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A "Global" Strategy on Constructing "Regional" Advantage By RIS

Year 2019, Volume: 10 Issue: 19, 511 - 532, 30.06.2019



Studies on regional innovation systems in various geographical levels are
gradually increasing. The aim of this study is to reveal the importance of
region spatially in the development of innovative capacity.  By the regionalization of innovation
policies, needs of a specific region or company are exhibited more effectively
and it becomes easier to monitor and apply the precautions to be taken.
Creating a regional advantage starts with identifying the environments where
knowledge production, innovation and entrepreneurship actualise. From this
point of view Regional Innovation Systems (RIS) play a strategical role on
competitive ability and innovation ability of regions.
Systematic malfunctions than can prevent
innovation system from operating efficiently can be in question. In this case
the intervention of the public need to focus on the malfunctions in the
relations, not to overall system.  In
this sense the regulatory role of the government needs to focus on
process-based issues such as developing regional knowledge infrastructure,
catalysing to access external knowledge sources, increasing the human capital
quality, supporting clusters, establishing networks among innovative actors and
supporting them.


  • ReferencesAmin, A. and Cohendet, P. (2003) Architectures of Knowledge, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Ascani A., Cresceuzi R., Iammarino S., 2012, Regional Economic Development. A. Review Search WP01/03, 7th European Community Framework Programme, European Commission.Asheim, B. T. and Coenen, L. (2006) Contextualising Regional Innovation Systems in a Globalising Learning Economy: On Knowledge Bases and Institutional Frameworks. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 31 (1), 163-173. Asheim, B. T. and Gertler, M. S. (2005) The Geography of Innovation: Regional Innovation Systems. In Fagerberg, J., Mowery, D. and Nelson, R. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Innovation, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 291-317. Asheim, B. T. et al. (eds.) (2003) Regional Innovation Policy for Small-Medium Enterprises. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar. Asheim, B., et al. (2005). Regional innovation system policy: A knowledge--‐based approach." CIRCLE (Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy), Working Paper 13. Berg Jensen, M. et al. (2005) Forms of knowledge, modes of innovation and innovation systems. Unpublished paper for CIRCLE (Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy) Lecture Series on ‘Institutions, Innovation and Competence Building’, September 15th, Lund University (lecture by Ed Lorenz, one of the co-authors of the paper).Boschma, R.A. & K. Frenken (2006), Why is economic geography not an evolutionary science? Towards an evolutionary economic geography, Journal of Economic Geography, vol. 6, pp. 273-302. Boschma, R.A. (2004), The competitiveness of regions from an evolutionary perspective, Regional Studies, vol. 38, no. 9, pp. 1001-1014. Boschma, R.A. (2005a), Proximity and innovation. A critical assessment, Regional Studies, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 61-74. Boschma, R.A. (2005b), Rethinking regional innovation policy. The making and breaking of regional history, in: G. Fuchs and P. Shapira (eds.), Rethinking regional innovation and change. Path dependency or regional breakthrough?, Springer Verlag, Dordrecht, pp. 249-271. Boschma, R.A. and J.G. Lambooy (1999), Evolutionary economics and economic geography. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, vol. 9, nr. 4, pp. 411-29. Charles, D. (2003) Universities and Territorial Development: Reshaping the Regional Role of UK Universities. Local Economy 18 (1), 7-20. Chatterton, P. and Goddard, J. (2003) The Response of HEIs to Regional Needs. In Rutten, R., Boekema, F. and Kuijpers, E. (2003) Economic Geography of Higher Education: Knowledge Infrastructure and Learning Regions, London, Routeledge. Cooke, P. (1998) Introduction: Origins of the Concept. In: Braczyk, H., Cooke, P and Heidenreich, M (eds.) (1998) Regional Innovation Systems. (1st edition) London, UCL Press, pp. 2-25. Cooke, P. and De Laurentis, C. (2002) The index of knowledge economies in the European Union: Performance rankings of cities and regions. Regional Industrial Research Report 41, Centre for Advanced Studies, Cardiff University. Cooke, P. and Leydesdorff, L. (2006) Regional Development in the Knowledge-Based Economy: The Construction of Advantage. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 31 (1), 5-15. D’Allura, Giorgia M., Marco Galvagno, and Arabella Mocciaro Li Destri. "Regional Innovation Systems: A Literature Review." Business Systems Review 1.1 (2012): 139‐156. Fagerberg, J., Mowery, D. C., & Nelson, R. R. (Eds.). (2006). The Oxford handbook of innovation. Oxford Handbooks Online. Florida, R. (2002) The Rise of the Creative Class – and How it’s Transforming Work, Leisure, Community and Everyday Life, New York, Basic Books. Frenken, K., F.G. van Oort, T. Verburg & R.A. Boschma (2004), Variety and regional economic growth in the Netherlands, final report, Ministry of Economic Affairs, The Hague. Fritsch, M. and Stephan, A. (2005) Regionalization of innovation policy: Introduction to the Special Issue. Research Policy 34 (8), 1123-127. Giuliani, E. (2005) Inter-firm networks, projects and clusters: The structure of cluster knowledge networks. Paper presented at the DRUID tenth anniversary summer conference on ‘Dynamics of Industry and Innovation: Organizations, Networks and Systems’, Copenhagen, June 2005.Giuliani, E. and Bell, M. (2005) The Micro-determinants of Meso-level Learning and Innovation: Evidence from a Chilean Wine Cluster. Research Policy, 34 (1), 47-68. Hajek, P., Henriques, R., and Hajkova, V. (2014) Visualising components of regional innovation systems using self--‐organizing maps—Evidence from European regions, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol. 84, pp. 197--‐214. Hommen, L., and Doloreux, D. (2004) Bringing labour back in: A ‘new’ point of departure for the regional innovation systems approach? In Flensburg, P. Hörte, S.A. and Karlsson, C. (eds), Knowledge Spillovers and Knowledge Management in Industrial Clusters and Industrial Networks, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar. Hortz-Hart, B. (2000) Innovation Networks, Regions, and Globalization. In Clark, G., Feldman, M., and Gertler, M., The Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 432-450. Jones-Evans, D., Cooke, P., Klofsten, M. and Paasio, A. (2001) Entrepreneurial Universities from the Periphery. European Commission Publication EUR 19846 – The regional level of implementation of policies. Laestadius, S. (1998) Technology Level, Knowledge Formation and Industrial Competence in Paper Manufacturing. In Eliasson, G. et al. (eds.) Micro Foundations of Economic Growth, Ann Arbour, The University of Michigan Press, pp. 212-226. Lawton Smith, H. (2003) Universities and Clustering. Paper presented at the Academic Summit of the TCI conference, September 15th, Gothenburg. Lawton Smith, H. (2003) Universities and Clustering. Paper presented at the Academic Summit of the TCI conference, September 15th, Gothenburg. Lundvall, B.-Å. and Borras, S. (1998) The Globalising Learning Economy: Implications for Innovation Policy, Luxembourg, European Communities. Mayor , M. G.- O. , M. L. Blasquez de Hera and E. D. Ruiz . 2012 . ‘Empirical Study of Technological Innovation Capability in Africa’. South African Journal of Economic and Management Science 15, no. 4 : 440 – 63 .Nonaka, I., and Takeuchi, H. (1995) The Knowledge Creating Company. Oxford /New York, Oxford University Press. Oliver Plum & Robert Hassink (2014) Knowledge bases, innovativeness and competitiveness in creative industries: the case of Hamburg’s video game developers, Regional Studies, Regional Science, 1:1, 248-268,Schrempf, B., Kaplan, D., & Schroeder, D. (2013). National, Regional, and Sectoral Systems of Innovation–An overview. Report for FP7 Project" Progress". European Comission. Obtenido de https://www. google. com. co/url. Schrempf, Benjamin, Kaplan, David and Schroeder, Doris (2013) National, Regional, and Sectoral Systems of Innovation – An overview, Report for FP7 Project "Progress"Smith, K. (2000) What is ‘The Knowledge Economy’? Knowledge-intensive Industries and Distributed Knowledge Bases. Paper presented at the DRUID Summer Conference on ‘The Learning Economy – Firms, Regions and Nation Specific Institutions’, Aalborg, June 2000. Smith, K. (2005) Measuring Innovation. In Fagerberg, J., Mowery, D. and Nelson, R. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Innovation, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 148-177. Tödtling, F. and Trippl, M. (2005) One size fits all? Towards a differentiated regional innovation policy approach. Research Policy, 34, 1203-1219. Uyarra, E., Edler, J., Garcia-Estevez, J., Georghiou, L., Yeow, J., 2014. Barriers to innovation through public procurement: a supplier perspective. Technovation,Zhang, Y., & Roelfsema, H. (2014). Globalization, foreign direct investment, and regional innovation in China. Journal of International Commerce, Economics and Policy, 05(03),
Year 2019, Volume: 10 Issue: 19, 511 - 532, 30.06.2019



  • ReferencesAmin, A. and Cohendet, P. (2003) Architectures of Knowledge, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Ascani A., Cresceuzi R., Iammarino S., 2012, Regional Economic Development. A. Review Search WP01/03, 7th European Community Framework Programme, European Commission.Asheim, B. T. and Coenen, L. (2006) Contextualising Regional Innovation Systems in a Globalising Learning Economy: On Knowledge Bases and Institutional Frameworks. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 31 (1), 163-173. Asheim, B. T. and Gertler, M. S. (2005) The Geography of Innovation: Regional Innovation Systems. In Fagerberg, J., Mowery, D. and Nelson, R. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Innovation, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 291-317. Asheim, B. T. et al. (eds.) (2003) Regional Innovation Policy for Small-Medium Enterprises. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar. Asheim, B., et al. (2005). Regional innovation system policy: A knowledge--‐based approach." CIRCLE (Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy), Working Paper 13. Berg Jensen, M. et al. (2005) Forms of knowledge, modes of innovation and innovation systems. Unpublished paper for CIRCLE (Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy) Lecture Series on ‘Institutions, Innovation and Competence Building’, September 15th, Lund University (lecture by Ed Lorenz, one of the co-authors of the paper).Boschma, R.A. & K. Frenken (2006), Why is economic geography not an evolutionary science? Towards an evolutionary economic geography, Journal of Economic Geography, vol. 6, pp. 273-302. Boschma, R.A. (2004), The competitiveness of regions from an evolutionary perspective, Regional Studies, vol. 38, no. 9, pp. 1001-1014. Boschma, R.A. (2005a), Proximity and innovation. A critical assessment, Regional Studies, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 61-74. Boschma, R.A. (2005b), Rethinking regional innovation policy. The making and breaking of regional history, in: G. Fuchs and P. Shapira (eds.), Rethinking regional innovation and change. Path dependency or regional breakthrough?, Springer Verlag, Dordrecht, pp. 249-271. Boschma, R.A. and J.G. Lambooy (1999), Evolutionary economics and economic geography. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, vol. 9, nr. 4, pp. 411-29. Charles, D. (2003) Universities and Territorial Development: Reshaping the Regional Role of UK Universities. Local Economy 18 (1), 7-20. Chatterton, P. and Goddard, J. (2003) The Response of HEIs to Regional Needs. In Rutten, R., Boekema, F. and Kuijpers, E. (2003) Economic Geography of Higher Education: Knowledge Infrastructure and Learning Regions, London, Routeledge. Cooke, P. (1998) Introduction: Origins of the Concept. In: Braczyk, H., Cooke, P and Heidenreich, M (eds.) (1998) Regional Innovation Systems. (1st edition) London, UCL Press, pp. 2-25. Cooke, P. and De Laurentis, C. (2002) The index of knowledge economies in the European Union: Performance rankings of cities and regions. Regional Industrial Research Report 41, Centre for Advanced Studies, Cardiff University. Cooke, P. and Leydesdorff, L. (2006) Regional Development in the Knowledge-Based Economy: The Construction of Advantage. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 31 (1), 5-15. D’Allura, Giorgia M., Marco Galvagno, and Arabella Mocciaro Li Destri. "Regional Innovation Systems: A Literature Review." Business Systems Review 1.1 (2012): 139‐156. Fagerberg, J., Mowery, D. C., & Nelson, R. R. (Eds.). (2006). The Oxford handbook of innovation. Oxford Handbooks Online. Florida, R. (2002) The Rise of the Creative Class – and How it’s Transforming Work, Leisure, Community and Everyday Life, New York, Basic Books. Frenken, K., F.G. van Oort, T. Verburg & R.A. Boschma (2004), Variety and regional economic growth in the Netherlands, final report, Ministry of Economic Affairs, The Hague. Fritsch, M. and Stephan, A. (2005) Regionalization of innovation policy: Introduction to the Special Issue. Research Policy 34 (8), 1123-127. Giuliani, E. (2005) Inter-firm networks, projects and clusters: The structure of cluster knowledge networks. Paper presented at the DRUID tenth anniversary summer conference on ‘Dynamics of Industry and Innovation: Organizations, Networks and Systems’, Copenhagen, June 2005.Giuliani, E. and Bell, M. (2005) The Micro-determinants of Meso-level Learning and Innovation: Evidence from a Chilean Wine Cluster. Research Policy, 34 (1), 47-68. Hajek, P., Henriques, R., and Hajkova, V. (2014) Visualising components of regional innovation systems using self--‐organizing maps—Evidence from European regions, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol. 84, pp. 197--‐214. Hommen, L., and Doloreux, D. (2004) Bringing labour back in: A ‘new’ point of departure for the regional innovation systems approach? In Flensburg, P. Hörte, S.A. and Karlsson, C. (eds), Knowledge Spillovers and Knowledge Management in Industrial Clusters and Industrial Networks, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar. Hortz-Hart, B. (2000) Innovation Networks, Regions, and Globalization. In Clark, G., Feldman, M., and Gertler, M., The Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 432-450. Jones-Evans, D., Cooke, P., Klofsten, M. and Paasio, A. (2001) Entrepreneurial Universities from the Periphery. European Commission Publication EUR 19846 – The regional level of implementation of policies. Laestadius, S. (1998) Technology Level, Knowledge Formation and Industrial Competence in Paper Manufacturing. In Eliasson, G. et al. (eds.) Micro Foundations of Economic Growth, Ann Arbour, The University of Michigan Press, pp. 212-226. Lawton Smith, H. (2003) Universities and Clustering. Paper presented at the Academic Summit of the TCI conference, September 15th, Gothenburg. Lawton Smith, H. (2003) Universities and Clustering. Paper presented at the Academic Summit of the TCI conference, September 15th, Gothenburg. Lundvall, B.-Å. and Borras, S. (1998) The Globalising Learning Economy: Implications for Innovation Policy, Luxembourg, European Communities. Mayor , M. G.- O. , M. L. Blasquez de Hera and E. D. Ruiz . 2012 . ‘Empirical Study of Technological Innovation Capability in Africa’. South African Journal of Economic and Management Science 15, no. 4 : 440 – 63 .Nonaka, I., and Takeuchi, H. (1995) The Knowledge Creating Company. Oxford /New York, Oxford University Press. Oliver Plum & Robert Hassink (2014) Knowledge bases, innovativeness and competitiveness in creative industries: the case of Hamburg’s video game developers, Regional Studies, Regional Science, 1:1, 248-268,Schrempf, B., Kaplan, D., & Schroeder, D. (2013). National, Regional, and Sectoral Systems of Innovation–An overview. Report for FP7 Project" Progress". European Comission. Obtenido de https://www. google. com. co/url. Schrempf, Benjamin, Kaplan, David and Schroeder, Doris (2013) National, Regional, and Sectoral Systems of Innovation – An overview, Report for FP7 Project "Progress"Smith, K. (2000) What is ‘The Knowledge Economy’? Knowledge-intensive Industries and Distributed Knowledge Bases. Paper presented at the DRUID Summer Conference on ‘The Learning Economy – Firms, Regions and Nation Specific Institutions’, Aalborg, June 2000. Smith, K. (2005) Measuring Innovation. In Fagerberg, J., Mowery, D. and Nelson, R. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Innovation, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 148-177. Tödtling, F. and Trippl, M. (2005) One size fits all? Towards a differentiated regional innovation policy approach. Research Policy, 34, 1203-1219. Uyarra, E., Edler, J., Garcia-Estevez, J., Georghiou, L., Yeow, J., 2014. Barriers to innovation through public procurement: a supplier perspective. Technovation,Zhang, Y., & Roelfsema, H. (2014). Globalization, foreign direct investment, and regional innovation in China. Journal of International Commerce, Economics and Policy, 05(03),
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Ayşegül Baykul 0000-0002-7581-9972

Selen Işık Maden

Publication Date June 30, 2019
Acceptance Date February 22, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 10 Issue: 19


APA Baykul, A., & Işık Maden, S. (2019). A "Global" Strategy on Constructing "Regional" Advantage By RIS. Kafkas Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(19), 511-532.

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