Physical Education Teachers' Attitudes towards Intellectual Disabled Students
Year 2021,
Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 1286 - 1310, 30.08.2021
Murat Ergin
Berkan Bozdağ
The purpose of this study is to examine physical education teachers' attitudes towards students with intellectual disabilities in terms of various variables. 351 physical education teachers from 51 different cities participated in the study. Younger Physical Education teachers showed more positive attitudes in the "Supports", "Acceptance" and "Fears" sub-dimensions, and the Physical Education teachers who were new to the profession in the "Supports" and "Acceptance" sub-dimensions. Physical education teachers who had experience with students with intellectual disabilities showed more positive attitudes towards children with intellectual disabilities than physical education teachers who did not have experience in "Benefits", "Supports" and "Acceptance" sub-dimensions. Physical education teachers who took courses on physical education in children with disabilities had statistically higher attitudes towards children with intellectual disabilities in the sub-dimensions of "Benefits", "Supports" and "Fears" compared to Physical Education teachers who did not take this course. In terms of gender variable, no statistically significant difference was found between the physical education teachers' attitude scores towards students with intellectual disabilities. The reasons why physical education teachers' attitudes towards disabled students are positive or negative can be investigated in the studies to be conducted. The reasons for the difference between male and female teachers' attitudes towards students with disabilities can be determined.
- Ammah, J., & Hodge, S. (2005). Secondary physical education teachers’ beliefs and practices in teaching students with severe disabilities: A descriptive analysis. The High School Journal, 40-54.
- Avramidis, E, ve Norwich, B. (2002). Teachers’ attitudes towards integration/inclusion: A review of literature. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 17 (2), 129–147.
- Bekiari A., & Sakelariou K. (2004) Physical education teacher’s opinions towards inclusion of students with disabilities. Italian Journal of Sport Sciences 2, 10–15.
- Bines, H., Lei, P. (2011). Disability and education: The longest road to inclusion. International Journal of Educational Development 31(5), 419-424.
- Block, M. E., & Rizzo, T. L. (1995). Attitudes and attributes of physical educators associated with teaching individuals with severe and profound disabilities. Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps, 20(1), 80-87.
- Coates, J. K. (2012). Teaching ınclusively: are secondary physical education student teachers sufficiently prepared to teach in ınclusive environments?. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 17(4): 349–365.
- Combs, S., Elliott, S. & Whipple, K. (2010). Elementary physical education teachers’ attitudes towards the inclusion of children with special needs: A qualitative investigation. International Journal of Special Education, 25(1), 114-125.
- Conatser, P., Block, M., & Gansneder, B. (2002). Aquatic instructors’ beliefs toward inclusion: The Theory of Planned Behavior. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 19, 172-187.
- Conatser, P., Block, M., & Lepore, M. (2000). Aquatic instructors' attitudes toward teaching students with disabilities. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 17(2), 197-207.
- DePauw K.P., Karp G.G. (1990). Attitudes of selected college students toward including disabled individuals in integrated settings. In: Doll-Tepper G., Dahms C., Doll B., von Selzam H. (Ed.), Adapted physical activity. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Disabled Persons Assembly of New Zealand. (2020). Retrieved from.
- Doulkeridou, A., Evaggelinou, C., Mouratidou, K., Koidou, E., Panagiotou, A. & Kudlacek, M. (2011). Attitudes of greek physical education teachers towards inclusion of students with disabilities in physical education classes. International Journal of Special Education, 26(1), 1-11.
- Folsom-Meek, S. L. & Rizzo, T. (2002) Validating the physical educators’ attitude toward teaching individuals with disabilities: PEATID-III survey for future professionals, Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 19, 141–154.
- Hodge S. R., Ammah J. O. A., Casebolt K., LaMaster K. & O’Sullivan M. (2004) High school general physical education teachers’ behaviors and beliefs associated with inclusion. Sport, Education and Society 9, 395–419.
- Hodge SR. & Jansma P. (1999). Effects of contact time and location of practicum experiences on attitudes of physical education majors. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 16, 48-63.
- Hodge, S., & Elliott, G. (2013). Physical education majors’ judgment about inclusion and teaching students with disabilities. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 1(1), 151–157.
- Hutzler Y. (2003) Attitudes toward the participation of individuals with disabilities in physical activity: a review. Quest 55, 347–73.
- Hutzler, Y., Meier, S., Reuker, S., & Zitomer, M. (2019). Attitudes and self-efficacy of physical education teachers toward inclusion of children with disabilities: a narrative review of international literatüre. Physıcal Educatıon And Sport Pedagogy, 24(3), 249–266.
- Jerlinder, K., Danermark, B., Gill, P. (2009). Swedish primary‐school teachers’ attitudes to inclusion – the case of pe and pupils with physical disabilities. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 25:1, 45-57.
- Jerlinder, K., Danermark, B., Gilla, P. (2010). Swedish primary-school teachers’ attitudes to inclusion – the case of PE and pupils with physical disabilities. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 25(1), 45–57.
- Karasar, N. (2015). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi. Ankara: Nobel Yayınları
- Kowalski, E. M. & Rizzo, T. L. (1996) Factors influencing preservice student attitudes toward individuals with disabilities, Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 13, 180–196.
- Kudláček, M. (2001). An attitude toward inclusion instrument based on the theory of planned behaviours for prospective Czech physical educators Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Texas Woman’s University, Department of Kinesiology, Denton, TX.
- Kudlacek, M., Valkova, H., Sherrill, C., Myers, B., & French, R. (2002). An inclusion instrument based on planned behaviour theory for prospective physical educators. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 19, 280–299.
- Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı. (2020). Retrieved from.
- Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı. (2006). Retrieved from.
- Meegan, S. & MacPhail, A. (2006) Irish physical educators’ attitude toward teaching students with special educational needs, European Physical Education Review, 12(1), 75-97. Doi:10.1177/1356336X06060213
- Michailakis, D. & Reich, W. (2009). Dilemmas of inclusive education. European Journal of Disability Research, 3, 24–44.
- Obrusnikova I. (2008) Physical educators’ beliefs about teaching children with disabilities. Perceptual and Motor Skills 106, 637–44.
- Özcan, G.H. & Özer, D. (2018). Beden eğitimi ve spor öğretmenlerinin zihinsel engelli çocuklara yönelik tutumlarını etkileyen faktörlerin incelenmesi. Journal of Health and Sport Sciences, 1(1), 39-51.
- Özer, D., Baran, F., Aktop, A., & Nalbant, S. (2006). Beden eğitimi öğretmenlerinin zihinsel engelli çocuklara ilişkin tutumlarının incelenmesine yönelik bir ön çalışma. Gazi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(1), 3-8.
- Özer, D., Nalbant, S., Ağlamış, E., Baran, F., Kaya-Samut, P., Aktop, A. & Hutzler, Y. (2013). Physical education teachers’ attitudes towards children with intellectual disability: the impact of time in service, gender, and previous acquaintance, Journal Of Intellectual Disability Research, 57 (11), 1001-1013. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2012.01596.x.
- Papadopoulou, D., Kokaridas, D., Papanikolaou, Z., & Patsiaouras, A. (2004). Attitudes of greek physical education teachers toward inclusion of students with disabilities. International Journal of Special Education, 19(2), 104-111.
- Rizzo, T. L. & Vispoel, W. P. (1991) Physical educators’ attributes and attitudes toward teaching students with handicaps. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly 8, 4–11.
- Rizzo, T. L. & Wright, R. G. (1988) Selected attributes related to physical educators’ attitudes toward teaching students with handicaps. Mental Retardation 26, 307–09.
- Schmidt-Gotz, E., Doll-Tepper, G. & Lienert, C. (1994) Attitudes of university students and teachers towards integrating students with disabilities in regular physical education classes, Physical Education Review, 17(1), 45-57.
- Slininger, D., Sherrill, C., & Jankowski, C.M. (2000). Children’s attitudes toward peers with severe disabilities: Revisiting contact theory. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 17(2), 176-196.
- Stewart, C. C. (1988) Modification of student attitudes toward disabled peers, Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 5(1) 44–48.
- Süngü, B., Özer, D. & Hamarat, B. (2020). Beden eğitimi öğretmen adaylarının zihinsel engelli çocuklara yönelik tutumlarıyla ilgili bir ölçek geliştirme çalışması. SDÜ Sağlık Yönetim Dergisi, 2(1), 11-26.
- Tripp A. & Sherrill C. (1991) Attitude theories of relevance to adapted physical education. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly 8(1), 12–27.
- Tripp, A., ve Rizzo, T. (2006). Disability labels affect physical educators. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 2(3), 310-326.
- Vaporidi, I., Kokaridas, D., & Krommidas, C. (2005). Attitudes of physical education teachers toward the inclusion of students with disabilities in typical classes. Inquiries in Sport & Physical Education. 3 (1), 40-47.
- Wang, L. J., Qi, J. & Wang, L. (2015). Beliefs of Chinese physical educators on teaching students with disabilities in general physical education classes. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 32(2), 137–155. 32, 137-155.
- Yaman, Ç., Uluışık, V., Hergüner, G., & Önal, A. (2018). Examining the attitudes of physical education teachers towards special education (the handicapped). Physical Education of Students, 22(4), 207-216.
- Zimbardo, P. G., & Leippe, M. R. (1991). The psychology of attitude change and social influence. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Beden Eğitimi Öğretmenlerinin Zihinsel Yetersizliği Olan Öğrencilere İlişkin Tutumları
Year 2021,
Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 1286 - 1310, 30.08.2021
Murat Ergin
Berkan Bozdağ
Bu araştırmanın amacı; beden eğitimi öğretmenlerinin (BEÖ) zihinsel yetersizliği olan öğrencilere (ZYÖ) ilişkin tutumlarının çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesidir. Araştırmaya 51 farklı ilden 351 BEÖ katılmıştır. Grup karşılaştırmalarında t testi, ANOVA testi ve LSD testi kullanılmıştır. Daha genç BEÖ “Destekler”, “Kabul” ve “Korkular” alt boyutlarında, meslekte yeni olan BEÖ “Destekler” ve “Kabul” alt boyutlarında daha olumlu tutum göstermişlerdir. ZY olan öğrencilerle deneyimleri olan BEÖ’nün “Yararlar”, “Destekler” ve “Kabul” alt boyutlarında deneyimi olmayan BEÖ’ne oranla ZYÇ’ye daha olumlu tutum göstermişlerdir. ÖG çocuklarda beden eğitimi dersi alan BEÖ’leri “Yararlar”, “Destekler” ve “Korkular” alt boyutlarında bu dersi almayan BEÖ’ne göre ZYÇ’ye yönelik tutumları istatistiksel olarak daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Cinsiyet değişkeni açısından BEÖ’nün ZY olan öğrencilere yönelik tutum puanları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık saptanmamıştır. Yapılacak araştırmalarda BEÖ’nün tutumlarının özel gereksinimli (ÖG) öğrencilere olumlu veya olumsuz olmasının nedenleri araştırılabilir. Erkek ve kadın öğretmenlerin ÖG öğrencilere yönelik tutumları arasındaki farklılığın nedenleri belirlenmeye çalışılabilir.
- Ammah, J., & Hodge, S. (2005). Secondary physical education teachers’ beliefs and practices in teaching students with severe disabilities: A descriptive analysis. The High School Journal, 40-54.
- Avramidis, E, ve Norwich, B. (2002). Teachers’ attitudes towards integration/inclusion: A review of literature. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 17 (2), 129–147.
- Bekiari A., & Sakelariou K. (2004) Physical education teacher’s opinions towards inclusion of students with disabilities. Italian Journal of Sport Sciences 2, 10–15.
- Bines, H., Lei, P. (2011). Disability and education: The longest road to inclusion. International Journal of Educational Development 31(5), 419-424.
- Block, M. E., & Rizzo, T. L. (1995). Attitudes and attributes of physical educators associated with teaching individuals with severe and profound disabilities. Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps, 20(1), 80-87.
- Coates, J. K. (2012). Teaching ınclusively: are secondary physical education student teachers sufficiently prepared to teach in ınclusive environments?. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 17(4): 349–365.
- Combs, S., Elliott, S. & Whipple, K. (2010). Elementary physical education teachers’ attitudes towards the inclusion of children with special needs: A qualitative investigation. International Journal of Special Education, 25(1), 114-125.
- Conatser, P., Block, M., & Gansneder, B. (2002). Aquatic instructors’ beliefs toward inclusion: The Theory of Planned Behavior. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 19, 172-187.
- Conatser, P., Block, M., & Lepore, M. (2000). Aquatic instructors' attitudes toward teaching students with disabilities. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 17(2), 197-207.
- DePauw K.P., Karp G.G. (1990). Attitudes of selected college students toward including disabled individuals in integrated settings. In: Doll-Tepper G., Dahms C., Doll B., von Selzam H. (Ed.), Adapted physical activity. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Disabled Persons Assembly of New Zealand. (2020). Retrieved from.
- Doulkeridou, A., Evaggelinou, C., Mouratidou, K., Koidou, E., Panagiotou, A. & Kudlacek, M. (2011). Attitudes of greek physical education teachers towards inclusion of students with disabilities in physical education classes. International Journal of Special Education, 26(1), 1-11.
- Folsom-Meek, S. L. & Rizzo, T. (2002) Validating the physical educators’ attitude toward teaching individuals with disabilities: PEATID-III survey for future professionals, Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 19, 141–154.
- Hodge S. R., Ammah J. O. A., Casebolt K., LaMaster K. & O’Sullivan M. (2004) High school general physical education teachers’ behaviors and beliefs associated with inclusion. Sport, Education and Society 9, 395–419.
- Hodge SR. & Jansma P. (1999). Effects of contact time and location of practicum experiences on attitudes of physical education majors. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 16, 48-63.
- Hodge, S., & Elliott, G. (2013). Physical education majors’ judgment about inclusion and teaching students with disabilities. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 1(1), 151–157.
- Hutzler Y. (2003) Attitudes toward the participation of individuals with disabilities in physical activity: a review. Quest 55, 347–73.
- Hutzler, Y., Meier, S., Reuker, S., & Zitomer, M. (2019). Attitudes and self-efficacy of physical education teachers toward inclusion of children with disabilities: a narrative review of international literatüre. Physıcal Educatıon And Sport Pedagogy, 24(3), 249–266.
- Jerlinder, K., Danermark, B., Gill, P. (2009). Swedish primary‐school teachers’ attitudes to inclusion – the case of pe and pupils with physical disabilities. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 25:1, 45-57.
- Jerlinder, K., Danermark, B., Gilla, P. (2010). Swedish primary-school teachers’ attitudes to inclusion – the case of PE and pupils with physical disabilities. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 25(1), 45–57.
- Karasar, N. (2015). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi. Ankara: Nobel Yayınları
- Kowalski, E. M. & Rizzo, T. L. (1996) Factors influencing preservice student attitudes toward individuals with disabilities, Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 13, 180–196.
- Kudláček, M. (2001). An attitude toward inclusion instrument based on the theory of planned behaviours for prospective Czech physical educators Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Texas Woman’s University, Department of Kinesiology, Denton, TX.
- Kudlacek, M., Valkova, H., Sherrill, C., Myers, B., & French, R. (2002). An inclusion instrument based on planned behaviour theory for prospective physical educators. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 19, 280–299.
- Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı. (2020). Retrieved from.
- Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı. (2006). Retrieved from.
- Meegan, S. & MacPhail, A. (2006) Irish physical educators’ attitude toward teaching students with special educational needs, European Physical Education Review, 12(1), 75-97. Doi:10.1177/1356336X06060213
- Michailakis, D. & Reich, W. (2009). Dilemmas of inclusive education. European Journal of Disability Research, 3, 24–44.
- Obrusnikova I. (2008) Physical educators’ beliefs about teaching children with disabilities. Perceptual and Motor Skills 106, 637–44.
- Özcan, G.H. & Özer, D. (2018). Beden eğitimi ve spor öğretmenlerinin zihinsel engelli çocuklara yönelik tutumlarını etkileyen faktörlerin incelenmesi. Journal of Health and Sport Sciences, 1(1), 39-51.
- Özer, D., Baran, F., Aktop, A., & Nalbant, S. (2006). Beden eğitimi öğretmenlerinin zihinsel engelli çocuklara ilişkin tutumlarının incelenmesine yönelik bir ön çalışma. Gazi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(1), 3-8.
- Özer, D., Nalbant, S., Ağlamış, E., Baran, F., Kaya-Samut, P., Aktop, A. & Hutzler, Y. (2013). Physical education teachers’ attitudes towards children with intellectual disability: the impact of time in service, gender, and previous acquaintance, Journal Of Intellectual Disability Research, 57 (11), 1001-1013. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2012.01596.x.
- Papadopoulou, D., Kokaridas, D., Papanikolaou, Z., & Patsiaouras, A. (2004). Attitudes of greek physical education teachers toward inclusion of students with disabilities. International Journal of Special Education, 19(2), 104-111.
- Rizzo, T. L. & Vispoel, W. P. (1991) Physical educators’ attributes and attitudes toward teaching students with handicaps. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly 8, 4–11.
- Rizzo, T. L. & Wright, R. G. (1988) Selected attributes related to physical educators’ attitudes toward teaching students with handicaps. Mental Retardation 26, 307–09.
- Schmidt-Gotz, E., Doll-Tepper, G. & Lienert, C. (1994) Attitudes of university students and teachers towards integrating students with disabilities in regular physical education classes, Physical Education Review, 17(1), 45-57.
- Slininger, D., Sherrill, C., & Jankowski, C.M. (2000). Children’s attitudes toward peers with severe disabilities: Revisiting contact theory. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 17(2), 176-196.
- Stewart, C. C. (1988) Modification of student attitudes toward disabled peers, Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 5(1) 44–48.
- Süngü, B., Özer, D. & Hamarat, B. (2020). Beden eğitimi öğretmen adaylarının zihinsel engelli çocuklara yönelik tutumlarıyla ilgili bir ölçek geliştirme çalışması. SDÜ Sağlık Yönetim Dergisi, 2(1), 11-26.
- Tripp A. & Sherrill C. (1991) Attitude theories of relevance to adapted physical education. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly 8(1), 12–27.
- Tripp, A., ve Rizzo, T. (2006). Disability labels affect physical educators. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 2(3), 310-326.
- Vaporidi, I., Kokaridas, D., & Krommidas, C. (2005). Attitudes of physical education teachers toward the inclusion of students with disabilities in typical classes. Inquiries in Sport & Physical Education. 3 (1), 40-47.
- Wang, L. J., Qi, J. & Wang, L. (2015). Beliefs of Chinese physical educators on teaching students with disabilities in general physical education classes. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 32(2), 137–155. 32, 137-155.
- Yaman, Ç., Uluışık, V., Hergüner, G., & Önal, A. (2018). Examining the attitudes of physical education teachers towards special education (the handicapped). Physical Education of Students, 22(4), 207-216.
- Zimbardo, P. G., & Leippe, M. R. (1991). The psychology of attitude change and social influence. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.