Research Article
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Year 2025, Volume: 29 Issue: 1, 424 - 435, 03.03.2025



  • [1] Calleja A. Un mot sur les spécialités pharmaceutiques. Journal de la Société de Pharmacie de Constantinople. 1879; 1: 240.
  • [2] Tekiner H. A Brief History of the British Pharmacy in Istanbul. Pharmaceutical Historian. 2006; 36: 64-67.
  • [3] Baytop T (Ed. Mat A), Türk Eczacılık Tarihi, second ed., Istanbul Üniversitesi Yayınları No: 3358, Eczacılık Fakültesi No: 78, Istanbul 2001.
  • [4] Türk Kodeksi, 1st ed., Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Sıhhat ve Içtimai Muavenet Vekaleti, Istanbul 1930.
  • [5] Özkan Y. Türk Farmakopesi’nin Tarihsel Gelişimi. Türk Farmakope Dergisi. 2016; 1: 21-33.
  • [6] Yaybulak I, Formüler ,,Idris", Bürhaneddin Matbaası, Istanbul 1941.
  • [7] Cumhuriyet (newspaper), 29 April 1970, p. 7.
  • [8] Sandalcı M, Sandalcı G, Belgelerle Türk Eczacılığı, Vol.4-2, Istanbul 2002.
  • [9] Sen-Utsukarci B, Mat A, An Individual Effort for Pharmacy Profession – Idris’ Formulary, oral presentation, 44th International Congress for the History of Pharmacy, Washington, 5-8 September 2019.
  • [10] Türkiye Eczacıları Cemiyeti (Pharmacists Association of Turkey). Farmakoloğ. 1941; 11.
  • [11] Türkiye Eczacıları Cemiyeti (Pharmacists Association of Turkey). Farmakoloğ. 1943a; 13.
  • [12] Türkiye Eczacıları Cemiyeti (Pharmacists Association of Turkey). Farmakoloğ. 1943b; 13.
  • [13] Türkiye Eczacıları Cemiyeti (Pharmacists Association of Turkey). Farmakoloğ. 1948; 18.
  • [14] Türkiye Eczacıları Cemiyeti (Pharmacists Association of Turkey). Farmakoloğ. 1951; 21.
  • [15] Türkiye Eczacıları Cemiyeti (Pharmacists Association of Turkey). Farmakoloğ. 1952; 22.
  • [16] Türkiye Eczacıları Cemiyeti (Pharmacists Association of Turkey). Farmakoloğ. 1953; 23.
  • [17] Yearbook (Eczacı Son Sınıf Yıllığı) 1946-1947, Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine School of Pharmacy, Istanbul 1947.
  • [18] Collection of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pharm. Burcu Sen.
  • [19] Nezih Barut Collection Permanent Exhibition - Iyileştirme Sanatının Tarihi (History of the Art of Healing; Permanent Exhibition), Abdi Ibrahim - Esenyurt Production Complex, Istanbul.
  • [20] Sandalcı M, Sandalcı G, Belgelerle Türk Eczacılığı, Vol.5, Istanbul 2006.
  • [21] Cumhuriyet (newspaper), 08 August 1956, p.4.
  • [22] Sözen I. Dr. Ismet Sözen'in (Türkiye Tıbbi Müstahzar Sanayi ve Laboratuvarları Derneği Başkanı) Konuşması. J Fac Pharm Ankara. 1981; 11: 45-56.
  • [23] Sucu I. Türkiyede Eczacılık Dernekleri. FABAD J Pharm Sci. 1988; 14: 373-380.
  • [24] Cumhuriyet (newspaper), 02 June 1948, p. 5.
  • [25] Şimşir S, Azerbaycan'in Istiklal Mucadelesi, 3rd ed., Istanbul 2013.
  • [26] Cumhuriyet (newspaper), 17 February 1951, p.5.
  • [27] Milliyet (newspaper), 30 September 1955, p.1.
  • [28] T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Devlet Arşivleri Başkanlığı Cumhuriyet Arşivi (Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye Directorate of State Archives), Code: 30-18-1-2, Nr: 165-29-8.
  • [29] Sönmez S, Cezayir Bağımsızlık Hareketi ve Türk Kamuoyu (1954-1962), Istanbul 2010. [30] Cumhuriyet (newspaper), 22 August 1961, p.3.

Idris Yaybulak (1899-1970): A pharmacist who made significant contributions to society through his professional initiatives and social service endeavors

Year 2025, Volume: 29 Issue: 1, 424 - 435, 03.03.2025


Following the initiation of medicine production in the 1830s, pharmacists in Türkiye progressively rose in
number, facilitating the advancement of the national pharmaceutical industry. In the aftermath of World War I,
pharmacists, who intensified their efforts, made significant contributions to the profession across different fields and
served the public in unity following the proclamation of the Republic, supporting one another. They have consistently
endeavored to foster innovation through the development of various pharmaceuticals. The data about one of them,
Pharm. Idris Yaybulak (1899-1970), has been restricted in the literature. This study aims to gather and elucidate
information regarding his life and contributions to pharmacy and social services. He took his pharmacy education in
Russia. In addition to providing pharmacy counseling to patients in his pharmacy, he contributed to health care by
producing various pharmaceuticals and products in his pharmacy laboratory, and also established a formulary Idris
Formüleri to assist his colleagues and distributed it at no cost. He contributed to the advancement of the pharmaceutical
industry, participated in the founding of the Türkiye Tıbbi Müstahzar Sanayi ve Laboratuvarları Cemiyeti (Society of
Pharmaceuticals Industry and Laboratories of Turkey), and benefited society by engaging in civil and social service
initiatives. He believed the power of the collobrations between pharmacists to solve problems and conflicts, and also
tried to help pharmacists for simplifing the complex pharmacy practices and did a lot of works to obtain standardisation
and quality system, in Turkey. In addition to his social and professional contributions, he supported Turkey's
professional and economic development in many ways by providing health services from his pharmacy and later his


  • [1] Calleja A. Un mot sur les spécialités pharmaceutiques. Journal de la Société de Pharmacie de Constantinople. 1879; 1: 240.
  • [2] Tekiner H. A Brief History of the British Pharmacy in Istanbul. Pharmaceutical Historian. 2006; 36: 64-67.
  • [3] Baytop T (Ed. Mat A), Türk Eczacılık Tarihi, second ed., Istanbul Üniversitesi Yayınları No: 3358, Eczacılık Fakültesi No: 78, Istanbul 2001.
  • [4] Türk Kodeksi, 1st ed., Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Sıhhat ve Içtimai Muavenet Vekaleti, Istanbul 1930.
  • [5] Özkan Y. Türk Farmakopesi’nin Tarihsel Gelişimi. Türk Farmakope Dergisi. 2016; 1: 21-33.
  • [6] Yaybulak I, Formüler ,,Idris", Bürhaneddin Matbaası, Istanbul 1941.
  • [7] Cumhuriyet (newspaper), 29 April 1970, p. 7.
  • [8] Sandalcı M, Sandalcı G, Belgelerle Türk Eczacılığı, Vol.4-2, Istanbul 2002.
  • [9] Sen-Utsukarci B, Mat A, An Individual Effort for Pharmacy Profession – Idris’ Formulary, oral presentation, 44th International Congress for the History of Pharmacy, Washington, 5-8 September 2019.
  • [10] Türkiye Eczacıları Cemiyeti (Pharmacists Association of Turkey). Farmakoloğ. 1941; 11.
  • [11] Türkiye Eczacıları Cemiyeti (Pharmacists Association of Turkey). Farmakoloğ. 1943a; 13.
  • [12] Türkiye Eczacıları Cemiyeti (Pharmacists Association of Turkey). Farmakoloğ. 1943b; 13.
  • [13] Türkiye Eczacıları Cemiyeti (Pharmacists Association of Turkey). Farmakoloğ. 1948; 18.
  • [14] Türkiye Eczacıları Cemiyeti (Pharmacists Association of Turkey). Farmakoloğ. 1951; 21.
  • [15] Türkiye Eczacıları Cemiyeti (Pharmacists Association of Turkey). Farmakoloğ. 1952; 22.
  • [16] Türkiye Eczacıları Cemiyeti (Pharmacists Association of Turkey). Farmakoloğ. 1953; 23.
  • [17] Yearbook (Eczacı Son Sınıf Yıllığı) 1946-1947, Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine School of Pharmacy, Istanbul 1947.
  • [18] Collection of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pharm. Burcu Sen.
  • [19] Nezih Barut Collection Permanent Exhibition - Iyileştirme Sanatının Tarihi (History of the Art of Healing; Permanent Exhibition), Abdi Ibrahim - Esenyurt Production Complex, Istanbul.
  • [20] Sandalcı M, Sandalcı G, Belgelerle Türk Eczacılığı, Vol.5, Istanbul 2006.
  • [21] Cumhuriyet (newspaper), 08 August 1956, p.4.
  • [22] Sözen I. Dr. Ismet Sözen'in (Türkiye Tıbbi Müstahzar Sanayi ve Laboratuvarları Derneği Başkanı) Konuşması. J Fac Pharm Ankara. 1981; 11: 45-56.
  • [23] Sucu I. Türkiyede Eczacılık Dernekleri. FABAD J Pharm Sci. 1988; 14: 373-380.
  • [24] Cumhuriyet (newspaper), 02 June 1948, p. 5.
  • [25] Şimşir S, Azerbaycan'in Istiklal Mucadelesi, 3rd ed., Istanbul 2013.
  • [26] Cumhuriyet (newspaper), 17 February 1951, p.5.
  • [27] Milliyet (newspaper), 30 September 1955, p.1.
  • [28] T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Devlet Arşivleri Başkanlığı Cumhuriyet Arşivi (Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye Directorate of State Archives), Code: 30-18-1-2, Nr: 165-29-8.
  • [29] Sönmez S, Cezayir Bağımsızlık Hareketi ve Türk Kamuoyu (1954-1962), Istanbul 2010. [30] Cumhuriyet (newspaper), 22 August 1961, p.3.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Burcu Şen

Resul Kose This is me

Publication Date March 3, 2025
Submission Date November 30, 2024
Acceptance Date December 30, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 29 Issue: 1


APA Şen, B., & Kose, R. (2025). Idris Yaybulak (1899-1970): A pharmacist who made significant contributions to society through his professional initiatives and social service endeavors. Journal of Research in Pharmacy, 29(1), 424-435.
AMA Şen B, Kose R. Idris Yaybulak (1899-1970): A pharmacist who made significant contributions to society through his professional initiatives and social service endeavors. J. Res. Pharm. March 2025;29(1):424-435. doi:10.12991/jrespharm.1644555
Chicago Şen, Burcu, and Resul Kose. “Idris Yaybulak (1899-1970): A Pharmacist Who Made Significant Contributions to Society through His Professional Initiatives and Social Service Endeavors”. Journal of Research in Pharmacy 29, no. 1 (March 2025): 424-35.
EndNote Şen B, Kose R (March 1, 2025) Idris Yaybulak (1899-1970): A pharmacist who made significant contributions to society through his professional initiatives and social service endeavors. Journal of Research in Pharmacy 29 1 424–435.
IEEE B. Şen and R. Kose, “Idris Yaybulak (1899-1970): A pharmacist who made significant contributions to society through his professional initiatives and social service endeavors”, J. Res. Pharm., vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 424–435, 2025, doi: 10.12991/jrespharm.1644555.
ISNAD Şen, Burcu - Kose, Resul. “Idris Yaybulak (1899-1970): A Pharmacist Who Made Significant Contributions to Society through His Professional Initiatives and Social Service Endeavors”. Journal of Research in Pharmacy 29/1 (March 2025), 424-435.
JAMA Şen B, Kose R. Idris Yaybulak (1899-1970): A pharmacist who made significant contributions to society through his professional initiatives and social service endeavors. J. Res. Pharm. 2025;29:424–435.
MLA Şen, Burcu and Resul Kose. “Idris Yaybulak (1899-1970): A Pharmacist Who Made Significant Contributions to Society through His Professional Initiatives and Social Service Endeavors”. Journal of Research in Pharmacy, vol. 29, no. 1, 2025, pp. 424-35, doi:10.12991/jrespharm.1644555.
Vancouver Şen B, Kose R. Idris Yaybulak (1899-1970): A pharmacist who made significant contributions to society through his professional initiatives and social service endeavors. J. Res. Pharm. 2025;29(1):424-35.