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Yara bakımına tarihsel bir bakış: 16. yüzyıl eserlerinden Alâ'im-i Cerrâhîn üzerine değerlendirme

Year 2025, Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 6 - 13, 21.01.2025



  • 1. Britto EJ, Nezwek TA, Popowicz P, Robins M. Wound Dressings. StatPearls. 2017.
  • 2. Tottoli EM, Dorati R, Genta I, Chiesa E, Pisani S, Conti B. Skin Wound Healing Process and New Emerging Technologies for Skin Wound Care and Regeneration. Pharmaceutics. 2020;12(8):735.
  • 3. Forrest RD. Early history of wound treatment. J R Soc Med. 1982;75:198–205.
  • 4. Shah JB. The History of Wound Care. J Am Col Certif Wound Spec. 2011;3(3):65–6.
  • 5. Mouës CM, Heule F, Legerstee R, Hovius SER. Five millennia of wound care products--what is new? A literature review. Ostomy Wound Ma-nage. 2009;55(3):16–8.
  • 6. Gürlek M. Alâim-i Cerrâhîn: An Example for the First Written Turkısh Surgical Scriptures in Anatolia. Turkish Stud. 2011;6(3):1423–34.
  • 7. Gürlek M. Ala’im-i Cerrâhîn Cerrâh-Nâme(Review-Text-Typescript). Istanbul: Pre-sidency of the Manuscript Society of Turkey Publications; 2016, p:48–52.
  • 8. Yıldırım N. Some New Information about Alâ’im-i Cerrâhîn. In: I International Congress on the History of Turkish-Islamic Science and Technology. 1981, p:172–4.
  • 9. Baltaci A. The Qualitative Research Process: How to Conduct a Qualitative Research? Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sos Bilim Enstitüsü Derg. 2019;5(2):368–88.
  • 10. Bı̇n Abdullah I. Alâ’ı̇m-i Cerrâhı̂n (Cerrâh-Nâme). Hekimoğlu Ali Pasha Collection from Süleymaniye Library. 11. Williams BC. The Roper-Logan-Tierney model of nursing. Nurs Crit Care. 2017;12(1):17–20.
  • 12. Lee J, Suh J, Jeong CW, Kwak C, Kim HH, Ku JH. Efficacy of the Treatment of Intraperitoneal Bladder Perforation during Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumor with the Urethral Catheter Alone: Retrospective Analysis of over 15 Years Using the Clinical Data Warehouse System. Urol Int . 2022;106(2):138–46.
  • 13. Li J, Zhang H, Li Q, Yu S, Chen W, Wan S, et al. Treating Lumbar Fracture Using the Mixed Reality Technique. Zhang Y-Q, editor. Biomed Res Int. 2021;2021:1–6.
  • 14. Hafner J, Tuma F, Hoilat GJ, Marar O. Intestinal Perforation. StatPearls. 2023.
  • 15. Herman TF, Bordoni B. Wound Classifica-tion. StatPearls. 2023.
  • 16. Bilik Ö. Wound Healing and Nursing Care. In: Arslan S, editor. Basic in Surgical Nursing Concepts and Care. Ankara: Akademisyen Bo-okstore; 2021, p:99–124.
  • 17. Çelebioğlu S, Baytop ÖT. A Brief Look at the History of Medieval Pharmacy and the First Herbal Drugs. Pharmacogn Inst Publ. 1948;(3).
  • 18. Attinger CE, Bulan E, Blume PA. Surgical Débridement. Clin Podiatr Med Surg. 2000;17(4):599–630.
  • 19. Rodrigues M, Kosaric N, Bonham CA, Gurtner GC. Wound Healing: A Cellular Pers-pective. Physiol Rev. 2019;99(1):665–706.
  • 20. Gonzalez AC de O, Costa TF, Andrade Z de A, Medrado ARAP. Wound healing - A literature review. An Bras Dermatol. 2016;91(5):614–20.
  • 21. Aslan N, Arslan M. Traces of Folk Medicine Based on Folk Beliefs in Historical Turkish Medical Texts (16th-18th Century). Milli Folk. 2020;16(128):206–17.
  • 22. Torebekkyzy L. Number Seven in Turkish Folk Culture and Literature. Çeşm-i Cihan E-Journal Hist Cult Art Stud. 2021;8(1):82–91.
  • 23. Durbilmez B. Mythologıcal Numbers in Nakhchıvan-Turkısh Folk Belıef. Turkish Stud Int Period Lang Lit Hist Turkish or Turkic. 2008;3(7):340–52.
  • 24. Yucel U. Numbers in Turkısh Folk Belıefs. Ankara University; 2011.
  • 25. Saygın M. Tababet and Public Medicine in Ali Şîr Nevâyî’s Garibü’s-Sigar Council. Uzb Lang Cult. 2021;1(1):6–19.
  • 26. Ovington LG. The evolution of wound management: ancient origins and advances of the past 20 years. J Home Care Hosp Prof. 2002;20(10):652–6.
  • 27. Türsen Ü. Wound Dressing in Ulcer Treatment. Turk J Dermatol. 2013;7:61–71.
  • 28. Laurano R, Boffito M, Ciardelli G, Chiono V. Wound dressing products: A translational investigation from the bench to the market. Eng Regen. 2022;3(2):182–200.
  • 29. Arslan M. War Tools and Treatment of War Wounds In Historical Turkish Medical Texts. ERDEM Hum Soc Sci J. 2019;77:281–306.
  • 30. Hartmann A. Back to the roots – dermatology in ancient Egyptian medicine. JDDG J der Dtsch Dermatologischen Gesellschaft. 2016;14(4):389–96.
  • 31. Hayırlıdağ M. The Mystery of Egyptian Medicine, Papiruses. J Acad Hist Stud. 2021;4:68–85.
  • 32. Cancio LC. Topical Antimicrobial Agents for Burn Wound Care: History and Current Status. Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2021;22(1):3–11.
  • 33. Sharma A, Sharma D, Zhao F. Updates on Recent Clinical Assessment of Commercial Chronic Wound Care Products. Adv Healthc Mater. 2023;12(25).
  • 34. Akarsu S, Akarsu BM, Tırpan AA. Medical Tools from Roman Period to Medieval. Lok-man Hekim J. 2011;1(3):13–7.
  • 35. Parlak A. Functional Control of Surgical Instruments. In: 7th Sterilization and Disinfection Congress. 2011, p:69–86.
  • 36. Atıcı T, Atıcı E, Şahin N. The historical development of surgical suture materials from past to present. Turkish J Surg. 2010;26(4):233–42.
  • 37. Peker YS. Wound closure techniques and materials in surgery. J Surg Arts. 2020;13(1):25–30.
  • 38. Thilagavathi G, Viju S. Silk as a suture material. In: Advances in Silk Science and Technology. Elsevier; 2015, p:219–32.
  • 39. Byrne M, Aly A. The Surgical Suture. Aesthetic Surg J. 2019;39(Supplement_2):S67–72.
  • 40. Zheng WJ, Chen Q, Zou W, Fu Z, Li Y, Liu Z, et al. Waterproof and Breathable Wound Dressing Composited By Expanded Polytetrafluoroethylene Backing and Hydrogel. Macro-mol Biosci. 2022;22(8).
  • 41. Fernandez R, Green HL, Griffiths R, Atkin-son RA, Ellwood LJ. Water for wound cleansing. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2022;2022(9).
  • 42. Akyolcu N. Wound healing and nursing care. In: Aksoy G, Kanan N, Akyolcu N, editors. Surgical Nursing I. Nobel Medical Bookstores; 2012, p:79–113.
  • 43. Benbow M. Best practice in wound assessment. Nurs Stand. 2016;30(27):40–7.
  • 44. Dülcek S, Eryiğit T, Çoban N, Beydağ KD, Ortabağ T. War and Postwar Nursing. Fener-bahce Univ J Heal Sci. 2022;2(2):515–21.
  • 45. Serin M, Uğurluer G. Hyperthermia. Turki-ye Klin J Radiat Oncol. 2015;1(3):57–63.

Historical overview of wound care: Evaluation of Alâ'im-i Cerrâhîn from the 16th century

Year 2025, Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 6 - 13, 21.01.2025


The study was conducted by using the content analysis method, one of the qualitative research techniques, to examine the subject of "wound" in the medical text Alâ'im-i Cerrâhîn, which was written at the beginning of the 16th century. In this study, the first part of the work, titled "Describes Acute Wounds/Tâze Yaraları Bildürür", in which the treatment and care methods of newly formed wounds are explained, was evaluated. As a result of the work analysis, three themes were identified: classification of wounds, wound treatment, and care of the injured patient. The text mentions stopping bleeding related to wound treatment, suture applications to the wound, dressing applications, and herbal treatments. In addition, the text includes information on the care of the wounded in maintaining a safe environment, eating and drinking, washing and dressing, controlling temperature, and mobilization. As a result, although most of the practices for treatment and care in the work are not applied today, some practices are still valid, despite the limited possibilities of the period when the work was written.


We would like to thank Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kadriye Yılmaz and Dr. İpek Köse Tosunöz for advising our study.


  • 1. Britto EJ, Nezwek TA, Popowicz P, Robins M. Wound Dressings. StatPearls. 2017.
  • 2. Tottoli EM, Dorati R, Genta I, Chiesa E, Pisani S, Conti B. Skin Wound Healing Process and New Emerging Technologies for Skin Wound Care and Regeneration. Pharmaceutics. 2020;12(8):735.
  • 3. Forrest RD. Early history of wound treatment. J R Soc Med. 1982;75:198–205.
  • 4. Shah JB. The History of Wound Care. J Am Col Certif Wound Spec. 2011;3(3):65–6.
  • 5. Mouës CM, Heule F, Legerstee R, Hovius SER. Five millennia of wound care products--what is new? A literature review. Ostomy Wound Ma-nage. 2009;55(3):16–8.
  • 6. Gürlek M. Alâim-i Cerrâhîn: An Example for the First Written Turkısh Surgical Scriptures in Anatolia. Turkish Stud. 2011;6(3):1423–34.
  • 7. Gürlek M. Ala’im-i Cerrâhîn Cerrâh-Nâme(Review-Text-Typescript). Istanbul: Pre-sidency of the Manuscript Society of Turkey Publications; 2016, p:48–52.
  • 8. Yıldırım N. Some New Information about Alâ’im-i Cerrâhîn. In: I International Congress on the History of Turkish-Islamic Science and Technology. 1981, p:172–4.
  • 9. Baltaci A. The Qualitative Research Process: How to Conduct a Qualitative Research? Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sos Bilim Enstitüsü Derg. 2019;5(2):368–88.
  • 10. Bı̇n Abdullah I. Alâ’ı̇m-i Cerrâhı̂n (Cerrâh-Nâme). Hekimoğlu Ali Pasha Collection from Süleymaniye Library. 11. Williams BC. The Roper-Logan-Tierney model of nursing. Nurs Crit Care. 2017;12(1):17–20.
  • 12. Lee J, Suh J, Jeong CW, Kwak C, Kim HH, Ku JH. Efficacy of the Treatment of Intraperitoneal Bladder Perforation during Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumor with the Urethral Catheter Alone: Retrospective Analysis of over 15 Years Using the Clinical Data Warehouse System. Urol Int . 2022;106(2):138–46.
  • 13. Li J, Zhang H, Li Q, Yu S, Chen W, Wan S, et al. Treating Lumbar Fracture Using the Mixed Reality Technique. Zhang Y-Q, editor. Biomed Res Int. 2021;2021:1–6.
  • 14. Hafner J, Tuma F, Hoilat GJ, Marar O. Intestinal Perforation. StatPearls. 2023.
  • 15. Herman TF, Bordoni B. Wound Classifica-tion. StatPearls. 2023.
  • 16. Bilik Ö. Wound Healing and Nursing Care. In: Arslan S, editor. Basic in Surgical Nursing Concepts and Care. Ankara: Akademisyen Bo-okstore; 2021, p:99–124.
  • 17. Çelebioğlu S, Baytop ÖT. A Brief Look at the History of Medieval Pharmacy and the First Herbal Drugs. Pharmacogn Inst Publ. 1948;(3).
  • 18. Attinger CE, Bulan E, Blume PA. Surgical Débridement. Clin Podiatr Med Surg. 2000;17(4):599–630.
  • 19. Rodrigues M, Kosaric N, Bonham CA, Gurtner GC. Wound Healing: A Cellular Pers-pective. Physiol Rev. 2019;99(1):665–706.
  • 20. Gonzalez AC de O, Costa TF, Andrade Z de A, Medrado ARAP. Wound healing - A literature review. An Bras Dermatol. 2016;91(5):614–20.
  • 21. Aslan N, Arslan M. Traces of Folk Medicine Based on Folk Beliefs in Historical Turkish Medical Texts (16th-18th Century). Milli Folk. 2020;16(128):206–17.
  • 22. Torebekkyzy L. Number Seven in Turkish Folk Culture and Literature. Çeşm-i Cihan E-Journal Hist Cult Art Stud. 2021;8(1):82–91.
  • 23. Durbilmez B. Mythologıcal Numbers in Nakhchıvan-Turkısh Folk Belıef. Turkish Stud Int Period Lang Lit Hist Turkish or Turkic. 2008;3(7):340–52.
  • 24. Yucel U. Numbers in Turkısh Folk Belıefs. Ankara University; 2011.
  • 25. Saygın M. Tababet and Public Medicine in Ali Şîr Nevâyî’s Garibü’s-Sigar Council. Uzb Lang Cult. 2021;1(1):6–19.
  • 26. Ovington LG. The evolution of wound management: ancient origins and advances of the past 20 years. J Home Care Hosp Prof. 2002;20(10):652–6.
  • 27. Türsen Ü. Wound Dressing in Ulcer Treatment. Turk J Dermatol. 2013;7:61–71.
  • 28. Laurano R, Boffito M, Ciardelli G, Chiono V. Wound dressing products: A translational investigation from the bench to the market. Eng Regen. 2022;3(2):182–200.
  • 29. Arslan M. War Tools and Treatment of War Wounds In Historical Turkish Medical Texts. ERDEM Hum Soc Sci J. 2019;77:281–306.
  • 30. Hartmann A. Back to the roots – dermatology in ancient Egyptian medicine. JDDG J der Dtsch Dermatologischen Gesellschaft. 2016;14(4):389–96.
  • 31. Hayırlıdağ M. The Mystery of Egyptian Medicine, Papiruses. J Acad Hist Stud. 2021;4:68–85.
  • 32. Cancio LC. Topical Antimicrobial Agents for Burn Wound Care: History and Current Status. Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2021;22(1):3–11.
  • 33. Sharma A, Sharma D, Zhao F. Updates on Recent Clinical Assessment of Commercial Chronic Wound Care Products. Adv Healthc Mater. 2023;12(25).
  • 34. Akarsu S, Akarsu BM, Tırpan AA. Medical Tools from Roman Period to Medieval. Lok-man Hekim J. 2011;1(3):13–7.
  • 35. Parlak A. Functional Control of Surgical Instruments. In: 7th Sterilization and Disinfection Congress. 2011, p:69–86.
  • 36. Atıcı T, Atıcı E, Şahin N. The historical development of surgical suture materials from past to present. Turkish J Surg. 2010;26(4):233–42.
  • 37. Peker YS. Wound closure techniques and materials in surgery. J Surg Arts. 2020;13(1):25–30.
  • 38. Thilagavathi G, Viju S. Silk as a suture material. In: Advances in Silk Science and Technology. Elsevier; 2015, p:219–32.
  • 39. Byrne M, Aly A. The Surgical Suture. Aesthetic Surg J. 2019;39(Supplement_2):S67–72.
  • 40. Zheng WJ, Chen Q, Zou W, Fu Z, Li Y, Liu Z, et al. Waterproof and Breathable Wound Dressing Composited By Expanded Polytetrafluoroethylene Backing and Hydrogel. Macro-mol Biosci. 2022;22(8).
  • 41. Fernandez R, Green HL, Griffiths R, Atkin-son RA, Ellwood LJ. Water for wound cleansing. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2022;2022(9).
  • 42. Akyolcu N. Wound healing and nursing care. In: Aksoy G, Kanan N, Akyolcu N, editors. Surgical Nursing I. Nobel Medical Bookstores; 2012, p:79–113.
  • 43. Benbow M. Best practice in wound assessment. Nurs Stand. 2016;30(27):40–7.
  • 44. Dülcek S, Eryiğit T, Çoban N, Beydağ KD, Ortabağ T. War and Postwar Nursing. Fener-bahce Univ J Heal Sci. 2022;2(2):515–21.
  • 45. Serin M, Uğurluer G. Hyperthermia. Turki-ye Klin J Radiat Oncol. 2015;1(3):57–63.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Surgery (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Sevgi Deniz Doğan 0000-0003-0311-2123

İnan Gümüş 0000-0002-6124-8881

Publication Date January 21, 2025
Submission Date July 19, 2024
Acceptance Date January 7, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 18 Issue: 1


Vancouver Deniz Doğan S, Gümüş İ. Historical overview of wound care: Evaluation of Alâ’im-i Cerrâhîn from the 16th century. JSurgArts. 2025;18(1):6-13.

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