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Reinterpreting the importance of Sustainability in Architecture

Year 2024, Volume: 17 Issue: 5, 2081 - 2102, 17.09.2024


This article discusses the historical development of the concept of sustainability, how it was redefined in the field of architecture and how it is applied today. The article examines the emergence and historical evolution of the sustainability paradigm and explains how this paradigm was shaped and what impact it has on the field of architecture. The article also focuses on the current definition and basic principles of the concept of sustainable architecture. Among these principles, issues such as energy efficiency, material selection, water saving, waste management and reducing environmental impacts have an important place. In addition, the effects of technological developments and environmental conditions on sustainable architecture are also discussed in detail in the article. The article also explains with examples how the sustainability paradigm is reflected in architectural practice and how architects apply sustainability principles. In this context, issues such as green buildings, energy efficient design strategies, environmental impact assessment, as well as trends such as increasing society's awareness of sustainability and increasing demand for sustainable architecture projects are also discussed in the article. As a result, the article reveals in detail how the sustainability paradigm evolved in the field of architecture, how it is defined and how it is applied today. In this context, the future potential and impacts of sustainable architecture are also discussed.


  • Addas, A. (2023). The Concept of Smart Cities: A Sustainability Aspect for Future Urban Development Based on Different Cities, Frontiers in Environmental Science,, 11 (1), 1-18
  • Anbarcı, M., Giran, Ö. ve Demir, İ.H. (2012). Uluslararası Yeşil Bina Sertifika Sistemleri ile Türkiye’deki Bina Enerji Verimliliği Uygulaması, E-Journal of New World Sciences Academy, 7(1), 368-383.
  • Barbier, E.B. ve Markandya, A. (2013). A New Blueprint for a Green Economy, New York: Routledge Publications Ltd.
  • Bastian, O. (2001). Landscape Ecology Towards a Unified Discipline?, Landscape Ecology, (16), 757- 766.
  • Behling, S ve Behling, S. (1996). Sol Power: The Evolution of Solar Power, London: Prestel Publishing.
  • Berardi, U. (2013). Clarifying the new interpretations of the concept of sustain- able building. Sustainable Cities and Society, 8, 72–78.
  • Blowers, A. (1993), Pollution and Waste – A Sustainable Burden?. İçinde A. Blowers (Ed.), Planning for a Sustainable Environment: A Report by the Town and Country Planning Association. London: Routledge. (69-92)
  • Blowers, A. (1993), The Time for Change. İçinde A. Blowers (Ed.), Planning for a Sustainable Environment: A Report by the Town and Country Planning Association. London: Routledge. (1- 18)
  • Bozlağan, R. (2010). Sürdürülebilir Gelişme Düşüncesinin Tarihsel Arka Planı. Journal of Social Policy Conferences (50), 1011-1028.
  • Calautit, J.K. ve Hughes, B.R. (2016). Sustainable Buildings: Opportunities, Challenges, Aims and Vision, Sustainable Building Journal, Vol:1.
  • Cole, R. J. (1998). Emerging Trends in Building Environmental Assessment Methods. Building Research & Information, 26(1), 3-16.
  • Cole, R. J. (2012). Regenerative design and development: Current theory and practice. Building Research & Information, 40(1), 1–6.
  • Crowther, R. I. (1992). Ecologic Architecture, Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • Daly, H. E. (1996). Beyond Growth: The Economics of Sustainable Development, Beacon Press.
  • Daugelaite, A. ve Grazuleviciute-Vileniske, I. (2020). Aesthetics of Sustainability and Architecture: An Overview. Architecture and Urban Planning, 16(1), 1, 48–55.
  • Donovan, E. (2020). Explaining Sustainable Architecture, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, (588), 1-8. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/588/3/032086
  • Edwards, B. (1996), Towards Sustainable Architecture: Europen Directives and Building Design, Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd.
  • Fidan, A. (2016) Kentsel Yaşamda Sürdürülebilirliğin İlkeleri. İçinde E. E. Dinçer ve A. Can, Şehir Düşünce Merkezi Şehir Yayınları, İstanbul: İlbey Matbaa, (51-81), ISBN: ISBN: 978-605-83277-0-2
  • Görkem, L. ve Bozuklu, M. (2016). Nesnelerin İnterneti: Yapılan Çalışmalar ve Ülkemizdeki Mevcut Durum, Gaziosmanpaşa Bilimsel Araştırma Dergisi 13(1), 47-68
  • Gough, S., Scott, W. (2007). Curriculum Development and Sustainable Development: Practices, Institutions and Literacies. İçinde S. Gough ve W. Scott, (Eds.), Key Issues in Sustainable Development and Learning: a critical review, London: Routledge, (100-107)
  • Guy, S., Farmer, G. (2001). Reinterpreting sustainable architecture: the place of technology. Journal of Architectural Education, 54(3), 140–147.
  • Harris, J. (2000). Basic Principles of Sustainable Development, G-DAE Working Paper, No.00-04, 1-27.
  • Lee, J. H. (2020). Reinterpreting Sustainable aArchitecture: What Does it Mean Syntactically? Sustainability, 12(16), 1-16
  • Lyle, J.T. (1996). Regenerative Design for Sustainable Development. London: Wiley Publishing.
  • McDonough, W. (1996). Design, Ecology, Ethics, and the Making of Things, İçinde K. Nesbitt, (Ed.), Theorising a New Agenda for Architecture; An Antology of Architectural Theory 1965-1995. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, (400-407).
  • McLennan, J.F. (2004). The Philosophy of Sustaibable Design, London: Ecotone Publishing.
  • Montiel, I. ve Delgado-Ceballos, J. (2014). Defining and Measuring Corporate Sustainability: Are We There Yet?, Organization Environment Publishing, 27(2), 113-139. DOI: 10.1177/1086026614526413
  • Papenek, V. (1995). The Green Imperative: Ecology and Ethics in Design and Arhitecture, London: Thames and Hudson Publications Ltd.
  • Pearce, D.W., Markandya, A. ve Barbier, E.B. (1989). Blueprint for a Green Economy, London: Eartscan Publications Ltd.
  • Picon. A. (2015). Smart Cities: A Spatialised Intelligence, London:John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
  • Ryn, S. ve Cowan S. (1996). Ecological Design, Washington: Island Press.
  • Sev, A. (2009). Sürdürülebilir Mimarlık, İstanbul: Yem Yayınevi.
  • Singhania, C. ve Chadha, G. (2023). Thirty Years of Sustainability Reporting Research: A Scientometric Analysis, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(46), 1-36,
  • Steele, J. (1997). Sustainable Architecture: Principles, Paradigms, and Case Studies, London: The McGraw-Hill Coopanies.
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  • Vale, B. ve Vale, R. (1993), Building the Sustainable Environment. İçinde A. Blowers (Ed.), Planning for a Sustainable Environment: A Report by the Town and Country Planning Association. London: Routledge. 93-110
  • Wilkinson, S., Hajibandeh, M. ve Remoy, H. (2016). Sustainable development. In: Noguchi M. (ed.) ZEMCH: Toward the Delivery of Zero Energy Mass Custom Homes. Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering, Springer, 2016, pp. 1–29.
  • Wines, J. (2000). Green Architecture, Milan: Benedikt Tachen Verlag.
  • Yalçınkaya, Ş., Karadeniz, İ. (2022). Sürdürülebilir Mimari Tasarımda Atık Malzemenin Yeri, Mimarlık Bilimleri ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, MBUD 2022, 7 (2), 750-762
  • Zhong, W., Schröder, T. ve Bekkering, J. (2022). Biophilic Design in Architecture and Its Contributions to Health, Well-being, and Sustainability: A Critical Review, Frontiers of Architectural Research, 11 (2), 114-141

Mimarlıkta Sürdürülebilirliğin Öneminin Yeniden Yorumlanması

Year 2024, Volume: 17 Issue: 5, 2081 - 2102, 17.09.2024


Bu makale, sürdürülebilirlik kavramının tarihsel gelişimini, mimarlık alanında nasıl yeniden tanımlandığını ve günümüzde nasıl uygulandığını ele almaktadır. Makalede, sürdürülebilirlik paradigmasının ortaya çıkışı ve tarihsel evrimi incelenerek, bu paradigmanın nasıl şekillendiği ve mimarlık alanında nasıl bir etki yarattığı açıklanmaktadır.Makalede ayrıca, sürdürülebilir mimarlık kavramının günümüzdeki tanımı ve temel prensipleri üzerinde durulmaktadır. Bu prensipler arasında enerji verimliliği, malzeme seçimi, su tasarrufu, atık yönetimi ve çevresel etkilerin azaltılması gibi konular önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Bunun yanı sıra, teknolojik gelişmelerin ve çevresel koşulların sürdürülebilir mimarlık üzerindeki etkileri de makalede detaylı bir şekilde ele alınmaktadır.Makale, sürdürülebilirlik paradigmasının mimarlık pratiğine nasıl yansıdığını ve mimarların sürdürülebilirlik ilkelerini nasıl uyguladıklarını da örneklerle açıklamaktadır. Bu bağlamda, yeşil binalar, enerji verimli tasarım stratejileri, çevresel etki değerlendirmesi gibi konuların yanı sıra, toplumun sürdürülebilirlik konusundaki farkındalığının artması ve sürdürülebilir mimarlık projelerinin giderek daha fazla talep görmesi gibi trendler de makalede ele alınmaktadır.Sonuç olarak, makale, sürdürülebilirlik paradigmasının mimarlık alanında nasıl evrildiğini, bugün nasıl tanımlandığını ve nasıl uygulandığını detaylı bir şekilde ortaya koymaktadır. Bu bağlamda, sürdürülebilir mimarlığın gelecekteki potansiyeli ve etkileri de tartışılmaktadır.


  • Addas, A. (2023). The Concept of Smart Cities: A Sustainability Aspect for Future Urban Development Based on Different Cities, Frontiers in Environmental Science,, 11 (1), 1-18
  • Anbarcı, M., Giran, Ö. ve Demir, İ.H. (2012). Uluslararası Yeşil Bina Sertifika Sistemleri ile Türkiye’deki Bina Enerji Verimliliği Uygulaması, E-Journal of New World Sciences Academy, 7(1), 368-383.
  • Barbier, E.B. ve Markandya, A. (2013). A New Blueprint for a Green Economy, New York: Routledge Publications Ltd.
  • Bastian, O. (2001). Landscape Ecology Towards a Unified Discipline?, Landscape Ecology, (16), 757- 766.
  • Behling, S ve Behling, S. (1996). Sol Power: The Evolution of Solar Power, London: Prestel Publishing.
  • Berardi, U. (2013). Clarifying the new interpretations of the concept of sustain- able building. Sustainable Cities and Society, 8, 72–78.
  • Blowers, A. (1993), Pollution and Waste – A Sustainable Burden?. İçinde A. Blowers (Ed.), Planning for a Sustainable Environment: A Report by the Town and Country Planning Association. London: Routledge. (69-92)
  • Blowers, A. (1993), The Time for Change. İçinde A. Blowers (Ed.), Planning for a Sustainable Environment: A Report by the Town and Country Planning Association. London: Routledge. (1- 18)
  • Bozlağan, R. (2010). Sürdürülebilir Gelişme Düşüncesinin Tarihsel Arka Planı. Journal of Social Policy Conferences (50), 1011-1028.
  • Calautit, J.K. ve Hughes, B.R. (2016). Sustainable Buildings: Opportunities, Challenges, Aims and Vision, Sustainable Building Journal, Vol:1.
  • Cole, R. J. (1998). Emerging Trends in Building Environmental Assessment Methods. Building Research & Information, 26(1), 3-16.
  • Cole, R. J. (2012). Regenerative design and development: Current theory and practice. Building Research & Information, 40(1), 1–6.
  • Crowther, R. I. (1992). Ecologic Architecture, Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • Daly, H. E. (1996). Beyond Growth: The Economics of Sustainable Development, Beacon Press.
  • Daugelaite, A. ve Grazuleviciute-Vileniske, I. (2020). Aesthetics of Sustainability and Architecture: An Overview. Architecture and Urban Planning, 16(1), 1, 48–55.
  • Donovan, E. (2020). Explaining Sustainable Architecture, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, (588), 1-8. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/588/3/032086
  • Edwards, B. (1996), Towards Sustainable Architecture: Europen Directives and Building Design, Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd.
  • Fidan, A. (2016) Kentsel Yaşamda Sürdürülebilirliğin İlkeleri. İçinde E. E. Dinçer ve A. Can, Şehir Düşünce Merkezi Şehir Yayınları, İstanbul: İlbey Matbaa, (51-81), ISBN: ISBN: 978-605-83277-0-2
  • Görkem, L. ve Bozuklu, M. (2016). Nesnelerin İnterneti: Yapılan Çalışmalar ve Ülkemizdeki Mevcut Durum, Gaziosmanpaşa Bilimsel Araştırma Dergisi 13(1), 47-68
  • Gough, S., Scott, W. (2007). Curriculum Development and Sustainable Development: Practices, Institutions and Literacies. İçinde S. Gough ve W. Scott, (Eds.), Key Issues in Sustainable Development and Learning: a critical review, London: Routledge, (100-107)
  • Guy, S., Farmer, G. (2001). Reinterpreting sustainable architecture: the place of technology. Journal of Architectural Education, 54(3), 140–147.
  • Harris, J. (2000). Basic Principles of Sustainable Development, G-DAE Working Paper, No.00-04, 1-27.
  • Lee, J. H. (2020). Reinterpreting Sustainable aArchitecture: What Does it Mean Syntactically? Sustainability, 12(16), 1-16
  • Lyle, J.T. (1996). Regenerative Design for Sustainable Development. London: Wiley Publishing.
  • McDonough, W. (1996). Design, Ecology, Ethics, and the Making of Things, İçinde K. Nesbitt, (Ed.), Theorising a New Agenda for Architecture; An Antology of Architectural Theory 1965-1995. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, (400-407).
  • McLennan, J.F. (2004). The Philosophy of Sustaibable Design, London: Ecotone Publishing.
  • Montiel, I. ve Delgado-Ceballos, J. (2014). Defining and Measuring Corporate Sustainability: Are We There Yet?, Organization Environment Publishing, 27(2), 113-139. DOI: 10.1177/1086026614526413
  • Papenek, V. (1995). The Green Imperative: Ecology and Ethics in Design and Arhitecture, London: Thames and Hudson Publications Ltd.
  • Pearce, D.W., Markandya, A. ve Barbier, E.B. (1989). Blueprint for a Green Economy, London: Eartscan Publications Ltd.
  • Picon. A. (2015). Smart Cities: A Spatialised Intelligence, London:John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
  • Ryn, S. ve Cowan S. (1996). Ecological Design, Washington: Island Press.
  • Sev, A. (2009). Sürdürülebilir Mimarlık, İstanbul: Yem Yayınevi.
  • Singhania, C. ve Chadha, G. (2023). Thirty Years of Sustainability Reporting Research: A Scientometric Analysis, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(46), 1-36,
  • Steele, J. (1997). Sustainable Architecture: Principles, Paradigms, and Case Studies, London: The McGraw-Hill Coopanies.
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  • Url-9 <> Erişim Tarihi: 08. 02.2024
  • Vale, B. ve Vale, R. (1993), Building the Sustainable Environment. İçinde A. Blowers (Ed.), Planning for a Sustainable Environment: A Report by the Town and Country Planning Association. London: Routledge. 93-110
  • Wilkinson, S., Hajibandeh, M. ve Remoy, H. (2016). Sustainable development. In: Noguchi M. (ed.) ZEMCH: Toward the Delivery of Zero Energy Mass Custom Homes. Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering, Springer, 2016, pp. 1–29.
  • Wines, J. (2000). Green Architecture, Milan: Benedikt Tachen Verlag.
  • Yalçınkaya, Ş., Karadeniz, İ. (2022). Sürdürülebilir Mimari Tasarımda Atık Malzemenin Yeri, Mimarlık Bilimleri ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, MBUD 2022, 7 (2), 750-762
  • Zhong, W., Schröder, T. ve Bekkering, J. (2022). Biophilic Design in Architecture and Its Contributions to Health, Well-being, and Sustainability: A Critical Review, Frontiers of Architectural Research, 11 (2), 114-141
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Architectural Design, Sustainable Architecture
Journal Section All Articles

Zülal Nurdan Korur 0000-0002-5655-1632

Publication Date September 17, 2024
Submission Date February 10, 2024
Acceptance Date September 17, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 17 Issue: 5


APA Korur, Z. N. (2024). Mimarlıkta Sürdürülebilirliğin Öneminin Yeniden Yorumlanması. Kent Akademisi, 17(5), 2081-2102.

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