Research Article
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Ecological Anxiety in Liz Jensen’s The Rapture

Year 2025, , 77 - 93, 10.03.2025


The main aim of this article is to analyze Liz Jensen’s The Rapture from the perspective of the Anthropocene, focusing on how environmental catastrophes shape both the physical world and human psychology. By portraying the destructive impact of climate change and ecological collapse, Jensen presents a narrative where human actions such as fossil fuel consumption, deforestation, and chemical pollution are recognized as significant geological forces. This article explores the psychological consequences of living in a disintegrating world, emphasizing how natural disasters, rising sea levels, and extreme weather conditions exacerbate anxiety, trauma, and existential dread. In The Rapture, Jensen illustrates that the environment is not a passive backdrop but an active force that reshapes human experiences. Catastrophic events, such as storms, tsunamis, and ecosystem collapse, serve as more than plot devices; they function as material-affective agents that profoundly influence characters’ emotional and mental states. In doing so, the novel highlights the inseparability of human and nonhuman elements in navigating environmental crises. On the contrary, this article argues that The Rapture rejects narratives that treat nature as a distant, abstract threat and instead portrays it as an ever-present reality that demands urgent attention. At the same time, as this article demonstrates, Jensen’s novel decenters human sovereignty by emphasizing humanity’s vulnerability within the Anthropocene.


  • Albrecht, Glenn (2005). "‘Solastalgia’: A New Concept in Health and Identity”. PAN: Philosophy Activism Nature, 3: 44–59.
  • Baysal, Kübra (2019). “Antroposen Eleştiri ve Liz Jensen’in The Rapture Romanı”. Edebiyat Kuramları Giriş ve Uygulama. Eds. Mehmet Akif Balkaya and Tekin Kuğu. Çizgi Yayınevi, 199-222.
  • Bracke, Astrid (2012). Ecocriticism and the Contemporary British Novel. Radboud University Press.
  • Buell, Frederick (2014). “Global Warming as Literary Narrative”. Philological Quarterly, 93(3): 261–294.
  • Buell, Lawrence (2005). The Future of Environmental Criticism: Environmental Crisis and Literary Imagination. Blackwell Publishing.
  • Butler, Megan Brockey (2018). Climate Change Consciousness and the Modern Novel. Master’s Thesis. Stony Brook University.
  • Chakrabarty, Dipesh (2009). "The Climate of History: Four Theses”. Critical Inquiry, 35(2): 197-222.
  • Clark, Timothy (2015). Ecocriticism on the Edge. Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Crutzen, Paul J. & Stoermer, E. F. (2000). “The Anthropocene”. Paul J. Crutzen and the Anthropocene: A New Epoch in Earth’s History, Vol.1. Eds. Susanne Benner et al. Springer, 19-22.
  • Dean, Jodi (2016). “The Anamorphic Politics of Climate Change”. E-Flux Journal 69 (January).
  • Dobson, Andrew (2003). Citizenship and Environment. Oxford University Press.
  • Gifford, Terry (2010). “Biosemiology and Globalism in The Rapture by Liz Jensen.” English Studies, 91(7): 713–727.
  • Jensen, Liz (2009). The Rapture. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Johns-Putra, Adeline (2016). “Climate Change in Literature and Literary Studies: From Cli-Fi, Climate Change Theatre, and Ecopoetry to Ecocriticism and Climate Change Criticism”. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 7(2): 262-282.
  • Moussier, Marion (2009). “Generic Hybridity and the Imagination of Environmental Risks in the Contemporary British Novel: Liz Jensen’s The Rapture”. New Voices in English Studies: ASYRAS 7th Conference, ASYRAS Association, Spain.
  • Mundler, Helen E. (2019). “What Is Climate Change Literature, and Why Is It Important?”. Public lecture. Western Michigan University.
  • Norgaard, Kari Marie (2011). Living in Denial: Climate Change, Emotions, and Everyday Life. MIT Press.
  • Oldfield, Frank, and Steffen, Will (2014). “Anthropogenic Climate Change and the Nature of Earth System Science”. The Anthropocene Review, 1(1): 70–75.
  • Otto, Eric C. (2012). “‘From a Certain Angle’: Ecothriller Reading and Science Fiction Reading The Swarm and The Rapture”. Ecozon European Journal of Literature Culture, 3(2): 106-121.
  • Pálsson, Gísli et al. (2012). “Reconceptualizing the ‘Anthropos’ in the Anthropocene: Integrating the Social Sciences and Humanities in Global Environmental Change Research”. Environmental Science & Policy, 28: 3–13.
  • Pihkala, Panu (2020). "Anxiety and the Ecological Crisis: An Analysis of Eco-Anxiety and Climate Anxiety”. Sustainability, 12(19): 7836.
  • Rahmstorf, Stephan (2008). “Anthropogenic Climate Change: Revisiting the Facts”. Global Warming: Looking Beyond Kyoto. Ed. Ernesto Zedillo. Brookings Institution Press, 34–53.
  • Şencan, Selin (2024). “Sacred Water: Neo-Spiritual Consumerism in Catherine Chanter’s The Well”. Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, October: 1–13.
  • Stavris, Nicholas (2018). Apocalyptic Worlds: A Contemporary Critique of the Post-Traumatological Novel at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century. Doctoral thesis. University of Huddersfield.

Liz Jensen’in Elçi Romanında Ekolojik Kaygı

Year 2025, , 77 - 93, 10.03.2025


Liz Jensen’in Elçi adlı romanı, Antroposen Çağı perspektifinden ele alındığında, çevresel felaketlerin hem fiziksel dünyayı hem de insan psikolojisini nasıl şekillendirdiğini gözler önüne serer. Jensen, iklim değişikliği ve ekolojik çöküşün yıkıcı etkilerini betimleyerek fosil yakıt kullanımı, ormansızlaşma ve kimyasal kirlilik gibi insan faaliyetlerini önemli jeolojik güçler olarak kabul eder. Roman, doğa felaketlerinin, yükselen deniz seviyelerinin ve aşırı hava koşullarının insanlarda kaygı, travma ve varoluşsal korkuları nasıl derinleştirdiğini vurgularken, çökmekte olan bir dünyada yaşamanın psikolojik sonuçlarını da inceler. Jensen, Elçi romanında çevrenin pasif bir arka plan değil, insan deneyimlerini yeniden şekillendiren aktif bir güç olduğunu ortaya koyar. Roman boyunca fırtınalar, tsunamiler ve ekosistem çöküşleri gibi felaketler yalnızca anlatının bir parçası değil, aynı zamanda karakterlerin duygusal ve zihinsel durumlarını derinden etkileyen maddi-duygusal ajanlar olarak işlev görür. Bu bağlamda roman, çevresel krizlerin insan ve insan olmayan unsurların ayrılmaz bir bütün olduğunu vurgular. Bunun aksine, bu çalışma Elçi romanının, doğayı soyut ve uzak bir tehdit olarak ele alan anlatıları reddettiğini ve onu sürekli ve kaçınılmaz bir gerçeklik olarak sunduğunu savunur. Jensen’in romanı, Antroposen Çağı’nda insanın kırılganlığını ön plana çıkarırken insan merkezli egemenlik anlayışını da sorgular.


  • Albrecht, Glenn (2005). "‘Solastalgia’: A New Concept in Health and Identity”. PAN: Philosophy Activism Nature, 3: 44–59.
  • Baysal, Kübra (2019). “Antroposen Eleştiri ve Liz Jensen’in The Rapture Romanı”. Edebiyat Kuramları Giriş ve Uygulama. Eds. Mehmet Akif Balkaya and Tekin Kuğu. Çizgi Yayınevi, 199-222.
  • Bracke, Astrid (2012). Ecocriticism and the Contemporary British Novel. Radboud University Press.
  • Buell, Frederick (2014). “Global Warming as Literary Narrative”. Philological Quarterly, 93(3): 261–294.
  • Buell, Lawrence (2005). The Future of Environmental Criticism: Environmental Crisis and Literary Imagination. Blackwell Publishing.
  • Butler, Megan Brockey (2018). Climate Change Consciousness and the Modern Novel. Master’s Thesis. Stony Brook University.
  • Chakrabarty, Dipesh (2009). "The Climate of History: Four Theses”. Critical Inquiry, 35(2): 197-222.
  • Clark, Timothy (2015). Ecocriticism on the Edge. Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Crutzen, Paul J. & Stoermer, E. F. (2000). “The Anthropocene”. Paul J. Crutzen and the Anthropocene: A New Epoch in Earth’s History, Vol.1. Eds. Susanne Benner et al. Springer, 19-22.
  • Dean, Jodi (2016). “The Anamorphic Politics of Climate Change”. E-Flux Journal 69 (January).
  • Dobson, Andrew (2003). Citizenship and Environment. Oxford University Press.
  • Gifford, Terry (2010). “Biosemiology and Globalism in The Rapture by Liz Jensen.” English Studies, 91(7): 713–727.
  • Jensen, Liz (2009). The Rapture. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Johns-Putra, Adeline (2016). “Climate Change in Literature and Literary Studies: From Cli-Fi, Climate Change Theatre, and Ecopoetry to Ecocriticism and Climate Change Criticism”. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 7(2): 262-282.
  • Moussier, Marion (2009). “Generic Hybridity and the Imagination of Environmental Risks in the Contemporary British Novel: Liz Jensen’s The Rapture”. New Voices in English Studies: ASYRAS 7th Conference, ASYRAS Association, Spain.
  • Mundler, Helen E. (2019). “What Is Climate Change Literature, and Why Is It Important?”. Public lecture. Western Michigan University.
  • Norgaard, Kari Marie (2011). Living in Denial: Climate Change, Emotions, and Everyday Life. MIT Press.
  • Oldfield, Frank, and Steffen, Will (2014). “Anthropogenic Climate Change and the Nature of Earth System Science”. The Anthropocene Review, 1(1): 70–75.
  • Otto, Eric C. (2012). “‘From a Certain Angle’: Ecothriller Reading and Science Fiction Reading The Swarm and The Rapture”. Ecozon European Journal of Literature Culture, 3(2): 106-121.
  • Pálsson, Gísli et al. (2012). “Reconceptualizing the ‘Anthropos’ in the Anthropocene: Integrating the Social Sciences and Humanities in Global Environmental Change Research”. Environmental Science & Policy, 28: 3–13.
  • Pihkala, Panu (2020). "Anxiety and the Ecological Crisis: An Analysis of Eco-Anxiety and Climate Anxiety”. Sustainability, 12(19): 7836.
  • Rahmstorf, Stephan (2008). “Anthropogenic Climate Change: Revisiting the Facts”. Global Warming: Looking Beyond Kyoto. Ed. Ernesto Zedillo. Brookings Institution Press, 34–53.
  • Şencan, Selin (2024). “Sacred Water: Neo-Spiritual Consumerism in Catherine Chanter’s The Well”. Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, October: 1–13.
  • Stavris, Nicholas (2018). Apocalyptic Worlds: A Contemporary Critique of the Post-Traumatological Novel at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century. Doctoral thesis. University of Huddersfield.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects British and Irish Language, Literature and Culture
Journal Section Research Articles

Yöntem Kılkış 0000-0001-9689-3365

Publication Date March 10, 2025
Submission Date January 5, 2025
Acceptance Date February 13, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025


APA Kılkış, Y. (2025). Ecological Anxiety in Liz Jensen’s The Rapture. Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi(24), 77-93.
AMA Kılkış Y. Ecological Anxiety in Liz Jensen’s The Rapture. KAD. March 2025;(24):77-93. doi:10.46250/kulturder.1613998
Chicago Kılkış, Yöntem. “Ecological Anxiety in Liz Jensen’s The Rapture”. Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi, no. 24 (March 2025): 77-93.
EndNote Kılkış Y (March 1, 2025) Ecological Anxiety in Liz Jensen’s The Rapture. Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi 24 77–93.
IEEE Y. Kılkış, “Ecological Anxiety in Liz Jensen’s The Rapture”, KAD, no. 24, pp. 77–93, March 2025, doi: 10.46250/kulturder.1613998.
ISNAD Kılkış, Yöntem. “Ecological Anxiety in Liz Jensen’s The Rapture”. Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi 24 (March 2025), 77-93.
JAMA Kılkış Y. Ecological Anxiety in Liz Jensen’s The Rapture. KAD. 2025;:77–93.
MLA Kılkış, Yöntem. “Ecological Anxiety in Liz Jensen’s The Rapture”. Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi, no. 24, 2025, pp. 77-93, doi:10.46250/kulturder.1613998.
Vancouver Kılkış Y. Ecological Anxiety in Liz Jensen’s The Rapture. KAD. 2025(24):77-93.
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