Year 2022,
Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 31 - 41, 31.05.2022
Mehlika Şengül Karaarslan
Bora Alboyacı
Mehmet Aytaç Çınar
İbrahim Gürsu Tekdemir
- [1] Georgilakis P. S., 2009. Spotlight on Modern Transformer Design, London, U.K.: Springer.
- [2] Blume L. F., Camilli G., Farnham S. B., and Peterson H. A., 1994. Transformer magnetizing inrush currents and influence on system operation. AIEE Trans., 63, pp. 366-375.
- [3] Tseng H. T., Chen C. F., 2012. Voltage compensation-type inrush limiter for reducing power transformer inrush current. IET Electric Power Appl., 6(2), pp. 101-110.
- [4] Hernandez I., Olivares-Galvan J.C., Georgilakis P. S., Canedo J. M., 2010. A Novel Octagonal Wound Core for Distribution Transformers Validated by Electromagnetic Field Analysis and Comparison with Conventional Wound Core. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 46(5), pp. 1251-1258.
- [5] Hernandez I., Olivares-Galvan J.C., Georgilakis P. S., Canedo J. M., 2014. Core loss and excitation current model for wound core distribution transformers. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 24(1), pp. 30-42.
- [6] Hernandez I., Olivares-Galvan J.C., Georgilakis P.S., Canedo J.M., 2010. A Novel Octagonal Wound Core for Distribution Transformers Validated by Electromagnetic Field Analysis and Comparison with Conventional Wound Core. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 46(5), pp.1251-1258.
- [7] Yabe K., 1997. Power Differential Method for Discrimination between Fault and Magnetizing Inrush Current in Transformers. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 12(3), pp. 1109-1118.
- [8] Shrikrishna V., KulkarnI.,Khaparde S.A. , 2004. Transformer engineering: design and practice.Marcel Dekker Inc.
- [9] Wang F., 2001. On Power Quality and Protection Technical Report. Department of Electric Power Engineering Chalmers University of Technology Gutenberg, Sweden.
- [10] Hurwitz S.H., Padre A.G., 1995. Power System Relaying. John Wiley Sons Ltd.
- [11] Kulidjian A., Kasztenny B., Campbell B., 2001. New magnetizing inrush restraining algorithm for power transformer protection. IEEE Developments in Power Sys. Protec. Conf., pp. 181-184.
- [12] Bronzeado H.S., Brogan P.B., Yacamini R., 1996. Harmonic Analysis of Transient Currents During Sympathetic Interaction. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 11(4), pp. 2051-2056.
- [13] Sengul M, Ozturk S., Cetinkaya H.B., Erfidan T., 2006. New Phenemenon on Power Transformers and Fault Identification Using Artificial Neural Networks. ICANN, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4132, pp. 767-776.
- [14] Darabi A., Khosravi M., 2009. Inrush current analyzing in the transformers based on preisach model. IJTPE Journal, 1(1), pp. 48-53.
- [15] Lin C.E., Cheng C.L., Huang C.L., Yeh. J.C., 1993. Investigation of Magnetizing Inrush Current in Transformers. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 8(1), pp. 255-263.
- [16] Hunt R., Schaefer J., Bentert B., 2008. Practical experience in setting transformer differential inrush restraint. Protective Relay Engineers 61st Annual Conference, pp. 118-141.
- [17] Baehr R., 1993. Up-to-date possibilities for further improvement of power transformer magnetic circuit features. International Summer School of Transformers, ISST’93, Lodz, Poland.
- [18] Olivares-Galvan J C., Georgilakis P. S., Campero-Littlewood E., Escarela-Perez R., 2013. Core lamination selection for distribution transformers based on sensitivity analysis. ElectrEng, Springer-Verlag, 95(1), pp. 33-42.
- [19] Ionel D., Popescu M., McGilp M. I., Miller T. J. E., Dellinger S. J., Heinemann R. J., 2007. Computation of core losses in electrical machines using improved models for laminated steel. IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., 43(6), pp.1554-1564.
- [20] Ionel D., Popescu M., Dellinger S. J., Miller T. J. E., Heinemann R. J., McGilp M. I., 2006. On the variation with flux and frequency of the core loss coefficients in electrical machines. IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., 42(3), pp.658-667.
- [21] Aem Unicore-Innovation in Transformer Cores and Manufacturing Data Catalog. Gillman, Australia: Aem cores PTY, LTD., Oct. 2008.
- [22] Alboyaci B., Cinar M.A., Sengul M., 2011. Transformator Manyetik Yapisinin Bosta Calisma Akimina Etkisi (The effect of magnetic structure on the no-load current of the transformer). IV.EVK Symposium, pp.88-91.
- [23] Girgis R. S., Tenyenhuis E. G., 2007. Characteristics of inrush current of present designs of power transformers. IEEE PES, pp.1-6.
The Effects of Design Parameters on The UNICORE Type Transformer Inrush Current
Year 2022,
Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 31 - 41, 31.05.2022
Mehlika Şengül Karaarslan
Bora Alboyacı
Mehmet Aytaç Çınar
İbrahim Gürsu Tekdemir
In this study, it is aimed to fill the information gap about the effects of designed parameters in UNICORE type transformers inrush current. Considered prameters are the flux density, the core construction and the lamination thickness of the transformers. In this context, the UNICORE transformer was compared with the conventional wound core (CWC) transformer by using three-dimensional finite-element configuration. In order to get real system response, the study was carried out experimentally. Analyzing the test results, the effects of the core material and design parameters on the magnitude, duration and harmonic content of inrush current on these types of transformers were detected. Tests were performed by using a programmable power source and analyzed data sets were recorded by scopemeter.
- [1] Georgilakis P. S., 2009. Spotlight on Modern Transformer Design, London, U.K.: Springer.
- [2] Blume L. F., Camilli G., Farnham S. B., and Peterson H. A., 1994. Transformer magnetizing inrush currents and influence on system operation. AIEE Trans., 63, pp. 366-375.
- [3] Tseng H. T., Chen C. F., 2012. Voltage compensation-type inrush limiter for reducing power transformer inrush current. IET Electric Power Appl., 6(2), pp. 101-110.
- [4] Hernandez I., Olivares-Galvan J.C., Georgilakis P. S., Canedo J. M., 2010. A Novel Octagonal Wound Core for Distribution Transformers Validated by Electromagnetic Field Analysis and Comparison with Conventional Wound Core. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 46(5), pp. 1251-1258.
- [5] Hernandez I., Olivares-Galvan J.C., Georgilakis P. S., Canedo J. M., 2014. Core loss and excitation current model for wound core distribution transformers. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 24(1), pp. 30-42.
- [6] Hernandez I., Olivares-Galvan J.C., Georgilakis P.S., Canedo J.M., 2010. A Novel Octagonal Wound Core for Distribution Transformers Validated by Electromagnetic Field Analysis and Comparison with Conventional Wound Core. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 46(5), pp.1251-1258.
- [7] Yabe K., 1997. Power Differential Method for Discrimination between Fault and Magnetizing Inrush Current in Transformers. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 12(3), pp. 1109-1118.
- [8] Shrikrishna V., KulkarnI.,Khaparde S.A. , 2004. Transformer engineering: design and practice.Marcel Dekker Inc.
- [9] Wang F., 2001. On Power Quality and Protection Technical Report. Department of Electric Power Engineering Chalmers University of Technology Gutenberg, Sweden.
- [10] Hurwitz S.H., Padre A.G., 1995. Power System Relaying. John Wiley Sons Ltd.
- [11] Kulidjian A., Kasztenny B., Campbell B., 2001. New magnetizing inrush restraining algorithm for power transformer protection. IEEE Developments in Power Sys. Protec. Conf., pp. 181-184.
- [12] Bronzeado H.S., Brogan P.B., Yacamini R., 1996. Harmonic Analysis of Transient Currents During Sympathetic Interaction. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 11(4), pp. 2051-2056.
- [13] Sengul M, Ozturk S., Cetinkaya H.B., Erfidan T., 2006. New Phenemenon on Power Transformers and Fault Identification Using Artificial Neural Networks. ICANN, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4132, pp. 767-776.
- [14] Darabi A., Khosravi M., 2009. Inrush current analyzing in the transformers based on preisach model. IJTPE Journal, 1(1), pp. 48-53.
- [15] Lin C.E., Cheng C.L., Huang C.L., Yeh. J.C., 1993. Investigation of Magnetizing Inrush Current in Transformers. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 8(1), pp. 255-263.
- [16] Hunt R., Schaefer J., Bentert B., 2008. Practical experience in setting transformer differential inrush restraint. Protective Relay Engineers 61st Annual Conference, pp. 118-141.
- [17] Baehr R., 1993. Up-to-date possibilities for further improvement of power transformer magnetic circuit features. International Summer School of Transformers, ISST’93, Lodz, Poland.
- [18] Olivares-Galvan J C., Georgilakis P. S., Campero-Littlewood E., Escarela-Perez R., 2013. Core lamination selection for distribution transformers based on sensitivity analysis. ElectrEng, Springer-Verlag, 95(1), pp. 33-42.
- [19] Ionel D., Popescu M., McGilp M. I., Miller T. J. E., Dellinger S. J., Heinemann R. J., 2007. Computation of core losses in electrical machines using improved models for laminated steel. IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., 43(6), pp.1554-1564.
- [20] Ionel D., Popescu M., Dellinger S. J., Miller T. J. E., Heinemann R. J., McGilp M. I., 2006. On the variation with flux and frequency of the core loss coefficients in electrical machines. IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., 42(3), pp.658-667.
- [21] Aem Unicore-Innovation in Transformer Cores and Manufacturing Data Catalog. Gillman, Australia: Aem cores PTY, LTD., Oct. 2008.
- [22] Alboyaci B., Cinar M.A., Sengul M., 2011. Transformator Manyetik Yapisinin Bosta Calisma Akimina Etkisi (The effect of magnetic structure on the no-load current of the transformer). IV.EVK Symposium, pp.88-91.
- [23] Girgis R. S., Tenyenhuis E. G., 2007. Characteristics of inrush current of present designs of power transformers. IEEE PES, pp.1-6.