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Veteriner Hekimliği Eğitiminde Klinik Anatomi ve Topografik Anatomi Derslerine İlişkin Öğrenci ve Veteriner Hekim Görüşleri

Year 2024, Volume: 17 Issue: 4, 368 - 374, 03.01.2025


Bu çalışmada Veteriner hekimlerin ve öğrencilerin topografik anatomi dersi ve klinik anatomi dersi hakkındaki görüşlerinin anket yardımıyla değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Bu amaçla topografik anatomi dersi için 2, klinik anatomi dersi için 2 olmak üzere toplam 4 ayrı anket formu oluşturuldu. Veteriner Fakültesi 3., 4. ve 5. sınıf öğrencilerine her ders için bu formlardan biri uygulandı. Diğer anket formları ise Türkiye'nin farklı bölgelerinde görev yapan Veteriner hekimlere uygulandı. Sonuç olarak katılımcıların %98'i güvenli ve yeterli klinik uygulama için anatomi bilgisinin önemli olduğunu vurguladı. Öğrencilerin %59'u bu formda topografik anatomi ders içeriğinin yeterli olmadığını, %92,3'ü radyolojik görüntülerle, %96,2'si klinik bilimlerle zenginleştirilmesi gerektiğini belirtti. Veteriner hekimlerin sadece %35,5'i sistematik anatomi dersinde öğrendikleri bilgilerin klinik uygulamalar için yeterli olduğunu belirtti. Veteriner hekimlerin %92,1'i son yıllarda müfredatta klinik anatomi dersinin yer alması gerektiğini belirtti. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre zorunlu (sistematik) anatomi dersini alındıktan sonra daha sonraki dönemlerde klinik bilimlerle ilişkili anatomi dersinin verilmesinin bir gereklilik olduğu kanaatine varıldı.

Project Number



  • Afshar, M., Ghaderi, R., Zardast, M., & Delshad, P. (2016). Effects of topical emu oil on burn wounds in the skin of balb/c mice. Dermatology Research and Practice, 1-6.
  • Akkoç, R.F., Aksu, F., Kavaklı, A., & Ögetürk, M., (2021). Anatomy Education From The Perspective of Clinician: Questionnaire Study. Fırat Tıp Dergisi, 26(4), 234-238.
  • Adeyemi- Doro, H.O., & Ojeifo, J., (1988). What anatomy shall we teach medical and dental students in a primary health care curriculum? Medical Education, 22, 407-411.
  • Arı, İ., & Şendemir, E., (2003). Students’ Views On Anatomy Education. Uludağ Universitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 29(2), 11-14.
  • Baciewicz Jr, F.A., Arent, L., Weaver, M., Yesting, R., & Thomford, N., (1990). Do first and second year preclinical course scores predict student performance during the surgical clerkship? Surgery, 107, 581-583.
  • Beresheim, A., Zepeda, D., Pharel, M., Soy, T., Wilson, A.B., & Ferrigno, C., (2024). Anatomy's missing faces: An assessment of representation gaps in atlas and textbook imagery. Anatomical Science Education, in press.
  • Carmichael, S.W., & Pawlina, W., (2000). Animated Powerpoint as a tool to teach anatomy. Anatomical Record, 261, 83-8.
  • Congara, K., Baynes, J.C., & Bridges, J.P., (2017). Perceptions of senior veterinary students, interns and residents on revisiting anatomy as a special topic at Massey University. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, presentation abstract, 14.
  • Crisp, A.H., (1989). The relevance of anatomy and morbid anatomy for medical practice and hence for postgraduate and continuing medical education of doctors. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 65, 221-223.
  • Demiraslan, Y., & Dayan, M.O., (2021). Veteriner Sistematik Anatomi. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, Cerrahpaşa/İstanbul.
  • Demiraslan, Y., & Dayan, M.O., (2023). Veteriner Klinik Anatomi. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, İstanbul.
  • Drake, R.L., Vogl, W., & Mitchell, A.W.M., (2005). Gray’s Anatomy for Students. Philadelphia: Elsevier Churchill-Livingstone.
  • Dyce, K.M., Sack, W.O., & Wensing, C.J.G., (2009). Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy. Elsevier Health Sciences.
  • Dursun, N., (2002). Veteriner Topografik Anatomi. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara.
  • Erpek, S., Dereboy, Ç., & Altınışık, M., (2002). Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi öğretim elemanları ve öğrencilerinin uygulanan tıp eğitimine ilişkin görüşleri. Adnan Menderes Universitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 3, 13-20.
  • Gülekon, İ.N., (2017). Anatomi Eğitiminde Radyolojik ve Klinik Anatominin Yeri: Öğrenci Görüşleri. Gazi Medical Journal 28, 179-183.
  • Gültiken, M.E., (2012). Plastic models: An alternative for veterinary anatomy education? Animal Health Production and Hygiene, 1, 53-58.
  • Gummery, E., Singh, M., & Channon, S.B., (2023). Establishing a veterinary anatomy core syllabus through a modified Delphi process. Journal of Anatomy, in press.
  • Gürbüz, İ., Aksoy, G., & Özcan, S., (2013). Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesinin Anatomi Eğitimine Bakışı. Ulusal Veteriner Anatomi Kongresi (Uluslararası Katılımlı), İstanbul.
  • König, H.E., & Liebich, H.G., (2004). Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Mammals: Textbook and Colour Atlas. Schattauer, Stuttgart, pp: 681.
  • Laakkonen, J., (2021). Drawing in veterinary Anatomy Education: What do students use ıt for? Anatomical Science Education, 14, 799-807.
  • Moscova, M., Bryce, D.A., Sindhusake, D., & Young, N., (2015). Integration of Medical Imaging Including Ultrasound Into a New Clinical Anatomy Curriculum. Anatomical Science Education, 8, 205–20.
  • Patel, V.L., & Dauphinee, W.D., (1984). Return to basic sciences after clinical experience in undergraduate medical training. Medical Education, 18, 244-248.
  • Phillips, G.L., (1987). Anatomy: How much or how little and taught by whom? The American Surgeon, 53, 540-542
  • Ramalingaswami, P., (1987). Specialty choice of medical students in India. Medical Education, 21, 53-58.
  • Schober, A., Pieper, C.C., Schmidt, R., & Wittkowski, W., (2014). Anatomy and Imaging: 10 Years of Experience with an Interdisciplinary Teaching Project in Preclinical Medical Education-From an Elective to a Curricular Course. Fortschr Röntgenstr, 186, 458–65.
  • Torres, A., Staskiewicz, G.J., Lisiecka, J., Pietrzyk, Ł., Czekajlo, M., Arancibia, C.U., Maciejewski, R., & Torres, K., (2016). Bridging the Gap Between Basic and Clinical Sciences: A Description of a Radiological Anatomy Course. Anatomical Science Education, 9, 295-303.
  • Uygur, R., Çağlar, V., Topçu, B., Aktaş, S., & Aslan Özen, O., (2013). The Assessment of the Students’ Opinions about Anatomy Education. International Journal of Basic and Clinical Medicine, 1(2), 94-106.
  • Wheble, R., & Channon, S.B., (2021). What use is anatomy in first opinion small animal veterinary practice? A qualitative study. Anatomical Science Education, 14, 440-451.

Students and Veterinarians Views About Clinical Anatomy and Topographic Anatomy Courses in Veterinary Education

Year 2024, Volume: 17 Issue: 4, 368 - 374, 03.01.2025


In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the views of veterinarians and students about the topographic anatomy course and clinical anatomy course with the help of a survey. For this purpose, 4 separate surveys were created, 2 for the topographic anatomy course and 2 for the clinical anatomy course. For each course, one of these forms was used to the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students in Veterinary Medicine. Other survey forms were applied to veterinarians working in different regions in Turkey. As a result, 98% of the participants emphasized that anatomy knowledge was important for safe and adequate clinical practice. 59% of the students stated that the contents of the topographic anatomy course were not sufficient in this form, 92.3% stated that it should be explained with radiological images and, 96.2% explained with clinical sciences. Only 35.5% of veterinarians stated that the information they learned in the systematic anatomy course was sufficient for clinical practices. 92.1% of veterinarians stated that clinical anatomy courses should be present in the curriculum in recent years. According to the results, after taking systematic anatomy course, it was observed that it was a necessity to take the anatomy course associated with clinical sciences during the later periods.

Ethical Statement

The necessary permission is given to Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversity Ethics Committee of Non-Entrepreneurial Clinical Research (01.03/2023, The situation of Topographic Anatomy course in anatomy education: Student and Veterinarian opinions: Decision No: GO 2023/138. Student and Veterinarian opinions about Clinical Anatomy: Decision No: GO 2023/139).

Supporting Institution

No financial support was received from any institution for this study..

Project Number



This study was presented as an oral/abstract paper at the "XII National / III International Veterinary Anatomy Congress, June 27-29 2023, Samsun, Turkey".


  • Afshar, M., Ghaderi, R., Zardast, M., & Delshad, P. (2016). Effects of topical emu oil on burn wounds in the skin of balb/c mice. Dermatology Research and Practice, 1-6.
  • Akkoç, R.F., Aksu, F., Kavaklı, A., & Ögetürk, M., (2021). Anatomy Education From The Perspective of Clinician: Questionnaire Study. Fırat Tıp Dergisi, 26(4), 234-238.
  • Adeyemi- Doro, H.O., & Ojeifo, J., (1988). What anatomy shall we teach medical and dental students in a primary health care curriculum? Medical Education, 22, 407-411.
  • Arı, İ., & Şendemir, E., (2003). Students’ Views On Anatomy Education. Uludağ Universitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 29(2), 11-14.
  • Baciewicz Jr, F.A., Arent, L., Weaver, M., Yesting, R., & Thomford, N., (1990). Do first and second year preclinical course scores predict student performance during the surgical clerkship? Surgery, 107, 581-583.
  • Beresheim, A., Zepeda, D., Pharel, M., Soy, T., Wilson, A.B., & Ferrigno, C., (2024). Anatomy's missing faces: An assessment of representation gaps in atlas and textbook imagery. Anatomical Science Education, in press.
  • Carmichael, S.W., & Pawlina, W., (2000). Animated Powerpoint as a tool to teach anatomy. Anatomical Record, 261, 83-8.
  • Congara, K., Baynes, J.C., & Bridges, J.P., (2017). Perceptions of senior veterinary students, interns and residents on revisiting anatomy as a special topic at Massey University. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, presentation abstract, 14.
  • Crisp, A.H., (1989). The relevance of anatomy and morbid anatomy for medical practice and hence for postgraduate and continuing medical education of doctors. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 65, 221-223.
  • Demiraslan, Y., & Dayan, M.O., (2021). Veteriner Sistematik Anatomi. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, Cerrahpaşa/İstanbul.
  • Demiraslan, Y., & Dayan, M.O., (2023). Veteriner Klinik Anatomi. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, İstanbul.
  • Drake, R.L., Vogl, W., & Mitchell, A.W.M., (2005). Gray’s Anatomy for Students. Philadelphia: Elsevier Churchill-Livingstone.
  • Dyce, K.M., Sack, W.O., & Wensing, C.J.G., (2009). Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy. Elsevier Health Sciences.
  • Dursun, N., (2002). Veteriner Topografik Anatomi. Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara.
  • Erpek, S., Dereboy, Ç., & Altınışık, M., (2002). Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi öğretim elemanları ve öğrencilerinin uygulanan tıp eğitimine ilişkin görüşleri. Adnan Menderes Universitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 3, 13-20.
  • Gülekon, İ.N., (2017). Anatomi Eğitiminde Radyolojik ve Klinik Anatominin Yeri: Öğrenci Görüşleri. Gazi Medical Journal 28, 179-183.
  • Gültiken, M.E., (2012). Plastic models: An alternative for veterinary anatomy education? Animal Health Production and Hygiene, 1, 53-58.
  • Gummery, E., Singh, M., & Channon, S.B., (2023). Establishing a veterinary anatomy core syllabus through a modified Delphi process. Journal of Anatomy, in press.
  • Gürbüz, İ., Aksoy, G., & Özcan, S., (2013). Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesinin Anatomi Eğitimine Bakışı. Ulusal Veteriner Anatomi Kongresi (Uluslararası Katılımlı), İstanbul.
  • König, H.E., & Liebich, H.G., (2004). Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Mammals: Textbook and Colour Atlas. Schattauer, Stuttgart, pp: 681.
  • Laakkonen, J., (2021). Drawing in veterinary Anatomy Education: What do students use ıt for? Anatomical Science Education, 14, 799-807.
  • Moscova, M., Bryce, D.A., Sindhusake, D., & Young, N., (2015). Integration of Medical Imaging Including Ultrasound Into a New Clinical Anatomy Curriculum. Anatomical Science Education, 8, 205–20.
  • Patel, V.L., & Dauphinee, W.D., (1984). Return to basic sciences after clinical experience in undergraduate medical training. Medical Education, 18, 244-248.
  • Phillips, G.L., (1987). Anatomy: How much or how little and taught by whom? The American Surgeon, 53, 540-542
  • Ramalingaswami, P., (1987). Specialty choice of medical students in India. Medical Education, 21, 53-58.
  • Schober, A., Pieper, C.C., Schmidt, R., & Wittkowski, W., (2014). Anatomy and Imaging: 10 Years of Experience with an Interdisciplinary Teaching Project in Preclinical Medical Education-From an Elective to a Curricular Course. Fortschr Röntgenstr, 186, 458–65.
  • Torres, A., Staskiewicz, G.J., Lisiecka, J., Pietrzyk, Ł., Czekajlo, M., Arancibia, C.U., Maciejewski, R., & Torres, K., (2016). Bridging the Gap Between Basic and Clinical Sciences: A Description of a Radiological Anatomy Course. Anatomical Science Education, 9, 295-303.
  • Uygur, R., Çağlar, V., Topçu, B., Aktaş, S., & Aslan Özen, O., (2013). The Assessment of the Students’ Opinions about Anatomy Education. International Journal of Basic and Clinical Medicine, 1(2), 94-106.
  • Wheble, R., & Channon, S.B., (2021). What use is anatomy in first opinion small animal veterinary practice? A qualitative study. Anatomical Science Education, 14, 440-451.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology

İftar Gürbüz 0000-0001-9460-0645

Yasin Demiraslan 0000-0003-3612-6142

Orhun Dayan 0000-0003-0368-4607

Project Number No
Early Pub Date December 12, 2024
Publication Date January 3, 2025
Submission Date May 27, 2024
Acceptance Date October 8, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 17 Issue: 4


APA Gürbüz, İ., Demiraslan, Y., & Dayan, O. (2025). Students and Veterinarians Views About Clinical Anatomy and Topographic Anatomy Courses in Veterinary Education. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 17(4), 368-374.
AMA Gürbüz İ, Demiraslan Y, Dayan O. Students and Veterinarians Views About Clinical Anatomy and Topographic Anatomy Courses in Veterinary Education. kvj. January 2025;17(4):368-374. doi:10.30607/kvj.1490589
Chicago Gürbüz, İftar, Yasin Demiraslan, and Orhun Dayan. “Students and Veterinarians Views About Clinical Anatomy and Topographic Anatomy Courses in Veterinary Education”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 17, no. 4 (January 2025): 368-74.
EndNote Gürbüz İ, Demiraslan Y, Dayan O (January 1, 2025) Students and Veterinarians Views About Clinical Anatomy and Topographic Anatomy Courses in Veterinary Education. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 17 4 368–374.
IEEE İ. Gürbüz, Y. Demiraslan, and O. Dayan, “Students and Veterinarians Views About Clinical Anatomy and Topographic Anatomy Courses in Veterinary Education”, kvj, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 368–374, 2025, doi: 10.30607/kvj.1490589.
ISNAD Gürbüz, İftar et al. “Students and Veterinarians Views About Clinical Anatomy and Topographic Anatomy Courses in Veterinary Education”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 17/4 (January 2025), 368-374.
JAMA Gürbüz İ, Demiraslan Y, Dayan O. Students and Veterinarians Views About Clinical Anatomy and Topographic Anatomy Courses in Veterinary Education. kvj. 2025;17:368–374.
MLA Gürbüz, İftar et al. “Students and Veterinarians Views About Clinical Anatomy and Topographic Anatomy Courses in Veterinary Education”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, vol. 17, no. 4, 2025, pp. 368-74, doi:10.30607/kvj.1490589.
Vancouver Gürbüz İ, Demiraslan Y, Dayan O. Students and Veterinarians Views About Clinical Anatomy and Topographic Anatomy Courses in Veterinary Education. kvj. 2025;17(4):368-74.

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