Research Article
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Kent Markalarının Ulusal Markalaşmadaki Rolü

Year 2025, Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 119 - 139, 15.01.2025


Bir ülkenin marka olarak algılanması, küresel ekonomi, siyasi yapı ve konum gibi çeşitli faktörlerden etkilenmektedir. Ancak literatürde bu değişkenleri güçlendirebilecek öğelerin belirlenmesi konusunda yeterli bilgi bulunmamaktadır. Bu araştırma, her bir şehrin ayırt edici özelliklerinin belirlenmesinin ve bunların kolektif şehir markalarından bir ülke markası modeli oluşturmak için kullanılmasının önemli olduğunu savunmaktadır. Araştırmada anket yöntemi kullanılmış ve Türkiye'nin üç farklı şehrinden 1.637 anket toplanmıştır. Daha sonra bu şehirlerin vatandaşları tarafından algılanan marka kimlikleri analiz edildi. Elde edilen veriler, Türkiye'nin yerelden genele marka kimliğini oluşturmasını sağlayacak bir model önermek için kullanıldı. Araştırma, üç şehrin benzerlikler paylaşmasına rağmen vatandaşların kendi şehir markalarının farklı alt boyutlarını algıladıklarını ve bunların çeşitli şekillerde birbiriyle ilişkili olduğunu ortaya çıkardı. Her üç şehrin vatandaşları tarafından algılanan şehir kimliğinin alt boyutları, önerilen ülke markalaşma modelinin temelini oluşturmaktadır. Gelecek araştırmalarda modelin farklı hedef gruplar ve farklı ülkeler için yeniden incelenmesi önerilmektedir.

Project Number



  • Aaker, D. A. (1991). Managing brand equity: Capitalizing on the value of a brand name. The Free Press.
  • Aaker, D. A. (1996). Building strong brands. Free Press. Retrieved May 30, 2019 from
  • Aaker, D. A., & Joachimsthaler, E. (2000). The brand relationship spectrum: The Key to the brand architecture challenge. California Management Review, 42(4), 8–23.
  • Aaker, J. L. (1997). Dimensions of brand personality. Journal of Marketing Research, XXXIV(August), 347–356.
  • Anholt, S. (2006). The Anholt-GMI city brands index: How the world sees the world’s cities. Place Branding, 2(1), 18–31.
  • Anholt, S. (2011). Beyond the nation brand: The role of the image and identity in international relations. In A. Pike (Ed.), Brands and Branding Geographies (pp. 289–297). Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. Retrieved May 12, 2020 from
  • Arabacı, A. O. (2018). Google’ın Çorum’u dünyanın merkezi olarak belirlediği iddiası. Retrieved November 11, 2019 from
  • Arslan, E. (2013, September 15). Marka kent Sivas. Retrieved November 29, 2018 from
  • Balakrishnan, M. S. (2008). Dubai - a star in the east. A case study in strategic destination branding. Journal of Place Management and Development, 1(1), 62–91.
  • Clifton, N. (2014). Towards a holistic understanding of county of origin effects? Branding of the region, branding from the region. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 3(2), 122–132.
  • Dalbay, R. S. (2018). Kimlik ve toplumsal kimlik kavrami. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2(31), 161–176.
  • Dinnie, K. (2011). Introduction to the theory of city branding. In K. Dinnie (Ed.), City branding: Theory and cases (pp. 3–7). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Dinnie, K. (2022). Nation branding: Concepts, issues, practice (3rd ed.). Routledge.
  • Drugan, G. A. (2014). The development of an analytical framework for the measurement of city brands. Doctoral Dissertation [University of Manchester, Faculty of Humanities]. Manchester City, England.
  • Dudovskiy, J. (2014). Factors affecting brands and branding: A brief literature review. Research Methodology. Retrieved October 4, 2019 from
  • Frideres, J. S. (2006). Cities and immigrant integration: The future of second-and thirdtier centres. Our Diverse Cities, 2(Summer), 3–8.
  • Gondim Mariutti, F., & De Moura Engracia Giraldi, J. (2020). Country brand personality of Brazil: A hindsight of Aaker’s theory. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 16(3), 251–264.
  • Hanna, S., Rowley, J., & Keegan, B. (2021). Place and destination branding: A review and conceptual mapping of the Domain. European Management Review, 18(2), 105–117.
  • Hassan, S., & Mahrous, A. A. (2019). Nation branding: The strategic imperative for sustainable market competitiveness. Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Sciences, 1(2), 146–158.
  • Holbrook, M. B., & Hirschman, E. C. (1982). The experiential aspects of consumption: Consumer fantasies, feelings, and fun. Journal of Consumer Research, 9(2), 132–140.
  • İçyer, A. (2010). Marka kent oluşturma açısından stratejik kent yönetimi. Master Thesis [Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü]. Karaman, Türkiye.
  • Insch, A. (2011). Ethics of place making. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 7(3), 151–154.
  • Jansson, J., & Power, D. (2010). Fashioning a global city: Global city brand channels in the fashion and design industries. Regional Studies, 44(7), 889–904.
  • Jaworski, S. P., & Fosher, D. (2003). National brand identity & Its effect on corporate brands: The nation brand effect (NBE). The Multinational Business Review, 11(2), 99–113.
  • Karadal, H., Akçı, Y., Sepetçi̇, T., & Di̇nçer, E. (2023). Aksaray ili marka değeri araştırması. Kent Akademisi, 16(2), 812–829.
  • Karasar, N. (2014). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Kavaratzis, M. (2004). From city marketing to city branding: Towards a theoretical framework for developing city brands. Place Branding, 1(1), 58–73.
  • Kavaratzis, M., & Ashworth, G. J. (2006). City branding: An effective assertion of identity or a transitory marketing trick?. Place Branding, 2(3), 183–194.
  • Knapp, D. E. (2003). Marka aklı (Çev. A. T. Akartuna). MediaCat.
  • Kotler, P., & Gertner, D. (2004). Country as brand, product and beyond: A place marketing and brand management perspective. In N. Morgan, A. Pritchard, and R. Pride (Ed.), Destination branding (2nd Edition, pp. 55–71). Routledge.
  • Kotler, P., Kartajaya, H., & Setiawan, I. (2017). Pazarlama 4.0 (N. Özata, Eds.). Optimist Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Kotler, P., & Pfoertsch, W. (2010). B2B marka yönetimi (N. Orhon, Ed.). MediaCat Yayınları.
  • Kotsi, F., Balakrishnan, M. S., Michael, I., & Ramsøy, T. Z. (2018). Place branding: Aligning multiple stakeholder perception of visual and auditory communication elements. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 7, 112–130.
  • Loo, T., & Davies, G. (2006). Branding China: The ultimate challenge in reputation management? Corporate Reputation Review, 9(3), 198–210.
  • Morgan, N. (2012). Time for ‘mindful’ destination management and marketing. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 1(1–2), 8–9.
  • Papp-Váry, Á. F. (2019a). A successful example of complex country branding: The ‘E-Estonia’ positioning concept and its relation to the presidency of the council of the EU. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, European and Regional Studies, 14(1), 87–115.
  • Papp-Váry, Á. F. (2019b). The Role of visual identity guides and brand books in country branding–How to get inspiration from Finland and Estonia. In K. Hammes, M. Machrafi, & A. Samodol (Eds.), Economic and Social Development 38th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development (pp. 196–211). Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency.
  • Peker, A. E. (2006). Kentin markalaşma sürecinde çağdaş sanat müzelerinin rolü: Kent markalaşması ve küresel landmark. Master Thesis [İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi]. İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • Perry, A., & Wisnom, D. (2004). Markanın DNA’sı (Çev. Z. Yılmaz). MediaCat Yayınları.
  • Rainisto, S. K. (2003). Success factors of place marketing: A study of place marketing practices in Northern Europe and the United States. Doctoral Dissertation [Helsinki University of Technology, Institute of Strategy and International Business]. Helsinki, Finland.
  • Riza, M., Doratli, N., & Fasli, M. (2012). City branding and identity. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 35, 293–300.
  • Rojas-Méndez, J. (2013). The nation brand molecule. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 22(7), 462–472.
  • Ruiz, E. C., De la Cruz, E. R. R., & Vázquez, F. J. C. (2019). Sustainable tourism and residents’ perception towards the brand: The case of Malaga (Spain). Sustainability, 11(1), Article 1.
  • Saygın, M. (2023). Competitiveness of the cities: Branding and positioning. International Journal of Professional Business Review, 8(6), e02210.
  • Selvi, M. S. (2007). Marka yönetimi. Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Şentürk, E. E., & Kartal, C. (2020). An investigation on academic research in the field of place brandıng in Turkey. International Journal of Business Economics and Management Perspectives, 1(1), 26–41.
  • T. C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı. (2023, December 26). İstanbul 11 ayda 16 milyon yabancı ziyaretçi ağırladı. Retrieved December 28, 2023 from
  • Trueman, M., Klemm, M., & Giroud, A. (2004). Can a city communicate? Bradford as a corporate brand. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 9(4), 317–330.
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu [TÜİK]. (2018a). Bölgelerin verdiği göç bilgileri. Retrieved October 31, 2019 from TÜİK Merkezi Dağıtım Sistemi.
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu [TÜİK]. (2018b). Adrese dayalı nüfus kayıt sistemi sonuçları, 2018. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Retrieved October 31, 2019 from
  • Resonance. (2017). World’s best city brands—A global ranking of place equity. The Resonance. Retrieved October 31, 2019 from
  • Pusula. (2012, February 18). Kırıkkale marka şehir olacak. Pusula Gazetesi. Retrieved November 5, 2019 from
  • Yamane, T. (2001). Temel örnekleme yöntemleri (E. Alptekin, C. Aydın, E. Gürbüzsel, & M. A. Bakır, Eds.). Literatür Yayıncılık.
  • Yıldız, O. (2015). Marka imaji yaratma ve marka yerleştirme stratejileri. Specialization thesis [T.C. Türk Patent Enstitüsü, Markalar Dairesi Başkanliği]. Ankara Türkiye.
  • Zenker, S., & Beckmann, S. C. (2013). My place is not your place – Different place brand knowledge by different target groups. Journal of Place Management and Development, 6(1), 6–17.
  • Zhang, L., & Zhao, S. X. (2009). City branding and the olympic effect: A case study of Beijing. Cities, 26, 245–254.
  • Zhou, L., & Wang, T. (2013). Social media: A new vehicle for city marketing in China. Cities, 37, 27–32.
  • Zinaida, R. S., Sunarto, & Sunuantari, M. (2022). Revealing the new identity element to construct palembang city branding. Jurnal ASPIKOM, 7(2), 207–217.

The Role of City Brands in National Branding

Year 2025, Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 119 - 139, 15.01.2025


The perception of a country as a brand is influenced by various factors, including the global economy, political structure, and location. However, the literature lacks sufficient information on identifying the items that can strengthen these variables. This research argues that it is crucial to identify the distinguishing features of each city and use them to create a country brand model from the collective city brands. The study employed a survey method, collecting 1,637 questionnaires from three distinct cities in Türkiye. The brand identities of these cities, as perceived by their citizens, were then analyzed. The obtained data was used to propose a model enabling Türkiye to establish a brand identity from local to general. The research revealed that although the three cities share similarities, their citizens perceive different sub-dimensions of their respective city brands, which are interrelated in various ways. The sub-dimensions of city identity as perceived by the citizens of the three cities form the basis of the proposed country branding model. In future research, it is recommended that the model be re-examined for different target groups and different countries.

Supporting Institution

Kırıkkale University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit

Project Number



  • Aaker, D. A. (1991). Managing brand equity: Capitalizing on the value of a brand name. The Free Press.
  • Aaker, D. A. (1996). Building strong brands. Free Press. Retrieved May 30, 2019 from
  • Aaker, D. A., & Joachimsthaler, E. (2000). The brand relationship spectrum: The Key to the brand architecture challenge. California Management Review, 42(4), 8–23.
  • Aaker, J. L. (1997). Dimensions of brand personality. Journal of Marketing Research, XXXIV(August), 347–356.
  • Anholt, S. (2006). The Anholt-GMI city brands index: How the world sees the world’s cities. Place Branding, 2(1), 18–31.
  • Anholt, S. (2011). Beyond the nation brand: The role of the image and identity in international relations. In A. Pike (Ed.), Brands and Branding Geographies (pp. 289–297). Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. Retrieved May 12, 2020 from
  • Arabacı, A. O. (2018). Google’ın Çorum’u dünyanın merkezi olarak belirlediği iddiası. Retrieved November 11, 2019 from
  • Arslan, E. (2013, September 15). Marka kent Sivas. Retrieved November 29, 2018 from
  • Balakrishnan, M. S. (2008). Dubai - a star in the east. A case study in strategic destination branding. Journal of Place Management and Development, 1(1), 62–91.
  • Clifton, N. (2014). Towards a holistic understanding of county of origin effects? Branding of the region, branding from the region. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 3(2), 122–132.
  • Dalbay, R. S. (2018). Kimlik ve toplumsal kimlik kavrami. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2(31), 161–176.
  • Dinnie, K. (2011). Introduction to the theory of city branding. In K. Dinnie (Ed.), City branding: Theory and cases (pp. 3–7). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Dinnie, K. (2022). Nation branding: Concepts, issues, practice (3rd ed.). Routledge.
  • Drugan, G. A. (2014). The development of an analytical framework for the measurement of city brands. Doctoral Dissertation [University of Manchester, Faculty of Humanities]. Manchester City, England.
  • Dudovskiy, J. (2014). Factors affecting brands and branding: A brief literature review. Research Methodology. Retrieved October 4, 2019 from
  • Frideres, J. S. (2006). Cities and immigrant integration: The future of second-and thirdtier centres. Our Diverse Cities, 2(Summer), 3–8.
  • Gondim Mariutti, F., & De Moura Engracia Giraldi, J. (2020). Country brand personality of Brazil: A hindsight of Aaker’s theory. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 16(3), 251–264.
  • Hanna, S., Rowley, J., & Keegan, B. (2021). Place and destination branding: A review and conceptual mapping of the Domain. European Management Review, 18(2), 105–117.
  • Hassan, S., & Mahrous, A. A. (2019). Nation branding: The strategic imperative for sustainable market competitiveness. Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Sciences, 1(2), 146–158.
  • Holbrook, M. B., & Hirschman, E. C. (1982). The experiential aspects of consumption: Consumer fantasies, feelings, and fun. Journal of Consumer Research, 9(2), 132–140.
  • İçyer, A. (2010). Marka kent oluşturma açısından stratejik kent yönetimi. Master Thesis [Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü]. Karaman, Türkiye.
  • Insch, A. (2011). Ethics of place making. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 7(3), 151–154.
  • Jansson, J., & Power, D. (2010). Fashioning a global city: Global city brand channels in the fashion and design industries. Regional Studies, 44(7), 889–904.
  • Jaworski, S. P., & Fosher, D. (2003). National brand identity & Its effect on corporate brands: The nation brand effect (NBE). The Multinational Business Review, 11(2), 99–113.
  • Karadal, H., Akçı, Y., Sepetçi̇, T., & Di̇nçer, E. (2023). Aksaray ili marka değeri araştırması. Kent Akademisi, 16(2), 812–829.
  • Karasar, N. (2014). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Kavaratzis, M. (2004). From city marketing to city branding: Towards a theoretical framework for developing city brands. Place Branding, 1(1), 58–73.
  • Kavaratzis, M., & Ashworth, G. J. (2006). City branding: An effective assertion of identity or a transitory marketing trick?. Place Branding, 2(3), 183–194.
  • Knapp, D. E. (2003). Marka aklı (Çev. A. T. Akartuna). MediaCat.
  • Kotler, P., & Gertner, D. (2004). Country as brand, product and beyond: A place marketing and brand management perspective. In N. Morgan, A. Pritchard, and R. Pride (Ed.), Destination branding (2nd Edition, pp. 55–71). Routledge.
  • Kotler, P., Kartajaya, H., & Setiawan, I. (2017). Pazarlama 4.0 (N. Özata, Eds.). Optimist Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Kotler, P., & Pfoertsch, W. (2010). B2B marka yönetimi (N. Orhon, Ed.). MediaCat Yayınları.
  • Kotsi, F., Balakrishnan, M. S., Michael, I., & Ramsøy, T. Z. (2018). Place branding: Aligning multiple stakeholder perception of visual and auditory communication elements. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 7, 112–130.
  • Loo, T., & Davies, G. (2006). Branding China: The ultimate challenge in reputation management? Corporate Reputation Review, 9(3), 198–210.
  • Morgan, N. (2012). Time for ‘mindful’ destination management and marketing. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 1(1–2), 8–9.
  • Papp-Váry, Á. F. (2019a). A successful example of complex country branding: The ‘E-Estonia’ positioning concept and its relation to the presidency of the council of the EU. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, European and Regional Studies, 14(1), 87–115.
  • Papp-Váry, Á. F. (2019b). The Role of visual identity guides and brand books in country branding–How to get inspiration from Finland and Estonia. In K. Hammes, M. Machrafi, & A. Samodol (Eds.), Economic and Social Development 38th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development (pp. 196–211). Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency.
  • Peker, A. E. (2006). Kentin markalaşma sürecinde çağdaş sanat müzelerinin rolü: Kent markalaşması ve küresel landmark. Master Thesis [İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi]. İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • Perry, A., & Wisnom, D. (2004). Markanın DNA’sı (Çev. Z. Yılmaz). MediaCat Yayınları.
  • Rainisto, S. K. (2003). Success factors of place marketing: A study of place marketing practices in Northern Europe and the United States. Doctoral Dissertation [Helsinki University of Technology, Institute of Strategy and International Business]. Helsinki, Finland.
  • Riza, M., Doratli, N., & Fasli, M. (2012). City branding and identity. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 35, 293–300.
  • Rojas-Méndez, J. (2013). The nation brand molecule. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 22(7), 462–472.
  • Ruiz, E. C., De la Cruz, E. R. R., & Vázquez, F. J. C. (2019). Sustainable tourism and residents’ perception towards the brand: The case of Malaga (Spain). Sustainability, 11(1), Article 1.
  • Saygın, M. (2023). Competitiveness of the cities: Branding and positioning. International Journal of Professional Business Review, 8(6), e02210.
  • Selvi, M. S. (2007). Marka yönetimi. Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Şentürk, E. E., & Kartal, C. (2020). An investigation on academic research in the field of place brandıng in Turkey. International Journal of Business Economics and Management Perspectives, 1(1), 26–41.
  • T. C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı. (2023, December 26). İstanbul 11 ayda 16 milyon yabancı ziyaretçi ağırladı. Retrieved December 28, 2023 from
  • Trueman, M., Klemm, M., & Giroud, A. (2004). Can a city communicate? Bradford as a corporate brand. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 9(4), 317–330.
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu [TÜİK]. (2018a). Bölgelerin verdiği göç bilgileri. Retrieved October 31, 2019 from TÜİK Merkezi Dağıtım Sistemi.
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu [TÜİK]. (2018b). Adrese dayalı nüfus kayıt sistemi sonuçları, 2018. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Retrieved October 31, 2019 from
  • Resonance. (2017). World’s best city brands—A global ranking of place equity. The Resonance. Retrieved October 31, 2019 from
  • Pusula. (2012, February 18). Kırıkkale marka şehir olacak. Pusula Gazetesi. Retrieved November 5, 2019 from
  • Yamane, T. (2001). Temel örnekleme yöntemleri (E. Alptekin, C. Aydın, E. Gürbüzsel, & M. A. Bakır, Eds.). Literatür Yayıncılık.
  • Yıldız, O. (2015). Marka imaji yaratma ve marka yerleştirme stratejileri. Specialization thesis [T.C. Türk Patent Enstitüsü, Markalar Dairesi Başkanliği]. Ankara Türkiye.
  • Zenker, S., & Beckmann, S. C. (2013). My place is not your place – Different place brand knowledge by different target groups. Journal of Place Management and Development, 6(1), 6–17.
  • Zhang, L., & Zhao, S. X. (2009). City branding and the olympic effect: A case study of Beijing. Cities, 26, 245–254.
  • Zhou, L., & Wang, T. (2013). Social media: A new vehicle for city marketing in China. Cities, 37, 27–32.
  • Zinaida, R. S., Sunarto, & Sunuantari, M. (2022). Revealing the new identity element to construct palembang city branding. Jurnal ASPIKOM, 7(2), 207–217.
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Tourism (Other)
Journal Section All Articles

Esma Ebru Şentürk 0000-0002-4528-1518

Cihat Kartal 0000-0003-2390-8268

Project Number 2019/067
Early Pub Date January 15, 2025
Publication Date January 15, 2025
Submission Date June 11, 2024
Acceptance Date November 4, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 18 Issue: 1


APA Şentürk, E. E., & Kartal, C. (2025). The Role of City Brands in National Branding. Kent Akademisi, 18(1), 119-139.

International Refereed and Indexed Journal of Urban Culture and Management | Kent Kültürü ve Yönetimi Uluslararası Hakemli İndeksli Dergi
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