Research Article
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Understanding the Nexus of Extension Teaching Methods and Adoption of Improved Agricultural Production Technologies: Empirical Evidence from Cowpea Farmers in Kogi State, Nigeria

Year 2025, Volume: 22 Issue: 1, 122 - 133, 29.01.2025


This study assessed the nexus of extension teaching methods and the adoption of improved production technologies. A three-staged sampling technique was adopted in selecting two hundred (200) cowpea farmers. Primary data obtained using the Kobocollect toolbox was analyzed with adoption score/index and ordered probit regression model. Findings from this study showed that 79 % of the respondents were males while 21 % were females. The mean age among cowpea farmers was 49 years. Furthermore, 90.5 % of the respondents adopted the recommended seed rate, 87 % adopted the recommended planting date, and 84.5 % adopted the recommended weeding time. Most (20.5 %) of the respondents had an adoption score and index of 8 and 0.57; while 1.5 % of the cowpea farmers recorded an adoption score and adoption index of 10 and 0.7. Also, 45 % of the cowpea farmers were in the low adoption category, and 27.5 % of each of the sampled cowpea farmers were found in the medium and high adoption category. Individual extension teaching method (β = 1.192), mass extension teaching method (β = -0.189), a combination of individual, group and mass extension teaching methods (β = 0.044), gender (β = -0.124), farming experience (β = -0.019), and income (β = -0.00000276) significantly influenced the extent of adoption of recommended cowpea production practices. The study concluded that individual, and a combination of individual, mass and group extension teaching methods have positive effects on the extent of adoption of recommended cowpea production practices. Amongst others, the study recommended the use of these teaching methods by both private and public extension agents in disseminating information on improved farming practices.

Ethical Statement

There is no need to obtain permission from the ethics committee for this study.


  • Adejo, P. E., Ahmed, T. A. and Ebenehi, O. (2019). Appraisal of extension service delivery to goat farmers in Kabba/Bunu Local Government Area of Kogi State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture and Food Science 1(1): 27-31.
  • Agwu, A. E. (2006). Adoption of improved oil palm production and processing technologies in Arochukwu Local Government Area of Abia State, Nigeria. Agro-science: Journal of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Extension, 5(1) 25-35.
  • Ahmed T. A. and Adisa R. S. (2017). Perceived Effectiveness of Agricultural Extension Methods Used to Disseminate Improved Technologies to Rice Farmers in Kogi State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Science, Research and Technology in Extension and Education Systems, 7(1): 27-34.
  • Ajanya, S., Obinne, C. P. O. and Saliu, O. J. (2014). An analysis of the adoption of glyphosate herbicide for the control of speargrass (Imperata cylindrica) by yam farmers in Guinea Savanna Agricultural Zone of Nigeria. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 4(12): 1718-1730.
  • Ajayi, F. O. and Adeyemi, A. A. (2016). Factors ınfluencing the adoption of moringa plant cultivation among farming households in South-Western Nigeria: A tobit approach. International Journal of Innovative Food, Nutrition &Sustainable Agriculture, 4(4): 15-24.
  • Bolarinwa, K. A., Ogunkanmi, L. A., Ogundipe, O. T., Agboola, O. O., and Amusa, O. D. (2022). An investigation of cowpea production constraints and preferences among small holder farmers in Nigeria. GeoJournal, 87(4): 2993-3005.
  • Canan, S. and Uluışık, E. N. (2024). Vegetable losses and waste along the supply chain and farmers’ willingness to pay for recycling: towards to green supply chain. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 21(1): 148-165.
  • Ebenehi, O. and Ahmed, T. A. (2019) Perceived relevance of extension methods used to disseminate faro-44 rice variety to rice farmers in Kogi State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture and Nutrition, 1(1):19- 21.
  • Ebenehi, O., Ahmed, T. A. and Barnabas, T. M. (2018). Evaluation of extension services delivery for climate change adaptation by crop farmers in Niger State, Nigeria. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 27(1): 1–13.
  • Eze, C. C., Amanze, B. and Nwankwo, O. (2010). Resource use efficiency in arable crop production among smallholder farmers in Owerri Agricultural Zone of Imo State, Nigeria. Researcher, 2(5): 14-20.
  • Ezeh, C. I., Anyiro, C. O., Ehiemere, I. O. and Obioma, N. Q. (2012). Gender issues on poverty alleviation programmes in Nigeria; the case of the National Fadama 1 Development Project in Abia State, Nigeria. Agris on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, 4(3): 15-20.
  • FAOSTAT (2023). Crops and Livestock Products. (Accessed Date: 20.05.2024)
  • Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO (2018). Extension and Communication. (Accesed Date: 12.06.2020)
  • Garforth, C. (2001). Agricultural knowledge and information systems in Hagaz, Eritrea. SD Dimensions, October.
  • ICRISAT (2017). Enhancing cowpea productivity and production in drought-prone areas of Sub-saharan Africa.
  • Idrisa, Y. L., Ogunbameru, B. O. and Amaza, P. S. (2012). Influence of farmers’ socio-economic and technology characteristics on soybean seeds technology adoption in southern Borno State, Nigeria. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(12): 1394–1398.
  • Imoloame, E. O. (2013). Herbicide utilization by farmers in Moro Local Government Area of Kwara State. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 3(7): 571 – 578.
  • Mohammed, S. B., Mohammad, I. F., Pangirayi, T. B., Vernon, G., Dzidzienyo, D. K., Umar, M. L., and Umar, S. (2020). Farmers’ knowledge, perception, and use of phosphorus fertilization for cowpea production in Northern Guinea Savannah of Nigeria. Heliyon, 6(10): e05207.
  • National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) (2019). Nigerian Gross Domestic Product Report. (Accesed Date: 24.04.2021)
  • National Population Commission (NPC) (2006) Population and housing census enumerators manual. Federal Republic of Nigeria, National Population Commission, Nigeria, pp: 1-16.
  • Nogay, Y. and Azabağaoğlu, M. (2024). Analysis of factors affecting corn seed preferences of producers: Case of Sakarya Province, Turkey. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 21(1): 125-138.
  • Nordhagen, S., Onuigbo-Chatta, N., Lambertini, E., Wenndt, A. and Okoruwa, A. (2023). Perspectives on food safety across traditional market supply chains in Nigeria. Food and Humanity, 1: 333-342.
  • Nwalieji, H and Nnabueze, N. (2018). Farmers’ perception of effectiveness of agricultural extension agents in Anambra State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Science, Research and Technology in Extension and Education Systems, 8(2):103-110.
  • Obibuaku, L. O. and Hursh, G. D. (1994). Farm practice adoption in the Eastern States of Nigeria, Journal of Agricultural Administration (1): 18-20.
  • Okwoche, V. A.; Obinne, C. P.O. and Onugba, J. A. (2011) Adoption of herbicides and fertilizers among rural farmers of Zone B Area of Kogi State Agricultural Development Project, Kogi State, Nigeria. Asian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 3(5) 389-392.
  • Oladele, O. J. (1999). Analysis of the institutional research – extension farmers linkage system in South Western Nigerian. (Ph.D Thesis-Unpublished) Development of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
  • Olumba, C. C. and Rahji, M. A. Y. (2014). An analysis of the determinants of te adoption of improved plantain technologies in Anambra State, Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Sustainability 5(2): 232 – 245.
  • Osipitan, O., Fields, J., Lo, S., Cuvaca, I. (2021). Production systems and prospects of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) in the United States. Agronomy, 11: 2312.
  • Rees, D.J., Momanyi, M., Wekundah, J., Ndungu, F., Odondi, J., Oyure, A.O., Andima, D., Kamau, M., Ndubi, J., Musembi, F., Mwaura, L. and Joldersma, R. (2000). Agricultural knowledge and information systems in Kenya: implications for technology dissemination and development. The Agricultural Research and Extension Network Paper, (Accessed Date: 11.06.2021).
  • Sabo, E., R. Bashir, A. Gidado, R. Sani and Adeniji, O. (2014). Investigation on production constraints and adoption of inorganic insecticides and spraying regime in management of cowpea (Vigna uncuiculata L. Walp) insects in Mubi zone, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, 6(1): 11-20.
  • Sarı Gedik, D. and Yılmaz, E. (2023). Determination of the factors affecting the level of benefit from young farmer project support in rural development: Tekirdag Sample, Türkiye. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 20(2): 418-429.
  • Shaibu, U. M., Ibitoye, S. J., Oyibo, F. O., Emeje, C. A. and Shaibu, D. O. (2020). Assessment of crop farmers’ willingness to take (WTT) agricultural insurance scheme in Kogi State, Nigeria: Application of turnbull estimator. Revista e-Agronegocios, 6(1):1 – 12.
  • Shaibu, U. M., Umeh, J. C., Abu, G. A., Abu, O. and Egyir, I. S. (2023). Econometric modeling of the nexus of agricultural policy and food security in Nigeria: A dummy variable regression approach. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 23(6): 23763-23785.
  • Simon, B. P., Ndaghu, A. A. and Yohanna, I. (2013). Awareness of sustainable agricultural land management practices among crop farmers in Northern Part of Taraba State, Nigeria. Journal of Science and Technology, 3(5):557-560.
  • Tenebe, V. A and Mundi N. E. (2008). Comparative Study of Direct Extension Teaching Methods (DET) and Open and Distance Learning (ODL) on Technology Adoption Rate by Cowpea Farmers in Bauchi Nigeria. 2nd ACDE Conference Lagos.
  • Uzokwe, U. (2015). Contribution of women to household expenditure in rural communities of Ughelli North Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International, 12(2): 1-6.

Understanding the Nexus of Extension Teaching Methods and Adoption of Improved Agricultural Production Technologies: Empirical Evidence from Cowpea Farmers in Kogi State, Nigeria

Year 2025, Volume: 22 Issue: 1, 122 - 133, 29.01.2025


This study assessed the nexus of extension teaching methods and the adoption of improved production technologies. A three-staged sampling technique was adopted in selecting two hundred (200) cowpea farmers. Primary data obtained using the Kobocollect toolbox was analyzed with adoption score/index and ordered probit regression model. Findings from this study showed that 79 % of the respondents were males while 21 % were females. The mean age among cowpea farmers was 49 years. Furthermore, 90.5 % of the respondents adopted the recommended seed rate, 87 % adopted the recommended planting date, and 84.5 % adopted the recommended weeding time. Most (20.5 %) of the respondents had an adoption score and index of 8 and 0.57; while 1.5 % of the cowpea farmers recorded an adoption score and adoption index of 10 and 0.7. Also, 45 % of the cowpea farmers were in the low adoption category, and 27.5 % of each of the sampled cowpea farmers were found in the medium and high adoption category. Individual extension teaching method (β = 1.192), mass extension teaching method (β = -0.189), a combination of individual, group and mass extension teaching methods (β = 0.044), gender (β = -0.124), farming experience (β = -0.019), and income (β = -0.00000276) significantly influenced the extent of adoption of recommended cowpea production practices. The study concluded that individual, and a combination of individual, mass and group extension teaching methods have positive effects on the extent of adoption of recommended cowpea production practices. Amongst others, the study recommended the use of these teaching methods by both private and public extension agents in disseminating information on improved farming practices.


  • Adejo, P. E., Ahmed, T. A. and Ebenehi, O. (2019). Appraisal of extension service delivery to goat farmers in Kabba/Bunu Local Government Area of Kogi State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture and Food Science 1(1): 27-31.
  • Agwu, A. E. (2006). Adoption of improved oil palm production and processing technologies in Arochukwu Local Government Area of Abia State, Nigeria. Agro-science: Journal of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Extension, 5(1) 25-35.
  • Ahmed T. A. and Adisa R. S. (2017). Perceived Effectiveness of Agricultural Extension Methods Used to Disseminate Improved Technologies to Rice Farmers in Kogi State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Science, Research and Technology in Extension and Education Systems, 7(1): 27-34.
  • Ajanya, S., Obinne, C. P. O. and Saliu, O. J. (2014). An analysis of the adoption of glyphosate herbicide for the control of speargrass (Imperata cylindrica) by yam farmers in Guinea Savanna Agricultural Zone of Nigeria. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 4(12): 1718-1730.
  • Ajayi, F. O. and Adeyemi, A. A. (2016). Factors ınfluencing the adoption of moringa plant cultivation among farming households in South-Western Nigeria: A tobit approach. International Journal of Innovative Food, Nutrition &Sustainable Agriculture, 4(4): 15-24.
  • Bolarinwa, K. A., Ogunkanmi, L. A., Ogundipe, O. T., Agboola, O. O., and Amusa, O. D. (2022). An investigation of cowpea production constraints and preferences among small holder farmers in Nigeria. GeoJournal, 87(4): 2993-3005.
  • Canan, S. and Uluışık, E. N. (2024). Vegetable losses and waste along the supply chain and farmers’ willingness to pay for recycling: towards to green supply chain. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 21(1): 148-165.
  • Ebenehi, O. and Ahmed, T. A. (2019) Perceived relevance of extension methods used to disseminate faro-44 rice variety to rice farmers in Kogi State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture and Nutrition, 1(1):19- 21.
  • Ebenehi, O., Ahmed, T. A. and Barnabas, T. M. (2018). Evaluation of extension services delivery for climate change adaptation by crop farmers in Niger State, Nigeria. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 27(1): 1–13.
  • Eze, C. C., Amanze, B. and Nwankwo, O. (2010). Resource use efficiency in arable crop production among smallholder farmers in Owerri Agricultural Zone of Imo State, Nigeria. Researcher, 2(5): 14-20.
  • Ezeh, C. I., Anyiro, C. O., Ehiemere, I. O. and Obioma, N. Q. (2012). Gender issues on poverty alleviation programmes in Nigeria; the case of the National Fadama 1 Development Project in Abia State, Nigeria. Agris on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, 4(3): 15-20.
  • FAOSTAT (2023). Crops and Livestock Products. (Accessed Date: 20.05.2024)
  • Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO (2018). Extension and Communication. (Accesed Date: 12.06.2020)
  • Garforth, C. (2001). Agricultural knowledge and information systems in Hagaz, Eritrea. SD Dimensions, October.
  • ICRISAT (2017). Enhancing cowpea productivity and production in drought-prone areas of Sub-saharan Africa.
  • Idrisa, Y. L., Ogunbameru, B. O. and Amaza, P. S. (2012). Influence of farmers’ socio-economic and technology characteristics on soybean seeds technology adoption in southern Borno State, Nigeria. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(12): 1394–1398.
  • Imoloame, E. O. (2013). Herbicide utilization by farmers in Moro Local Government Area of Kwara State. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 3(7): 571 – 578.
  • Mohammed, S. B., Mohammad, I. F., Pangirayi, T. B., Vernon, G., Dzidzienyo, D. K., Umar, M. L., and Umar, S. (2020). Farmers’ knowledge, perception, and use of phosphorus fertilization for cowpea production in Northern Guinea Savannah of Nigeria. Heliyon, 6(10): e05207.
  • National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) (2019). Nigerian Gross Domestic Product Report. (Accesed Date: 24.04.2021)
  • National Population Commission (NPC) (2006) Population and housing census enumerators manual. Federal Republic of Nigeria, National Population Commission, Nigeria, pp: 1-16.
  • Nogay, Y. and Azabağaoğlu, M. (2024). Analysis of factors affecting corn seed preferences of producers: Case of Sakarya Province, Turkey. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 21(1): 125-138.
  • Nordhagen, S., Onuigbo-Chatta, N., Lambertini, E., Wenndt, A. and Okoruwa, A. (2023). Perspectives on food safety across traditional market supply chains in Nigeria. Food and Humanity, 1: 333-342.
  • Nwalieji, H and Nnabueze, N. (2018). Farmers’ perception of effectiveness of agricultural extension agents in Anambra State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Science, Research and Technology in Extension and Education Systems, 8(2):103-110.
  • Obibuaku, L. O. and Hursh, G. D. (1994). Farm practice adoption in the Eastern States of Nigeria, Journal of Agricultural Administration (1): 18-20.
  • Okwoche, V. A.; Obinne, C. P.O. and Onugba, J. A. (2011) Adoption of herbicides and fertilizers among rural farmers of Zone B Area of Kogi State Agricultural Development Project, Kogi State, Nigeria. Asian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 3(5) 389-392.
  • Oladele, O. J. (1999). Analysis of the institutional research – extension farmers linkage system in South Western Nigerian. (Ph.D Thesis-Unpublished) Development of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
  • Olumba, C. C. and Rahji, M. A. Y. (2014). An analysis of the determinants of te adoption of improved plantain technologies in Anambra State, Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Sustainability 5(2): 232 – 245.
  • Osipitan, O., Fields, J., Lo, S., Cuvaca, I. (2021). Production systems and prospects of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) in the United States. Agronomy, 11: 2312.
  • Rees, D.J., Momanyi, M., Wekundah, J., Ndungu, F., Odondi, J., Oyure, A.O., Andima, D., Kamau, M., Ndubi, J., Musembi, F., Mwaura, L. and Joldersma, R. (2000). Agricultural knowledge and information systems in Kenya: implications for technology dissemination and development. The Agricultural Research and Extension Network Paper, (Accessed Date: 11.06.2021).
  • Sabo, E., R. Bashir, A. Gidado, R. Sani and Adeniji, O. (2014). Investigation on production constraints and adoption of inorganic insecticides and spraying regime in management of cowpea (Vigna uncuiculata L. Walp) insects in Mubi zone, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, 6(1): 11-20.
  • Sarı Gedik, D. and Yılmaz, E. (2023). Determination of the factors affecting the level of benefit from young farmer project support in rural development: Tekirdag Sample, Türkiye. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 20(2): 418-429.
  • Shaibu, U. M., Ibitoye, S. J., Oyibo, F. O., Emeje, C. A. and Shaibu, D. O. (2020). Assessment of crop farmers’ willingness to take (WTT) agricultural insurance scheme in Kogi State, Nigeria: Application of turnbull estimator. Revista e-Agronegocios, 6(1):1 – 12.
  • Shaibu, U. M., Umeh, J. C., Abu, G. A., Abu, O. and Egyir, I. S. (2023). Econometric modeling of the nexus of agricultural policy and food security in Nigeria: A dummy variable regression approach. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 23(6): 23763-23785.
  • Simon, B. P., Ndaghu, A. A. and Yohanna, I. (2013). Awareness of sustainable agricultural land management practices among crop farmers in Northern Part of Taraba State, Nigeria. Journal of Science and Technology, 3(5):557-560.
  • Tenebe, V. A and Mundi N. E. (2008). Comparative Study of Direct Extension Teaching Methods (DET) and Open and Distance Learning (ODL) on Technology Adoption Rate by Cowpea Farmers in Bauchi Nigeria. 2nd ACDE Conference Lagos.
  • Uzokwe, U. (2015). Contribution of women to household expenditure in rural communities of Ughelli North Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International, 12(2): 1-6.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Extension and Communication
Journal Section Articles

Patrick Adejo This is me 0000-0002-2940-0118

Damilola Shaibu 0000-0003-0364-4787

Ufedo Shaibu This is me 0000-0001-6657-8794

Early Pub Date January 14, 2025
Publication Date January 29, 2025
Submission Date February 20, 2024
Acceptance Date August 29, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 22 Issue: 1


APA Adejo, P., Shaibu, D., & Shaibu, U. (2025). Understanding the Nexus of Extension Teaching Methods and Adoption of Improved Agricultural Production Technologies: Empirical Evidence from Cowpea Farmers in Kogi State, Nigeria. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(1), 122-133.
AMA Adejo P, Shaibu D, Shaibu U. Understanding the Nexus of Extension Teaching Methods and Adoption of Improved Agricultural Production Technologies: Empirical Evidence from Cowpea Farmers in Kogi State, Nigeria. JOTAF. January 2025;22(1):122-133. doi:10.33462/jotaf.1439918
Chicago Adejo, Patrick, Damilola Shaibu, and Ufedo Shaibu. “Understanding the Nexus of Extension Teaching Methods and Adoption of Improved Agricultural Production Technologies: Empirical Evidence from Cowpea Farmers in Kogi State, Nigeria”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 22, no. 1 (January 2025): 122-33.
EndNote Adejo P, Shaibu D, Shaibu U (January 1, 2025) Understanding the Nexus of Extension Teaching Methods and Adoption of Improved Agricultural Production Technologies: Empirical Evidence from Cowpea Farmers in Kogi State, Nigeria. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 22 1 122–133.
IEEE P. Adejo, D. Shaibu, and U. Shaibu, “Understanding the Nexus of Extension Teaching Methods and Adoption of Improved Agricultural Production Technologies: Empirical Evidence from Cowpea Farmers in Kogi State, Nigeria”, JOTAF, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 122–133, 2025, doi: 10.33462/jotaf.1439918.
ISNAD Adejo, Patrick et al. “Understanding the Nexus of Extension Teaching Methods and Adoption of Improved Agricultural Production Technologies: Empirical Evidence from Cowpea Farmers in Kogi State, Nigeria”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 22/1 (January 2025), 122-133.
JAMA Adejo P, Shaibu D, Shaibu U. Understanding the Nexus of Extension Teaching Methods and Adoption of Improved Agricultural Production Technologies: Empirical Evidence from Cowpea Farmers in Kogi State, Nigeria. JOTAF. 2025;22:122–133.
MLA Adejo, Patrick et al. “Understanding the Nexus of Extension Teaching Methods and Adoption of Improved Agricultural Production Technologies: Empirical Evidence from Cowpea Farmers in Kogi State, Nigeria”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 22, no. 1, 2025, pp. 122-33, doi:10.33462/jotaf.1439918.
Vancouver Adejo P, Shaibu D, Shaibu U. Understanding the Nexus of Extension Teaching Methods and Adoption of Improved Agricultural Production Technologies: Empirical Evidence from Cowpea Farmers in Kogi State, Nigeria. JOTAF. 2025;22(1):122-33.