Research Article
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From Practice to Science: Assessment Soil Nutrient Status Using “Minus One Element Technique (MOET)” for Early Growth of Maize

Year 2025, Volume: 22 Issue: 1, 35 - 45, 29.01.2025


Soil nutrient deficiency will influence maize growth, so it is necessary to add nutrients based on the fertility status of the soil. One way to find out the nutrient soil status using a simple method is using the minus one element technique (MOET). The minus one element technique (MOET) determines which element is the limiting factor. This study was carried out to confirm the nutrient soil status using the minus one element technique (MOET) with the early growth of maize as the indicator. The research was conducted in greenhouse, Polytechnic of Lamandau, Central Borneo, Indonesia, at an altitude of 50 m above sea level. The research used a non-factorial design arranged in a completely randomized block design and five fertilizer treatments based on the minus one element technique consisting of control (without fertilization), PK, NP, NK, and NPK with three replications. The results showed that the deficiency of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus reduced the growth of maize, leaf greenness, photosynthetic rate, and especially the total dry weight of the plant. The dry weight of maize roots decreased by 18.85% - 75.47% when N, P, and K fertilizer were not applied. Then the decrease in photosynthesis rate ranged from 18.23% to 46.21% when N, P, and K fertilizer were not applied. The low of photosynthesis rates resulted in the accumulation of plant dry weight was hampered, and there was a decrease of 8.00% -74.43%. The results of the evaluation of fertility status are based on the results of the relative dry weight of the plant, which was <80% in the PK and NP fertilization treatments, meaning that nitrogen and potassium were deficient in the soil.

Ethical Statement

There is no need to obtain permission from the ethics committee for this study.

Supporting Institution

to LPPM Universitas Diponegoro and Professor Sugiharto


Acknowledgments to LPPM Universitas Diponegoro and Professor Sugiharto for their suggestions and directions in the research and writing of this article.


  • Aghdam, M. (2023). The effect of stopping irrigation, potassium and low consumption elements on growth indicators of fodder corn. Nutrition and Food Processing, 6(3): 01-07.
  • Ahmadu, R., Law-Ogbomo, K. E. and Ogedegbe, S. A. (2020). Comparative effects of some soil amendments on the agronomic performance of maize varieties in a low fertile soil. Notulae Scientia Biologicae, 12(1): 189-195.
  • Akgül, F. and Akgül, R. (2022). Combined effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on growth and biochemical composition of Tetradesmus obliquus (turpin) m.j. wynne. International Journal of Secondary Metabolite, 9(4): 525-537.
  • Aliyu, K. T., Huising, J., Kamara, A. Y., Jibrin J. M., Mohammed, I. B., Nziguheba, G., Adam, A. M. and Vanlauwe, B. (2021). Understanding nutrient imbalances in maize (Zea mays L.) using the diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (DRIS) approach in the Maize belt of Nigeria. Scientifc Reports, 11: 16018.
  • Amanullah, Iqbal, A., Irfanullah and Hidayat, Z. (2016). Potassium management for improving growth and grain yield of maize (Zea mays L.) under moisture stress condition. Scientific Reports, 6(34627): 1-12.
  • Argenta, G., Regis Ferreira da Silva, P. and Sangoi, L. (2004). Leaf relative chlorophyll content as an indicator to predict nitrogen fertilization in maize. Ciencia Rural, 34: 1379–1387.
  • Attia, H., Rebah, F., Ouhibi, C., Saleh, M. A., Althobaiti, A. T., Alamer, K. H., Ben Nasri, M. and Lachaâl, M. (2022). Effect of potassium deficiency on physiological responses and anatomical structure of basil Ocimum basilicum L. Biology, 11: 1557.
  • Azhiri-Sigari, T., Gines, H. C., Casimero, M. C. and Sebastian, L. S. (2003). Soil fertility status of Philrice Ces Ricefields in Maligaya, Nueva Ecija by soil analysis & minus-one-element technique (MOET). Philippine Journal of Crop Science, 28(3): 31-47.
  • Basal, O. and Szabo, A. (2020). Yield and quality of two soybean cultivars in response to drought and N fertilization. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 17(2): 203-210.
  • Berge, H. F. M., Hijbeekb, R., van Loonb, M. P., Rurindac, J., Tesfayed, K., Zingorec, S., Craufurde, P., van Heerwaardenb, J., Brentrupf, F., Schrödera, J. J., Boogaardg, H. L., de Grootg, H. L. E. and van Ittersum, M. K. (2019). Maize crop nutrient input requirements for food security in sub-Saharan Africa. Global Food Security, 23: 9-21.
  • Cagasan, U. A., Libre, M. J. P., Santiago, D. A., Cantoneros, J. A., Tumaca, C. M., Pablo, A. and Hamora, G. A. (2020) Assessment on the nutrient status of lowland rice soil using minus one element technique (MOET). Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research, 4(1): 56-63.
  • Carvalhais, L., Dennis, P., Fan, B., Fedoseyenko, D., Kierul, K., Becker, A. and Borriss, R. (2013). Linking plant nutritional status to plant-microbe interactions. Plos One, 8(7): e68555.
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  • Chen, J., Liu, L., Wang, Z., Zhang, Y., Sun, H., Song, S., Bai, Z., Lu, Z. and Li, C. (2020). Nitrogen fertilization increases root growth and coordinates the root–shoot relationship in cotton. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11(880): 1-13.
  • Dawar, K., Khan, A., Mian, I. A., Khan, B., Ali, S. and Ahmad, S. (2022). Maize productivity and soil nutrients variations by the application of vermicompost and biochar. PLoS ONE, 17(5): e0267483.
  • Ding, L., Wang, K. J., Jiang, J. M., Biswas, D. K., Xu, H., LI, L. F. and LI, Y. H. (2005). Effects of nitrogen deficiency on photosynthetic traits of maize hybrids released in different years. Annals of Botany, 96(5): 925–930.
  • Du, Q., Zhao, X., Jiang, C., Wang, X., Han, Y., Wang, J. and Yu, H. (2017). Effect of potassium deficiency on root growth and nutrient uptake in maize (Zea mays L.). Agricultural Sciences, 08(11): 1263-1277.
  • Descalsota, J. P., Mamaril, C. P., San Valentin, G. O., Corton, T. M. and Obien, S. R. (2000). Biological Method for Diagnosis of Nutrient Limitations and Balancing Fertilizer Application to Lowland Rice Soils. Bureau of Agricultural Research 12th National Research Symposium, Oct 4-5.
  • Dwyer, L. M., Ma, B. L., Stewart, D. W., Hayhoe, H. N. and Balchin, D. (1996). Root mass distribution under conventional and conservation tillage. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 76: 23–28.
  • El-Sheekh, M. M., Galal, H. R. and Mousa, A. S. H. (2024). Impact of macronutrients and salinity stress on biomass and biochemical constituents in Monoraphidium braunii to enhance biodiesel production. Scientific Reports, 14: 2725.
  • FAO (2022). FAOSTAT: Production: Crops and livestock products. In: FAO. Rome. Cited December 2022.
  • Guo, S., Liu, Z., Zhou, Z., Lu, T., Chen, S., He, M., Zeng, X., Chen, K., Yu, H. and Shangguan, Y. (2022). Root system architecture differences of maize cultivars affect yield and nitrogen accumulation in southwest china. Agriculture, 12 (209): 1-14.
  • Guo, S. (2023). Dynamic transcriptome analysis unravels key regulatory genes of maize root growth and development in response to potassium deficiency. Planta, 258: 99
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  • Haque, M. M., Sha, A. L., Biswas, J. C., Islam, M. R., Islam, A. and Naher, U. A. (2019). Effect of missing nutrient elements on grain yield of wet season rice in Bangladesh. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 10: 631-639.
  • Hasanuzzaman, M., Bhuyan, M. H. M. B., Nahar, K., Hossain, M. S., Mahmud, J. A., Hossen, M. S., Masud, A. A. C. and Moumita, Fujita, M. (2018). Potassium: a vital regulator of plant responses and tolerance to abiotic stresses. Agronomy, 8: 31.
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From Practice to Science: Assessment Soil Nutrient Status Using “Minus One Element Technique (MOET)” for Early Growth of Maize

Year 2025, Volume: 22 Issue: 1, 35 - 45, 29.01.2025


Soil nutrient deficiency will influence maize growth, so it is necessary to add nutrients based on the fertility status of the soil. One way to find out the nutrient soil status using a simple method is using the minus one element technique (MOET). The minus one element technique (MOET) determines which element is the limiting factor. This study was carried out to confirm the nutrient soil status using the minus one element technique (MOET) with the early growth of maize as the indicator. The research was conducted in greenhouse, Polytechnic of Lamandau, Central Borneo, Indonesia, at an altitude of 50 m above sea level. The research used a non-factorial design arranged in a completely randomized block design and five fertilizer treatments based on the minus one element technique consisting of control (without fertilization), PK, NP, NK, and NPK with three replications. The results showed that the deficiency of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus reduced the growth of maize, leaf greenness, photosynthetic rate, and especially the total dry weight of the plant. The dry weight of maize roots decreased by 18.85% - 75.47% when N, P, and K fertilizer were not applied. Then the decrease in photosynthesis rate ranged from 18.23% to 46.21% when N, P, and K fertilizer were not applied. The low of photosynthesis rates resulted in the accumulation of plant dry weight was hampered, and there was a decrease of 8.00% -74.43%. The results of the evaluation of fertility status are based on the results of the relative dry weight of the plant, which was <80% in the PK and NP fertilization treatments, meaning that nitrogen and potassium were deficient in the soil.

Ethical Statement

There is no need to obtain permission from the ethics committee for this study.


Acknowledgments to LPPM Universitas Diponegoro and Professor Sugiharto for their suggestions and directions in the research and writing of this article.


  • Aghdam, M. (2023). The effect of stopping irrigation, potassium and low consumption elements on growth indicators of fodder corn. Nutrition and Food Processing, 6(3): 01-07.
  • Ahmadu, R., Law-Ogbomo, K. E. and Ogedegbe, S. A. (2020). Comparative effects of some soil amendments on the agronomic performance of maize varieties in a low fertile soil. Notulae Scientia Biologicae, 12(1): 189-195.
  • Akgül, F. and Akgül, R. (2022). Combined effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on growth and biochemical composition of Tetradesmus obliquus (turpin) m.j. wynne. International Journal of Secondary Metabolite, 9(4): 525-537.
  • Aliyu, K. T., Huising, J., Kamara, A. Y., Jibrin J. M., Mohammed, I. B., Nziguheba, G., Adam, A. M. and Vanlauwe, B. (2021). Understanding nutrient imbalances in maize (Zea mays L.) using the diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (DRIS) approach in the Maize belt of Nigeria. Scientifc Reports, 11: 16018.
  • Amanullah, Iqbal, A., Irfanullah and Hidayat, Z. (2016). Potassium management for improving growth and grain yield of maize (Zea mays L.) under moisture stress condition. Scientific Reports, 6(34627): 1-12.
  • Argenta, G., Regis Ferreira da Silva, P. and Sangoi, L. (2004). Leaf relative chlorophyll content as an indicator to predict nitrogen fertilization in maize. Ciencia Rural, 34: 1379–1387.
  • Attia, H., Rebah, F., Ouhibi, C., Saleh, M. A., Althobaiti, A. T., Alamer, K. H., Ben Nasri, M. and Lachaâl, M. (2022). Effect of potassium deficiency on physiological responses and anatomical structure of basil Ocimum basilicum L. Biology, 11: 1557.
  • Azhiri-Sigari, T., Gines, H. C., Casimero, M. C. and Sebastian, L. S. (2003). Soil fertility status of Philrice Ces Ricefields in Maligaya, Nueva Ecija by soil analysis & minus-one-element technique (MOET). Philippine Journal of Crop Science, 28(3): 31-47.
  • Basal, O. and Szabo, A. (2020). Yield and quality of two soybean cultivars in response to drought and N fertilization. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 17(2): 203-210.
  • Berge, H. F. M., Hijbeekb, R., van Loonb, M. P., Rurindac, J., Tesfayed, K., Zingorec, S., Craufurde, P., van Heerwaardenb, J., Brentrupf, F., Schrödera, J. J., Boogaardg, H. L., de Grootg, H. L. E. and van Ittersum, M. K. (2019). Maize crop nutrient input requirements for food security in sub-Saharan Africa. Global Food Security, 23: 9-21.
  • Cagasan, U. A., Libre, M. J. P., Santiago, D. A., Cantoneros, J. A., Tumaca, C. M., Pablo, A. and Hamora, G. A. (2020) Assessment on the nutrient status of lowland rice soil using minus one element technique (MOET). Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research, 4(1): 56-63.
  • Carvalhais, L., Dennis, P., Fan, B., Fedoseyenko, D., Kierul, K., Becker, A. and Borriss, R. (2013). Linking plant nutritional status to plant-microbe interactions. Plos One, 8(7): e68555.
  • Cendrero-Mateo, M. P., Moran, M. S., Papuga, S. A., Thorp, K. R., Alonso, L., Moreno, J., Ponce-Campos, G., Rascher, U. and Wang, G. (2015). Plant chlorophyll fluorescence: Active and passive measurements at canopy and leaf scales with different nitrogen treatments. Journal of Experimental Botany, 67: 275–286.
  • Chen, J., Liu, L., Wang, Z., Zhang, Y., Sun, H., Song, S., Bai, Z., Lu, Z. and Li, C. (2020). Nitrogen fertilization increases root growth and coordinates the root–shoot relationship in cotton. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11(880): 1-13.
  • Dawar, K., Khan, A., Mian, I. A., Khan, B., Ali, S. and Ahmad, S. (2022). Maize productivity and soil nutrients variations by the application of vermicompost and biochar. PLoS ONE, 17(5): e0267483.
  • Ding, L., Wang, K. J., Jiang, J. M., Biswas, D. K., Xu, H., LI, L. F. and LI, Y. H. (2005). Effects of nitrogen deficiency on photosynthetic traits of maize hybrids released in different years. Annals of Botany, 96(5): 925–930.
  • Du, Q., Zhao, X., Jiang, C., Wang, X., Han, Y., Wang, J. and Yu, H. (2017). Effect of potassium deficiency on root growth and nutrient uptake in maize (Zea mays L.). Agricultural Sciences, 08(11): 1263-1277.
  • Descalsota, J. P., Mamaril, C. P., San Valentin, G. O., Corton, T. M. and Obien, S. R. (2000). Biological Method for Diagnosis of Nutrient Limitations and Balancing Fertilizer Application to Lowland Rice Soils. Bureau of Agricultural Research 12th National Research Symposium, Oct 4-5.
  • Dwyer, L. M., Ma, B. L., Stewart, D. W., Hayhoe, H. N. and Balchin, D. (1996). Root mass distribution under conventional and conservation tillage. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 76: 23–28.
  • El-Sheekh, M. M., Galal, H. R. and Mousa, A. S. H. (2024). Impact of macronutrients and salinity stress on biomass and biochemical constituents in Monoraphidium braunii to enhance biodiesel production. Scientific Reports, 14: 2725.
  • FAO (2022). FAOSTAT: Production: Crops and livestock products. In: FAO. Rome. Cited December 2022.
  • Guo, S., Liu, Z., Zhou, Z., Lu, T., Chen, S., He, M., Zeng, X., Chen, K., Yu, H. and Shangguan, Y. (2022). Root system architecture differences of maize cultivars affect yield and nitrogen accumulation in southwest china. Agriculture, 12 (209): 1-14.
  • Guo, S. (2023). Dynamic transcriptome analysis unravels key regulatory genes of maize root growth and development in response to potassium deficiency. Planta, 258: 99
  • Han, Q. M. (2011). Height-related decreases in mesophyll conductance, leaf photosynthesis and compensating adjustments associated with leaf nitrogen concentrations in Pinus densiflora. Tree Physiology, 31: 976–984.
  • Haque, M. M., Sha, A. L., Biswas, J. C., Islam, M. R., Islam, A. and Naher, U. A. (2019). Effect of missing nutrient elements on grain yield of wet season rice in Bangladesh. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 10: 631-639.
  • Hasanuzzaman, M., Bhuyan, M. H. M. B., Nahar, K., Hossain, M. S., Mahmud, J. A., Hossen, M. S., Masud, A. A. C. and Moumita, Fujita, M. (2018). Potassium: a vital regulator of plant responses and tolerance to abiotic stresses. Agronomy, 8: 31.
  • Hiratsuka, S., Suzuki, M., Nishimura, H. and Nada, K. (2015). Fruit photosynthesis in Satsuma mandarin. Plant Science, 241: 65–69.
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There are 72 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agronomy
Journal Section Articles

Fajrin Pramana Putra 0000-0001-6778-0775

Bhaskara Anggarda Gathot Subrata This is me 0000-0003-4191-9841

Rosyida Rosyida This is me 0009-0006-3405-6303

Muhamad Ghazi Agam Sas This is me 0000-0002-1245-7003

Early Pub Date January 14, 2025
Publication Date January 29, 2025
Submission Date September 9, 2023
Acceptance Date January 3, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 22 Issue: 1


APA Putra, F. P., Subrata, B. A. G., Rosyida, R., Sas, M. G. A. (2025). From Practice to Science: Assessment Soil Nutrient Status Using “Minus One Element Technique (MOET)” for Early Growth of Maize. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(1), 35-45.
AMA Putra FP, Subrata BAG, Rosyida R, Sas MGA. From Practice to Science: Assessment Soil Nutrient Status Using “Minus One Element Technique (MOET)” for Early Growth of Maize. JOTAF. January 2025;22(1):35-45. doi:10.33462/jotaf.1357615
Chicago Putra, Fajrin Pramana, Bhaskara Anggarda Gathot Subrata, Rosyida Rosyida, and Muhamad Ghazi Agam Sas. “From Practice to Science: Assessment Soil Nutrient Status Using ‘Minus One Element Technique (MOET)’ for Early Growth of Maize”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 22, no. 1 (January 2025): 35-45.
EndNote Putra FP, Subrata BAG, Rosyida R, Sas MGA (January 1, 2025) From Practice to Science: Assessment Soil Nutrient Status Using “Minus One Element Technique (MOET)” for Early Growth of Maize. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 22 1 35–45.
IEEE F. P. Putra, B. A. G. Subrata, R. Rosyida, and M. G. A. Sas, “From Practice to Science: Assessment Soil Nutrient Status Using ‘Minus One Element Technique (MOET)’ for Early Growth of Maize”, JOTAF, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 35–45, 2025, doi: 10.33462/jotaf.1357615.
ISNAD Putra, Fajrin Pramana et al. “From Practice to Science: Assessment Soil Nutrient Status Using ‘Minus One Element Technique (MOET)’ for Early Growth of Maize”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 22/1 (January 2025), 35-45.
JAMA Putra FP, Subrata BAG, Rosyida R, Sas MGA. From Practice to Science: Assessment Soil Nutrient Status Using “Minus One Element Technique (MOET)” for Early Growth of Maize. JOTAF. 2025;22:35–45.
MLA Putra, Fajrin Pramana et al. “From Practice to Science: Assessment Soil Nutrient Status Using ‘Minus One Element Technique (MOET)’ for Early Growth of Maize”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 22, no. 1, 2025, pp. 35-45, doi:10.33462/jotaf.1357615.
Vancouver Putra FP, Subrata BAG, Rosyida R, Sas MGA. From Practice to Science: Assessment Soil Nutrient Status Using “Minus One Element Technique (MOET)” for Early Growth of Maize. JOTAF. 2025;22(1):35-4.