Ameliyathane Çizelgeleme ve Örnek Uygulama
Year 2016,
Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 71 - 85, 30.06.2016
Tamer Eren
Evren Kodanlı
Burcu Altundağ
Salim Koray Malkoç
Sultan Ünlüsoy
İsmail Biçer
Kenan Tutuk
Çalışmada sağlık hizmetlerinde görülen en önemli problem ele alınmıştır. Bu problem ameliyathane odası çizelgeleme problemidir. Etkin çizelgeleme yapılmaması durumunda operasyon geçirecek hastalar, gün boyu beklemek zorunda kalabilmektedirler. Bu problemi çözmek için tam sayılı programlama modeli kullanılmıştır. Model, GAMS 23.9 paket programı ile çözülmüştür. Problem için ayrıca kullanım kolaylığı açısından C#, veri tabanı için MSSQL programıyla hasta ve hastaya ait operasyonlar hakkındaki bilgileri göz önünde bulundurularak ameliyathanelere hastaların atanmasını sağlayacak bir arayüz tasarlanmıştır. Çalışma ile her hasta için; ameliyatının yapılacağı ameliyathane, zaman dilimi (gün ve saat) ve doktor tespit edilmiştir. Böylece operasyon geçirecek hastaların bekleme süreleri ve ameliyathanelerin boş kalma süreleri minimize edilmiş, kaynaklar daha verimli kullanılır hale gelmiştir.
- Augusto, V., Xie, X. ve Perdomo, V., (2010), "Operating Theatre Scheduling With Patient Recovery In Both Operating Rooms And Recovery Beds", Computers ve Industrial Engineering, 58(2), 231-238.
- Beliën, J., Demeulemeester, E. ve Cardoen, B. (2006), "Visualizing The Demand For Various Resources As A Function Of The Master Surgery Schedule: A Case Study", Journal Of Medical Systems, 30(5), 343-350.
- Beliën, J. ve Demeulemeester, E., (2007), "Building Cyclic Master Surgery Schedules With Leveled Resulting Bed Occupancy" European Journal of Operational Research, 176(2), 1185-1204.
- Beliën, J., Demeulemeester, E. ve Cardoen, B., (2009), "A Decision Support System For Cyclic Master Surgery Scheduling With Multiple Objectives", Journal of Scheduling, 12(2), 147-161.
- Blake, J. T., Dexter, F. ve Donald, J., (2002), "Operating Room Managers’ Use Of Integer Programming For Assigning Block Time To Surgical Groups: A Case Study", Anesthesia ve Analgesia, 94(1), 143-148.
- Cardoen, B., Demeulemeester, E. ve Beliën, J., (2010), "Operating Room Planning And Scheduling: A Literature Review", European Journal of Operational Research, 201(3), 921-932.
- Çekiç, B., (2015), "Ameliyathanelerin Çizelgelenmesi, Bir Karışık Tamsayılı Programlama Yaklaşımı", Verimlilik dergisi, (2), 7-28.
- Dexter F., Macario A., Traub R., Hopwood M., Lubarsky D. A., (1999), “Operating Room Scheduling Strategy To Maximize The Use Of Operating Room Block Time: Computer Simulation Of Patient Scheduling And Survey Of Patients Preferences For Surgical Waiting Time”, Economics And Health Systems Research, 89, 7-20.
- Dexter, F., (2003), "Operating Room Utilization: Information Management Systems", Current Opinion in Anesthesiology, 16(6), 619-622.
- Dexter, F., Epstein, R. H., Marcon, E. ve de Matta, R., (2005), "Strategies To Reduce Delays In Admission Into A Postanesthesia Care Unit From Operating Rooms", Journal of Peri Anesthesia Nursing, 20(2), 92-102.
- Ewen, H. ve Mönch, L., (2014), "A Simulation-Based Framework To Schedule Surgeries In An Eye Hospital", IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 4(4), 191-208.
- Fei, H., Meskens, N., Combes, C. ve Chu, C., (2009), "The Endoscopy Scheduling Problem: A Case Study With Two Specialised Operating Rooms", International Journal of Production Economics, 120(2), 452-462.
- Guinet, A. ve Chaabane, S., (2003), "Operating theatre planning", International Journal of Production Economics, 85(1), 69-81.
- Güngör, İ., (2002), "Hemşire Görevlendirme Ve Çizelgeleme Sorununa Bir Model Önerisi", Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 7(2).
- Herring, W. L. ve Herrmann, J. W., (2012), "The Single-Day Surgery Scheduling Problem: Sequential Decision-Making And Threshold-Based Heuristics", OR spectrum, 34(2), 429-459.
- Jebali, A., Alouane, A. B. H. ve Ladet, P., (2003), "Performance Comparison Of Two Strategies For Operating Room Scheduling", In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics.
- Jebali, A., Alouane, A. B. H. ve Ladet, P., (2006), "Operating Rooms Scheduling", International Journal of Production Economics, 99(1), 52-62.
- Jebali, A. ve Diabat, A., (2015), "A Stochastic Model For Operating Room Planning Under Capacity Constraints", International Journal of Production Research, 53(24), 7252-7270.
- Kuperman, G. J., Gardner, R. M., ve Pryor, T. A., (1991), "HELP: A Dynamic Hospital Information System", Springer-Verlag, New York.
- Landa, P., Aringhieri, R., Soriano, P., Tànfani, E. ve Testi, A., (2016), "A Hybrid Optimization Algorithm For Surgeries Scheduling", Operations Research for Health Care.
- Lamiri, M., Xie, X., Dolgui, A. ve Grimaud, F., (2008), "A stochastic model for operating room planning with elective and emergency demand for surgery", European Journal of Operational Research, 185(3), 1026-1037.
- Larsson, A., (2013), "The Accuracy Of Surgery Time Estimations", Production Planning ve Control, 24(10-11), 891-902.
- Marcon E.,Kharraja S. andSimonnet G., (2003), “The Operating Theatre Planning By The Follow-Up Of The Risk Of No Realization”, International Journal of Production Economics, 85, 83–90.
- Meskens, N., Duvivier, D. ve Hanset, A., (2013), "Multi-Objective Operating Room Scheduling Considering Desiderata Of The Surgical Team", Decision Support Systems, 55(2), 650-659.
- Min, D. ve Yih, Y., (2010), "Scheduling Elective Surgery Under Uncertainty And Downstream Capacity Constraints", European Journal of Operational Research,206(3), 642-652.
- Özkarahan, I., (2000), "Allocation Of Surgeries To Operating Rooms By Goal Programing", Journal of Medical Systems, 24(6), 339-378.
- Roland, B., Di Martinelly, C., Riane, F. ve Pochet, Y., (2010), "Scheduling An Operating Theatre Under Human Resource Constraints", Computers ve Industrial Engineering, 58(2), 212-220.
- Testi, A., Tanfani, E. ve Torre, G., (2007), "A Three-Phase Approach For Operating Theatre Schedules", Health Care Management Science, 10(2), 163-172.
- Testi, A. ve Tànfani, E., (2009), "Tactical And Operational Decisions For Operating Room Planning: Efficiency And Welfare Implications", Health Care Management Science, 12(4), 363-373.
- Van der Lans, M., Hans, E. W., Hurink, J. L., Wullink, G., Van Houdenhoven, M. ve Kazemier, G., (2006), "Anticipating Urgent Surgery In Operating Room Departments", University of Twente, Tech. Rep. WP-158.
- Van Essen, J. T., Hans, E. W., Hurink, J. L. ve Oversberg, A., (2012) "Minimizing The Waiting Time For Emergency Surgery", Operations Research for Health Care, 1(2), 34-44.
- Van Oostrum, J. M., Van Houdenhoven, M., Hurink, J. L., Hans, E. W., Wullink, G. ve Kazemier, G., (2008), "A Master Surgical Scheduling Approach For Cyclic Scheduling In Operating Room Departments", OR spectrum, 30(2), 355-374.
- Wang , Y., Tang, J. ve Qu, G., (2010), "A Genetic Algorithm For Solving Patient- Priority- Based Elective Surgery Scheduling Problem", In Life System Modeling and Intelligent Computing (pp. 297-304).
- Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Zhang, B., Murali, P., Dessouky, M. M. ve Belson, D., (2009), "A Mixed Integer Programming Approach For Allocating Operating Room Capacity", Journal of the Operational Research Society, 60(5), 663-673.
- Zhang, Z. ve Xie, X., (2015), "Simulation-Based Optimization For Surgery Appointment Scheduling Of Multiple Operating Rooms", IIE Transactions, 47(9), 998-1012.
Year 2016,
Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 71 - 85, 30.06.2016
Tamer Eren
Evren Kodanlı
Burcu Altundağ
Salim Koray Malkoç
Sultan Ünlüsoy
İsmail Biçer
Kenan Tutuk
- Augusto, V., Xie, X. ve Perdomo, V., (2010), "Operating Theatre Scheduling With Patient Recovery In Both Operating Rooms And Recovery Beds", Computers ve Industrial Engineering, 58(2), 231-238.
- Beliën, J., Demeulemeester, E. ve Cardoen, B. (2006), "Visualizing The Demand For Various Resources As A Function Of The Master Surgery Schedule: A Case Study", Journal Of Medical Systems, 30(5), 343-350.
- Beliën, J. ve Demeulemeester, E., (2007), "Building Cyclic Master Surgery Schedules With Leveled Resulting Bed Occupancy" European Journal of Operational Research, 176(2), 1185-1204.
- Beliën, J., Demeulemeester, E. ve Cardoen, B., (2009), "A Decision Support System For Cyclic Master Surgery Scheduling With Multiple Objectives", Journal of Scheduling, 12(2), 147-161.
- Blake, J. T., Dexter, F. ve Donald, J., (2002), "Operating Room Managers’ Use Of Integer Programming For Assigning Block Time To Surgical Groups: A Case Study", Anesthesia ve Analgesia, 94(1), 143-148.
- Cardoen, B., Demeulemeester, E. ve Beliën, J., (2010), "Operating Room Planning And Scheduling: A Literature Review", European Journal of Operational Research, 201(3), 921-932.
- Çekiç, B., (2015), "Ameliyathanelerin Çizelgelenmesi, Bir Karışık Tamsayılı Programlama Yaklaşımı", Verimlilik dergisi, (2), 7-28.
- Dexter F., Macario A., Traub R., Hopwood M., Lubarsky D. A., (1999), “Operating Room Scheduling Strategy To Maximize The Use Of Operating Room Block Time: Computer Simulation Of Patient Scheduling And Survey Of Patients Preferences For Surgical Waiting Time”, Economics And Health Systems Research, 89, 7-20.
- Dexter, F., (2003), "Operating Room Utilization: Information Management Systems", Current Opinion in Anesthesiology, 16(6), 619-622.
- Dexter, F., Epstein, R. H., Marcon, E. ve de Matta, R., (2005), "Strategies To Reduce Delays In Admission Into A Postanesthesia Care Unit From Operating Rooms", Journal of Peri Anesthesia Nursing, 20(2), 92-102.
- Ewen, H. ve Mönch, L., (2014), "A Simulation-Based Framework To Schedule Surgeries In An Eye Hospital", IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 4(4), 191-208.
- Fei, H., Meskens, N., Combes, C. ve Chu, C., (2009), "The Endoscopy Scheduling Problem: A Case Study With Two Specialised Operating Rooms", International Journal of Production Economics, 120(2), 452-462.
- Guinet, A. ve Chaabane, S., (2003), "Operating theatre planning", International Journal of Production Economics, 85(1), 69-81.
- Güngör, İ., (2002), "Hemşire Görevlendirme Ve Çizelgeleme Sorununa Bir Model Önerisi", Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 7(2).
- Herring, W. L. ve Herrmann, J. W., (2012), "The Single-Day Surgery Scheduling Problem: Sequential Decision-Making And Threshold-Based Heuristics", OR spectrum, 34(2), 429-459.
- Jebali, A., Alouane, A. B. H. ve Ladet, P., (2003), "Performance Comparison Of Two Strategies For Operating Room Scheduling", In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics.
- Jebali, A., Alouane, A. B. H. ve Ladet, P., (2006), "Operating Rooms Scheduling", International Journal of Production Economics, 99(1), 52-62.
- Jebali, A. ve Diabat, A., (2015), "A Stochastic Model For Operating Room Planning Under Capacity Constraints", International Journal of Production Research, 53(24), 7252-7270.
- Kuperman, G. J., Gardner, R. M., ve Pryor, T. A., (1991), "HELP: A Dynamic Hospital Information System", Springer-Verlag, New York.
- Landa, P., Aringhieri, R., Soriano, P., Tànfani, E. ve Testi, A., (2016), "A Hybrid Optimization Algorithm For Surgeries Scheduling", Operations Research for Health Care.
- Lamiri, M., Xie, X., Dolgui, A. ve Grimaud, F., (2008), "A stochastic model for operating room planning with elective and emergency demand for surgery", European Journal of Operational Research, 185(3), 1026-1037.
- Larsson, A., (2013), "The Accuracy Of Surgery Time Estimations", Production Planning ve Control, 24(10-11), 891-902.
- Marcon E.,Kharraja S. andSimonnet G., (2003), “The Operating Theatre Planning By The Follow-Up Of The Risk Of No Realization”, International Journal of Production Economics, 85, 83–90.
- Meskens, N., Duvivier, D. ve Hanset, A., (2013), "Multi-Objective Operating Room Scheduling Considering Desiderata Of The Surgical Team", Decision Support Systems, 55(2), 650-659.
- Min, D. ve Yih, Y., (2010), "Scheduling Elective Surgery Under Uncertainty And Downstream Capacity Constraints", European Journal of Operational Research,206(3), 642-652.
- Özkarahan, I., (2000), "Allocation Of Surgeries To Operating Rooms By Goal Programing", Journal of Medical Systems, 24(6), 339-378.
- Roland, B., Di Martinelly, C., Riane, F. ve Pochet, Y., (2010), "Scheduling An Operating Theatre Under Human Resource Constraints", Computers ve Industrial Engineering, 58(2), 212-220.
- Testi, A., Tanfani, E. ve Torre, G., (2007), "A Three-Phase Approach For Operating Theatre Schedules", Health Care Management Science, 10(2), 163-172.
- Testi, A. ve Tànfani, E., (2009), "Tactical And Operational Decisions For Operating Room Planning: Efficiency And Welfare Implications", Health Care Management Science, 12(4), 363-373.
- Van der Lans, M., Hans, E. W., Hurink, J. L., Wullink, G., Van Houdenhoven, M. ve Kazemier, G., (2006), "Anticipating Urgent Surgery In Operating Room Departments", University of Twente, Tech. Rep. WP-158.
- Van Essen, J. T., Hans, E. W., Hurink, J. L. ve Oversberg, A., (2012) "Minimizing The Waiting Time For Emergency Surgery", Operations Research for Health Care, 1(2), 34-44.
- Van Oostrum, J. M., Van Houdenhoven, M., Hurink, J. L., Hans, E. W., Wullink, G. ve Kazemier, G., (2008), "A Master Surgical Scheduling Approach For Cyclic Scheduling In Operating Room Departments", OR spectrum, 30(2), 355-374.
- Wang , Y., Tang, J. ve Qu, G., (2010), "A Genetic Algorithm For Solving Patient- Priority- Based Elective Surgery Scheduling Problem", In Life System Modeling and Intelligent Computing (pp. 297-304).
- Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Zhang, B., Murali, P., Dessouky, M. M. ve Belson, D., (2009), "A Mixed Integer Programming Approach For Allocating Operating Room Capacity", Journal of the Operational Research Society, 60(5), 663-673.
- Zhang, Z. ve Xie, X., (2015), "Simulation-Based Optimization For Surgery Appointment Scheduling Of Multiple Operating Rooms", IIE Transactions, 47(9), 998-1012.