Epicardial Cardioverter-Defibrillator Implantation Concomitant with Coronary Artery Bypass in Patients with Low Ejection Fraction
Year 2018,
Volume: 21 Issue: 3, 245 - 246, 02.12.2018
Ahmet Barış Durukan
Ahmet Ünlü
Ali Cevat Tanalp
with severe left ventricular failure are directed to surgical revascularization
owing to possibilities of improved survival and the associated postoperative
functional status. However, when a postoperative ejection fraction > 35% is
unlikely, patients are still at increased risk for sudden cardiac death due to
malignant arrhythmias. We documented our results in patients with an ejection
fraction < 35% who were concomitantly implanted with a
cardioverter-defibrillator by surgical revascularization. We believe that
simultaneous surgery is advantageous in terms of preventing sudden cardiac
death in the early postoperative period and that it lacks necessity for further
- 1. Pieri M, Belletti A, Monaco F, Pisano A, Musu M, Dalessandro V, et al. Outcome of cardiac surgery in patients with low preoperative ejection fraction. BMC Anesthesiology 2016;16:97.
- 2. Shahian DM, O’Brien SM, Filardo G, Ferraris VA, Haan CK, Rich JB, et al. The Society of Thoracic Surgeons 2008 cardiac surgery risk models: Part1-coronary artery bypass grafting surgery. Ann Thorac Surg 2009;88:S2-22.
- 3. Salehi M, Bakhshandeh A, Rahmanian M, Saberi K, Kahrom M, Sobhanian K. Coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with advanced left ventricular dysfunction: excellent early outcome with improved ejection fraction. J Teh Univ Heart Ctr 2016;11:6-10.
- 4. Kusumoto FM, Calkins H, Boehmer J, Buxton AE, Chung MK, Gold MR, et al. HRS/ACC/AHA expert consensus statement on the use of implantable cardioverter-defibrillator therapy in patients who are not included or not well represented in clinical trials. J Am Coll Cardiol 2014;64:1143-77.
- 5. Peretto G, Durante A, Limite LR, Cianflone D. Postoperative arrhythmias after cardiac surgery: incidence, risk factors and therapeutic management. Cardiol Res Pract 2014;2014:615987.
- 6. Edem E, Gürsoy MO, Pabuccu MT, Taş S, Can Y, Tekin Üİ, et al. Latent clinical outcomes of appropriate and inappropriate ICD shocks. Koşuyolu Heart Journal 2014;17:167-71.
Düşük Ejeksiyon Fraksiyonlu Hastalarda Koroner Baypas Cerrahisi ile Eş zamanlı Epikardiyal Kardiyoverter-Defibrilatör İmplantasyonu
Year 2018,
Volume: 21 Issue: 3, 245 - 246, 02.12.2018
Ahmet Barış Durukan
Ahmet Ünlü
Ali Cevat Tanalp
sol ventrikül disfonksiyonu olan hastalar postoperatif artmış yaşam süresi ve
düzelmiş fonksiyonel durum sebebiyle cerrahi revaskülarizasyona
yönlendirilmektedir. Ancak, eğer postoperatif ejeksiyon fraksyonu > %35
olacak gibi değilse, hastalar halen malign aritmiler sebebiyle ani kardiyak
ölüm için risk altındadır. Biz burada ejeksiyon fraksiyonu < %35 olan,
cerrahi revaskülarizasyon ile eş zamanlı kardiyoverter-defibrilatör
implantasyonu yapılan hasta sonuçlarımızı dökümante ettik. Biz bu hastalarda
erken postoperatif dönemde ani kardiyak ölümün önlenmesi ve ikinci girişime
ihtiyaç olmaması sebebiyle simültane cerrahinin avantajlı olduğunu düşünüyoruz.
- 1. Pieri M, Belletti A, Monaco F, Pisano A, Musu M, Dalessandro V, et al. Outcome of cardiac surgery in patients with low preoperative ejection fraction. BMC Anesthesiology 2016;16:97.
- 2. Shahian DM, O’Brien SM, Filardo G, Ferraris VA, Haan CK, Rich JB, et al. The Society of Thoracic Surgeons 2008 cardiac surgery risk models: Part1-coronary artery bypass grafting surgery. Ann Thorac Surg 2009;88:S2-22.
- 3. Salehi M, Bakhshandeh A, Rahmanian M, Saberi K, Kahrom M, Sobhanian K. Coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with advanced left ventricular dysfunction: excellent early outcome with improved ejection fraction. J Teh Univ Heart Ctr 2016;11:6-10.
- 4. Kusumoto FM, Calkins H, Boehmer J, Buxton AE, Chung MK, Gold MR, et al. HRS/ACC/AHA expert consensus statement on the use of implantable cardioverter-defibrillator therapy in patients who are not included or not well represented in clinical trials. J Am Coll Cardiol 2014;64:1143-77.
- 5. Peretto G, Durante A, Limite LR, Cianflone D. Postoperative arrhythmias after cardiac surgery: incidence, risk factors and therapeutic management. Cardiol Res Pract 2014;2014:615987.
- 6. Edem E, Gürsoy MO, Pabuccu MT, Taş S, Can Y, Tekin Üİ, et al. Latent clinical outcomes of appropriate and inappropriate ICD shocks. Koşuyolu Heart Journal 2014;17:167-71.