Research Article
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The Effect of Emoji Use on Customer Satisfaction in Hospitality Businesses: A Study in 5-Star Hotels

Year 2022, Volume: 24 Issue: 42, 310 - 324, 27.06.2022


In this study, the effect of emoji use on customer satisfaction in accommodation businesses in the context of relational marketing was investigated. The questionnaires were applied to the customers selected by the Convenience sampling method in 5-star accommodation facilities in Konya, and because of the examinations and selections, 214 questionnaires were found suitable for evaluation. The collected data were classified, and Chi-square significance, correlation and frequency distribution analyzes were applied. In addition, when the results obtained by considering statistical indicators such as mean, median, and standard deviation are evaluated holistically; It has been revealed that women use emojis more frequently than men, young people more often than old people, and those with a higher education level than those with low levels in social media and messages. Considering the customer profile in accommodation establishments, the fact that their rooms, equipment, indoor and outdoor spaces are covered with various emojis; It has been determined that it will create a friendly and warm environment and provide service differentiation. Therefore, it has been seen that emoji applications are a marketing strategy that will increase customer satisfaction and strengthen the brand image. However, in terms of creating a structural bond improves the quality of relations with customers and sustainability of emoji marketing practice, it is important to use emojis correctly, place them in rooms suitable for customers' personal information, receive continuous feedback from customers and make updates.


  • Berry, L. L. (1995). Relationship Marketing Of Services—Growing Interest, Emerging Perspectives. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 23, 236-245.
  • Campaign Türkiye. (2015, July 22). Pepsi, Dünya Emoji Günü’nde Evlilik Teklifine Vesile Oldu. (15.03.2022)
  • Danesi, M. (2017). Emoji in Advertising. International Journal of Semiotics and Visual Rhetoric, 1(2), 1-12.
  • Darrow, B. (2017, February 23). Here’s Why There Will Never Be Enough Emoji. (15.03.2022)
  • Das, G., Wiener, H. J., and Kareklas, I. (2019). To Emoji Or Not To Emoji? Examining The Influence Of Emoji On Consumer Reactions To Advertising. Journal of Business Research, 96, 147-156.
  • Erciş, A., Eivazzadeh, S., and Türk, B. (2020). İlişkisel Pazarlama Boyutlarının Müşteri Bağlılığı Üzerindeki Etkisi: Shammout Modeli Değerlendirmesi. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 13(81), 595-605.
  • Eru, O., and Yakın, V. (2017). Emoji, The New Player in Digital Marketing. International Refereed Journal of Marketing and Market Researches, (10), 19-38.
  • Fanpop, Inc. (2022). ALL Emoji Face. (15.03.2022)
  • İnan, Ü.S.E. (2019). İşletmelerde Uygulanan Pazarlama Stratejilerinin Rekabet Gücüne Etkisi. Konya: Eğitim Yayınevi.
  • Kim, W. G., and Cha, Y. (2002). Antecedents And Consequences Of Relationship Quality In Hotel Industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 21(4), 321-338.
  • Li, X., Chan, K., and Kim, S. (2019). Service with Emoticons: How Customers Interpret Employee Use of Emoticons in Online Service Encounters. Journal of Consumer Research, 45(5), 973-987.
  • Liang, C.-J., and Wang, W.-H. (2005). Integrative Research Into The Financial Services Industry In Taiwan: Relationship Bonding Tactics, Relationship Quality And Behavioural Loyalty. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 10, 65-83.
  • Marketing Türkiye. (2018, January 11). Emoji Raporu: Dijital Pazarlamada Emoji Kullanımı. (15.03.2022)
  • Media Chevrolet. (2015, 06 23). Emoji Explained:You're Going to Love The All-New 2016 Cruze. (15.03.2022)
  • Monllos, K. (2015, March 9). Brand Marketing . emoticons163325/#:~:text=As%20communication%20on%20mobile%20devices,audiences%20in%20a%20new%20way. (15.03.2022)
  • Nakip, M., and Yaraş, E. (2016). SPSS Uygulamalı Pazarlama Araştırmalarına Giriş. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık .
  • Popovich, N. (2013, December 11). Fred Benenson: The Man Who Translated Moby Dick Into Emoji. (15.03.2022)
  • Sümer, S. I. (2017, September). A Brief Perspective on Emoji Marketing. International Journal of New Technology and Research, 3(9), 29-31.
  • Shammout, A. B. (2007). Evaluating An Extended Relationship Marketing Model For Arab Guests Of Five-Star Hotels. (PhD Thesis). School of Hospitality, Tourism and Marketing Faculty of Business and Law, Victoria University, Melbourne.
  • Stanley, M., and Seung-Eun, L. (2018). Use of Emoji as a Marketing Tool: An Exploratory Content Analysis. Fashion, Industry and Education, 16(1), 46-55.
  • Şahin, E., and Erdoğan, U. (2019). Yeni Nesil Pazarlama Aracı; Emoji Pazarlama: EmojiKullanılan Reklamlara İlişkin Tüketici Tutumları Bağlamında Bir Araştırma. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 11(3), 1991-2003.
  • Unicode, Inc. (2021, September 14). Unicode® 14.0.0. (15.03.2022)
  • Willoughby, J. F., and Liu, S. (2018, February). Do Pictures Help Tell The Story? An Experimental Test Of Narrative And Emojis In A Health Text Message Intervention. Computers in Human Behavior, 79, 75-82.
  • Zarya, V. (2016, June 20). Cindy Crawford’s Infamous Pepsi Ad Is Back—With an Emoji Twist. (15.03.2022)

Konaklama İşletmelerinde Emoji Kullanımının Müşteri Memnuniyetine Etkisi: 5 Yıldızlı Otellerde Bir Araştırma

Year 2022, Volume: 24 Issue: 42, 310 - 324, 27.06.2022


Bu çalışmada ilişkisel pazarlama bağlamında konaklama işletmelerinde emoji kullanımının müşteri memnuniyetine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Anketler Konya’da 5 Yıldızlı konaklama tesislerindeki basit örnekleme metodu ile seçilen müşterilere uygulanmış, yapılan inceleme ve ayıklamalar sonucunda 214 anket formu değerlendirmeye uygun bulunmuştur. Toplanan veriler sınıflandırılarak, Ki Kare anlamlılık, korelasyon, frekans dağılımı analizleri uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca ortalama, medyan, standart sapma gibi istatistiksel göstergeler de dikkate alınarak elde edilen sonuçlar bütünsel olarak değerlendirildiğinde; sosyal medyada ve mesajlarda emojileri kadınların erkeklerden, gençlerin yaşlılardan ve eğitim düzeyi yüksek olanların düşük olanlardan daha sık olarak kullandıkları ortaya çıkmıştır. Konaklama işletmelerindeki müşteri profili de dikkate alınarak odalarının, tabaklarının, iç ve dış mekanlarının çeşitli emojilerle kaplı olmasının; samimi ve sıcak bir ortam oluşturacağı ve hizmet farklılaştırması sağlayacağı tespit edilmiştir. Dolayısıyla emoji uygulamalarının müşteri memnuniyetini yükseltecek ve marka imajını güçlendirecek bir pazarlama strateji olduğu görülmüştür. Ancak müşterilerle ilişki kalitesini yükselten bir yapısal bağ oluşturulması ve pazarlama uygulamasının sürdürülebilirliği açısından emojilerin doğru şekilde kullanılması, müşterilerin demografik özelliklerine uygun odalara yerleştirilmesi, müşterilerden sürekli geri bildirim alınıp, gerekli güncellemelerin yapılması önem taşımaktadır.


  • Berry, L. L. (1995). Relationship Marketing Of Services—Growing Interest, Emerging Perspectives. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 23, 236-245.
  • Campaign Türkiye. (2015, July 22). Pepsi, Dünya Emoji Günü’nde Evlilik Teklifine Vesile Oldu. (15.03.2022)
  • Danesi, M. (2017). Emoji in Advertising. International Journal of Semiotics and Visual Rhetoric, 1(2), 1-12.
  • Darrow, B. (2017, February 23). Here’s Why There Will Never Be Enough Emoji. (15.03.2022)
  • Das, G., Wiener, H. J., and Kareklas, I. (2019). To Emoji Or Not To Emoji? Examining The Influence Of Emoji On Consumer Reactions To Advertising. Journal of Business Research, 96, 147-156.
  • Erciş, A., Eivazzadeh, S., and Türk, B. (2020). İlişkisel Pazarlama Boyutlarının Müşteri Bağlılığı Üzerindeki Etkisi: Shammout Modeli Değerlendirmesi. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 13(81), 595-605.
  • Eru, O., and Yakın, V. (2017). Emoji, The New Player in Digital Marketing. International Refereed Journal of Marketing and Market Researches, (10), 19-38.
  • Fanpop, Inc. (2022). ALL Emoji Face. (15.03.2022)
  • İnan, Ü.S.E. (2019). İşletmelerde Uygulanan Pazarlama Stratejilerinin Rekabet Gücüne Etkisi. Konya: Eğitim Yayınevi.
  • Kim, W. G., and Cha, Y. (2002). Antecedents And Consequences Of Relationship Quality In Hotel Industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 21(4), 321-338.
  • Li, X., Chan, K., and Kim, S. (2019). Service with Emoticons: How Customers Interpret Employee Use of Emoticons in Online Service Encounters. Journal of Consumer Research, 45(5), 973-987.
  • Liang, C.-J., and Wang, W.-H. (2005). Integrative Research Into The Financial Services Industry In Taiwan: Relationship Bonding Tactics, Relationship Quality And Behavioural Loyalty. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 10, 65-83.
  • Marketing Türkiye. (2018, January 11). Emoji Raporu: Dijital Pazarlamada Emoji Kullanımı. (15.03.2022)
  • Media Chevrolet. (2015, 06 23). Emoji Explained:You're Going to Love The All-New 2016 Cruze. (15.03.2022)
  • Monllos, K. (2015, March 9). Brand Marketing . emoticons163325/#:~:text=As%20communication%20on%20mobile%20devices,audiences%20in%20a%20new%20way. (15.03.2022)
  • Nakip, M., and Yaraş, E. (2016). SPSS Uygulamalı Pazarlama Araştırmalarına Giriş. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık .
  • Popovich, N. (2013, December 11). Fred Benenson: The Man Who Translated Moby Dick Into Emoji. (15.03.2022)
  • Sümer, S. I. (2017, September). A Brief Perspective on Emoji Marketing. International Journal of New Technology and Research, 3(9), 29-31.
  • Shammout, A. B. (2007). Evaluating An Extended Relationship Marketing Model For Arab Guests Of Five-Star Hotels. (PhD Thesis). School of Hospitality, Tourism and Marketing Faculty of Business and Law, Victoria University, Melbourne.
  • Stanley, M., and Seung-Eun, L. (2018). Use of Emoji as a Marketing Tool: An Exploratory Content Analysis. Fashion, Industry and Education, 16(1), 46-55.
  • Şahin, E., and Erdoğan, U. (2019). Yeni Nesil Pazarlama Aracı; Emoji Pazarlama: EmojiKullanılan Reklamlara İlişkin Tüketici Tutumları Bağlamında Bir Araştırma. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 11(3), 1991-2003.
  • Unicode, Inc. (2021, September 14). Unicode® 14.0.0. (15.03.2022)
  • Willoughby, J. F., and Liu, S. (2018, February). Do Pictures Help Tell The Story? An Experimental Test Of Narrative And Emojis In A Health Text Message Intervention. Computers in Human Behavior, 79, 75-82.
  • Zarya, V. (2016, June 20). Cindy Crawford’s Infamous Pepsi Ad Is Back—With an Emoji Twist. (15.03.2022)
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Betül Garda 0000-0002-2406-6448

Early Pub Date June 21, 2022
Publication Date June 27, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 24 Issue: 42


APA Garda, B. (2022). The Effect of Emoji Use on Customer Satisfaction in Hospitality Businesses: A Study in 5-Star Hotels. Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Sosyal Ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 24(42), 310-324.

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