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The Relationship Between Turkey’s Available Freshwater Resources and Migration in the Light of Falkenmark and Shiklomanov Indicators

Year 2024, , 220 - 233, 27.10.2024


In the current period when climate change begins to reshape the world and people, Turkey is also affected by this change both in terms of climate and society. Due to both political and natural reasons, Türkiye has been exposed to intense immigration in recent years. The country, which was only a transit route in the past, has now become the final destination of migration. Turkey, which has a naturally growing population structure, has had another sudden growth factor brought about by immigration. Accordingly, Turkey's natural resources that will sustain life and economic activity have come under increasing pressure. These resources include water resources. The research question of the study is "Can Turkey's available freshwater resources withstand the population pressure that grows with intense migration in the future?" and the study tested the hypothesis that "Turkey's available freshwater resources cannot withstand the pressure of intense migration". As a result, even if Turkey's available freshwater resources continue to be under pressure in the future as they are now, the country's natural population growth will not push the country's resources below the water scarcity limit. However, it has been determined that major deviations in population due to intense migration will push the country's resources below the water scarcity limit in the future.


  • Aydın, O. et al., (2017). “Türkiye’de su kıtlığının mekânsal ölçekte değerlendirilmesi”, Türk Coğrafya Dergisi, Sayı 68 pp. (11-18), İstanbul, p.14.
  • Birpinar, M.E., Tuğaç, C. (2016), “Impacts of climate change on water resources of Turkey”, pp. 145-152. In Gastescu, P., Bretcan, P.(edit, 2016), Water resources and wetlands, 4th International Conference Water resources and wetlands, , Tulcea, 5-9 September 2018, (pp.148-149), p.312
  • Büyükhan, M., (2021). “Uluslararası ve Ulusal Mevzuata Göre Türkiye’deki Suriyelilerin Hukuki Statüsü”, R&S-Research Studies Anatolia Journal, Vol:4 Issue: 2; (pp. 76-90), Malatya, 2021, p.1.
  • Changming, L. & Shifeng, Z. (2002). “Drying up of the yellow river: its impacts and counter-measures”, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Volume 7, (pp. 203–214), Berlin, Springer, p.1.
  • Doeffinger, T. & Hall, J.W. (2020). “Water Stress and Productivity: An Empirical Analysis of Trends and Drivers” Water Resources Research: Volume 56, Issue 3, pp. 1-18.
  • DSİ. “Toprak Su Kaynakları” Web access: 04/04/2024,
  • Ebariva, M. C., (1997). Pricing for Groundwater Use of Industries in Metro Manila, Philippines – Policiy Brief, EEPSEA, Ho Chi Minh City, 1997, p.1.
  • Erdoğan, M. M., (2022). Suriyeliler Barometresi SB-2021, Ankara, UNHCR, 2022, p.65.
  • Eryurt, M. A., (2023). Web access: 14/05/2024,
  • Esa. “The changing Aral Sea” Web access: 09/04/2024,
  • Falkenmark, M., (1989). "The massive water scarcity threatening Africa-why isn't it being addressed”, Ambio 18(2), pp (112–118), Berlin, Springer, u.p.
  • Haque, M. et al., (2020). “Variability of water quality and metal pollution index in the Ganges River”, Bangladesh, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 27 (pp. 42582–42599), Amsterdam, Elsevier, p.1.
  • Koç, D. Et al., (2022). The Situation of Water Resources and Agricultural Irrigation in Turkey. Çukurova Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 37(2), 112-122.
  • Lallana, C., & Marcuello, C., (2004). Indicator Fact Sheet - (WQ1) Water exploitation index, Copenhagen, European Environment Agency, p.4.
  • Leao S. et al., (2013). “Urban growth in arid environments: Developing water sustainability indicators for Abu Dabhi”, 6th Making Cities Liveable Conference, St Kilda, Victoria, Australia, u.p.
  • McNally, A. et al., (2019). “Acute Water-Scarcity Monitoring for Africa” Water 2019; 11(10):1968.
  • Nabavi, S. & Mostafazadeh, R. (2022). “Analysis of water stress indices and the network of water governance in the Sixth 5-year development plan of Iran”, Journal of Irrigation and Water Engineering, Volume 12, Issue 2 - Serial Number 46, pp. 394-413. Doi: 10.22125/iwe.2021.142420
  • NASA. “Aral Sea” Web access: 09/04/2024,
  • Nelms, S. E. et al., (2021). “Riverine plastic pollution from fisheries: Insights from the Ganges River system”, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 756, Berlin, Springer, p.1.
  • Pal, M. et al., (2012). “Methyl mercury in fish—a case study on various samples collected from Ganges river at West Bengal”, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Volume 184, (pp. 3407–3414), Berlin, Springer, p.1.
  • Rifkin, J., (2015) Nesnelerin İnterneti ve İşbirliği Çağı, İstanbul, Optimist Kitap, pp.298-300.
  • Ruess, P., (2015). “Mapping of Water Stress Indicators”, CE 394K Term Paper, Cockrell School of Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, p.8.
  • UN Water, (2024). The United Nations World Water Development Report 2024 - Water for prosperityand peace, Paris, UNESCO, p.138.
  • T.C. Göç İdaresi. “İkamet İzinleri” Web access: 19/04/2024,
  • T.C. Göç İdaresi. “Geçici Koruma” Web access: 19/04/2024,
  • T.C. Göç İdaresi. “Hakkımızda” Web access: 12/04/2024,
  • TÜİK. “Turizm İstatistikleri” Web access: 21/05/2024,-2023-53661
  • Veettil, A. V. & Mishra, A. K. (2018). “Potential influence of climate and anthropogenic variables on water security using blue and green water scarcity, Falkenmark index, and freshwater provision indicator”, Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 228, pp. 346-362,
  • Watkiss, P. et al., (2005). The Impacts and Costs of Climate Change, AEA Technology Environment, Brussels, p.8.
  • World Bank. Web access: 12/04/2024
  • Yumaklı, İ. (2024). “Türkiye'nin 2050 nüfusu 105 milyon, misafirimizi de düşünürsek 210 milyonu gerekecek” Web access: 12/04/2024,
  • Zhong, R. et al (2023). “Impact of international trade on water scarcity: An assessment by improving the Falkenmark indicator”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 385, 135740,

Falkenmark ve Shiklomanov Göstergeleri Işığında Türkiye’nin Kullanılabilir Tatlı Su Kaynakları ve Göç İlişkisi

Year 2024, , 220 - 233, 27.10.2024


İklim değişikliğinin dünyayı ve insanları yeniden şekillendirmeye başladığı içinde bulunduğumuz dönemde Türkiye de bu değişiklikten hem iklim hem de toplumsal bakımdan etkilenmektedir. Hem siyasal hem de doğal nedenlerden ötürü Türkiye son yıllarda yoğun bir göçe maruz kalmaktadır. Geçmişte yalnızca geçiş güzergâhı olan ülke bugün göçün nihai varış noktası olmaya başlamıştır. Doğal olarak büyüyen bir nüfus yapısına sahip olan Türkiye’nin nüfusunda göçle gelen ani bir büyüme etkeni daha eklenmiştir. Buna bağlı olarak Türkiye’nin, yaşamı ve iktisadi faaliyeti devam ettirecek doğal kaynakları giderek büyüyen bir baskı altına girmiştir. Bu kaynaklar arasında su kaynakları da bulunmaktadır. Çalışmanın araştırma sorusu “Türkiye’nin kullanılabilir tatlı su kaynakları yoğun göç ile daha da büyüyen nüfus baskısına gelecekte dayanabilir mi?” şeklindedir ve çalışma “Türkiye’nin kullanılabilir tatlı su kaynakları yoğun göçle gelen baskıya dayanamaz” hipotezini sınamıştır. Sonuç olarak Türkiye’nin kullanılabilir tatlı su kaynakları şimdi olduğu gibi gelecekte baskı altında olmaya devam etse bile ülkenin doğal nüfus büyümesi ülkenin kaynaklarını su kıtlığı sınırının altına itmeyecektir. Fakat nüfusta yoğun göçe bağlı büyük sapmalar ülkenin kaynaklarını gelecekte su kıtlığı sınırının altına iteceği saptanmıştır.


  • Aydın, O. et al., (2017). “Türkiye’de su kıtlığının mekânsal ölçekte değerlendirilmesi”, Türk Coğrafya Dergisi, Sayı 68 pp. (11-18), İstanbul, p.14.
  • Birpinar, M.E., Tuğaç, C. (2016), “Impacts of climate change on water resources of Turkey”, pp. 145-152. In Gastescu, P., Bretcan, P.(edit, 2016), Water resources and wetlands, 4th International Conference Water resources and wetlands, , Tulcea, 5-9 September 2018, (pp.148-149), p.312
  • Büyükhan, M., (2021). “Uluslararası ve Ulusal Mevzuata Göre Türkiye’deki Suriyelilerin Hukuki Statüsü”, R&S-Research Studies Anatolia Journal, Vol:4 Issue: 2; (pp. 76-90), Malatya, 2021, p.1.
  • Changming, L. & Shifeng, Z. (2002). “Drying up of the yellow river: its impacts and counter-measures”, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Volume 7, (pp. 203–214), Berlin, Springer, p.1.
  • Doeffinger, T. & Hall, J.W. (2020). “Water Stress and Productivity: An Empirical Analysis of Trends and Drivers” Water Resources Research: Volume 56, Issue 3, pp. 1-18.
  • DSİ. “Toprak Su Kaynakları” Web access: 04/04/2024,
  • Ebariva, M. C., (1997). Pricing for Groundwater Use of Industries in Metro Manila, Philippines – Policiy Brief, EEPSEA, Ho Chi Minh City, 1997, p.1.
  • Erdoğan, M. M., (2022). Suriyeliler Barometresi SB-2021, Ankara, UNHCR, 2022, p.65.
  • Eryurt, M. A., (2023). Web access: 14/05/2024,
  • Esa. “The changing Aral Sea” Web access: 09/04/2024,
  • Falkenmark, M., (1989). "The massive water scarcity threatening Africa-why isn't it being addressed”, Ambio 18(2), pp (112–118), Berlin, Springer, u.p.
  • Haque, M. et al., (2020). “Variability of water quality and metal pollution index in the Ganges River”, Bangladesh, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 27 (pp. 42582–42599), Amsterdam, Elsevier, p.1.
  • Koç, D. Et al., (2022). The Situation of Water Resources and Agricultural Irrigation in Turkey. Çukurova Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 37(2), 112-122.
  • Lallana, C., & Marcuello, C., (2004). Indicator Fact Sheet - (WQ1) Water exploitation index, Copenhagen, European Environment Agency, p.4.
  • Leao S. et al., (2013). “Urban growth in arid environments: Developing water sustainability indicators for Abu Dabhi”, 6th Making Cities Liveable Conference, St Kilda, Victoria, Australia, u.p.
  • McNally, A. et al., (2019). “Acute Water-Scarcity Monitoring for Africa” Water 2019; 11(10):1968.
  • Nabavi, S. & Mostafazadeh, R. (2022). “Analysis of water stress indices and the network of water governance in the Sixth 5-year development plan of Iran”, Journal of Irrigation and Water Engineering, Volume 12, Issue 2 - Serial Number 46, pp. 394-413. Doi: 10.22125/iwe.2021.142420
  • NASA. “Aral Sea” Web access: 09/04/2024,
  • Nelms, S. E. et al., (2021). “Riverine plastic pollution from fisheries: Insights from the Ganges River system”, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 756, Berlin, Springer, p.1.
  • Pal, M. et al., (2012). “Methyl mercury in fish—a case study on various samples collected from Ganges river at West Bengal”, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Volume 184, (pp. 3407–3414), Berlin, Springer, p.1.
  • Rifkin, J., (2015) Nesnelerin İnterneti ve İşbirliği Çağı, İstanbul, Optimist Kitap, pp.298-300.
  • Ruess, P., (2015). “Mapping of Water Stress Indicators”, CE 394K Term Paper, Cockrell School of Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, p.8.
  • UN Water, (2024). The United Nations World Water Development Report 2024 - Water for prosperityand peace, Paris, UNESCO, p.138.
  • T.C. Göç İdaresi. “İkamet İzinleri” Web access: 19/04/2024,
  • T.C. Göç İdaresi. “Geçici Koruma” Web access: 19/04/2024,
  • T.C. Göç İdaresi. “Hakkımızda” Web access: 12/04/2024,
  • TÜİK. “Turizm İstatistikleri” Web access: 21/05/2024,-2023-53661
  • Veettil, A. V. & Mishra, A. K. (2018). “Potential influence of climate and anthropogenic variables on water security using blue and green water scarcity, Falkenmark index, and freshwater provision indicator”, Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 228, pp. 346-362,
  • Watkiss, P. et al., (2005). The Impacts and Costs of Climate Change, AEA Technology Environment, Brussels, p.8.
  • World Bank. Web access: 12/04/2024
  • Yumaklı, İ. (2024). “Türkiye'nin 2050 nüfusu 105 milyon, misafirimizi de düşünürsek 210 milyonu gerekecek” Web access: 12/04/2024,
  • Zhong, R. et al (2023). “Impact of international trade on water scarcity: An assessment by improving the Falkenmark indicator”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 385, 135740,
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Social Policy (Other)
Journal Section All Articles

Erkin Cihangir Karataş 0000-0002-4906-9696

Publication Date October 27, 2024
Submission Date July 15, 2024
Acceptance Date September 26, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Karataş, E. C. (2024). The Relationship Between Turkey’s Available Freshwater Resources and Migration in the Light of Falkenmark and Shiklomanov Indicators. Kent Akademisi, 17(Sürdürülebilir İnsani Kalkınma ve Kent), 220-233.

International Refereed and Indexed Journal of Urban Culture and Management | Kent Kültürü ve Yönetimi Uluslararası Hakemli İndeksli Dergi

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