Research Article
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Green Human Resource Management and Employee Empowerment in The Context of Sustainanility: IBB Case

Year 2024, , 136 - 152, 27.10.2024


The concept of green human resources management is of great importance for organizations to achieve their sustainability goals. Encouraging environmentally friendly behaviors enables organizations to play a more effective role in sustainability. In this context, organizations that want to achieve success in their sustainability goals can take stronger steps with green human resources management. Within the scope of this study, the steps taken in this field in the case of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IBB) were analyzed. Empowering employees on sustainability also benefits the interests of the organization. As a result of the study, it has been observed that IBB has increasing efforts in the context of sustainability and that the personnel are actively involved in the process. At the same time, these efforts are carried out within the scope of trainings, seminars, workshops and various activities based on co-operation. It is recommended that these activities be implemented in all departments to take stronger steps towards becoming a green city.


  • Abou Elnaga, A., & Imran, A. (2014). The impact of employee empowerment on job satisfaction theoretical study. American Journal of Research Communication, 2(1), 13-26.
  • Al Mamun, M. A. (2019). An analysis of employee awareness on green human resource management practices: Evidence from Bangladesh. Human Resource Management Research, 9(1), 14-21.
  • Bowen, D. E., & Lawler III, E. E. (2006). The empowerment of service workers: What, why, how, and when. Managing innovation and change, 33(3), 155-69.
  • Causon, J. (2004). The internal brand: Successful cultural change and employee empowerment. Journal of Change Management, 4(4), 297-307.
  • Coleman, H. J. (1996). Why employee empowerment is not just a fad. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 17(4), 29-36.
  • Conger J.A., Kanungo, R.N. (1988), “The Empowerment Process: Integrating Theory and Practice”, The Academy of Management Review, V.13, N.3, pp.471-482.
  • Costantini, V., & Monni, S. (2005). Sustainable human development for European countries. Journal of Human Development, 6(3), 329-351.
  • D’Annunzio‐Green, N., & Macandrew, J. (1999). Re‐empowering the empowered–the ultimate challenge?. Personnel Review, 28(3), 258-278.
  • Dale H. Besterfield vd., Total Quality Management, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, USA 1999, s.77.
  • Demirci, S., & Köseli, M. (2009). İkincil veri ve içerik analizi. Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri, 321-362.
  • Doğan, E.; Tanyıldızı, H., (2020) “The Strategic Resource of Businesses in Digital Transformation: Empowered Employees”, “Management & Strategy”, Birinci Baskı, 85-102, Artikel Akademi, İstanbul.
  • Ehnert, I., & Harry, W. (2012). Recent developments and future prospects on sustainable human resource management: Introduction to the special issue. Management revue, 221-238.
  • Goc, K., & Kusku, F. (2020). Sustainable human resources management from the language of reports. Research Journal of Business and Management, 7(2), 95-115.
  • Golicic, S. L., & Smith, C. D. (2013). A meta‐analysis of environmentally sustainable supply chain management practices and firm performance. Journal of supply chain management, 49(2), 78-95.
  • Gözkaman, A. (2024). Avrupa Birliği, Sürdürülebilir İnsani Kalkınma ve İnsan Hakları. EURO Politika, 1(20), 5-22.
  • Habip E., Doğan E. (2023). Sürdürülebilirlik ve Yeşil Şehirler. S. Doğan & A. Aytaç (Ed)., Cumhuriyetin 100. Yılında Türkiye’nin Çevre Perspektifi: İklim Değişikliği ve Uluslararası Mücadele içinde (s. 53-77), İstanbul: Paradigma Akademi.
  • Haddock-Millar, J., Sanyal, C., & Müller-Camen, M. (2016). Green human resource management: a comparative qualitative case study of a United States multinational corporation. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(2), 192-211.
  • Hameed, R., Rehman, N., Tufail, S., & Kiziloglu, M. (2023). Green human resource management and environmental knowledge: A moderated mediation model to endorse green CSR. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11, 1136957.
  • Hosain, S., & Rahman, M. D. (2016). Green human resource management: A theoretical overview. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) Volume, 18.
  • Janssen, Onne; (2004), “The Barrier Effect of Conflict with Superiors in the Relationship between Employee Empowerment and Organizational Commitment”, Work & Stress, January/March, 18(1), 56-65.
  • Johnson, P.R. (1994). “Brains, Heart and Courage: Keys to Empowerment and Self‐Directed Leadership”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 9(2), 17-21.
  • Koçel, T. (2015). İşletme yöneticiliği (16.Baskı), Beta Yayınları
  • Koçel, T. (2020). İşletme yöneticiliği (18.Baskı), Beta Yayınları
  • Kramar, R. (2014). Beyond strategic human resource management: is sustainable human resource management the next approach?. The international journal of human resource management, 25(8), 1069-1089.
  • Kuo, Y.-K., Khan, T. I., Islam, S. U., Abdullah, F. Z., Pradana, M., & Kaewsaeng-On, R.. (2022). Impact of Green HRM Practices on Environmental Performance: The Mediating Role of Green Innovation. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
  • Lashley, C. (1995). Towards an understanding of employee empowerment in hospitality services. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 7(1), 27-32.
  • MacDonald, G. M. (2010). Water, climate change, and sustainability in the southwest. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(50), 21256-21262.
  • Nart, S., Bilgili, A., & Orgut, E. D. (2024). The Effect of Green Human Resources Management Practices on Corporate Sustainability from the Perspective of Employees. Economics, 18(1), 20220060.
  • Nathaniel, S. P., Yalçiner, K., & Bekun, F. V. (2021). Assessing the environmental sustainability corridor: Linking natural resources, renewable energy, human capital, and ecological footprint in BRICS. Resources Policy, 70, 101924.
  • Ren, S., Tang, G., & E Jackson, S. (2018). Green human resource management research in emergence: A review and future directions. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 35, 769-803.
  • Renwick, D. W., Redman, T., & Maguire, S. (2013). Green human resource management: A review and research agenda. International journal of management reviews, 15(1), 1-14.
  • Rezaei-Moghaddam, K. (2016). Green management of human resources in organizations: an approach to the sustainable environmental management. Journal of Agricultural Technology 2016 Vol. 12(3):509-522
  • Sak, R., Sak, İ. T. Ş., Şendil, Ç. Ö., & Nas, E. (2021). Bir araştırma yöntemi olarak doküman analizi. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi, 4(1), 227-256.
  • Scoones, I. (2007) “Sustainability”, Development in Practice, 17(4-5): 589-596.
  • Srivastava, S., & Dhiman, N. (2022). Does green HRM practices infuse green behaviour among hotel employees? The mediating role of psychological green climate. Vision, 09722629221129759.
  • Tanyıldızı, H., & Doğan, E. (2023). The effect of psychological empowerment on employee performance: The mediating role of psychological ownership. EKOIST Journal of Econometrics and Statistics, (38), 289-305.
  • Thamizhmanii, S., & Hasan, S. (2010). A review on an employee empowerment in TQM practice. Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, 39(2), 204-210.

Sürdürülebilirlik Kapsamında Yeşil İK Yönetimi VE Personel Güçlendirme: İBB Örneği

Year 2024, , 136 - 152, 27.10.2024


Yeşil insan kaynakları yönetimi kavramı, örgütlerin sürdürülebilirlik hedeflerine ulaşması açısından büyük önem taşımaktadır. Çevre dostu davranışların teşvik edilmesi, kurumların sürdürülebilirlik konusunda daha etkili bir rol oynamasını sağlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda, sürdürülebilirlik hedeflerinde başarıya ulaşmak isteyen örgütler, yeşil insan kaynakları yönetimi ile daha sağlam adımlar atabilmektedir. Bu çalışma kapsamında, İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi (İBB) örneğinde, bu alanda atılan adımlar incelenmiştir. Çalışanların sürdürülebilirlik konusunda güçlendirilmesi, organizasyonun çıkarları için de faydalıdır. Yapılan çalışma sonucunda, İBB’nin sürdürülebilirlik bağlamında artan çabalarının olduğu ve bu çalışmalarda personelin sürece aktif olarak dahil edildiği gözlemlenmiştir. Aynı zamanda bu çalışmalar, iş birliklerine dayalı olarak eğitim, seminer, çalıştay ve çeşitli faaliyetler kapsamında gerçekleştirilmektedir. Tüm birimlerde bu faaliyetlerin uygulanması önerisiyle, yeşil şehir olma yolunda daha güçlü adımlar atılması tavsiye edilmektedir.


  • Abou Elnaga, A., & Imran, A. (2014). The impact of employee empowerment on job satisfaction theoretical study. American Journal of Research Communication, 2(1), 13-26.
  • Al Mamun, M. A. (2019). An analysis of employee awareness on green human resource management practices: Evidence from Bangladesh. Human Resource Management Research, 9(1), 14-21.
  • Bowen, D. E., & Lawler III, E. E. (2006). The empowerment of service workers: What, why, how, and when. Managing innovation and change, 33(3), 155-69.
  • Causon, J. (2004). The internal brand: Successful cultural change and employee empowerment. Journal of Change Management, 4(4), 297-307.
  • Coleman, H. J. (1996). Why employee empowerment is not just a fad. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 17(4), 29-36.
  • Conger J.A., Kanungo, R.N. (1988), “The Empowerment Process: Integrating Theory and Practice”, The Academy of Management Review, V.13, N.3, pp.471-482.
  • Costantini, V., & Monni, S. (2005). Sustainable human development for European countries. Journal of Human Development, 6(3), 329-351.
  • D’Annunzio‐Green, N., & Macandrew, J. (1999). Re‐empowering the empowered–the ultimate challenge?. Personnel Review, 28(3), 258-278.
  • Dale H. Besterfield vd., Total Quality Management, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, USA 1999, s.77.
  • Demirci, S., & Köseli, M. (2009). İkincil veri ve içerik analizi. Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri, 321-362.
  • Doğan, E.; Tanyıldızı, H., (2020) “The Strategic Resource of Businesses in Digital Transformation: Empowered Employees”, “Management & Strategy”, Birinci Baskı, 85-102, Artikel Akademi, İstanbul.
  • Ehnert, I., & Harry, W. (2012). Recent developments and future prospects on sustainable human resource management: Introduction to the special issue. Management revue, 221-238.
  • Goc, K., & Kusku, F. (2020). Sustainable human resources management from the language of reports. Research Journal of Business and Management, 7(2), 95-115.
  • Golicic, S. L., & Smith, C. D. (2013). A meta‐analysis of environmentally sustainable supply chain management practices and firm performance. Journal of supply chain management, 49(2), 78-95.
  • Gözkaman, A. (2024). Avrupa Birliği, Sürdürülebilir İnsani Kalkınma ve İnsan Hakları. EURO Politika, 1(20), 5-22.
  • Habip E., Doğan E. (2023). Sürdürülebilirlik ve Yeşil Şehirler. S. Doğan & A. Aytaç (Ed)., Cumhuriyetin 100. Yılında Türkiye’nin Çevre Perspektifi: İklim Değişikliği ve Uluslararası Mücadele içinde (s. 53-77), İstanbul: Paradigma Akademi.
  • Haddock-Millar, J., Sanyal, C., & Müller-Camen, M. (2016). Green human resource management: a comparative qualitative case study of a United States multinational corporation. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(2), 192-211.
  • Hameed, R., Rehman, N., Tufail, S., & Kiziloglu, M. (2023). Green human resource management and environmental knowledge: A moderated mediation model to endorse green CSR. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11, 1136957.
  • Hosain, S., & Rahman, M. D. (2016). Green human resource management: A theoretical overview. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) Volume, 18.
  • Janssen, Onne; (2004), “The Barrier Effect of Conflict with Superiors in the Relationship between Employee Empowerment and Organizational Commitment”, Work & Stress, January/March, 18(1), 56-65.
  • Johnson, P.R. (1994). “Brains, Heart and Courage: Keys to Empowerment and Self‐Directed Leadership”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 9(2), 17-21.
  • Koçel, T. (2015). İşletme yöneticiliği (16.Baskı), Beta Yayınları
  • Koçel, T. (2020). İşletme yöneticiliği (18.Baskı), Beta Yayınları
  • Kramar, R. (2014). Beyond strategic human resource management: is sustainable human resource management the next approach?. The international journal of human resource management, 25(8), 1069-1089.
  • Kuo, Y.-K., Khan, T. I., Islam, S. U., Abdullah, F. Z., Pradana, M., & Kaewsaeng-On, R.. (2022). Impact of Green HRM Practices on Environmental Performance: The Mediating Role of Green Innovation. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
  • Lashley, C. (1995). Towards an understanding of employee empowerment in hospitality services. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 7(1), 27-32.
  • MacDonald, G. M. (2010). Water, climate change, and sustainability in the southwest. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(50), 21256-21262.
  • Nart, S., Bilgili, A., & Orgut, E. D. (2024). The Effect of Green Human Resources Management Practices on Corporate Sustainability from the Perspective of Employees. Economics, 18(1), 20220060.
  • Nathaniel, S. P., Yalçiner, K., & Bekun, F. V. (2021). Assessing the environmental sustainability corridor: Linking natural resources, renewable energy, human capital, and ecological footprint in BRICS. Resources Policy, 70, 101924.
  • Ren, S., Tang, G., & E Jackson, S. (2018). Green human resource management research in emergence: A review and future directions. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 35, 769-803.
  • Renwick, D. W., Redman, T., & Maguire, S. (2013). Green human resource management: A review and research agenda. International journal of management reviews, 15(1), 1-14.
  • Rezaei-Moghaddam, K. (2016). Green management of human resources in organizations: an approach to the sustainable environmental management. Journal of Agricultural Technology 2016 Vol. 12(3):509-522
  • Sak, R., Sak, İ. T. Ş., Şendil, Ç. Ö., & Nas, E. (2021). Bir araştırma yöntemi olarak doküman analizi. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi, 4(1), 227-256.
  • Scoones, I. (2007) “Sustainability”, Development in Practice, 17(4-5): 589-596.
  • Srivastava, S., & Dhiman, N. (2022). Does green HRM practices infuse green behaviour among hotel employees? The mediating role of psychological green climate. Vision, 09722629221129759.
  • Tanyıldızı, H., & Doğan, E. (2023). The effect of psychological empowerment on employee performance: The mediating role of psychological ownership. EKOIST Journal of Econometrics and Statistics, (38), 289-305.
  • Thamizhmanii, S., & Hasan, S. (2010). A review on an employee empowerment in TQM practice. Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, 39(2), 204-210.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Social Policy (Other)
Journal Section All Articles

Hilal Tanyıldızı 0000-0003-1522-0498

Elif Habip 0000-0002-6297-8624

Publication Date October 27, 2024
Submission Date June 14, 2024
Acceptance Date July 29, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Tanyıldızı, H., & Habip, E. (2024). Sürdürülebilirlik Kapsamında Yeşil İK Yönetimi VE Personel Güçlendirme: İBB Örneği. Kent Akademisi, 17(Sürdürülebilir İnsani Kalkınma ve Kent), 136-152.

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