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Yozgat İlinde Yetiştirilen Anadolu Mandalarında Ekonomik Özellikleri Etkileyen Çevresel Faktörler

Year 2024, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 95 - 103, 30.06.2024


Bu çalışma, Anadolu Mandalarının büyüme, üreme ve üretim özellikleri üzerine çevresel faktörlerin araştırılması amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla Yozgat'ta 2015-2019 yılları arasında 1139 baş Anadolu mandasının üreme ve üretim verileri ile bunlardan doğan malakların büyüme verileri kullanılmıştır. Bu özellikler arasında doğum, sütten kesim, altıncı ay ve bir yaş ağırlığı ile bu özellikler arasındaki ortalama günlük canlı ağırlık kazancına ait en küçük kare ortalamaları sırasıyla 30,43; 97,79; 112,98; 169,40; 0,441; 0,459; 0,382 ve 0,306 kg’dır. Malaklama aralığı için en küçük kareler ortalaması 470,08 ve servis periyodu 150,08 gündür. Laktasyon süt verimi, laktasyonda ortalama günlük süt verimi, malaklama aralığında ortalama günlük süt verimi, pik verimi, pike ulaşım süresi ve süt veriminde inişe karşı direnme gücü en küçük kare ortalamaları 860,40; 4,447; 1,916 kg, 83,34 gün, 5,589±0,116 kg ve %77,35 olarak bulunmuştur. Doğum, sütten kesim, altıncı ay ve bir yaş ağırlığı üzerinde köy ve cinsiyetin etkisi istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuş ancak doğum ağırlığı hariç tüm bu özellikler mevsimden etkilenmiştir. Varyans analizi ayrıca tüm çevresel faktörlerin malaklama aralığı ve servis periyoduna anlamlı etkisi olduğunu ortaya çıkardı. Laktasyonda ortalama günlük süt verimini sadece buzağılama mevsimini etkilemezken, malaklama aralığında ortalama günlük süt verimini malaklama yılından etkilenmemiştir. Diğer süt verim özellikleri ise tüm çevresel faktörlerden etkilemiştir. Anadolu mandalarında verimlerin arttırılması için bakım ve idarede köy, yıl, mevsim ve ana yaşı gibi önemli çevresel faktörlerin dikkate alınması gerektiği sonucuna varılmıştır.

Project Number



  • Akhtar, P., Kalsoom, U., Ali, S., Yaqoob, M., Javed, K., Babar, M.E., Mustafa, M.I., & Sultan, I. (2012). Genetic and phenotypic parameters for growth traits of Nili-Ravi buffalo heifers in Pakistan. J. Anim. Plant Sci, 22, 347-352.
  • Alkoyak, K., Öz, S. (2020). The effect of some environmental factors on lactation length, milk yield and calving intervals of Anatolian Buffaloes in Bartın province of Turkey. Livestock Studies, 60, 54-61.
  • Aziz, M.A., Schoeman, S.J., Jordaan., G.F., El-Chafie, O.M., Mahdy, A.T. (2001). Genetic and phenotypic variation of some reproductive traits in Egyptian buffalo S. Afr. J. Anim. Sci, 31. 195-199.
  • Bashir, M.K., Khan. M.S., Lateef. M., Mustafa, I.M., Khalid, M.F., Rehman S., & Farooq U. (2015). Environmental factors affecting productive traits and their trends in Nili Ravi buffaloes. Pak. j. life soc. Sci, 13, 137‐144.
  • Borghese, A. (2005). Buffalo production and research. FAO Regional Office for Europe Inter-Regional Cooperative Research Network on Buffalo. REU Technical Series, 67, 21-22.
  • Cady, R.A., Shah, S.K., Schermerhorn, E.C., & McDowell R.E. (1983). Factors affecting performance of Nili-Ravi buffaloes in Pakistan. Journal of Dairy Science, 66, 578-586.
  • Çelikeloğlu, K., Erdogan, M., Kocak, S., Zemheri, F., Tekerli, M. (2015). The effect of environmental factors and growth hormone receptor gene polymorphism on growth curve and live weight parameters in buffalo calves. Lalahan Hay. Araşt. Enst. Derg, 55, 45-49.
  • Chaudhry, H.Z., Khan, M.S., Mohiuddin, G., & Mustafa M.I. (2000). Persistency of lactation in Nili-Ravi buffaloes. Int. J. Agri. Biol, 2, 207-209.
  • Dev, K., Dhaka, S.S., Yadav, A.S. & Lalit. (2016). Genetic parameters and effect of non-genetic factors on early performance traits of Murrah buffalo. IJDR, 06, 9977-9982.
  • Elmaghraby, M.M.A. (2010). Lactation Persistency and prediction of total milk yield from monthly yields in Egyptian Buffaloes. Lucrări Ştiinţifice Seria Zootehnie, 53,130-137.
  • Galsar, N.S., Shah, R.R., Gupta, J.P., Pankey D.P., Prajapati, K.B. & Patel, J.B. (2016). Genetic estimates of reproduction and production traits in Mehsana buffalo. Indian J. Dairy. Sci, 69, 698-701.
  • Iam, A,E, (2019). Assessment of genetic relationships between growth traits and milk yield in Egyptian buffaloes. JITV 24, 143-150.
  • Jakhar, V., Vinayak, A.K., Singh, K.P. (2017). Effect of Non-genetic Factors on Performance Traits of Murrah Buffaloes. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci, 6, 4248-4255.
  • Kaplan, Y., Alkoyak, K., Öz, S., Daşkıran, İ., Sözen, Ö. (2015). Türkiye manda yetiştiriciliğine genel 2 bir bakış ve Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı (GTHB) çalışmaları. In: Proceeding 3 of the 9. Ulusal Zootekni Bilim Kongresi; Konya, Türkiye. pp. 378-385.
  • Kaplan, Y., Bozkurt, Z., Tekerli, M. (2018). Evaluation of water buffalo holdings in Yozgat province in terms of environmental factors affecting animal welfare. Lalahan Hay. Araşt. Enst. Derg, 58, 67-76.
  • Koçak, S., Tekerli, M., Çelikeloğlu, K., Erdoğan, M., Bozkurt, Z., & Hacan, Ö. (2019). An Investigation on Yield and Composition of Milk, Calving Interval and Repeatabilities in Riverine Buffaloes of Anatolia. The J. Anim. Plant Sci, 29.
  • Küçükkebapçı, M., Aslan, S. (2002). Evcil dişi mandaların üreme özellikleri. Lalahan Hay. Arast. Enst. Derg, 42, 55-63.
  • Minitab (2017). Minitab statistical software version 18.1 Minitab Inc, State College, PA, USA.
  • Mostafa, M.A., Darwish, S.A., El-Fatah, M.S. (2017). Estimation of Genetic Parameters for Some Production and Reproduction Traits Using Different Animal Models in Egyptian Buffaloes. J. Animal and Poultry Prod, 8 21-25
  • Pandey, H.O., Tomar, A.K.S., Upadhyay, D. (2015). Effect of environmental factors on first lactation milk yield in Murrah Buffaloes. Buffalo Bulletin, 34, 459-465.
  • Patil, H.R., Dhaka, S.S. Yadav, A.S., & Patil, C.S. (2018). Comparison of genetic parameters of production efficieny and fertility traits in Murrah buffaloes. IJABR, 8, 82-85.
  • Penchev, P., Peeva, T.Z. (2013). Lactation persistency in Bulgarian Murrah Buffalo cows. Journal of Buffalo Science, 2, 118-123.
  • Şekerden, Ö. (2013). The Comparison of Some Reproductive Traits of Anatolian and F1 Crossbred (Anatolian X Italian) Buffalo under Village Conditions In Turkey. Buffalo Bulletin, 32, 819-822.
  • Shahin, K.A., Abdallah, O.Y., Fooda, T.A., & Mourad, K.A. (2010). Selection indexes for genetic improvement of yearling weight in Egyptian buffaloes. Arch. Anim. Breed, 53, 436-446.
  • Shahjahan, M.D., Khatun, A., Khatun, S., Hoque, M.M., Hossain, S., Huque Q.M.E., Awal, T.M., & Mintoo A.A. (2017). Study on growth traits at weaning and yearling stages of indigenous and F1 crossbred buffalo in Bangladesh. Asian J. Med. Biol. Res, 3, 499-503.
  • Sigdel, A., Bhattarai, N., Kolachhapati, S., & Paudyal S. (2015). Estimation of Genetic Parameters for Productive Traits of Murrah Buffaloes in Kaski, Nepal. IJR, 2, 1-11.
  • Soysal, M.İ., Genç, S., Aksel, M., Ünal, E.Ö., Gürcan E.K. (2018): Effect of Environmental Factors on Lactation Milk Yield, Lactation Length and Calving Interval of Anatolian Buffalo in Istanbul. Journal of Animal Science and Products (JASP), 1, 93-97.
  • Tekerli, M. (2019). Buffalo Star data records, account and project tracking program, v5.04. Available at
  • Tekerli, M., Kücükkebabçı, M., Akalin, N.H. Kocak, S. (2001). Effect of environmental factors on some milk production traits, persistency and calving interval of Anatolian buffaloes. Livest Prod Sci, 68, 275-281.
  • Tekerli, M. (2016): Türkiye’de manda yetiştirildiği ve geleceği. In: Proceeding of the 4. Sürü 5 Sağlığı ve Yönetimi Sempozyumu; Antalya, Türkiye. pp. 30-36.
  • Thiruvenkadan, A.K. (2011). Performance of Murrah buffaloes at coastal region of Tamil Nadu, India. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 81, 1080-1083.
  • Thiruvenkadan, A.K., Panneerselwam, S., Rajendran, R. (2009). Non-genetic and genetic factors influencing growth performance in Murrah buffalos. S. Afr. J. Anim. Sci, 39, 102-106.
  • TUİK. (2023). Hayvansal üretim istatistikleri, 2023. [Erişim Tarihi: 11.03.2024].
  • Uğurlu, M., Kaya, İ., Saray, M. (2016). Effects of some environmental factors on calf birth weight and milk yield of Anatolian water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). BJAS, 22, 995–998.

Environmental Factors Affecting Economically Important Traits of Anatolian Buffalo in Yozgat

Year 2024, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 95 - 103, 30.06.2024


The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of some environmental factors on the growth, reproduction and production traits of Anatolian Buffaloes. The reproduction and production data of 1139 Anatolian buffaloes and the growth records of the calves between 2015 and 2019 in Yozgat province were used. The least-square means of the birth (BW), weaning (WW), sixth month (SMW) and yearling weights (YW) and daily gain between those traits were determined as 30.43, 97.79, 112.98, 169.40, 0.441, 0.459, 0.382 and 0.306 kgs respectively. Calving interval (CI) and service period (SP) were 470.08 and 150.08 days. Lactation milk yield (LMY), milk yield per day of lactation period (MY/LP), milk yield per day of CI (MY/CI), peak yield (PY), day at piek yield (DPY), and persistence (P) were found to be 860.40, 4.447, 1.916, 5.589 kgs, 83.34 days, and 77.35%. The effects of village and sex on BW, WW, SMW and YW were statistically significant (P<0.05) but the season affected all of these traits except for BW. Analysis of variance revealed all the environmental factors were significant on CI and SP. MY/LP and MY/CI weren’t affected only by the season of calving and calving year respectively. The rest of the production traits were affected by all environmental factors. It was concluded that significant environmental factors such as the village, year, season, and age of the dam must be considered in farm management activities to improve the performances of Anatolian buffaloes.

Ethical Statement

This study was carried out after the animal experiment was approved by Afyon Kocatepe University Local Ethics Committee (Decision number: 49533702/169).

Supporting Institution

General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies

Project Number



The authors thank the General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry because of their support for the Community-Based Anatolian Buffalo Breeding Program.


  • Akhtar, P., Kalsoom, U., Ali, S., Yaqoob, M., Javed, K., Babar, M.E., Mustafa, M.I., & Sultan, I. (2012). Genetic and phenotypic parameters for growth traits of Nili-Ravi buffalo heifers in Pakistan. J. Anim. Plant Sci, 22, 347-352.
  • Alkoyak, K., Öz, S. (2020). The effect of some environmental factors on lactation length, milk yield and calving intervals of Anatolian Buffaloes in Bartın province of Turkey. Livestock Studies, 60, 54-61.
  • Aziz, M.A., Schoeman, S.J., Jordaan., G.F., El-Chafie, O.M., Mahdy, A.T. (2001). Genetic and phenotypic variation of some reproductive traits in Egyptian buffalo S. Afr. J. Anim. Sci, 31. 195-199.
  • Bashir, M.K., Khan. M.S., Lateef. M., Mustafa, I.M., Khalid, M.F., Rehman S., & Farooq U. (2015). Environmental factors affecting productive traits and their trends in Nili Ravi buffaloes. Pak. j. life soc. Sci, 13, 137‐144.
  • Borghese, A. (2005). Buffalo production and research. FAO Regional Office for Europe Inter-Regional Cooperative Research Network on Buffalo. REU Technical Series, 67, 21-22.
  • Cady, R.A., Shah, S.K., Schermerhorn, E.C., & McDowell R.E. (1983). Factors affecting performance of Nili-Ravi buffaloes in Pakistan. Journal of Dairy Science, 66, 578-586.
  • Çelikeloğlu, K., Erdogan, M., Kocak, S., Zemheri, F., Tekerli, M. (2015). The effect of environmental factors and growth hormone receptor gene polymorphism on growth curve and live weight parameters in buffalo calves. Lalahan Hay. Araşt. Enst. Derg, 55, 45-49.
  • Chaudhry, H.Z., Khan, M.S., Mohiuddin, G., & Mustafa M.I. (2000). Persistency of lactation in Nili-Ravi buffaloes. Int. J. Agri. Biol, 2, 207-209.
  • Dev, K., Dhaka, S.S., Yadav, A.S. & Lalit. (2016). Genetic parameters and effect of non-genetic factors on early performance traits of Murrah buffalo. IJDR, 06, 9977-9982.
  • Elmaghraby, M.M.A. (2010). Lactation Persistency and prediction of total milk yield from monthly yields in Egyptian Buffaloes. Lucrări Ştiinţifice Seria Zootehnie, 53,130-137.
  • Galsar, N.S., Shah, R.R., Gupta, J.P., Pankey D.P., Prajapati, K.B. & Patel, J.B. (2016). Genetic estimates of reproduction and production traits in Mehsana buffalo. Indian J. Dairy. Sci, 69, 698-701.
  • Iam, A,E, (2019). Assessment of genetic relationships between growth traits and milk yield in Egyptian buffaloes. JITV 24, 143-150.
  • Jakhar, V., Vinayak, A.K., Singh, K.P. (2017). Effect of Non-genetic Factors on Performance Traits of Murrah Buffaloes. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci, 6, 4248-4255.
  • Kaplan, Y., Alkoyak, K., Öz, S., Daşkıran, İ., Sözen, Ö. (2015). Türkiye manda yetiştiriciliğine genel 2 bir bakış ve Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı (GTHB) çalışmaları. In: Proceeding 3 of the 9. Ulusal Zootekni Bilim Kongresi; Konya, Türkiye. pp. 378-385.
  • Kaplan, Y., Bozkurt, Z., Tekerli, M. (2018). Evaluation of water buffalo holdings in Yozgat province in terms of environmental factors affecting animal welfare. Lalahan Hay. Araşt. Enst. Derg, 58, 67-76.
  • Koçak, S., Tekerli, M., Çelikeloğlu, K., Erdoğan, M., Bozkurt, Z., & Hacan, Ö. (2019). An Investigation on Yield and Composition of Milk, Calving Interval and Repeatabilities in Riverine Buffaloes of Anatolia. The J. Anim. Plant Sci, 29.
  • Küçükkebapçı, M., Aslan, S. (2002). Evcil dişi mandaların üreme özellikleri. Lalahan Hay. Arast. Enst. Derg, 42, 55-63.
  • Minitab (2017). Minitab statistical software version 18.1 Minitab Inc, State College, PA, USA.
  • Mostafa, M.A., Darwish, S.A., El-Fatah, M.S. (2017). Estimation of Genetic Parameters for Some Production and Reproduction Traits Using Different Animal Models in Egyptian Buffaloes. J. Animal and Poultry Prod, 8 21-25
  • Pandey, H.O., Tomar, A.K.S., Upadhyay, D. (2015). Effect of environmental factors on first lactation milk yield in Murrah Buffaloes. Buffalo Bulletin, 34, 459-465.
  • Patil, H.R., Dhaka, S.S. Yadav, A.S., & Patil, C.S. (2018). Comparison of genetic parameters of production efficieny and fertility traits in Murrah buffaloes. IJABR, 8, 82-85.
  • Penchev, P., Peeva, T.Z. (2013). Lactation persistency in Bulgarian Murrah Buffalo cows. Journal of Buffalo Science, 2, 118-123.
  • Şekerden, Ö. (2013). The Comparison of Some Reproductive Traits of Anatolian and F1 Crossbred (Anatolian X Italian) Buffalo under Village Conditions In Turkey. Buffalo Bulletin, 32, 819-822.
  • Shahin, K.A., Abdallah, O.Y., Fooda, T.A., & Mourad, K.A. (2010). Selection indexes for genetic improvement of yearling weight in Egyptian buffaloes. Arch. Anim. Breed, 53, 436-446.
  • Shahjahan, M.D., Khatun, A., Khatun, S., Hoque, M.M., Hossain, S., Huque Q.M.E., Awal, T.M., & Mintoo A.A. (2017). Study on growth traits at weaning and yearling stages of indigenous and F1 crossbred buffalo in Bangladesh. Asian J. Med. Biol. Res, 3, 499-503.
  • Sigdel, A., Bhattarai, N., Kolachhapati, S., & Paudyal S. (2015). Estimation of Genetic Parameters for Productive Traits of Murrah Buffaloes in Kaski, Nepal. IJR, 2, 1-11.
  • Soysal, M.İ., Genç, S., Aksel, M., Ünal, E.Ö., Gürcan E.K. (2018): Effect of Environmental Factors on Lactation Milk Yield, Lactation Length and Calving Interval of Anatolian Buffalo in Istanbul. Journal of Animal Science and Products (JASP), 1, 93-97.
  • Tekerli, M. (2019). Buffalo Star data records, account and project tracking program, v5.04. Available at
  • Tekerli, M., Kücükkebabçı, M., Akalin, N.H. Kocak, S. (2001). Effect of environmental factors on some milk production traits, persistency and calving interval of Anatolian buffaloes. Livest Prod Sci, 68, 275-281.
  • Tekerli, M. (2016): Türkiye’de manda yetiştirildiği ve geleceği. In: Proceeding of the 4. Sürü 5 Sağlığı ve Yönetimi Sempozyumu; Antalya, Türkiye. pp. 30-36.
  • Thiruvenkadan, A.K. (2011). Performance of Murrah buffaloes at coastal region of Tamil Nadu, India. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 81, 1080-1083.
  • Thiruvenkadan, A.K., Panneerselwam, S., Rajendran, R. (2009). Non-genetic and genetic factors influencing growth performance in Murrah buffalos. S. Afr. J. Anim. Sci, 39, 102-106.
  • TUİK. (2023). Hayvansal üretim istatistikleri, 2023. [Erişim Tarihi: 11.03.2024].
  • Uğurlu, M., Kaya, İ., Saray, M. (2016). Effects of some environmental factors on calf birth weight and milk yield of Anatolian water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). BJAS, 22, 995–998.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Animal Science, Genetics and Biostatistics

Yusuf Kaplan 0000-0001-8853-7686

Mustafa Tekerli 0000-0002-8634-1193

Project Number TAGEM/66MANDA2015-01
Early Pub Date June 12, 2024
Publication Date June 30, 2024
Submission Date January 24, 2024
Acceptance Date April 25, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 17 Issue: 2


APA Kaplan, Y., & Tekerli, M. (2024). Environmental Factors Affecting Economically Important Traits of Anatolian Buffalo in Yozgat. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 17(2), 95-103.
AMA Kaplan Y, Tekerli M. Environmental Factors Affecting Economically Important Traits of Anatolian Buffalo in Yozgat. kvj. June 2024;17(2):95-103. doi:10.30607/kvj.1423573
Chicago Kaplan, Yusuf, and Mustafa Tekerli. “Environmental Factors Affecting Economically Important Traits of Anatolian Buffalo in Yozgat”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 17, no. 2 (June 2024): 95-103.
EndNote Kaplan Y, Tekerli M (June 1, 2024) Environmental Factors Affecting Economically Important Traits of Anatolian Buffalo in Yozgat. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 17 2 95–103.
IEEE Y. Kaplan and M. Tekerli, “Environmental Factors Affecting Economically Important Traits of Anatolian Buffalo in Yozgat”, kvj, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 95–103, 2024, doi: 10.30607/kvj.1423573.
ISNAD Kaplan, Yusuf - Tekerli, Mustafa. “Environmental Factors Affecting Economically Important Traits of Anatolian Buffalo in Yozgat”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 17/2 (June 2024), 95-103.
JAMA Kaplan Y, Tekerli M. Environmental Factors Affecting Economically Important Traits of Anatolian Buffalo in Yozgat. kvj. 2024;17:95–103.
MLA Kaplan, Yusuf and Mustafa Tekerli. “Environmental Factors Affecting Economically Important Traits of Anatolian Buffalo in Yozgat”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, vol. 17, no. 2, 2024, pp. 95-103, doi:10.30607/kvj.1423573.
Vancouver Kaplan Y, Tekerli M. Environmental Factors Affecting Economically Important Traits of Anatolian Buffalo in Yozgat. kvj. 2024;17(2):95-103.

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