Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 245 - 252, 28.07.2019


In this work, it was tried to remove Th (IV) radioactive ions in aqueous
solution by using modified Cystoseira barbata. pH, contact time, concentration
effects and temperature were investigated. It was observed that the amount of
the removal was not affected by pH change. Adsorption isotherm models were
applied and the maximum qm value was found to be 116.95 mgg-1 at 250C.


  • ABBASIZADEH, S., KESTHAR, A.R. and MOUSAVIAN, M.A., 2013, Preparation of a novel electrospun polyvinyl alcohol/titanium oxide nanofiber adsorbent modified with mercapto groups for uranium(VI) and thorium(IV) removal from aqueous solution, Chemical Engineering Journal, 220, 161-171.
  • ABD-EL-KAREEM, M. S., and TAHA, H. M., 2012, Decolorization of malachite green and methylene blue by two microalgal species, International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 3(5): 297-302.
  • ARIFF, A.B., MEL, M., HASAN, M.A. and KARIM, M.I.A., 1999, The kinetics and mechanism of lead (II) biosorption by powderized Rhizopus oligosporus. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 15(2) : 291-298.
  • AYTAS, S., GUNDUZ, E. and GOK, C., 2014, Biosorption of uranium ions by marine macroalga Padina pavonia,Clean Soil Air Water , 42 (4), 498-506.
  • BAI, J., YAO, H., FAN, F., LIN, M., ZHANG, L., DING, H., LEI,F., WU, X., LI, X., GUO, J. and QIN, Z., 2010, Biosorption of uranium by chemically modified Rhodotorula glutinis, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 101(11), 969–73.
  • CAPARKAYA, D. and CAVAS, L., 2008, Biosorption of methylene blue by a brown alga Cystoseira barbatula Kützing, Acta Chimica Slovenica, 55(3): 547-553.
  • CECAL, A., HUMELNICU, D., RUDIC, V., CEPOI, L., GANJU, D. and COJOCARI, A., 2012, Uptake of uranyl ions from uranium ores and sludges by means of Spirulina platensis, Porphyridium cruentum and Nostoklinckia alga, Bioresource Technology, 118, 19–23.
  • DAVIS, T.A., VOLESKY, B. and MUCCI, A., 2003, A review of the biochemistry of heavy metal biosorption by brown algae, Water Resource, 37: 4311–4330EL JAMAL, M. M. and NCIBI, M. C., 2012, Biosorption of methylene blue by Chaetophora elegans Algae: Kinetics, Equilibrium and Thermodynamic Studies, Acta Chimica Slovenica, 59(1): 24-31.
  • FREUNDLICH, H., 1906, Over The Adsorption in Solution, The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 57:385.
  • GHASEMI, M., KESHTKAR, A. R., DABBAGH, R. and JABER SAFDARI, S., 2011, Biosorption of uranium (VI) from aqueous solutions by Ca-pretreated Cystoseira indica alga: breakthrough curves studies and modeling, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 189(1-2), 141–9.
  • KESHTKAR, A.R. and HASSANI, M.A., 2014, Biosorption of thorium from aqueous solution by Ca-pretreated brown algae Cystoseira indica, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 31 (2): 289-295.
  • KESHTKAR, A.R., MOHAMMADI, M. and MOOSAVIAN, M.A., 2015, Equilibrium biosorption studies of wastewater U(VI), Cu(II) and Ni(II) by the brown alga Cystoseira indica in single, binary and ternary metal systems, Journal of Radio analytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 303, 363-376.
  • KHANI, M. H., KESHTKAR, A. R., MEYSAMI, B., ZAREA, M.F. and JALALI, R,.2006, Biosorption of uranium from aqueous solutions by nonliving biomass of marine algae Cystoseria indica, Journal of Biotechnology, 9 (2),100-106.
  • HUANG, Y., HU, Y., CHEN, L., YANG, T., HUANG, H., SHI, R., LU, P. and ZHONG, C., 2018, Selective biosorption of thorium (IV) from aqueous solutions by ginkgo leaf, PlosOne, 13(3):1-25.
  • KAYNAR, U., H., ŞABİKOĞLU, İ., 2008, Adsorption of thorium by amorphous silica; response surface modeling and optimization, Journal of Radio analytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 318 (2): 823-834.
  • KRATOCHVIL, D. and VOLESKY, B., 1998, Biosorption of Cu from ferruginous wastewater by algal biomass, Water Research, 32(9): 2760-2768.
  • LANGMUIR, I., 1918, The adsorption of gases on plane surfaces of glass, mica and platinum, Journal of American Chemical Society, 40: 1361–1403.
  • LODEIRO, P., BARRIADA, J.L., HERRERO, R. and SASTRE DE VINCENTE, M.E., 2006, The marine macroalga Cystoseira baccata as biosorbent for cadmium (II) and lead (II) removal: kinetic and equilibrium studies, Environmental Pollution, 142: 264–273.
  • MALIK, D. J., STREAT, M. and GREIG, J., 1999, Characterization and Evaluation of Seaweed-Based Sorbents for Treating Toxic Metal-Bearing Solutions, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 77 (4): 227-233.
  • MC MULLAN, G., MEEHAN, C., CONNEELY, A., KIRBY, N., ROBINSON, T., NIGAM, P., BANAT, I. M., MARCHANT, R. and SMYTHET, W. F., 2001, Microbial decolourisation and degradation of textile dyes, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 56: 81-87.
  • MOGHADDAM, M. R., FATEMI, S. and KESHTKAR, A., 2013, Adsorption of lead (Pb2+) and uranium cations by brown algae; experimental and thermodynamic modeling, Chemical Engineering Journal, 231, 294–303.
  • OZUDOGRU, Y., 2019, Cystoseira barbata ile toryum biyosorpsiyonu, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 21: 461-468.
  • PAVASANT, P., APIRATIKUL, R., SUNGKHUM, V., SUTHIPARINYANONT, P., WATTANACHIRA, S. and MARHABA, T. F., 2006, Biosorption of Cu2+, Cd2+, Pb2+ and Zn2+ using dried marine green macroalga Caulerpa lentillifera, Bioresource Technology, 97(18): 2321-2329.
  • PICARDO, M.C., DE MELO FERREİRA, A.C. and AUGUSTO DA COSTA, A.C., 2006, Biosorption of radioactive thorium by Sargassum filipendula, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 134: 193-206.
  • RIAZI, M., KESHTKAR, A.R. and MOOSAVIAN, M.A., 2014, Batch and continuous fixed-bed column biosorption of thorium (IV) from aqueous solutions: equilibrium and dynamic modeling, Journal of Radio analytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 301 (2) : 493-503.
  • RIAZI, M., KESHTAR , A.R. and MOOSAVAIAN, M.A. 2016. Biosorption of Th(IV) in a fixed-bed column by Ca-pretreated Cystoseira indica. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 4: 1890-1898.
  • RUBIN, E., RODRIGUEZ, P., HERRERO, R., CREMADES, J., BARBARA, I. and E SASTRE DE VICENTE, M., 2005, Removal of Methylene Blue from aqueous solutions using as biyosorbent Sargassum muticum: an invasive macroalga in Europe, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 80 (3): 291-298.
  • SCHIEWER, S. and WONG, M. H., 2000, Ionic strength effects in biosorption of metals by marine algae, Chemosphere, 41 (1–2): 271-282.
  • TSEZOS, M. and VOLESKY, B., 1981, Biosorption of uranium and thorium, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 23, 583-604.
  • VIEIRA, R. H. S. F. and VOLESKY, B., 2010, Biosorption: a solution to pollution?, International Microbiology, 3: 17–24.
  • VIJAYARAGHAVAN, K. and YUN, Y. S., 2008, Bacterial biosorbents and biosorption, Biotechnology Advances, 26: 266-291.
  • YANG, J. and VOLESKY, B., 1999, Biosorption of uranium on Sargassum biomass, Water Research, 33 : 3357-3363.
  • ZHOU, L., WANG, Y., ZOU, H., LIANG, X., ZENG, K., LIU, Z. and ADESINA, A.A., 2016, Biosorption characteristics of uranium (VI) and thorium (IV) ions from aqueous solution using CaCl2- modified Giant Kelp biomass, Journal of Radio analytical Nuclear Chemistry, 307: 635-644.
Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 245 - 252, 28.07.2019



  • ABBASIZADEH, S., KESTHAR, A.R. and MOUSAVIAN, M.A., 2013, Preparation of a novel electrospun polyvinyl alcohol/titanium oxide nanofiber adsorbent modified with mercapto groups for uranium(VI) and thorium(IV) removal from aqueous solution, Chemical Engineering Journal, 220, 161-171.
  • ABD-EL-KAREEM, M. S., and TAHA, H. M., 2012, Decolorization of malachite green and methylene blue by two microalgal species, International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 3(5): 297-302.
  • ARIFF, A.B., MEL, M., HASAN, M.A. and KARIM, M.I.A., 1999, The kinetics and mechanism of lead (II) biosorption by powderized Rhizopus oligosporus. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 15(2) : 291-298.
  • AYTAS, S., GUNDUZ, E. and GOK, C., 2014, Biosorption of uranium ions by marine macroalga Padina pavonia,Clean Soil Air Water , 42 (4), 498-506.
  • BAI, J., YAO, H., FAN, F., LIN, M., ZHANG, L., DING, H., LEI,F., WU, X., LI, X., GUO, J. and QIN, Z., 2010, Biosorption of uranium by chemically modified Rhodotorula glutinis, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 101(11), 969–73.
  • CAPARKAYA, D. and CAVAS, L., 2008, Biosorption of methylene blue by a brown alga Cystoseira barbatula Kützing, Acta Chimica Slovenica, 55(3): 547-553.
  • CECAL, A., HUMELNICU, D., RUDIC, V., CEPOI, L., GANJU, D. and COJOCARI, A., 2012, Uptake of uranyl ions from uranium ores and sludges by means of Spirulina platensis, Porphyridium cruentum and Nostoklinckia alga, Bioresource Technology, 118, 19–23.
  • DAVIS, T.A., VOLESKY, B. and MUCCI, A., 2003, A review of the biochemistry of heavy metal biosorption by brown algae, Water Resource, 37: 4311–4330EL JAMAL, M. M. and NCIBI, M. C., 2012, Biosorption of methylene blue by Chaetophora elegans Algae: Kinetics, Equilibrium and Thermodynamic Studies, Acta Chimica Slovenica, 59(1): 24-31.
  • FREUNDLICH, H., 1906, Over The Adsorption in Solution, The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 57:385.
  • GHASEMI, M., KESHTKAR, A. R., DABBAGH, R. and JABER SAFDARI, S., 2011, Biosorption of uranium (VI) from aqueous solutions by Ca-pretreated Cystoseira indica alga: breakthrough curves studies and modeling, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 189(1-2), 141–9.
  • KESHTKAR, A.R. and HASSANI, M.A., 2014, Biosorption of thorium from aqueous solution by Ca-pretreated brown algae Cystoseira indica, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 31 (2): 289-295.
  • KESHTKAR, A.R., MOHAMMADI, M. and MOOSAVIAN, M.A., 2015, Equilibrium biosorption studies of wastewater U(VI), Cu(II) and Ni(II) by the brown alga Cystoseira indica in single, binary and ternary metal systems, Journal of Radio analytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 303, 363-376.
  • KHANI, M. H., KESHTKAR, A. R., MEYSAMI, B., ZAREA, M.F. and JALALI, R,.2006, Biosorption of uranium from aqueous solutions by nonliving biomass of marine algae Cystoseria indica, Journal of Biotechnology, 9 (2),100-106.
  • HUANG, Y., HU, Y., CHEN, L., YANG, T., HUANG, H., SHI, R., LU, P. and ZHONG, C., 2018, Selective biosorption of thorium (IV) from aqueous solutions by ginkgo leaf, PlosOne, 13(3):1-25.
  • KAYNAR, U., H., ŞABİKOĞLU, İ., 2008, Adsorption of thorium by amorphous silica; response surface modeling and optimization, Journal of Radio analytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 318 (2): 823-834.
  • KRATOCHVIL, D. and VOLESKY, B., 1998, Biosorption of Cu from ferruginous wastewater by algal biomass, Water Research, 32(9): 2760-2768.
  • LANGMUIR, I., 1918, The adsorption of gases on plane surfaces of glass, mica and platinum, Journal of American Chemical Society, 40: 1361–1403.
  • LODEIRO, P., BARRIADA, J.L., HERRERO, R. and SASTRE DE VINCENTE, M.E., 2006, The marine macroalga Cystoseira baccata as biosorbent for cadmium (II) and lead (II) removal: kinetic and equilibrium studies, Environmental Pollution, 142: 264–273.
  • MALIK, D. J., STREAT, M. and GREIG, J., 1999, Characterization and Evaluation of Seaweed-Based Sorbents for Treating Toxic Metal-Bearing Solutions, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 77 (4): 227-233.
  • MC MULLAN, G., MEEHAN, C., CONNEELY, A., KIRBY, N., ROBINSON, T., NIGAM, P., BANAT, I. M., MARCHANT, R. and SMYTHET, W. F., 2001, Microbial decolourisation and degradation of textile dyes, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 56: 81-87.
  • MOGHADDAM, M. R., FATEMI, S. and KESHTKAR, A., 2013, Adsorption of lead (Pb2+) and uranium cations by brown algae; experimental and thermodynamic modeling, Chemical Engineering Journal, 231, 294–303.
  • OZUDOGRU, Y., 2019, Cystoseira barbata ile toryum biyosorpsiyonu, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 21: 461-468.
  • PAVASANT, P., APIRATIKUL, R., SUNGKHUM, V., SUTHIPARINYANONT, P., WATTANACHIRA, S. and MARHABA, T. F., 2006, Biosorption of Cu2+, Cd2+, Pb2+ and Zn2+ using dried marine green macroalga Caulerpa lentillifera, Bioresource Technology, 97(18): 2321-2329.
  • PICARDO, M.C., DE MELO FERREİRA, A.C. and AUGUSTO DA COSTA, A.C., 2006, Biosorption of radioactive thorium by Sargassum filipendula, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 134: 193-206.
  • RIAZI, M., KESHTKAR, A.R. and MOOSAVIAN, M.A., 2014, Batch and continuous fixed-bed column biosorption of thorium (IV) from aqueous solutions: equilibrium and dynamic modeling, Journal of Radio analytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 301 (2) : 493-503.
  • RIAZI, M., KESHTAR , A.R. and MOOSAVAIAN, M.A. 2016. Biosorption of Th(IV) in a fixed-bed column by Ca-pretreated Cystoseira indica. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 4: 1890-1898.
  • RUBIN, E., RODRIGUEZ, P., HERRERO, R., CREMADES, J., BARBARA, I. and E SASTRE DE VICENTE, M., 2005, Removal of Methylene Blue from aqueous solutions using as biyosorbent Sargassum muticum: an invasive macroalga in Europe, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 80 (3): 291-298.
  • SCHIEWER, S. and WONG, M. H., 2000, Ionic strength effects in biosorption of metals by marine algae, Chemosphere, 41 (1–2): 271-282.
  • TSEZOS, M. and VOLESKY, B., 1981, Biosorption of uranium and thorium, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 23, 583-604.
  • VIEIRA, R. H. S. F. and VOLESKY, B., 2010, Biosorption: a solution to pollution?, International Microbiology, 3: 17–24.
  • VIJAYARAGHAVAN, K. and YUN, Y. S., 2008, Bacterial biosorbents and biosorption, Biotechnology Advances, 26: 266-291.
  • YANG, J. and VOLESKY, B., 1999, Biosorption of uranium on Sargassum biomass, Water Research, 33 : 3357-3363.
  • ZHOU, L., WANG, Y., ZOU, H., LIANG, X., ZENG, K., LIU, Z. and ADESINA, A.A., 2016, Biosorption characteristics of uranium (VI) and thorium (IV) ions from aqueous solution using CaCl2- modified Giant Kelp biomass, Journal of Radio analytical Nuclear Chemistry, 307: 635-644.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Yeliz Ozudogru 0000-0003-0471-6404

Publication Date July 28, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 3 Issue: 3


APA Ozudogru, Y. (2019). REMOVAL OF THORIUM (IV) ION BY USING MODIFIED CYSTOSEIRA BARBATA. Journal of Scientific Perspectives, 3(3), 245-252.