This study aims to determine
the mentalities of the candidates oriented towards the scientific research,
their views concerning the content of the lesson and their knowledge, skills
and thoughts concerning this field’s relationship with the teaching profession,
in line with their views oriented towards the “Scientific Research Methods
Course” which they have, in the undergraduate program. The research was conducted with 133 music
teachers who were undergoing training in the final year of the faculty of
educations of 4 different universities. From the research, findings - such as
the music teacher candidates presented opinion in ‘indecisive’ intensity in the
scale of the score interval of the survey, in these views; the candidates did
not correlate the teaching profession with the scientific research processes
and the academicians and the researchers
saw this scientific research business as a field of activity, and the undergraduate program courses which
were given in line with this field, should be taken by the ones who wanted to
be an academician rather than the ones who wanted to be a teacher, despite
this, the candidates might write a scientific research as the result of their
taking the course of the “Scientific Research Methods” and they believed in
that the course would contribute to their personal development, however in its
general sense, in the candidates, a positive and clear point of view could not
been formed on the relationship of the “teaching – music teaching – scientific
research methods – scientific research oriented courses” – have been reached.
Also, a conclusion was reached that there was no differentiation in the
findings of this study according to the gender.