 9–17.
  • Maširević, S., Iličić, R., Balaž, J., Berenji, J. (2011). Appearance of black rot (Dydimella bryoniae Auersw.) on naked seeded oil pumpkin fruit. Biljni Lekar (Plant Doctor), 39(5): 505-511.
  • Moradi, M.E., Banayan, A.M., Rezvani, M.P., Shabahangh, j. (2014). Effects of different amounts of nitrogen and plant density on yield, yield components and seed oil percentage of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.). Agroecolgy Journal, 6(1): 21-30.
  • Napier, T. (2009). Pumpkin Production. Primefacts for Profitable, Adaptive and Sustainable Primary Industries: New South Wales Industry and Investment Primefact 964.
  • Robinson, R.G. (1981). Production of naked-seed pumpkin: a food-crop for the family farm. Miscallaneous Report. University of Minesota. 156: 1-6.
  • Seymen, M., Yavuz, D., Dursun, A., Kurtar, E.S., Türkmen, Ö. (2019). Identification of drought-tolerant pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) genotypes associated with certain fruit characteristics, seed yield, and quality. Agricultural Water Management, 221: 150-159.
  • Süheri, S., Hussein, N.M.H., Kurtar, E.S., Yavuz, N., Yeşim, D.A.L. (2020). Determination of Yield and Quality of Different Snap Bean Varieties Under Deficit Irrigation. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(2): 252-263.
  • Tartoura, K.A., Youssef, S.A. (2011). Stimulation of ROS-scavenging systems in squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) plants by compost supplementation under normal and low temperature conditions. Scientia horticulturae, 130(4): 862-868.
  • Teppner, H. (2004). Notes on Lagenaria and Cucurbita (Cucurbitaceae) – review and new contributions. Phyton (Horn, Austria), 44(2): 245–308.
  • Top, M., Ashcroft, B. (2000). Japanese Pumpkin – Kabocha. A Production Manual for Victoria. Asian Vegetable Series: Department of Natural Resources and Environment (Now Department of Primary Industries) 2nd ed. p. 21.
  • Ünlükara, A., Varol, I.S., Güneş, A. (2021). Effects of Various Fertilizers and Different Nitrogen Doses on Pumpkin Seed and Plant Water Consumption. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 1-12.
  • Vorobyova, O.A., Bolshakova, A.E., Pegova, R.A., Kolchik, O.V., Klabukova, I.N., Krasilnikova, E.V., Melnikova, N.B. (2014). Analysis of the components of pumpkin seed oil in suppositories and the possibility of its use in pharmaceuticals. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 6(5): 1106-1116.
  • Yousefi, M., Zandi, P. (2012). Effect of foliar application of zinc and manganese on yield of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) under two irrigation patterns. Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities. Series Agronomy, 15(4): 1-9.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Soma Gáspár This is me 0000-0001-8000-8018

Oqba Basal 0000-0002-2396-6591

Attila Simkó This is me 0000-0002-8591-8085

László Kıss This is me 0000-0002-9700-8919

Dóra Frommer This is me 0000-0002-5797-9729

Szilvia Veres 0000-0003-4509-789X

Publication Date September 13, 2022
Submission Date August 6, 2021
Acceptance Date May 9, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Gáspár, S., Basal, O., Simkó, A., Kıss, L., et al. (2022). Production of Hull-less Mutant of Pumpkin Seed under Different Abiotic Conditions. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(3), 508-514.
AMA Gáspár S, Basal O, Simkó A, Kıss L, Frommer D, Veres S. Production of Hull-less Mutant of Pumpkin Seed under Different Abiotic Conditions. JOTAF. September 2022;19(3):508-514. doi:10.33462/jotaf.978813
Chicago Gáspár, Soma, Oqba Basal, Attila Simkó, László Kıss, Dóra Frommer, and Szilvia Veres. “Production of Hull-Less Mutant of Pumpkin Seed under Different Abiotic Conditions”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 19, no. 3 (September 2022): 508-14.
EndNote Gáspár S, Basal O, Simkó A, Kıss L, Frommer D, Veres S (September 1, 2022) Production of Hull-less Mutant of Pumpkin Seed under Different Abiotic Conditions. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 19 3 508–514.
IEEE S. Gáspár, O. Basal, A. Simkó, L. Kıss, D. Frommer, and S. Veres, “Production of Hull-less Mutant of Pumpkin Seed under Different Abiotic Conditions”, JOTAF, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 508–514, 2022, doi: 10.33462/jotaf.978813.
ISNAD Gáspár, Soma et al. “Production of Hull-Less Mutant of Pumpkin Seed under Different Abiotic Conditions”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 19/3 (September 2022), 508-514.
JAMA Gáspár S, Basal O, Simkó A, Kıss L, Frommer D, Veres S. Production of Hull-less Mutant of Pumpkin Seed under Different Abiotic Conditions. JOTAF. 2022;19:508–514.
MLA Gáspár, Soma et al. “Production of Hull-Less Mutant of Pumpkin Seed under Different Abiotic Conditions”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 19, no. 3, 2022, pp. 508-14, doi:10.33462/jotaf.978813.
Vancouver Gáspár S, Basal O, Simkó A, Kıss L, Frommer D, Veres S. Production of Hull-less Mutant of Pumpkin Seed under Different Abiotic Conditions. JOTAF. 2022;19(3):508-14.