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Climate Change and Its Impacts upon Occurrence of Natural Hybrid Firs

Year 2012, Volume: 12 Issue: 3, 1 - 7, 01.09.2012



  • Arbez, M., 1969. Repartition Ecologie at variabilitie de sapins de Turquie du nord. Annales de sciences forestieres 26(2), 257-284 Paris.
  • Ata, C., 1975. The distribution of Abies equi- and trojani characteristics. Karadeniz Teknik Uni. Pub., 155 p. Trabzon. its silvicultural
  • Ata, C., Merev, N., 1987. A new fir taxon in Turkey Chataldag fir. Commonv. for Rev. 66(3), 1987, Oxford
  • Aytug, B. 1958. Abies equi-trojaniye ait bazi morfolojik tesbitler. Rev. of Forestry Fac. A. (8), 211-214, Istanbul.
  • Aytug, B., 1959. Abies equi-trojani Asch. Sint. orijini uzerine palinolojik araştırmalar. Rev of Fore. Fac. B., (9)(2), 154-159, Istanbul
  • Aytug, B., 1959. Turkiye Goknar Turleri Esaslar Uzerine Araştırmalar. Review of the Forestry Faculty, A. 9, 2, 165-214, Istanbul. ve Anatomik
  • Aytug, B. 1961. Contribution a l’Etude Anatomique de quarte especes de spains. Bulletin du Museum National d’Histoire. 2 serie, tome 32- N-5, 436-444.
  • Aytug, B., 1967. Polen morfolojisi ve Turkiyenin onemli palinolojik araştırmalar. Uni. of Istanbul publication, 87 p. Istanbul.
  • Beckage, B., Osborn, B., Gavin, D.G., Pucko, C., Siccama, T., Perkins, T., 2008. A rapid upward shift of a forest ecotone during 40 years of warming in the Green Mountains of Vermont. PNAS 105, 4197-4202.
  • Code, J., E. M., Cullen, C., 1965. Materials for flora of Turkey, Pinaceae (Abies in notes from Roy. Bot. Gar. Edinburg, V. XXVI, 2.)
  • Dockerty, T., Lovett, A., Watkinson, A., 2003. Climate change and nature reserves: examining the potential impacts, with examples from Great Britain, Global Env. Change 13, 125- 135.
  • Esau, K.1965. Plant anatomy, Tappon Comp. Ltd. Tokyo Japan. 767 p.
  • Fahn, A., 1974. Plant anatomy, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 611 p.
  • Gokmen, H. 1970. Gymnospermae, Forestry Comm. Publication in Turkey, 578 p., Ankara.
  • Hamann, A., Wang, T. 2006. Potential effects of climate change on ecosystem and tree species distribution in British Columbia. Ecology, Vol.87, Issue 11.
  • Harikawa, M., Tsuyama, I., Mtasui, T., Kominami, Y., Tanaka, N., 2009. Assessing the potential impacts of climate change on the Alpine habitat suitability of Japanese stone pine. Landsc. Ecol. 24, 115-128.
  • Hoerling, M. Kumar, A., 2003. The perfect ocean for drought, Science, 299, 691-694.
  • Hogg, E., Brand, J. P., Michaelian, M., 2008. Impacts productivitiy, dieback and biomass of western Canadian aspen forests. Can Four of Forest Res. 38, 1373-1384. drought on the
  • Kayacik, A., 1967. Orman ve park agaclari ozel sistematigi, Istanbul University publication, 380 p. Istanbul.
  • Lui, T.S., 1971. A monograph of the genus Abies. Department of Forestry, College of Agri. National Taiwan University. 608.
  • Mattfeld, J., 1925. Die in Europa und dem Mittelmeergebiet wildwachsenden Tannen. Mitt. Deutsch Dendro, Ges. 35, P.1-37.
  • Parmesan, C., Root, TL, Willing, MR., 2000. Impacts of extreme weather and climate on terrestrial biota, Bull of the Amer, Meteorological Society, 81, 443-450.
  • Sun, H., Zhou, A., Zhang, X., Chen, F., 2011. Fir trees disappeared 500 years ago in Liupan Mountains on the South western Loess Plateau, China Rev. of Palaebotany and palynology 166, 69-75.
  • Yaltırık, F., 1973. Proceeding of the international symposium on Abies equi-trojani and Turkish flora. University of Istanbul publication, 29-53, Istanbul.
  • Wilfried, T. et al. 2005. Climate change threats to plant diversity in Europe, PNAS, Vol. 102, No: 23, 5 pages.
  • Woods, A., Coates, K.D., Hamann, A., 2005. Is an unprecedented dothistroma needle blight epidemic related to climate change? Bioscience, 55, 761-769.

Climate Change and Its Impacts upon Occurrence of Natural Hybrid Firs

Year 2012, Volume: 12 Issue: 3, 1 - 7, 01.09.2012


Abies equi-trojani Ashers et Sinten and Abies olcayana Ata and Merev are two fir hybrids distributed in the west of Turkey. These two firs are natural hybrids occurred in nature under severe climate changes. There was no human effect upon occurrence of these hybrid firs. Mattfeld (1925) claimed that long ago there were forests of firs surrounding the Mediterranean Sea through Asia Minor, Europe and some parts of North Africa. Later, the climate changed and the areas of fir became isolated from each other, surviving in the mountains and developing individual traits now recognized in Abies equi-trojani. Three major cities are to be found in the north west of Turkey: Bursa, Canakkale and Balikesir. Uludag (Mt. Olympus, 2543 m) is near Bursa and Abies bornmulleriana Mattf. occurs on it, Kazdagi (Ida Mountain, 1767 m) is between Balikesir and Canakkale and Abies equi-trojani is distributed on it, and Cataldag (1336 m) is between Balikesir and Bursa, and Cataldag fir (Abies olcayana) is found on it. The distances between these mountains are 100 - 200 km, the different fir species occur at high elevations in these mountains


  • Arbez, M., 1969. Repartition Ecologie at variabilitie de sapins de Turquie du nord. Annales de sciences forestieres 26(2), 257-284 Paris.
  • Ata, C., 1975. The distribution of Abies equi- and trojani characteristics. Karadeniz Teknik Uni. Pub., 155 p. Trabzon. its silvicultural
  • Ata, C., Merev, N., 1987. A new fir taxon in Turkey Chataldag fir. Commonv. for Rev. 66(3), 1987, Oxford
  • Aytug, B. 1958. Abies equi-trojaniye ait bazi morfolojik tesbitler. Rev. of Forestry Fac. A. (8), 211-214, Istanbul.
  • Aytug, B., 1959. Abies equi-trojani Asch. Sint. orijini uzerine palinolojik araştırmalar. Rev of Fore. Fac. B., (9)(2), 154-159, Istanbul
  • Aytug, B., 1959. Turkiye Goknar Turleri Esaslar Uzerine Araştırmalar. Review of the Forestry Faculty, A. 9, 2, 165-214, Istanbul. ve Anatomik
  • Aytug, B. 1961. Contribution a l’Etude Anatomique de quarte especes de spains. Bulletin du Museum National d’Histoire. 2 serie, tome 32- N-5, 436-444.
  • Aytug, B., 1967. Polen morfolojisi ve Turkiyenin onemli palinolojik araştırmalar. Uni. of Istanbul publication, 87 p. Istanbul.
  • Beckage, B., Osborn, B., Gavin, D.G., Pucko, C., Siccama, T., Perkins, T., 2008. A rapid upward shift of a forest ecotone during 40 years of warming in the Green Mountains of Vermont. PNAS 105, 4197-4202.
  • Code, J., E. M., Cullen, C., 1965. Materials for flora of Turkey, Pinaceae (Abies in notes from Roy. Bot. Gar. Edinburg, V. XXVI, 2.)
  • Dockerty, T., Lovett, A., Watkinson, A., 2003. Climate change and nature reserves: examining the potential impacts, with examples from Great Britain, Global Env. Change 13, 125- 135.
  • Esau, K.1965. Plant anatomy, Tappon Comp. Ltd. Tokyo Japan. 767 p.
  • Fahn, A., 1974. Plant anatomy, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 611 p.
  • Gokmen, H. 1970. Gymnospermae, Forestry Comm. Publication in Turkey, 578 p., Ankara.
  • Hamann, A., Wang, T. 2006. Potential effects of climate change on ecosystem and tree species distribution in British Columbia. Ecology, Vol.87, Issue 11.
  • Harikawa, M., Tsuyama, I., Mtasui, T., Kominami, Y., Tanaka, N., 2009. Assessing the potential impacts of climate change on the Alpine habitat suitability of Japanese stone pine. Landsc. Ecol. 24, 115-128.
  • Hoerling, M. Kumar, A., 2003. The perfect ocean for drought, Science, 299, 691-694.
  • Hogg, E., Brand, J. P., Michaelian, M., 2008. Impacts productivitiy, dieback and biomass of western Canadian aspen forests. Can Four of Forest Res. 38, 1373-1384. drought on the
  • Kayacik, A., 1967. Orman ve park agaclari ozel sistematigi, Istanbul University publication, 380 p. Istanbul.
  • Lui, T.S., 1971. A monograph of the genus Abies. Department of Forestry, College of Agri. National Taiwan University. 608.
  • Mattfeld, J., 1925. Die in Europa und dem Mittelmeergebiet wildwachsenden Tannen. Mitt. Deutsch Dendro, Ges. 35, P.1-37.
  • Parmesan, C., Root, TL, Willing, MR., 2000. Impacts of extreme weather and climate on terrestrial biota, Bull of the Amer, Meteorological Society, 81, 443-450.
  • Sun, H., Zhou, A., Zhang, X., Chen, F., 2011. Fir trees disappeared 500 years ago in Liupan Mountains on the South western Loess Plateau, China Rev. of Palaebotany and palynology 166, 69-75.
  • Yaltırık, F., 1973. Proceeding of the international symposium on Abies equi-trojani and Turkish flora. University of Istanbul publication, 29-53, Istanbul.
  • Wilfried, T. et al. 2005. Climate change threats to plant diversity in Europe, PNAS, Vol. 102, No: 23, 5 pages.
  • Woods, A., Coates, K.D., Hamann, A., 2005. Is an unprecedented dothistroma needle blight epidemic related to climate change? Bioscience, 55, 761-769.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Cemil Ata This is me

Bengi Korgavus

Publication Date September 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 12 Issue: 3


APA Ata, C., & Korgavus, B. (2012). Climate Change and Its Impacts upon Occurrence of Natural Hybrid Firs. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 12(3), 1-7.
AMA Ata C, Korgavus B. Climate Change and Its Impacts upon Occurrence of Natural Hybrid Firs. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. September 2012;12(3):1-7.
Chicago Ata, Cemil, and Bengi Korgavus. “Climate Change and Its Impacts Upon Occurrence of Natural Hybrid Firs”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 12, no. 3 (September 2012): 1-7.
EndNote Ata C, Korgavus B (September 1, 2012) Climate Change and Its Impacts upon Occurrence of Natural Hybrid Firs. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 12 3 1–7.
IEEE C. Ata and B. Korgavus, “Climate Change and Its Impacts upon Occurrence of Natural Hybrid Firs”, Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 1–7, 2012.
ISNAD Ata, Cemil - Korgavus, Bengi. “Climate Change and Its Impacts Upon Occurrence of Natural Hybrid Firs”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 12/3 (September 2012), 1-7.
JAMA Ata C, Korgavus B. Climate Change and Its Impacts upon Occurrence of Natural Hybrid Firs. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2012;12:1–7.
MLA Ata, Cemil and Bengi Korgavus. “Climate Change and Its Impacts Upon Occurrence of Natural Hybrid Firs”. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, vol. 12, no. 3, 2012, pp. 1-7.
Vancouver Ata C, Korgavus B. Climate Change and Its Impacts upon Occurrence of Natural Hybrid Firs. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty. 2012;12(3):1-7.

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