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Erzincan Girlevik Şelalesi ve Yakın Çevresinin Fiziksel Taşıma Kapasitesinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2020, , 22 - 36, 15.03.2020


Sanayileşme ile birlikte bireyler yaşamlarını, gün geçtikçe daha fazla bozulan ekosistemlerde sürdürmeye başlamıştır. Bu gelişmeler insanların boş zamanlarda dinlenme, eğlenme, tatile çıkma vb. isteklerini daha baskın hale getirmiştir. Rekreasyonel alanlara ihtiyacın artışı planlamacıları dış mekân rekreasyonuna kaynak oluşturan, doğal zenginliklere sahip alanları kullanmaya teşvik etmektedir.
Erzincan İli, Çağlayan Beldesi’nde bulunan Girlevik Şelalesi’de, ülkemizin manzara veya doğal peyzaj güzelliği bakımından önemli rekreasyonel alanlarından birisidir. Rekreasyon taleplerini karşılamaya yönelik çalışmalar devam ederken, maruz kalınan yoğun kullanım alanın doğal kaynak değerleri üzerinde ciddi derecede tahribata neden olmaktadır.
Araştırma kapsamında öncelikle Erzincan Girlevik Şelalesinin mevcut durumu ortaya konulmuş, daha sonra alanın fiziksel taşıma kapasitesi tespit edilmiştir. Taşıma kapasitesi hesapları incelendiğinde, alanın fiziksel taşıma kapasitesi gün içerisinde 994 kişi olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu verilere göre alan fiziksel taşıma kapasitelerinin üzerinde kullanıma maruz kalmaktadır. Elde edilen verilere göre alanın sürdürülebilirliğinin sağlanabilmesi ve koruma - kullanma prensibine uygun bir şekilde bölge ve ülke turizmine katkı sağlaması için öneriler sunulmuştur.


  • Akten, S., Gül, A., Akten, M., 2009. Korunan Doğal Alanların Katılımcı Yönetim Planında Ziyaretçi Etki Yönetimi Yaklaşımı Modeli, International Davraz Congress on Social and Economic Issues Shaping The World's Future: New Global Isparta
  • Arnberger, A., Brandenburg, C., 2007. Past on-site experience, crowding perceptions and use displacement of visitor groups to a peri-urban national park. Environ. Manage.;40:34-45.
  • Brush, S., 1975. The concept of carrying capacity for systems of shifting cultivation. American Anthropologist 77: 799-811.
  • Cahill, K.L., J.L. Marion, ve S.R. Lawson, 2007. Enhancing the interpretation of stated choice tradeoff analysis through the application of a verbal protocol assessment. Journal of Leisure Research;Second Quarter.39, 2.
  • Clarke, A.L., 2002. Assessing the carrying capacity of floridakeys. Population and Environment, 23/4, 405-418.
  • Grieser, K.A., 2005. Visitor perceptions of crowding, coping and social carrying capacity: an exploratory study in the mohonk preserve. Master Thesis. State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry Syracuse, New York
  • Göktuğ, T.H., Yıldız, N.D., ve Demir, M., 2011. Carrying capacity assessment of Tortum Waterfall, Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 22(12): 37833791.
  • Göktuğ, T.H., Yıldız, N.D., Demir, M., ve Bulut, Y., 2013. Taşıma Kapasitesi Kuramının Milli Parklarda Oluşum - Gelişim ve Modellenme Süreci. Atatürk Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 44 (2): 195-206.
  • Itami, RM (2002). Estimating Capacities for Pedestrian Walkways and Viewing Platforms. An Report to Parks Victoria Report .pp 20
  • Manning, R.E., and Lime, D.W., 2001. Crowding norms at frontcountry sites: Avisual approach to setting standards of quality. Journal Leisure Sciences An Interdisciplinary Journal, 18 (1), 125-139.
  • Manning, R., ve Lawson, S., 2002. Carrying capacity as “Informed Judgment”: The Values of Science and The Science of Values. Environmental Management, 30, 157-168
  • McCool, S.F. ve Lime, D.W., 2001. Tourism Carrying Capacity: Tempting Fantasy or Useful Reality? Journal of Sustainable Tourism 9 (5), 372–88.
  • Moore, S.A., and Polley, A., 2007. Defining Indicators and Standards for Tourism Impacts in Protected Areas: Cape Range National Park, Australia. Environmental Management, 39 (3), 291-300.
  • Muraleetharan, T., Adachi, T., Uchida, K., Hagiwara, T., and Kagaya, S. (2004). A Study on Evaluation of Pedestrian Level of Service Along Sidewalks And At, 28-45.
  • Needham, M.D., and Rollins, R.B., 2005. Interest group standards for recreation and tourism impacts at ski areas in the summer. Tourism Management, 26 (1), 1-13.
  • Odum, E. P., 1959. Fundamentals of Biology. 546 p. W .B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia.
  • Rouphail, Nagui, Joseph Hummer, Joseph Milazzo II, and D. Patrick Allen. (1998). Literature Review for Chapter 13, Pedestrians of the Highway Capacity Manual. Federal Highway Administration Report, February.
  • Sayan, M.S., Ortaçeşme, V., Karagüzel, O., Atik, M., Şahin, T., Yıldırım, E., Avcı, Ü., 2005. Termessos (Güllükdağ) Milli Parkı’nda Rekreasyonel Taşıma Kapasitesinin Belirlenmesi. TÜBİTAK Proje no: TOGTAG- 3197, 63s, Antalya.
  • Sayan, S., Krymkowski, D.H., Manning, R.E., Valliere, W.A., Rovelstad, E.L.,2013. Cultural influance on crowding norms in outdoor recreation: a comperative analysis of visitors to national parks in turkey and united states. Environmental Management. 52:493-502
  • Shelby, B., and Heberlein, T. 1996. A Conceptual Framework for Carrying Capacity Determination. Leisure Sciences. 6: 433-451.
  • Şahin, İ. F. 2009. Erzincan İli’nin Turizm Potansiyeli Ve İldeki Ekoturizm Uygulamaları. Doğu Coğrafya Dergisi. 14 (22), 69-88.
  • Yılmaz, H., Karaşah, B., Erdoğan,Y. E., 2009. According to the Method of Gulez Evaluation of the Recreational Potential of Kafkasör Urban Forest. Artvin Çoruh University, Faculty of Forestry Journal, 10,1;53-61.
  • Yüksek, T., Cengiz, T., & Yüksek, F. (2008). Doğal alanlarda festival etkinliklerinin korumakullanma açısından değerlendirilmesi: Kafkasör kültür, sanat ve turizm festivali örneği. Ekoloji Dergisi, 17(67), 37-45.
  • Vaske, J.J., Donnelly, M.P., and Shelby, B., 1993. Establishing management standards: Seleceted examples of the normative approach. Environmental Management, 17 (1), 629-636.
  • Wagar, J. A., 1974. The Carrying Capacity of Wildlands for Recreation. Forest. Sci. Monograph. 7, 24 pp
  • Wang, B., and Manning, R.E., 1999. Computer Simulation Modeling for Recreation Management: A Study on Carriage Road Use in Acadia National Park, Maine, USA. Environmental Management, 23 (2), 193-203.
  • Whittaker, D., B. Shelby, R. Manning, D. Cole, ve G. Haas. 2010. Capacity Reconsidered: Finding Consensus and Clarifying Differences. National Association of Recreation ResourcePlanners, Marienville, Pennsylvania.

Determination of Physical Carrying Capacity of Erzincan Girlevik Waterfall and Its Vicinity

Year 2020, , 22 - 36, 15.03.2020


With industrialization, individuals began to live their lives in ecosystems that deteriorated more and more. These developments include people resting in their leisure time, having fun, going on holiday, etc. it has made his wishes more dominant. The increase in the need for recreational areas encourages planners to use areas with natural richness that are a resource for outdoor recreation.
Girlevik waterfall located in Çağlayan District, Erzincan province, is one of the important recreational areas of our country in terms of landscape or natural landscape beauty. While efforts to meet the demands of recreation continue, the intensive use of the exposed area is causing serious damage to the natural resource values.
Within the scope of the research, the present situation of Erzincan Girlevik waterfall was determined and then the physical carrying capacity of the area was determined. When carrying capacity calculations were examined, the physical carrying capacity of the area was determined to be 994 persons per day. According to this data, the area is exposed to use above its physical carrying capacity. According to the data obtained, proposals were made to ensure the sustainability of the area and to contribute to regional and Country tourism in accordance with the conservation - use principle


  • Akten, S., Gül, A., Akten, M., 2009. Korunan Doğal Alanların Katılımcı Yönetim Planında Ziyaretçi Etki Yönetimi Yaklaşımı Modeli, International Davraz Congress on Social and Economic Issues Shaping The World's Future: New Global Isparta
  • Arnberger, A., Brandenburg, C., 2007. Past on-site experience, crowding perceptions and use displacement of visitor groups to a peri-urban national park. Environ. Manage.;40:34-45.
  • Brush, S., 1975. The concept of carrying capacity for systems of shifting cultivation. American Anthropologist 77: 799-811.
  • Cahill, K.L., J.L. Marion, ve S.R. Lawson, 2007. Enhancing the interpretation of stated choice tradeoff analysis through the application of a verbal protocol assessment. Journal of Leisure Research;Second Quarter.39, 2.
  • Clarke, A.L., 2002. Assessing the carrying capacity of floridakeys. Population and Environment, 23/4, 405-418.
  • Grieser, K.A., 2005. Visitor perceptions of crowding, coping and social carrying capacity: an exploratory study in the mohonk preserve. Master Thesis. State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry Syracuse, New York
  • Göktuğ, T.H., Yıldız, N.D., ve Demir, M., 2011. Carrying capacity assessment of Tortum Waterfall, Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 22(12): 37833791.
  • Göktuğ, T.H., Yıldız, N.D., Demir, M., ve Bulut, Y., 2013. Taşıma Kapasitesi Kuramının Milli Parklarda Oluşum - Gelişim ve Modellenme Süreci. Atatürk Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 44 (2): 195-206.
  • Itami, RM (2002). Estimating Capacities for Pedestrian Walkways and Viewing Platforms. An Report to Parks Victoria Report .pp 20
  • Manning, R.E., and Lime, D.W., 2001. Crowding norms at frontcountry sites: Avisual approach to setting standards of quality. Journal Leisure Sciences An Interdisciplinary Journal, 18 (1), 125-139.
  • Manning, R., ve Lawson, S., 2002. Carrying capacity as “Informed Judgment”: The Values of Science and The Science of Values. Environmental Management, 30, 157-168
  • McCool, S.F. ve Lime, D.W., 2001. Tourism Carrying Capacity: Tempting Fantasy or Useful Reality? Journal of Sustainable Tourism 9 (5), 372–88.
  • Moore, S.A., and Polley, A., 2007. Defining Indicators and Standards for Tourism Impacts in Protected Areas: Cape Range National Park, Australia. Environmental Management, 39 (3), 291-300.
  • Muraleetharan, T., Adachi, T., Uchida, K., Hagiwara, T., and Kagaya, S. (2004). A Study on Evaluation of Pedestrian Level of Service Along Sidewalks And At, 28-45.
  • Needham, M.D., and Rollins, R.B., 2005. Interest group standards for recreation and tourism impacts at ski areas in the summer. Tourism Management, 26 (1), 1-13.
  • Odum, E. P., 1959. Fundamentals of Biology. 546 p. W .B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia.
  • Rouphail, Nagui, Joseph Hummer, Joseph Milazzo II, and D. Patrick Allen. (1998). Literature Review for Chapter 13, Pedestrians of the Highway Capacity Manual. Federal Highway Administration Report, February.
  • Sayan, M.S., Ortaçeşme, V., Karagüzel, O., Atik, M., Şahin, T., Yıldırım, E., Avcı, Ü., 2005. Termessos (Güllükdağ) Milli Parkı’nda Rekreasyonel Taşıma Kapasitesinin Belirlenmesi. TÜBİTAK Proje no: TOGTAG- 3197, 63s, Antalya.
  • Sayan, S., Krymkowski, D.H., Manning, R.E., Valliere, W.A., Rovelstad, E.L.,2013. Cultural influance on crowding norms in outdoor recreation: a comperative analysis of visitors to national parks in turkey and united states. Environmental Management. 52:493-502
  • Shelby, B., and Heberlein, T. 1996. A Conceptual Framework for Carrying Capacity Determination. Leisure Sciences. 6: 433-451.
  • Şahin, İ. F. 2009. Erzincan İli’nin Turizm Potansiyeli Ve İldeki Ekoturizm Uygulamaları. Doğu Coğrafya Dergisi. 14 (22), 69-88.
  • Yılmaz, H., Karaşah, B., Erdoğan,Y. E., 2009. According to the Method of Gulez Evaluation of the Recreational Potential of Kafkasör Urban Forest. Artvin Çoruh University, Faculty of Forestry Journal, 10,1;53-61.
  • Yüksek, T., Cengiz, T., & Yüksek, F. (2008). Doğal alanlarda festival etkinliklerinin korumakullanma açısından değerlendirilmesi: Kafkasör kültür, sanat ve turizm festivali örneği. Ekoloji Dergisi, 17(67), 37-45.
  • Vaske, J.J., Donnelly, M.P., and Shelby, B., 1993. Establishing management standards: Seleceted examples of the normative approach. Environmental Management, 17 (1), 629-636.
  • Wagar, J. A., 1974. The Carrying Capacity of Wildlands for Recreation. Forest. Sci. Monograph. 7, 24 pp
  • Wang, B., and Manning, R.E., 1999. Computer Simulation Modeling for Recreation Management: A Study on Carriage Road Use in Acadia National Park, Maine, USA. Environmental Management, 23 (2), 193-203.
  • Whittaker, D., B. Shelby, R. Manning, D. Cole, ve G. Haas. 2010. Capacity Reconsidered: Finding Consensus and Clarifying Differences. National Association of Recreation ResourcePlanners, Marienville, Pennsylvania.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Environmental Sciences, Architecture
Journal Section Research Article

Ahmet Mesut Caner 0000-0002-0430-3813

Metin Demir 0000-0002-4889-6016

Publication Date March 15, 2020
Submission Date January 2, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Caner, A. M., & Demir, M. (2020). Erzincan Girlevik Şelalesi ve Yakın Çevresinin Fiziksel Taşıma Kapasitesinin Belirlenmesi. Kent Akademisi, 13(1), 22-36.

International Refereed and Indexed Journal of Urban Culture and Management | Kent Kültürü ve Yönetimi Uluslararası Hakemli İndeksli Dergi

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