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Muscari armeniacum (Üzüm Sümbülü) Yetiştiriciliğinde Tuzdan Arındırılmış Deniz Suyu Kullanım Olanaklarının Belirlenmesi

Year 2025, Volume: 22 Issue: 1, 233 - 243, 29.01.2025


İçinde bulunduğumuz zaman diliminde kırsal alanlardan kentsel alanlara doğru yapılan göçler ile birlikte gerçekleşen nüfus artışı, sanayileşme ve yapılaşma ile birlikte dünya üzerinde birçok çevre sorunu meydana gelmiştir. Tüm bu gelişmelere bağlı olarak meydana gelen çevre sorunları içerisinde; içilebilir ve kullanılabilir tatlı su kaynaklarındaki azalma, küresel ısınma, iklim değişikliği ve kuraklık bu çevre sorunlarının başında gelmektedir. Bu çalışma, Muscari armeniacum Leichtlin ex Baker yetiştiriciliğinde tuzdan arındırılmış deniz suyunun kullanım olasılığını belirlemek amacıyla Türkiye’nin İzmir ilinde özel bir apartman dairesine ait açık alanda gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın amacına bağlı olarak Muscari armeniacum Leichtlin ex Baker, tuzdan arındırılmış deniz suyu ve musluk suyu (kontrol) kullanılarak yetiştirilmiştir. Tuzdan arındırılmış deniz suyunun bitki gelişimi üzerindeki etkisini belirlemek için yaprak uzunluğu, yaprak genişliği, kök uzunluğu, toprak altı kısım ağırlığı, yavru soğan sayısı ve üst aksam ağırlığı parametreleri ölçülmüştür. Muscari armeniacum Leichtlin ex Baker bitkileri, deneme süreci boyunca tuzdan arındırılmış deniz suyu kullanımında normal büyüme gösterdiği gözlemlenmiştir. Yapılan istatistiksel analizlere göre, tuzdan arındırılmış deniz suyu ve musluk suyu kullanımlarının bitkiler üzerinde sadece yaprak uzunluğu ve yaprak genişliği parametrelerinde gösterdiği farklılık önemli olarak görülmüştür. Musluk suyu (kontrol) kullanımında ortalama yaprak uzunluğu 54.47 cm, yaprak genişliği 5.71 mm olurken, tuzdan arındırılmış deniz suyu arıtımında ortalama yaprak uzunluğu 53.47 cm, yaprak genişliği ise 5.19 mm olarak gerçekleşmiştir. Sulama suyu kaynaklarının diğer parametrelere etkisi istatiksel olarak önemsiz bulunmuştur. Çalışmanın sonucu olarak Muscari armeniacum Leichtlin ex Baker bitkisi yetiştiriciliğinde tuzdan arındırılmış deniz suyu kullanılabilir olduğu görülmüştür. Tuzdan arındırılmış deniz suyunun farklı süs bitkisi türlerinin yetiştiriciliğinde kullanım olanaklarının değerlendirildiği çalışmaların yapılmasının literatüre katkı sağlayacağı yönünde tavsiyelerde bulunulmuştur.

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There is no need to obtain permission from the ethics committee for this study.


  • Alabdula'aly, A. I. (1997). Fluoride content in drinking water supplies of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 48: 261-272.
  • Antolinos, V., Sanchez-Martinez, M. J., Maestre-Valero, J. F., Lopez-Gomez, A. and Martinez-Hernandez, G. B. (2020). Effects of irrigation with desalinated seawater and hydroponic system on tomato quality. Water, 12(2): 518.
  • Aznar-Sanchez, J. A., Belmonte-Urena, L. J., Velasco-Munoz, J. F. and Valera, D. L. (2021). Farmers’ profiles and behaviours toward desalinated seawater for irrigation: Insights from South-east Spain. Journal of Cleaner Production, 296: 126568.
  • Bakanoğulları, F., Bahar, E., Kıvrak, C. and Gür, M. (2022). Assessment of meteorological and agricultural drought analysis in Kırklareli province. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 19(4): 756-768.
  • Beyaz, R. (2023). Germination and seedling properties of Lotus corniculatus L. under simulated drought stress. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 20(4): 879-889.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Çokluk, Ö. and Köklü, N. (2011). Normalization Test. In: Statistics for Social Sciences. Pegem Akademi Publications, Turkey.
  • Gürsoy, M. (2009). Biological studies on some muscari miller species (Muscari armeniacum Leichtlin Ex Baker, Muscari neglectum Guss.) distributed in Western Anatolia. (Master's Thesis). Celal Bayar University, Institute of Science and Technology, Manisa, Türkiye.
  • Jeon, S. M., Chung, M. Y. and Kim, C. K. (2011). Effect of plant regulators on direct shoot formation and bulblet formation from flower stalk culture of Muscari armeniacum 'Early Giant'. Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences, 29: 21-27. (In Korean)
  • Kahraman, Ö. (2019). Effects of taking flower buds at different developmental periods on bulb and plant development of Muscari armeniacum Leichtlin ex Baker. Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 34(1): 12-17.
  • Kahraman, Ö. (2020). Growing of Muscari armeniacum (Grape Hyacinth) at different planting depths. Journal of Agriculture and Nature, 23(6): 1441-1448.
  • Kavuran, D. and Yılmaz, R. (2022). Selection of appropriate plant species in xeriscape studies: Süleymanpaşa, Tekirdağ example. Landscape, 4(2): 69-91.
  • Kılıçaslan, N. and Dönmez, Ş. (2016). The use of bulbous plants growing naturally in the lake’s region in landscape architecture. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 17(1): 73-82.
  • Laurenson, S., Bolan, N. S., Smith, E. and McCarthy, M. (2012). Use of recycled wastewater for irrigating grapevines. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, 18(1): 1-10.
  • Maestre-Valero, J. F., Martínez-Alvarez, V., Jódar-Conesa, F. J., Acosta, J. A., Martin-Gorriz, B., Robles, J. M., ... and Navarro, J. M. (2020). Short-term response of young mandarin trees to desalinated seawater irrigation. Water, 12(1): 159.
  • Martínez-Alvarez, V., Imbernón-Mulero, A., Gallego-Elvira, B., Soto-García, M. and Maestre-Valero, J. F. (2023). Multidisciplinary assessment of the agricultural supply of desalinated seawater in south-eastern Spain. Desalination, 548: 116252.
  • Martinez-Mate, M. A., Martin-Gorriz, B., Martínez-Alvarez, V., Soto-García, M. and Maestre-Valero, J. F. (2018). Hydroponic system and desalinated seawater as an alternative farm-productive proposal in water scarcity areas: Energy and greenhouse gas emissions analysis of lettuce production in southeast Spain. Journal of Cleaner Production, 172: 1298-1310.
  • Nasar, M. (2014). Exploitation survey of sea water in agriculture of coastal deserts in Libya. Proceedings of the International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 4(2): 72.
  • Navarro, J. M., Antolinos, V., Botía, P. and Robles, J. M. (2023). Deficit Irrigation applied to lemon trees grafted on two rootstocks and irrigated with desalinated seawater. Plants, 12(12): 2300.
  • Polat, A. (2013). Reuse of treated wastewater for the sustainability of water resources. Turkish Journal of Scientific Reviews, (1): 58-62.
  • Polat Bulut, A. (2021). Seawater use and purification technologies for increasing water needs. Turkish Journal of Scientific Reviews, 14(2): 124-137.
  • Singh, A. (2021). A review of wastewater irrigation: Environmental implications. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 168: 105454.
  • Tanrıverdi O, D. (2019). Geophytes of Yalova Province and their use possibilities in landscape. (Master's Thesis). Bursa Uludağ University, Institute of Science and Technology, Bursa, Türkiye.
  • Zhang, Y. and Shen, Y. (2019). Wastewater irrigation: past, present, and future. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 6(3): 1234.

Determination of Desalinated Sea Water Usage Possibilities in Muscari armeniacum (Grape Hyacinth) Cultivation

Year 2025, Volume: 22 Issue: 1, 233 - 243, 29.01.2025


In the current period of time, many environmental problems have occurred in the world with the population increase, industrialization and construction, along with migration from rural areas to urban areas. Among the environmental problems that occur due to all these developments; the decrease in potable and usable freshwater resources, global warming, climate change and drought are the leading environmental problems. This study was carried out in the open field of a private apartment building in Izmir, Turkey to determine the possibility of using desalinated seawater in the cultivation of Muscari armeniacum Leichtlin ex Baker. Depending on the purpose of the study, Muscari armeniacum Leichtlin ex Baker was grown using desalinated seawater and tap water (control). To determine the effect of desalinated seawater on plant growth, leaf length, leaf width, root length, underground part weight, number of bulblets and upper part weight were measured. It was observed that Muscari armeniacum Leichtlin ex Baker plants showed normal growth when desalinated seawater was used throughout the experiment. According to the statistical analysis, the difference between desalinated sea water and tap water was significant only in leaf length and leaf width parameters. While the average leaf length was 54.47 cm and leaf width were 5.71 mm in tap water (control), the average leaf length was 53.47 cm and leaf width were 5.19 mm in desalinated sea water treatment. The effect of irrigation water sources on other parameters was statistically insignificant. As a result of the study, desalinated seawater can be used for the cultivation of Muscari armeniacum Leichtlin ex Baker. It is recommended that studies evaluating the possibilities of using desalinated sea water in the cultivation of different ornamental plant species will contribute to the literature.


  • Alabdula'aly, A. I. (1997). Fluoride content in drinking water supplies of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 48: 261-272.
  • Antolinos, V., Sanchez-Martinez, M. J., Maestre-Valero, J. F., Lopez-Gomez, A. and Martinez-Hernandez, G. B. (2020). Effects of irrigation with desalinated seawater and hydroponic system on tomato quality. Water, 12(2): 518.
  • Aznar-Sanchez, J. A., Belmonte-Urena, L. J., Velasco-Munoz, J. F. and Valera, D. L. (2021). Farmers’ profiles and behaviours toward desalinated seawater for irrigation: Insights from South-east Spain. Journal of Cleaner Production, 296: 126568.
  • Bakanoğulları, F., Bahar, E., Kıvrak, C. and Gür, M. (2022). Assessment of meteorological and agricultural drought analysis in Kırklareli province. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 19(4): 756-768.
  • Beyaz, R. (2023). Germination and seedling properties of Lotus corniculatus L. under simulated drought stress. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 20(4): 879-889.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Çokluk, Ö. and Köklü, N. (2011). Normalization Test. In: Statistics for Social Sciences. Pegem Akademi Publications, Turkey.
  • Gürsoy, M. (2009). Biological studies on some muscari miller species (Muscari armeniacum Leichtlin Ex Baker, Muscari neglectum Guss.) distributed in Western Anatolia. (Master's Thesis). Celal Bayar University, Institute of Science and Technology, Manisa, Türkiye.
  • Jeon, S. M., Chung, M. Y. and Kim, C. K. (2011). Effect of plant regulators on direct shoot formation and bulblet formation from flower stalk culture of Muscari armeniacum 'Early Giant'. Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences, 29: 21-27. (In Korean)
  • Kahraman, Ö. (2019). Effects of taking flower buds at different developmental periods on bulb and plant development of Muscari armeniacum Leichtlin ex Baker. Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 34(1): 12-17.
  • Kahraman, Ö. (2020). Growing of Muscari armeniacum (Grape Hyacinth) at different planting depths. Journal of Agriculture and Nature, 23(6): 1441-1448.
  • Kavuran, D. and Yılmaz, R. (2022). Selection of appropriate plant species in xeriscape studies: Süleymanpaşa, Tekirdağ example. Landscape, 4(2): 69-91.
  • Kılıçaslan, N. and Dönmez, Ş. (2016). The use of bulbous plants growing naturally in the lake’s region in landscape architecture. Turkish Journal of Forestry, 17(1): 73-82.
  • Laurenson, S., Bolan, N. S., Smith, E. and McCarthy, M. (2012). Use of recycled wastewater for irrigating grapevines. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, 18(1): 1-10.
  • Maestre-Valero, J. F., Martínez-Alvarez, V., Jódar-Conesa, F. J., Acosta, J. A., Martin-Gorriz, B., Robles, J. M., ... and Navarro, J. M. (2020). Short-term response of young mandarin trees to desalinated seawater irrigation. Water, 12(1): 159.
  • Martínez-Alvarez, V., Imbernón-Mulero, A., Gallego-Elvira, B., Soto-García, M. and Maestre-Valero, J. F. (2023). Multidisciplinary assessment of the agricultural supply of desalinated seawater in south-eastern Spain. Desalination, 548: 116252.
  • Martinez-Mate, M. A., Martin-Gorriz, B., Martínez-Alvarez, V., Soto-García, M. and Maestre-Valero, J. F. (2018). Hydroponic system and desalinated seawater as an alternative farm-productive proposal in water scarcity areas: Energy and greenhouse gas emissions analysis of lettuce production in southeast Spain. Journal of Cleaner Production, 172: 1298-1310.
  • Nasar, M. (2014). Exploitation survey of sea water in agriculture of coastal deserts in Libya. Proceedings of the International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 4(2): 72.
  • Navarro, J. M., Antolinos, V., Botía, P. and Robles, J. M. (2023). Deficit Irrigation applied to lemon trees grafted on two rootstocks and irrigated with desalinated seawater. Plants, 12(12): 2300.
  • Polat, A. (2013). Reuse of treated wastewater for the sustainability of water resources. Turkish Journal of Scientific Reviews, (1): 58-62.
  • Polat Bulut, A. (2021). Seawater use and purification technologies for increasing water needs. Turkish Journal of Scientific Reviews, 14(2): 124-137.
  • Singh, A. (2021). A review of wastewater irrigation: Environmental implications. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 168: 105454.
  • Tanrıverdi O, D. (2019). Geophytes of Yalova Province and their use possibilities in landscape. (Master's Thesis). Bursa Uludağ University, Institute of Science and Technology, Bursa, Türkiye.
  • Zhang, Y. and Shen, Y. (2019). Wastewater irrigation: past, present, and future. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 6(3): 1234.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Irrigation Systems , Irrigation Water Quality, Green-House Growing and Treatment, Crop and Pasture Waste Water Use
Journal Section Articles

Necmettin Gür 0000-0002-8856-7188

Özgür Kahraman 0000-0003-1336-9942

Early Pub Date January 14, 2025
Publication Date January 29, 2025
Submission Date August 30, 2024
Acceptance Date January 7, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 22 Issue: 1


APA Gür, N., & Kahraman, Ö. (2025). Determination of Desalinated Sea Water Usage Possibilities in Muscari armeniacum (Grape Hyacinth) Cultivation. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(1), 233-243.
AMA Gür N, Kahraman Ö. Determination of Desalinated Sea Water Usage Possibilities in Muscari armeniacum (Grape Hyacinth) Cultivation. JOTAF. January 2025;22(1):233-243. doi:10.33462/jotaf.1540455
Chicago Gür, Necmettin, and Özgür Kahraman. “Determination of Desalinated Sea Water Usage Possibilities in Muscari Armeniacum (Grape Hyacinth) Cultivation”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 22, no. 1 (January 2025): 233-43.
EndNote Gür N, Kahraman Ö (January 1, 2025) Determination of Desalinated Sea Water Usage Possibilities in Muscari armeniacum (Grape Hyacinth) Cultivation. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 22 1 233–243.
IEEE N. Gür and Ö. Kahraman, “Determination of Desalinated Sea Water Usage Possibilities in Muscari armeniacum (Grape Hyacinth) Cultivation”, JOTAF, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 233–243, 2025, doi: 10.33462/jotaf.1540455.
ISNAD Gür, Necmettin - Kahraman, Özgür. “Determination of Desalinated Sea Water Usage Possibilities in Muscari Armeniacum (Grape Hyacinth) Cultivation”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 22/1 (January 2025), 233-243.
JAMA Gür N, Kahraman Ö. Determination of Desalinated Sea Water Usage Possibilities in Muscari armeniacum (Grape Hyacinth) Cultivation. JOTAF. 2025;22:233–243.
MLA Gür, Necmettin and Özgür Kahraman. “Determination of Desalinated Sea Water Usage Possibilities in Muscari Armeniacum (Grape Hyacinth) Cultivation”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 22, no. 1, 2025, pp. 233-4, doi:10.33462/jotaf.1540455.
Vancouver Gür N, Kahraman Ö. Determination of Desalinated Sea Water Usage Possibilities in Muscari armeniacum (Grape Hyacinth) Cultivation. JOTAF. 2025;22(1):233-4.