Year 2020,
Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 388 - 408, 30.06.2020
Mostafa Eissa
Engy Rashed
- Bartholdi JJ, Hackman ST (2014) Warehouse & Distribution Science: Release 0.97. Supply Chain and Logistics Institute, Atlanta
Bienert G (2018) Development and evaluation of product delivery strategies for demand-driven production-distribution systems, Australia
Carey RB, Bhattacharyya S, Kehl SC, Matukas LM, Pentella MA, Salfinger M, Schuetz AN (2018). Implementing a quality management system in the medical microbiology laboratory. Clinical microbiology reviews 31(3):e00062-17
Cato W, Mobley R (2014) Computer-Managed Maintenance Systems. Elsevier Science, London
CDER, CBER (2002) Guidance for industry. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Rockville, Maryland
Chesney DL (2005) Management controls for GMP compliance. Pharmaceutical Technology 4: 2005
Deelman E, Blythe J, Gil Y, Kesselman C, Mehta G, Patil S, Su MH, Vahi K, Livny M (2004) Pegasus: Mapping scientific workflows onto the grid. In European Across Grids Conference. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 11-20
Eissa ME (2019a) Monitoring of Cryptosporidium spp. Outbreaks Using Statistical Process Control Tools and Quantitative Risk Analysis Based on NORS Long-term Trending. Microbiology Journal 9: 1-7
Eissa ME, Abid AM (2018) Application of statistical process control for spotting compliance to good pharmaceutical practice. Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 54(2):e17499
Eissa MEA (2019b) Statistical analysis review and lessons learned from recent outbreak trends of highest population density states in USA: Massachusetts, New Jersey and Rhode Island. J. Food Chem. Nanotechnol 5:8-19
Food and Drug Administration (2006) Guidance for industry: Quality systems approach to pharmaceutical cGMP regulations. Pharmaceutical CGMPs
Harel Z, Silver SA, McQuillan RF, Weizman AV, Thomas A, Chertow GM, Nesrallah G, Chan CT, Bell CM (2016) How to diagnose solutions to a quality of care problem. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 11(5):901-907
Henderson GR (2011) Six Sigma quality improvement with MINITAB. John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex
Hou SW, Feng S, Wang H (2016) Intelligent process abnormal patterns recognition and diagnosis based on fuzzy logic. Computational intelligence and neuroscience 2016
Institute of Medicine (US) Committee to Design a Strategy for Quality Review and Assurance in Medicare (1990) Medicare: A Strategy for Quality Assurance: Volume 1
Melchior P, Goulding AD (2018) Filling the gaps: Gaussian mixture models from noisy, truncated or incomplete samples. Astronomy and computing, 25:183-194
Montgomery DC (2004) Methods and philosophy of statistical process control. Introduction to statistical quality control, 6rd edn. Wiley, Arizona, pp 179-213
Montgomery DC (2012) Statistical quality control. Wiley Global Education, Arizona State University
Moraru L, Moldovanu S, Dimitrievici L T, Dey N, Ashour AS, Shi F, Fong SJ, Khan S, Biswas A (2019) Gaussian mixture model for texture characterization with application to brain DTI images. Journal of advanced research 16:15-23
Muller M (2019) Essentials of inventory management. HarperCollins Leadership. Australia
National Research Council Staff, Committee on Supply Chain Staff, Commission on Engineering Staff (2000) Surviving supply chain integration: strategies for small manufacturers. National Academies Press, Washington, DC
Oliveira PM, Novais P, Reis LP (2019) Progress in Artificial Intelligence: 19th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2019, Springer Nature, Vila Real, Portugal
Rachmania IN, Basri MH (2013) Pharmaceutical inventory management issues in hospital supply chains. Management 3(1):1-5
Schlegelmilch BB (1998) Marketing ethics: An international perspective. Cengage Learning EMEA, Berkshire House, London
Thompson J (2011) Empirical model building. John Wiley & Sons, NJ
World Health Organization (2007) Quality assurance of pharmaceuticals: A compendium of guidelines and related materials. Good manufacturing practices and inspection (Vol. 2). World Health Organization, India
World Health Organization (2011) Laboratory quality management system: handbook. World Health Organization, France
Year 2020,
Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 388 - 408, 30.06.2020
Mostafa Eissa
Engy Rashed
Inventory management and control represent a crucial activity required in any successful organization for the modern industry generally and the healthcare field specifically. Rigorous monitoring of the goods inspection properties is important for the delivery of products with appropriate quality that meets customer needs. In the present study, random records have been selected that cover a year simulation period of monitoring for container deliveries to a warehouse that were used as primary packaging materials for topical healthcare products from three different manufacturers. Statistical Process Control (SPC) methodologies and analyses such as box plots, histograms, Pareto diagrams, process-behavior charts and Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) were applied for processed and stratified data to evaluate a single product property. Integration between the material stock database and statistical processing platform was established through excel dataset and/or Comma-Separated Values (CSV) files where the results of the monitored inspection characteristic were reported for each freightage. The analysis showed that the most dominant supplier dispatched products with specifications that have become very close to the target value, despite initial unstable variations in the inspection characteristic. The less common manufacturer showed product quality values that are shifted slightly above the previous one with a lower rate of out-of-control alarms. The least contacted vendor demonstrated the highest precision (which might be partially accounted to a very few numbers of the received batches of the packaging product) with the lowest accurate values that were very close to the upper specification limit. The study was useful in manufacturers' quality assessment and follow-ups.
- Bartholdi JJ, Hackman ST (2014) Warehouse & Distribution Science: Release 0.97. Supply Chain and Logistics Institute, Atlanta
Bienert G (2018) Development and evaluation of product delivery strategies for demand-driven production-distribution systems, Australia
Carey RB, Bhattacharyya S, Kehl SC, Matukas LM, Pentella MA, Salfinger M, Schuetz AN (2018). Implementing a quality management system in the medical microbiology laboratory. Clinical microbiology reviews 31(3):e00062-17
Cato W, Mobley R (2014) Computer-Managed Maintenance Systems. Elsevier Science, London
CDER, CBER (2002) Guidance for industry. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Rockville, Maryland
Chesney DL (2005) Management controls for GMP compliance. Pharmaceutical Technology 4: 2005
Deelman E, Blythe J, Gil Y, Kesselman C, Mehta G, Patil S, Su MH, Vahi K, Livny M (2004) Pegasus: Mapping scientific workflows onto the grid. In European Across Grids Conference. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 11-20
Eissa ME (2019a) Monitoring of Cryptosporidium spp. Outbreaks Using Statistical Process Control Tools and Quantitative Risk Analysis Based on NORS Long-term Trending. Microbiology Journal 9: 1-7
Eissa ME, Abid AM (2018) Application of statistical process control for spotting compliance to good pharmaceutical practice. Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 54(2):e17499
Eissa MEA (2019b) Statistical analysis review and lessons learned from recent outbreak trends of highest population density states in USA: Massachusetts, New Jersey and Rhode Island. J. Food Chem. Nanotechnol 5:8-19
Food and Drug Administration (2006) Guidance for industry: Quality systems approach to pharmaceutical cGMP regulations. Pharmaceutical CGMPs
Harel Z, Silver SA, McQuillan RF, Weizman AV, Thomas A, Chertow GM, Nesrallah G, Chan CT, Bell CM (2016) How to diagnose solutions to a quality of care problem. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 11(5):901-907
Henderson GR (2011) Six Sigma quality improvement with MINITAB. John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex
Hou SW, Feng S, Wang H (2016) Intelligent process abnormal patterns recognition and diagnosis based on fuzzy logic. Computational intelligence and neuroscience 2016
Institute of Medicine (US) Committee to Design a Strategy for Quality Review and Assurance in Medicare (1990) Medicare: A Strategy for Quality Assurance: Volume 1
Melchior P, Goulding AD (2018) Filling the gaps: Gaussian mixture models from noisy, truncated or incomplete samples. Astronomy and computing, 25:183-194
Montgomery DC (2004) Methods and philosophy of statistical process control. Introduction to statistical quality control, 6rd edn. Wiley, Arizona, pp 179-213
Montgomery DC (2012) Statistical quality control. Wiley Global Education, Arizona State University
Moraru L, Moldovanu S, Dimitrievici L T, Dey N, Ashour AS, Shi F, Fong SJ, Khan S, Biswas A (2019) Gaussian mixture model for texture characterization with application to brain DTI images. Journal of advanced research 16:15-23
Muller M (2019) Essentials of inventory management. HarperCollins Leadership. Australia
National Research Council Staff, Committee on Supply Chain Staff, Commission on Engineering Staff (2000) Surviving supply chain integration: strategies for small manufacturers. National Academies Press, Washington, DC
Oliveira PM, Novais P, Reis LP (2019) Progress in Artificial Intelligence: 19th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2019, Springer Nature, Vila Real, Portugal
Rachmania IN, Basri MH (2013) Pharmaceutical inventory management issues in hospital supply chains. Management 3(1):1-5
Schlegelmilch BB (1998) Marketing ethics: An international perspective. Cengage Learning EMEA, Berkshire House, London
Thompson J (2011) Empirical model building. John Wiley & Sons, NJ
World Health Organization (2007) Quality assurance of pharmaceuticals: A compendium of guidelines and related materials. Good manufacturing practices and inspection (Vol. 2). World Health Organization, India
World Health Organization (2011) Laboratory quality management system: handbook. World Health Organization, France