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Arkaik Dönem’de Yunan Symposion Geleneği ve Kahraman Kültü İlişkisi

Year 2020, , 213 - 241, 15.12.2020


Symposion, Antik Yunan medeniyetini meydana getiren birçok ritüel pratikten biridir. Genellikle ziyafet kültürünün bir parçası olduğu düşünülür. Şarap bu oluşumun merkezinde yer alır. Symposion’da şarap tüketimi, içinde birçok unsuru barındıran bir ritüele dönüşmüştür. Toplumsal güç dengelerinin değişimine paralel olarak birçok symposion türü ortaya çıkar. Her türün kendine özgü özellikleri vardır. Makalenin amacı, symposion'un sahip olduğu özelliklerinin temelinde var olan kahraman kültüne ait izleri ortaya koymaktır. 
Antik Yunan'da kahraman kültü, kökeni Myken Dönemi'ne kadar giden ve temelinde kahraman tapınımı olan bir kült sistemidir. Kahramanın aristokratik, savaşçı, cesur, mücadeleci doğasının ve symposion betimlerindeki şarap tüketimi kültürünün, Arkaik Yunan symposion geleneğinin kökenini oluşturduğu görülmektedir. Kahraman kültünün Yunan symposion'una etkisi, Arkaik Dönem’e ait özellikle lirik şiirler, ikonografik betimlemeler ve arkeolojik sonuçlara dayanan kaynaklarda incelenmiştir. Farklı teoriler birlikte değerlendirilerek, incelenen konu kapsamında olası sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır. Symposion’un sadece ziyafetin bir parçası olarak değerlendirilemeyeceği anlaşılmaktadır. Symposion boyunca davetliler tarafından uyulması istenen ritüel pratikler, kahraman kültünün gereği olan birçok uygulamaya sahiptir. Bu yönüyle, symposion’un kahraman kültünün varlığını devam ettirmek ve gücünü arttırmak için kullanıldığı görülmüştür. Bu sonuca symposion'un kökeni, Arkaik Dönem içindeki gelişimi, ritüel nesneler ve pratikler araştırılarak ulaşılmaktadır. 


  • [1] Aiskh. Ag. (=Aiskhylos, Agamemnon) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Agamemnon, Libation-Bearers, Eumenides, Fragments. Translated by H. W. Smyth. Cambridge 1926.
  • [2] Aristoph. Eq. (=Aristophanes, Equites) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: The Complete Greek Drama. Ed. Eugene O'Neill. Vol. 2. New York 1938.
  • [3] Aristoph. (=Aristophanes, Wasps), Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Clouds, Wasps, Peace. Edited and Translated by Jeffrey Henderson. Cambridge 1998.
  • [4] Ath. (=Athenaios) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: The Deipnosophists. Or Banquet Of The Learned of Athenaeus. Translated by Henry G. Bohn. London 1854.
  • [5] Eur. Bakkh. (=Euripides, Bacchae) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Bacchae. Iphigenia at Aulis. Rhesus. Edited and translated by David Kovacs. Cambridge 2003.
  • [6] Hdt. (=Herodotos) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Tarih. Çev. Müntekim Ökmen. İstanbul 2012.
  • [7] Hes. Op. (=Hesiodos, Opera et Dies/İşler ve Günler) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Theogony, Works and Days, Testimonia. Edited and translated by Glenn W. Most. Cambridge 2018.
  • [8] Hom. Il. (=Homeros, İlyada) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: İlyada. Çev. A. Erhat-A. Kadir. Istanbul 2016.
  • [9] Hom. Od. (=Homeros, Odysseia) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Odysseia. Çev. A. Erhat-A. Kadir. İstanbul 2016.
  • [10] Paus. (=Pausanias) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Description of Greece. Translated by W. H. S. Jones. Cambridge 1918 .
  • [11] Pi. O. (=Pindar, Olympian Odes) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Olympian Odes. Pythian Odes. Edited and Translated by W. H. Race. Cambridge 1997.
  • [12] Plat. Leg. (=Platon, Leges/Laws) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Laws. Translated by R. G. Bury. Cambridge 1926.
  • [13] Plat. Rep. (=Platon, Republic) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Republic. Edited and Translated by Chris Emlyn-Jones, William Preddy. Cambridge 2013.
  • [14] Plat. Sym. (=Platon, Symposium) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Lysis. Symposium. Gorgias. Translated by W. R. M. Lamb. Cambridge 1925.
  • [15] Plut. Sol. (=Plutarkhos, Solon) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Plutarch's Lives. Vol. I. English Translated by B. Perrin. Cambridge 1914.
  • [16] Plut. Arist. (=Plutarkhos, Aristides) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Plutarch's Lives. Vol. II. English Translated by B. Perrin. Cambridge 1914.
  • [17] Plut. Cim. (=Plutarkhos, Cimon) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Plutarch's Lives. Vol. II. English Translated by B. Perrin. Cambridge 1914.
  • [18] Plut. Sym. (=Plutarkhos, Symposium) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Moralia. Vol. III. Translated by P. A. Clement-H. B. Hofflett. Cambridge 1969.
  • [19] Thuk. (=Thukydides) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: History of the Peloponnesian War. Translated by C. W. Simith. Cambridge 1919.
  • [20] Avramidou, Amalia(2006), “Attic Vases in Etruria: Another View on the Divine Banquet Cup by the Codrus Painter", American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 110, (565-579).
  • [21] Baughan, Elizabeth P.(2011), “Sculpted Symposiasts of Ionia", American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 115, (19-53).
  • [22] Beazley, John Davidson(1963), Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • [23] Brooner, Oscar(1942), "Hero Cults in the Corinthian Agora", Hesperia, Vol. 11, (128-161).
  • [24] Burton, Joan(1998), “Women's Commensality in the Ancient Greek World", Greece&Rome, Vol. 45, (143-165).
  • [25] Calame, Claude(1999), The Poetics of Eros in Ancient Greece, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • [26] Coccagna, Helene. A.(2011), "Embodying Sympotic Pleasure: A Visual Pun on the Body of an Auletris", Greek Prostitutes in the Ancient Mediterranean 800 BCE-200 CE, Eds. A. Glazebrook, M.M. Henry, The University of Wisconsin Press, Wisconsin, (106-121).
  • [27] Corner, Sean(2010), “Transcendent Drinking: The Symposium at Sea Reconsidered", Classical Quarterly, 60.2, (352-380).
  • [28] Corner, Sean(2011), "Bringing the Outside In: The Andron as Brothel and the Symposium's Civic Sexuality", Greek Prostitutes in the Ancient Mediterranean 800 BCE-200 CE, Eds. A. Glazebrook, M. M. Henry, The University of Wisconsin Press, Wisconsin, (60-85).
  • [29] Corner, Sean(2015), "Symposium", A Companion to Food in the Ancient World, Eds. John Wilkins, Robin Nadeau, Wiley-Blackwell, (234-242).
  • [30] Ekroth, Gunnel(1998), "Altars in Greek Hero Cults: A Review of the Archaeological Evidence", Ancient Greek Hero Cult Practice From the Archaeological Evidence, Proceedings of the Fourth International Seminar on Ancient Greek Cult, Swedish Institue at Athens 1993, (117-130).
  • [31] Ekroth, Gunnel(2018), "Holocaustic Sacrificies in Ancient Greek Religion and the Ritual Relations to the Levant", Change, Continuity and Connectivity: North-Eastern Mediterranean at the turn of the Bronze Age and in the Early Iron Age, Eds. L. Niesilowski-Sapano, M. Wecowski, Philippika, Harrassowitz Verlag, (308-326).
  • [32] Fehr, Burkhard(2003), “What has Dionysos to do with the symposion?”, Pallas, Vol. 61, (23-37).
  • [33] Fisher, Nick(2000), "Symposiasts, Fish-Eaters and Flatterers: Social Mobility and Moral Concerns in Old Comedy",The Rivals of Aristophanes: Studies in Athenian Old Comedy, Eds. D. Harvey, J. Wilkins, The Classical Press of Wales, (355-396).
  • [34] Ford, Andrew(2002), The Origins of Criticism: Literary Culture and Poetic Theory in Classical Greece, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • [35] Gimatzidis, Stefanos(2011), “Feasting and Offering to the Gods in Early Greek Sanctuaries: Monumentalisation and Miniaturisation in Pottery”, Pallas, Vol. 86, (75-96).
  • [36] Hobden, Fiona(2004), “How to be a Good Symposiast and Other Lessons From Xenophon's Symposium?”, Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society, Vol. 50, (121-140).
  • [37] Jones, Gregory S.(2014), “Voice of the People: Popular Symposia and the Non-Elite Origins of the Attic Skolia", Transactions of the American Philological Association, Vol. 144, (229-262).
  • [38] Kearns, Emily(1990), "Between God and Men: Status and Function of Heroes and Their Sanctuaries", Le Sanctuarie Grec, Geneve, (65-100).
  • [39] Koiv, Mait(2016), "Basileus, tyrannos, polis: The Dynamics of Monarchy in Early Greece", De Gruyter, 98 (1), (1-89).
  • [40] Kurke, Leslie(1999), “Ancient Greek Board Games and How to Play Them”, Classical Philology, Vol. 94, (247-267).
  • [41] Liddell, Henry George ve Scott, Robert(1846), A Greek-English Lexicon: Based on the German Work of Francis Passow, Harper&Brothers Publishers, New York.
  • [42] Lissarrague, François(1990), The Aesthetics of the Greek Banquet: Images of Wine and Ritual, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • [43] Lynch, Kathleen M.(2012), “Drinking and Dining", A Companion to Greek Art, Eds. T. J. Simth, D. Plantzos, Wiley-Blackwell, (525-542).
  • [44] McNiven, Timothy(2014), “The View From Behind the Kline: Symposial Space and Beyond", Athenian Potter and Painters III, Ed. John H. Oakley, Oxbow Books, (125-133).
  • [45] Murray, Oswyn(1991), “War and the Symposium”, Dining in a Classical Context, Ed. William J. Slater, The University of Michiagen Press, (83-104).
  • [46] Murray, Oswyn(2016a), “Violence at the Symposion", The Topography of Violence in the Greko-Romen World, Eds. W. Riess, G.G. Fagan, The University of Michiagen Press, (195-206).
  • [47] Murray, Oswyn(2016b), “The Symposion Between East and West", The Cup of Song: Studies on Poetry and the Symposion, Oxford University Press, (17-27).
  • [48] O’Connor, Kaori(2015), The Never-Ending Feast: The Anthropology and Archaeology of Feasting, Bloomsbury, UK.
  • [49] Osborne, Robin(2007), “Projecting Identities in the Greek Symposion”, Material Identities, Ed. Joanna Sofaer, Blackwell Publishing, (31-52).
  • [50] Papakonstantinou, Zinon(2012), “A Delight and a Burden (Hes. Sc. 400): Wine and Wine-Drinking in Archaic Greece", Ancient Society, Vol. 42, (1-32).
  • [51] Polinskaya, Irene(2013), A Local History of Greek Polytheism: Gods, People and the Land of Aigina 800- 400 BCE, Brill, Leiden.
  • [52] Rinella, Michael A.(2010), Pharmakon: Plato, Drug Culture, and Identity in Ancient Athens, Lexington Books.
  • [53] Salapata, Gina(2014), Heroic Offerings: The Terracotta Plaques from the Spartan Sanctuary of Agamemnon and Kassandra, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.
  • [54] Scullion, Scott(2000), "Heroic and Chthonian Sacrifice: New Evidence from Selinos", Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, Bd.132, (163-171).
  • [55] Shanks, Michael(1996), Classical Archaeology of Greece: Experiences of the Disipline, Routledge, London.
  • [56] Sherratt, Susan(2004), “Feasting in Homeric Epic”, Hesperia, Vol. 73, (301-337).
  • [57] Stamatopoulou, Zoe(2019), “Women, Politics and Entertainment in Plutarch's Symposium of the Seven Sages", Illinois Classical Studies, Vol. 44, (209-230).
  • [58] Stehle, Eva(1997), Performance of Gender in Ancient Greece: Nondramatic Poetry in Its Setting, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • [59] Şirvan, Berna(2013), “Dionysos Kültü", Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, Sayı: 143, (113-122).
  • [60] Şirvan, Berna(2019), Arkaik Dönem Eski Yunan Dünyasında Kahramanlık Kültü, Ege Üniversitesi, İzmir, (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi).
  • [61] Topper, Kathryn(2009), “Primitive Life and the Construction of the Sympotic Past in Athenian Vase Painting", American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 113, (3-26).
  • [62] Van den Eijnde, Floris(2018), “Power Play at the Dinner Table: Feasting and Patronage Between Palace and Polis in Attica", Feasting and Polis Institutions, Eds. Floris van den Eijnde, Josine H. Blok, Rolf Strootman, Brill, (60-92).
  • [63] Van Wees, Hans(2006), “From Kings to Demigods: Epic Heroes and Social 750-600 BC”, Ancient Greece From the Mycenaean Palaces to the Age of Homer, Eds. Sigrid Deger-Jalkotzy, Irene S. Lemos, Edinburg University Press, (363-379).
  • [64] Wecowski, Marek(2014), The Rise of the Greek Aristocratic Banquet, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • [65] Wilkins, John(2000), The Boastful Chef: The Discourse of Food in Ancient Greek Comedy, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

The Relation Between Greek Symposion Tradition and Heroic Cult in Archaic Era

Year 2020, , 213 - 241, 15.12.2020


Symposion is one of the ritual practices Ancient Greek civilization. Wine is in the center of this entity which is generally thought to be a part of feast culture. In symposion, consuming wine becomes a ritual with many elements inside. Many different kinds of symposion appear in parallel with the changes of social power balances. Each kind has unique characteristics. The aim of this article is to present the signs of heroic cult which are the basic of symposion's characteristics.
Heroic cult in ancient Greek is a cult system which dates back to Mycenaean Period and it is based on heroic worship. It is seen that the aristocratic, fighter and brave nature of the hero and wine consuming culture in symposion descriptions form the origins of Archaic Greek symposion tradition. The effect of heroic cult to Greek symposion has been studied in the resources which are espacially based on lyric poems, iconographic descriptions and archeological conclusions of Archaic era. Possible results are reached within the context of inspected subject by analyzing different theories together. It is understood that symposion cannot be considered simply as a part of the feast. Ritual practices which are asked to be followed by the guest turing symposion have several practices that heroic cult requires. From this aspect, symposion is determined to be used to continue heroic cult's existence and enhace its strange. This outcome is accomplished by examining the origin of symposion, its improvement in Archaic era, ritual objects and practices. 


  • [1] Aiskh. Ag. (=Aiskhylos, Agamemnon) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Agamemnon, Libation-Bearers, Eumenides, Fragments. Translated by H. W. Smyth. Cambridge 1926.
  • [2] Aristoph. Eq. (=Aristophanes, Equites) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: The Complete Greek Drama. Ed. Eugene O'Neill. Vol. 2. New York 1938.
  • [3] Aristoph. (=Aristophanes, Wasps), Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Clouds, Wasps, Peace. Edited and Translated by Jeffrey Henderson. Cambridge 1998.
  • [4] Ath. (=Athenaios) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: The Deipnosophists. Or Banquet Of The Learned of Athenaeus. Translated by Henry G. Bohn. London 1854.
  • [5] Eur. Bakkh. (=Euripides, Bacchae) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Bacchae. Iphigenia at Aulis. Rhesus. Edited and translated by David Kovacs. Cambridge 2003.
  • [6] Hdt. (=Herodotos) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Tarih. Çev. Müntekim Ökmen. İstanbul 2012.
  • [7] Hes. Op. (=Hesiodos, Opera et Dies/İşler ve Günler) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Theogony, Works and Days, Testimonia. Edited and translated by Glenn W. Most. Cambridge 2018.
  • [8] Hom. Il. (=Homeros, İlyada) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: İlyada. Çev. A. Erhat-A. Kadir. Istanbul 2016.
  • [9] Hom. Od. (=Homeros, Odysseia) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Odysseia. Çev. A. Erhat-A. Kadir. İstanbul 2016.
  • [10] Paus. (=Pausanias) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Description of Greece. Translated by W. H. S. Jones. Cambridge 1918 .
  • [11] Pi. O. (=Pindar, Olympian Odes) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Olympian Odes. Pythian Odes. Edited and Translated by W. H. Race. Cambridge 1997.
  • [12] Plat. Leg. (=Platon, Leges/Laws) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Laws. Translated by R. G. Bury. Cambridge 1926.
  • [13] Plat. Rep. (=Platon, Republic) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Republic. Edited and Translated by Chris Emlyn-Jones, William Preddy. Cambridge 2013.
  • [14] Plat. Sym. (=Platon, Symposium) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Lysis. Symposium. Gorgias. Translated by W. R. M. Lamb. Cambridge 1925.
  • [15] Plut. Sol. (=Plutarkhos, Solon) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Plutarch's Lives. Vol. I. English Translated by B. Perrin. Cambridge 1914.
  • [16] Plut. Arist. (=Plutarkhos, Aristides) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Plutarch's Lives. Vol. II. English Translated by B. Perrin. Cambridge 1914.
  • [17] Plut. Cim. (=Plutarkhos, Cimon) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Plutarch's Lives. Vol. II. English Translated by B. Perrin. Cambridge 1914.
  • [18] Plut. Sym. (=Plutarkhos, Symposium) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: Moralia. Vol. III. Translated by P. A. Clement-H. B. Hofflett. Cambridge 1969.
  • [19] Thuk. (=Thukydides) Kullanılan Metin ve Çeviri: History of the Peloponnesian War. Translated by C. W. Simith. Cambridge 1919.
  • [20] Avramidou, Amalia(2006), “Attic Vases in Etruria: Another View on the Divine Banquet Cup by the Codrus Painter", American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 110, (565-579).
  • [21] Baughan, Elizabeth P.(2011), “Sculpted Symposiasts of Ionia", American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 115, (19-53).
  • [22] Beazley, John Davidson(1963), Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • [23] Brooner, Oscar(1942), "Hero Cults in the Corinthian Agora", Hesperia, Vol. 11, (128-161).
  • [24] Burton, Joan(1998), “Women's Commensality in the Ancient Greek World", Greece&Rome, Vol. 45, (143-165).
  • [25] Calame, Claude(1999), The Poetics of Eros in Ancient Greece, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • [26] Coccagna, Helene. A.(2011), "Embodying Sympotic Pleasure: A Visual Pun on the Body of an Auletris", Greek Prostitutes in the Ancient Mediterranean 800 BCE-200 CE, Eds. A. Glazebrook, M.M. Henry, The University of Wisconsin Press, Wisconsin, (106-121).
  • [27] Corner, Sean(2010), “Transcendent Drinking: The Symposium at Sea Reconsidered", Classical Quarterly, 60.2, (352-380).
  • [28] Corner, Sean(2011), "Bringing the Outside In: The Andron as Brothel and the Symposium's Civic Sexuality", Greek Prostitutes in the Ancient Mediterranean 800 BCE-200 CE, Eds. A. Glazebrook, M. M. Henry, The University of Wisconsin Press, Wisconsin, (60-85).
  • [29] Corner, Sean(2015), "Symposium", A Companion to Food in the Ancient World, Eds. John Wilkins, Robin Nadeau, Wiley-Blackwell, (234-242).
  • [30] Ekroth, Gunnel(1998), "Altars in Greek Hero Cults: A Review of the Archaeological Evidence", Ancient Greek Hero Cult Practice From the Archaeological Evidence, Proceedings of the Fourth International Seminar on Ancient Greek Cult, Swedish Institue at Athens 1993, (117-130).
  • [31] Ekroth, Gunnel(2018), "Holocaustic Sacrificies in Ancient Greek Religion and the Ritual Relations to the Levant", Change, Continuity and Connectivity: North-Eastern Mediterranean at the turn of the Bronze Age and in the Early Iron Age, Eds. L. Niesilowski-Sapano, M. Wecowski, Philippika, Harrassowitz Verlag, (308-326).
  • [32] Fehr, Burkhard(2003), “What has Dionysos to do with the symposion?”, Pallas, Vol. 61, (23-37).
  • [33] Fisher, Nick(2000), "Symposiasts, Fish-Eaters and Flatterers: Social Mobility and Moral Concerns in Old Comedy",The Rivals of Aristophanes: Studies in Athenian Old Comedy, Eds. D. Harvey, J. Wilkins, The Classical Press of Wales, (355-396).
  • [34] Ford, Andrew(2002), The Origins of Criticism: Literary Culture and Poetic Theory in Classical Greece, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • [35] Gimatzidis, Stefanos(2011), “Feasting and Offering to the Gods in Early Greek Sanctuaries: Monumentalisation and Miniaturisation in Pottery”, Pallas, Vol. 86, (75-96).
  • [36] Hobden, Fiona(2004), “How to be a Good Symposiast and Other Lessons From Xenophon's Symposium?”, Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society, Vol. 50, (121-140).
  • [37] Jones, Gregory S.(2014), “Voice of the People: Popular Symposia and the Non-Elite Origins of the Attic Skolia", Transactions of the American Philological Association, Vol. 144, (229-262).
  • [38] Kearns, Emily(1990), "Between God and Men: Status and Function of Heroes and Their Sanctuaries", Le Sanctuarie Grec, Geneve, (65-100).
  • [39] Koiv, Mait(2016), "Basileus, tyrannos, polis: The Dynamics of Monarchy in Early Greece", De Gruyter, 98 (1), (1-89).
  • [40] Kurke, Leslie(1999), “Ancient Greek Board Games and How to Play Them”, Classical Philology, Vol. 94, (247-267).
  • [41] Liddell, Henry George ve Scott, Robert(1846), A Greek-English Lexicon: Based on the German Work of Francis Passow, Harper&Brothers Publishers, New York.
  • [42] Lissarrague, François(1990), The Aesthetics of the Greek Banquet: Images of Wine and Ritual, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • [43] Lynch, Kathleen M.(2012), “Drinking and Dining", A Companion to Greek Art, Eds. T. J. Simth, D. Plantzos, Wiley-Blackwell, (525-542).
  • [44] McNiven, Timothy(2014), “The View From Behind the Kline: Symposial Space and Beyond", Athenian Potter and Painters III, Ed. John H. Oakley, Oxbow Books, (125-133).
  • [45] Murray, Oswyn(1991), “War and the Symposium”, Dining in a Classical Context, Ed. William J. Slater, The University of Michiagen Press, (83-104).
  • [46] Murray, Oswyn(2016a), “Violence at the Symposion", The Topography of Violence in the Greko-Romen World, Eds. W. Riess, G.G. Fagan, The University of Michiagen Press, (195-206).
  • [47] Murray, Oswyn(2016b), “The Symposion Between East and West", The Cup of Song: Studies on Poetry and the Symposion, Oxford University Press, (17-27).
  • [48] O’Connor, Kaori(2015), The Never-Ending Feast: The Anthropology and Archaeology of Feasting, Bloomsbury, UK.
  • [49] Osborne, Robin(2007), “Projecting Identities in the Greek Symposion”, Material Identities, Ed. Joanna Sofaer, Blackwell Publishing, (31-52).
  • [50] Papakonstantinou, Zinon(2012), “A Delight and a Burden (Hes. Sc. 400): Wine and Wine-Drinking in Archaic Greece", Ancient Society, Vol. 42, (1-32).
  • [51] Polinskaya, Irene(2013), A Local History of Greek Polytheism: Gods, People and the Land of Aigina 800- 400 BCE, Brill, Leiden.
  • [52] Rinella, Michael A.(2010), Pharmakon: Plato, Drug Culture, and Identity in Ancient Athens, Lexington Books.
  • [53] Salapata, Gina(2014), Heroic Offerings: The Terracotta Plaques from the Spartan Sanctuary of Agamemnon and Kassandra, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.
  • [54] Scullion, Scott(2000), "Heroic and Chthonian Sacrifice: New Evidence from Selinos", Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, Bd.132, (163-171).
  • [55] Shanks, Michael(1996), Classical Archaeology of Greece: Experiences of the Disipline, Routledge, London.
  • [56] Sherratt, Susan(2004), “Feasting in Homeric Epic”, Hesperia, Vol. 73, (301-337).
  • [57] Stamatopoulou, Zoe(2019), “Women, Politics and Entertainment in Plutarch's Symposium of the Seven Sages", Illinois Classical Studies, Vol. 44, (209-230).
  • [58] Stehle, Eva(1997), Performance of Gender in Ancient Greece: Nondramatic Poetry in Its Setting, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • [59] Şirvan, Berna(2013), “Dionysos Kültü", Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, Sayı: 143, (113-122).
  • [60] Şirvan, Berna(2019), Arkaik Dönem Eski Yunan Dünyasında Kahramanlık Kültü, Ege Üniversitesi, İzmir, (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi).
  • [61] Topper, Kathryn(2009), “Primitive Life and the Construction of the Sympotic Past in Athenian Vase Painting", American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 113, (3-26).
  • [62] Van den Eijnde, Floris(2018), “Power Play at the Dinner Table: Feasting and Patronage Between Palace and Polis in Attica", Feasting and Polis Institutions, Eds. Floris van den Eijnde, Josine H. Blok, Rolf Strootman, Brill, (60-92).
  • [63] Van Wees, Hans(2006), “From Kings to Demigods: Epic Heroes and Social 750-600 BC”, Ancient Greece From the Mycenaean Palaces to the Age of Homer, Eds. Sigrid Deger-Jalkotzy, Irene S. Lemos, Edinburg University Press, (363-379).
  • [64] Wecowski, Marek(2014), The Rise of the Greek Aristocratic Banquet, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • [65] Wilkins, John(2000), The Boastful Chef: The Discourse of Food in Ancient Greek Comedy, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
There are 65 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Berna Şirvan

Publication Date December 15, 2020
Submission Date August 11, 2020
Acceptance Date October 25, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Şirvan, B. (2020). Arkaik Dönem’de Yunan Symposion Geleneği ve Kahraman Kültü İlişkisi. Journal of Universal History Studies, 3(2), 213-241.

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