Research Article
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Disaster Awareness and Education Center-Park Design: Investigation of Outdoor Spaces on Graduation Project of Architecture Students

Year 2022, , 19 - 33, 13.04.2022


Introduction: Turkey has a history of various natural disasters. In architecture education, students need to be informed about natural disasters, produce information, and use the knowledge in their designs to play an essential role in shaping the built environment. The disaster awareness-education center and park aim to raise awareness and educate all segments of society about natural disasters and create practical solutions when necessary. Objectives: The research aims to systematically examine urban landscape design solutions to raise awareness of the architectural students about disasters through an exemplary disaster awareness park in Istanbul. The proposed landscapes are classified concerning disaster awareness level, education and training capacity and the potential to serve as a post-disaster meeting point and temporary management center. Methods: This research presents an architectural design process. The research uses landscape planning and design principles to evaluate student projects concerning the relationship between indoor spaces and disaster awareness and education parks in open areas. Results: Architecture graduate students have been successful in building outdoor-indoor connections, multi-purpose use of outdoor spaces, designing open space services, and solving services and meeting areas through their projects. However, their designs did not address planting, ecological and sustainable green space, and emergency water use.


  • Acar, E., & Yalçınkaya Çalışkan, F. (2016). Integrating disaster management perspective into architectural design education at undergraduate level - A case example from Turkey, The 5th World Construction Symposium 2016: Greening Environment, Eco Innovations & Entrepreneurship, 29-31 July 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  • Allan, P., & Bryant, M. (2010). The Critical Role of Open Space in Earthquake Recovery: A Case Study. NZSEE Conference.
  • Basova, S., & Stefancova, L. (2016). Creative Parameters of Urban Spaces, International Journal of Arts and Commerce, (5) 2, pp. 54-68
  • Browning, W., Ryan, C., & Clancy, J. (2014). 14 Patterns of Biophilic Design: Improving Health & Well-Being in the Built Environment, Terrapin Bright Green
  • Cage, C., Hingorani, D., Jopling, S., & Parker, E. (2009). Building relevance: post-disaster shelter and the role of the building professional. Background paper for the one-day International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) and Center for Development and Emergency Practice (CENDEP), Oxford Brookes University.
  • Çelik, A., & Ender, E. (2016). Design Principles of Earthquake Park, R. Efe, İ. Cürebal, A. Gad, B. Tóth, (Eds.) Environmental Sustainability and Landscape Management, St. Kliment Ohridski University Press Sofia, pp 735-741
  • Çelik, A., & Erduran, F. (2011). Determination of earthquake park facilities in Kocaeli, African Journal of Agricultural Research. (ISI), pp 5558-5566.
  • Designing Public Spaces Energized Public Spaces Design Guidelines, (2018). Department of Parks, Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission.
  • Drake, S. C., & Kim, Y. (2011). Gowanus Canal Sponge Park, Ecological Restoration 29(4): 392-400.
  • EMBC and B.C. Department of Justice, (2015). Emergency Management BC, & British Columbia. Ministry of Justice. (2015, July 20). B.C. Earthquake Immediate Response Plan. Victoria, British Columbia: Emergency Management BC.
  • French, E. L. (2017). Designing Public Open Space to Support Seismic Resilience: A Systematic Review, The University of Guelph, MSc in Landscape Thesis.
  • French, E.L., Birchall, S.J., Landman, K., & Brown, R.D. (2019). Designing public open space to support seismic resilience: A systematic review, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 34(2019), pp. 1-10,
  • Fuentes, C. W. & Tastes, M. T. R. (2015). The role of open space for urban resilience: A case study of San Pedro de la Paz under the context of the 2010 earthquake in Chile, 7th i-Rec Conference 2015: Reconstruction and Recovery in Urban Contexts.
  • Glass J. (2008). Facing the future by designing in resilience: an architectural perspective. in L.S. Bosher (Ed.) Hazards and the Built Environment: Attaining Built-in Resilience. London: Taylor and Francis.
  • Godschalk, D. R. (2003). Urban hazard mitigation: creating resilient cities. Natural Hazards Review, 4, 136-143.
  • Halford, E. & Nolan, S. (2002). “Rogue Volunteers: Response to the WTC Attacks by Volunteers who Refused to Leave.” Paper presented at the American Sociological Association, International Committee on Disasters Session, August, Chicago, IL
  • Hossain, N. (2014). Street’ as Accessible Open Space Network in Earthquake Recovery Planning in Unplanned Urban Areas, Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (AJHSS) 2(4).
  • Jayakody, R.R.J.C., Amaratunga, D., & Haigh, R. (2016). Planning and designing public open spaces as a strategy for disaster resilient cities: a review of literature. In: Building the Future - sustainable and resilient built environments. FARU Proceedings (2016). Faculty of Architecture: University of Moratuwa, Colombo, Sri Lanka, pp. 156-168. ISBN 978-
  • León, J., & March, A. (2014). Urban morphology as a tool for supporting tsunami rapid resilience: A case study of Talcahuano, Chile, Habitat International, vol. 43, pp. 250-262 955- 9027- 56-0
  • Lowe, S., & Fothergill, A. (2003) A Need to Help: Emergent Volunteer Behavior after September 11 Beyond September 11: An Account of Post-Disaster Research.
  • Lloyd-Jones, T., Kalra, R., Mulyawan, B., & Theis, M. (2009). The built environment professions in disaster risk reduction and response - A guide for humanitarian agencies. RICS-ice-RIBA-RTPI, MLC Press, University of Westminster. Available from: [Accessed July 15 2015)
  • March, A., & Leon, J. (2013). Urban Planning for Disaster Risk Reduction: Establishing 2nd Wave Criteria. In: Proceedings of the State of Australian Cities Conference SOAC 2013, 26-29 November, Sydney. Available from: [Accessed: July 15 2015]
  • Masuda, N. (2014). Disaster refuge and relief urban park system in Japan, Landscape Architecture Frontiers, 2 (4) (2014)52-60]. Makri, M., & Folkesson, C. (1999). Accessibility Measures for Analyses of Land Use and Traveling with Geographical Information Systems. Proceedings of 2nd KFB-Research Conference, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund.
  • Malalgoda, C.I., Amaratunga, R.D.G., & Pathirage, C.P. (2010). Exploring disaster risk reduction in the built environment. CIB 2010, 10th - 13th May 2010, University of Salford. Available from: [Accessed July 15 2015]
  • Mazereeuw, M., & Yarina, E. (2017). Emergency preparedness hub: designing decentralized systems for disaster resilience, Journal of Architectural Education 71 (1) (2017) 65–72,
  • Middleton, D. (2007). A roof over their heads? The challenges of accommodation following disasters. 2007 Emergency Management Conference. Wellington, New Zealand.
  • Murao, O. (2008). Case Study Of Architecture And Urban Design On The Disaster Life Cycle In Japan. Presented at The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China. Retrieved from
  • Quarantelli, E.L. (1995). “Patterns of sheltering and housing in U.S. disasters”, Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 43-53.
  • Ozorhon, G., & Lekesiz, G. (2021). Re-considering the Architectural Design Studio after Pandemic: Tools, Problems, Potentials, Journal of Design Studio, V.3, N.1, pp 19-36,
  • Sat Gungor, B. (2020). Do Green Building Standards Meet the Biophilic Design Strategies?, Journal of Design Studio, V.2, N.1, pp 5-23,
  • Tafahomi, R. (2021a). Insight into a Personalized Procedure of Design in Concept Generation by the Students in Architecture Thesis Project, Journal of Design Studio, 3(1), 5-18,
  • Tafahomi, R. (2021b). An Attempt to Fill the Gap between the Architectural Studies and Conceptualization in Architectural Thesis Design Studio, Journal of Design Studio, 3 (2), 175-190,
  • Thurairajah, N. Palliyaguru, R. & Williams, A. (2011). Incorporate disaster management perspective into built environment undergraduate curriculum. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Building Resilience 2011, Heritance Kandalama, Sri Lanka 19th-21st July 2011, Paper ID:218. Available from: [Accessed 16 October 2014].
  • UNISDR, (2012). Annual Report 2012, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction.
  • UNISDR, (2017). UNISDR, Annual Report 2017, 2016-17 Biennium Work Programme Final Report, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction.
  • URL-1, (2021).
  • Villagra-Islas, P., & Dobbie, P. (2014). Design aspects of urban wetlands in an earthquake-prone environment, Journal of Urban Design 19 (5) (2014) 660–681,
  • World Bank and United Nations, (2010). Natural hazards, unnatural disasters: the economics of effective prevention / The World Bank and The United Nations.
  • Yıldırım, Y., Keshavarzi, G., & Aman, A.R. (2021). Can urban parks help with disaster risk reduction through educational awareness? A case study of Hurricane Harvey, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 61 (2021), 102377,
  • Yorgancioglu, D. (2020). Critical Reflections on the Surface, Pedagogical and Epistemological Features of the Design Studio under the “New Normal” Conditions, Journal of Design Studio, V.2, N.1, pp 25-36,
  • Zhong, W., Schroder, T., & Bekkering, J. (2022). Biophilic Design in Architecture and its Contributions to Health, Well-being, and Sustainability: A Critical review, Frontiers of Architectural Research, 11 (2022) 114-14.
Year 2022, , 19 - 33, 13.04.2022



  • Acar, E., & Yalçınkaya Çalışkan, F. (2016). Integrating disaster management perspective into architectural design education at undergraduate level - A case example from Turkey, The 5th World Construction Symposium 2016: Greening Environment, Eco Innovations & Entrepreneurship, 29-31 July 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  • Allan, P., & Bryant, M. (2010). The Critical Role of Open Space in Earthquake Recovery: A Case Study. NZSEE Conference.
  • Basova, S., & Stefancova, L. (2016). Creative Parameters of Urban Spaces, International Journal of Arts and Commerce, (5) 2, pp. 54-68
  • Browning, W., Ryan, C., & Clancy, J. (2014). 14 Patterns of Biophilic Design: Improving Health & Well-Being in the Built Environment, Terrapin Bright Green
  • Cage, C., Hingorani, D., Jopling, S., & Parker, E. (2009). Building relevance: post-disaster shelter and the role of the building professional. Background paper for the one-day International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) and Center for Development and Emergency Practice (CENDEP), Oxford Brookes University.
  • Çelik, A., & Ender, E. (2016). Design Principles of Earthquake Park, R. Efe, İ. Cürebal, A. Gad, B. Tóth, (Eds.) Environmental Sustainability and Landscape Management, St. Kliment Ohridski University Press Sofia, pp 735-741
  • Çelik, A., & Erduran, F. (2011). Determination of earthquake park facilities in Kocaeli, African Journal of Agricultural Research. (ISI), pp 5558-5566.
  • Designing Public Spaces Energized Public Spaces Design Guidelines, (2018). Department of Parks, Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission.
  • Drake, S. C., & Kim, Y. (2011). Gowanus Canal Sponge Park, Ecological Restoration 29(4): 392-400.
  • EMBC and B.C. Department of Justice, (2015). Emergency Management BC, & British Columbia. Ministry of Justice. (2015, July 20). B.C. Earthquake Immediate Response Plan. Victoria, British Columbia: Emergency Management BC.
  • French, E. L. (2017). Designing Public Open Space to Support Seismic Resilience: A Systematic Review, The University of Guelph, MSc in Landscape Thesis.
  • French, E.L., Birchall, S.J., Landman, K., & Brown, R.D. (2019). Designing public open space to support seismic resilience: A systematic review, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 34(2019), pp. 1-10,
  • Fuentes, C. W. & Tastes, M. T. R. (2015). The role of open space for urban resilience: A case study of San Pedro de la Paz under the context of the 2010 earthquake in Chile, 7th i-Rec Conference 2015: Reconstruction and Recovery in Urban Contexts.
  • Glass J. (2008). Facing the future by designing in resilience: an architectural perspective. in L.S. Bosher (Ed.) Hazards and the Built Environment: Attaining Built-in Resilience. London: Taylor and Francis.
  • Godschalk, D. R. (2003). Urban hazard mitigation: creating resilient cities. Natural Hazards Review, 4, 136-143.
  • Halford, E. & Nolan, S. (2002). “Rogue Volunteers: Response to the WTC Attacks by Volunteers who Refused to Leave.” Paper presented at the American Sociological Association, International Committee on Disasters Session, August, Chicago, IL
  • Hossain, N. (2014). Street’ as Accessible Open Space Network in Earthquake Recovery Planning in Unplanned Urban Areas, Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (AJHSS) 2(4).
  • Jayakody, R.R.J.C., Amaratunga, D., & Haigh, R. (2016). Planning and designing public open spaces as a strategy for disaster resilient cities: a review of literature. In: Building the Future - sustainable and resilient built environments. FARU Proceedings (2016). Faculty of Architecture: University of Moratuwa, Colombo, Sri Lanka, pp. 156-168. ISBN 978-
  • León, J., & March, A. (2014). Urban morphology as a tool for supporting tsunami rapid resilience: A case study of Talcahuano, Chile, Habitat International, vol. 43, pp. 250-262 955- 9027- 56-0
  • Lowe, S., & Fothergill, A. (2003) A Need to Help: Emergent Volunteer Behavior after September 11 Beyond September 11: An Account of Post-Disaster Research.
  • Lloyd-Jones, T., Kalra, R., Mulyawan, B., & Theis, M. (2009). The built environment professions in disaster risk reduction and response - A guide for humanitarian agencies. RICS-ice-RIBA-RTPI, MLC Press, University of Westminster. Available from: [Accessed July 15 2015)
  • March, A., & Leon, J. (2013). Urban Planning for Disaster Risk Reduction: Establishing 2nd Wave Criteria. In: Proceedings of the State of Australian Cities Conference SOAC 2013, 26-29 November, Sydney. Available from: [Accessed: July 15 2015]
  • Masuda, N. (2014). Disaster refuge and relief urban park system in Japan, Landscape Architecture Frontiers, 2 (4) (2014)52-60]. Makri, M., & Folkesson, C. (1999). Accessibility Measures for Analyses of Land Use and Traveling with Geographical Information Systems. Proceedings of 2nd KFB-Research Conference, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund.
  • Malalgoda, C.I., Amaratunga, R.D.G., & Pathirage, C.P. (2010). Exploring disaster risk reduction in the built environment. CIB 2010, 10th - 13th May 2010, University of Salford. Available from: [Accessed July 15 2015]
  • Mazereeuw, M., & Yarina, E. (2017). Emergency preparedness hub: designing decentralized systems for disaster resilience, Journal of Architectural Education 71 (1) (2017) 65–72,
  • Middleton, D. (2007). A roof over their heads? The challenges of accommodation following disasters. 2007 Emergency Management Conference. Wellington, New Zealand.
  • Murao, O. (2008). Case Study Of Architecture And Urban Design On The Disaster Life Cycle In Japan. Presented at The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China. Retrieved from
  • Quarantelli, E.L. (1995). “Patterns of sheltering and housing in U.S. disasters”, Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 43-53.
  • Ozorhon, G., & Lekesiz, G. (2021). Re-considering the Architectural Design Studio after Pandemic: Tools, Problems, Potentials, Journal of Design Studio, V.3, N.1, pp 19-36,
  • Sat Gungor, B. (2020). Do Green Building Standards Meet the Biophilic Design Strategies?, Journal of Design Studio, V.2, N.1, pp 5-23,
  • Tafahomi, R. (2021a). Insight into a Personalized Procedure of Design in Concept Generation by the Students in Architecture Thesis Project, Journal of Design Studio, 3(1), 5-18,
  • Tafahomi, R. (2021b). An Attempt to Fill the Gap between the Architectural Studies and Conceptualization in Architectural Thesis Design Studio, Journal of Design Studio, 3 (2), 175-190,
  • Thurairajah, N. Palliyaguru, R. & Williams, A. (2011). Incorporate disaster management perspective into built environment undergraduate curriculum. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Building Resilience 2011, Heritance Kandalama, Sri Lanka 19th-21st July 2011, Paper ID:218. Available from: [Accessed 16 October 2014].
  • UNISDR, (2012). Annual Report 2012, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction.
  • UNISDR, (2017). UNISDR, Annual Report 2017, 2016-17 Biennium Work Programme Final Report, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction.
  • URL-1, (2021).
  • Villagra-Islas, P., & Dobbie, P. (2014). Design aspects of urban wetlands in an earthquake-prone environment, Journal of Urban Design 19 (5) (2014) 660–681,
  • World Bank and United Nations, (2010). Natural hazards, unnatural disasters: the economics of effective prevention / The World Bank and The United Nations.
  • Yıldırım, Y., Keshavarzi, G., & Aman, A.R. (2021). Can urban parks help with disaster risk reduction through educational awareness? A case study of Hurricane Harvey, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 61 (2021), 102377,
  • Yorgancioglu, D. (2020). Critical Reflections on the Surface, Pedagogical and Epistemological Features of the Design Studio under the “New Normal” Conditions, Journal of Design Studio, V.2, N.1, pp 25-36,
  • Zhong, W., Schroder, T., & Bekkering, J. (2022). Biophilic Design in Architecture and its Contributions to Health, Well-being, and Sustainability: A Critical review, Frontiers of Architectural Research, 11 (2022) 114-14.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Doga Dinemis Aman 0000-0002-9076-3401

Ayşe Ceren Güler This is me 0000-0001-5327-4783

Neşe Ganiç Sağlam 0000-0002-3425-5381

Işılay Akkoyun Tekce 0000-0002-5931-7470

Hande Tunç 0000-0003-1457-8498

Orhan Hacihasanoglu 0000-0003-1835-6550

Publication Date April 13, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Aman, D. D., Güler, A. C., Ganiç Sağlam, N., Akkoyun Tekce, I., et al. (2022). Disaster Awareness and Education Center-Park Design: Investigation of Outdoor Spaces on Graduation Project of Architecture Students. Journal of Design Studio, 4(spi 1), 19-33.

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