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Güney Çin Denizi’nde Sino-Amerikan Varlığı: Jeo-Stratejik Rekabette Tehdit Algısının Sürekliliği

Year 2022, Issue: 106, 117 - 140, 26.06.2022


Bu çalışma Güney Çin Denizi’nde Çin-ABD rekabeti üzerinedir. Rekabetin bölgede belirginleştiği iddiasından yola çıkarak, Güney Çin Denizi’nin neden iki devlet arasında giderek artan bir rekabete sahne olduğu sorusuna cevap aramaktadır. Altı çizilen soru çerçevesinde çalışma öncelikli olarak tehdit algısındaki sürekliliğin Güney Çin Denizi rekabetinde ana faktör olduğunu iddia etmektedir. Tehdit algısı kavramsallaştırmasından hareketle ABD ve Çin nezdinde Güney Çin Denizi’ni bir rekabet alanı haline getiren temel noktaları ortaya koymaktadır. Bu tehditleri her iki devletin stratejik yaklaşımları ve bu yaklaşımların ulusal güvenlik belgelerine yansımaları üzerinden ele almaktadır. İkinci önemli nokta olarak tehdit algısındaki sürekliliğin jeo-stratejik hedeflere ve adımlara yansımasını ele almakta ve iki devleti bölgede karşı karşıya getirme etkinliğine sahip olan faktörleri tartışmaktadır. Kazanım ve kayıp denkleminde ABD ve Çin’in bölgede nasıl konumlandığını ele alırken, bu konumun birer rekabet unsuruna nasıl dönüştüğünü tartışmaktadır.


  • Allison, G. (2017). What Xi Jinping Wants, The Atlantic, 1-4.
  • Arrighi, G. (2007). Adam Smith Pekin’de: 21.Yüzyılın Soy Kütüğü (Çeviren: İbrahim YILDIZ). Yordam Kitap, s: 295-296.
  • Barracks, C. (1997). Maritime Choke Points: Key Sea Lines of Communications and Strategy, U.S. Army War Collage, USAWC Strategy Research Project, s:18-19.
  • Beckley, M. (2017). Balancing China: How the US and Its Partners Can Check Chinese Naval Expansion, National Security Review, 1-5.
  • Bertsou, E. (2019), Rethinking Political Distrust, European Political Science Review, No 11, s: 223.
  • Beukel, E. (2010). China and South China Sea: Two Faces of Power in the Rising China’s Neighborhood Policy, DISS Working Paper, N.7, s: 8-12.
  • Brooks, S.G., Ikenberry, G.J., Wohlforth, W.C. (2012) Don’t Come Home America, International Security, Vol:37. No:3. S: 10-15.
  • Catala, A. (2015), Democracy, Trust and Epistemic Justice, The Monist, Vol 98, No 4, s: 424-440.
  • Center for Strategic and International Studies, “Tensions in the South China Sea Explained in 18 Maps”, 20151 (Erişim Tarihi: 12.06.2020).
  • China’s National Defence, 2013, Information Office of the State Council the People’s Republic of China, Beijing, s: 29-39.
  • Congressional Research Service, (2020), US-China Strategic Competition in South and East China Seas: Background and Issues for Congress, s: 43-46.
  • CRS Report For Congress, 2005, US-China Military Contacts: Issues For Congress, Congressional Research Services, s: 1-10.
  • Cook, K., Santana, J. (2017), Trust and Rational Choice, in E.M. Uslaner (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Social and Political Trust, Oxford, U.K.
  • Council on Foreign Relations, (2020), Rising Tensions in the South China Sea, 1-2.
  • Eckholm, E. (2002). China Complains U.S. Navy Violated 200-Mil Zone, 200mile-zone.html (Erişim Tarihi: 02.05.2020).
  • Friedberg, A. (2019). The Rise of China and the Strategic Challenge to the US. (Erişim Tarihi: 01.07.2020).
  • German Institue for International and Security Affairs, Strategic Rivalry Between US and China, 2020, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.07.2020).
  • Haas, B. (2017). No Access: Rex Tillerson Sets Collision Course With Beijing in South China Sea. (Erişim Tarihi: 29.06.2020).
  • Heginbotham, E., Nixon, M., Morgan, F.E., Heim, J.L., Hagen, J., Li, S., vd. (2015). US China Military Scorecard: US Penetration of Chinese Airspace, s: 99-116.
  • Heginbotham, E., Nixon, M., Morgan, F.E., Heim, J.L., Hagen, J., Li, S., vd. (2015). US China Military Scorecard: US Capability to Attack Chinese Air Bases, s: 133-151.
  • Heginbotham, E., Nixon, M., Morgan, F.E., Heim, J.L., Hagen, J., Li, S., vd. (2015). US China Military Scorecard: Chinese Anti Surface Warfare, 160-172.
  • Heginbotham, E., Nixon, M., Morgan, F.E., Heim, J.L., Hagen, J., Li, S., vd. (2015). US China Military Scorecard: Chinese Counterspace Capabilities Versus US Space Systems, 245-250.
  • Kan, S.A. (2010). U.S. China Military Contacts: Issues for Congress, Congressional Research Service, 34-38.
  • Kastner, S.L., Pearson, M.M., Rector, C. (2019). China’s Strategic Multilateralism: Investing in Global Governance, Cambridge University Press, s: 60-62.
  • Kulacki, G. (2014). An Authoritative Source on China’s Military Space Strategy, Union of Concerned Scientists, s:2-12.
  • Kaplan, R.D. (2020). Why the US China Cold War Will Be Different, The National Interest,1-4.
  • Kaplan R.D. (2005). How We Would Fight China, Atlantic Monthly, 1-4.
  • Kaufman, A.A. (2011). The “Century of Humiliation” and China’s National Narratives,, 1-10.
  • Krishnamurthy, D. (2015), Tyranny and the Democratic Value of Distrust, The Monist, Vol 98, No 4.
  • Lockie, A. (2016). How the World’s Largest Military Stacks up to the US Armed Forces, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.06.2020).
  • Mearsheimer, J.J. (2010), The Gathering Storm: China’s Challenge to US Power in Asia, The Chinese Journal of International Politics, Vol:3, s: 386-390
  • Macdonald, A. (2017). China’s Evolving Nuclear Forces: Changes, Rationales and Implications, Journal of Military and Strategic Studies, Vol.18, Issue.1, s: 117-122.
  • MFA China Official Twitter Account, (Erişim Tarihi: 01.07.2020).
  • National Security Strategy, 2010, White House, s: 7-14.
  • National Security Strategy, 2015, White House, s: 7-13, 23-27.
  • National Security Strategy, 2017, White House, s: 2,21, 37-38.
  • O’Rourke R. (2018). Maritime Territorial and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Disputes İnvolving China: Issues for Congress. Congressional Research Service Report. S: 2-7, 43-49.
  • Pang, Z. (2008). China’s Non-Intervention Question. Global Ressponsibility to Protect 1, 237-252. DOI 10.1163/187598409X424315.
  • Pathak, S. (2015). The Peace in China’s Peaceful Rise. E-International Relations. https://www.e- (Erişim Tarihi: 01.07.2020).
  • Popescu, A.I.C. (2017). Kontrol of Key Maritime Straits: China’s Global Strategic Objective International Journal of Economics and Business Administration, Volume.V, Issue.1, s: 100-101.
  • Project Air Force Report, An Attractive Look at the US-China Military Scorecard, 2015, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.06.2020).
  • Principles of China’s Foreign Policy, Columbia University, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.06.2020).
  • REUTERS, China Says U.S. Warship Violated its South China Sea Sovereignty, south-china-sea-sovereignty-idUSKBN1F9088 (Erişim Tarihi: 02.06.2020).
  • Qu, X., Erickson, A., Goldstein, L.J., (2006). Maritime Geostrategy and the Development of the Chinese Navy in the Early Twenty First Century, Naval War College Review: Vol.59, No.4, s:50. Ramkumar, M., Santosh, M., Mathew M.J., Menier, D., Nagarajan, R., Sautter, B. (2020). Hydrocarbon Reserves of South China Sea: Implications for Regional Energy Security, Energy Geoscience, s:3-4.
  • Rinehart, I.E. (2016). The Chinese Military: Overview and Issues for Congress, Congressional Research Service Report, s:12-18.
  • Singh, B., Tan, S.S., (2011). China’s Defence Diplomacy in Southeast Asia. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, s:3.
  • Sheen, Seong-ho., (2019). China’s Military Power Trajectory, EIA Working Paper, Seoul National University, s:2-10.
  • Summary of the 2018 National Defence Strategy of US of America: Sharpening the American Military’s Competitive Edge. S:1-14.
  • The State Council, The People’s Republic of China, 2011, China’s Peaceful Development, White Paper, 2-10.
  • Ikenberry, G.J. (2004). American Hegemony and East Asian Order. Australian Journal of International Affairs. Vol:58. No:3. S: 353-365. DOI: 10.1080/1035771042000260129.
  • Van De Walle, S., Six, F. (2014), Trust and Distrust as Distinct Concept: Why Studying Distrust in Institutions is Important, Journal of Comperative Policy Analysis, Vol 16, No 2.
  • Vaughn, B. (2007). US Strategic and Defence Relationships in the Asia Pacific Region, CRS Report For Congress, Congressional Research Service, s:14-24.
  • Wroughton, L. (2016). Kerry to Urge ASEAN to Find Diplomatic Ways to Ease South China Sea Tensions. (Erişim Tarihi: 02.07.2020).
  • Xiaoyan, W. (2014). China’s Sea Power Nation Strategy, Institue for Security and Development Policy, Asia Paper, s: 8-9;19-20.
  • Yoshihara, T. (2018). The Strategic Significance of the South China Sea: American, Asian and International Perspectives 2. Hudson Institue. (Erişim Tarihi: 28.06.2020).
  • Yamaguchi, S. (2016). Strategies of China’s Maritime Actors in the South China Sea, China Perspectives, N.3, s: 23-30.
  • Zoellick, R.B. (2005). Whither China: From Membership to Responsibility, Remarks to National Committee on US-China Relations, US Department of State, 1-3.

Sino-American Presence in the South China Sea: Continuity of Threat Perception in Geo-Strategic Competition

Year 2022, Issue: 106, 117 - 140, 26.06.2022


This study focuses on Sino-US competition in the South China Sea. It seeks to answer why the South China Sea is the scene of increasing competition between the two states. Within the framework of the underlined question, the study primarily claims that the continuity in threat perception is the main factor in South China Sea competition. Via threat perception conceptualization, it reveals the main points that make the South China Sea a competitive area for both the US and China. It addresses these threats through the strategic approaches of both states and their reflections on national security documents. As the second important point, it argues the effects of the continuity in threat perception on geostrategic targets and steps, moreover discusses the factors that bring the two states face to face in the region. While presenting the positions of the US and China in the area across the cost and benefit equation, it discusses how these positions turn into competitive elements.


  • Allison, G. (2017). What Xi Jinping Wants, The Atlantic, 1-4.
  • Arrighi, G. (2007). Adam Smith Pekin’de: 21.Yüzyılın Soy Kütüğü (Çeviren: İbrahim YILDIZ). Yordam Kitap, s: 295-296.
  • Barracks, C. (1997). Maritime Choke Points: Key Sea Lines of Communications and Strategy, U.S. Army War Collage, USAWC Strategy Research Project, s:18-19.
  • Beckley, M. (2017). Balancing China: How the US and Its Partners Can Check Chinese Naval Expansion, National Security Review, 1-5.
  • Bertsou, E. (2019), Rethinking Political Distrust, European Political Science Review, No 11, s: 223.
  • Beukel, E. (2010). China and South China Sea: Two Faces of Power in the Rising China’s Neighborhood Policy, DISS Working Paper, N.7, s: 8-12.
  • Brooks, S.G., Ikenberry, G.J., Wohlforth, W.C. (2012) Don’t Come Home America, International Security, Vol:37. No:3. S: 10-15.
  • Catala, A. (2015), Democracy, Trust and Epistemic Justice, The Monist, Vol 98, No 4, s: 424-440.
  • Center for Strategic and International Studies, “Tensions in the South China Sea Explained in 18 Maps”, 20151 (Erişim Tarihi: 12.06.2020).
  • China’s National Defence, 2013, Information Office of the State Council the People’s Republic of China, Beijing, s: 29-39.
  • Congressional Research Service, (2020), US-China Strategic Competition in South and East China Seas: Background and Issues for Congress, s: 43-46.
  • CRS Report For Congress, 2005, US-China Military Contacts: Issues For Congress, Congressional Research Services, s: 1-10.
  • Cook, K., Santana, J. (2017), Trust and Rational Choice, in E.M. Uslaner (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Social and Political Trust, Oxford, U.K.
  • Council on Foreign Relations, (2020), Rising Tensions in the South China Sea, 1-2.
  • Eckholm, E. (2002). China Complains U.S. Navy Violated 200-Mil Zone, 200mile-zone.html (Erişim Tarihi: 02.05.2020).
  • Friedberg, A. (2019). The Rise of China and the Strategic Challenge to the US. (Erişim Tarihi: 01.07.2020).
  • German Institue for International and Security Affairs, Strategic Rivalry Between US and China, 2020, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.07.2020).
  • Haas, B. (2017). No Access: Rex Tillerson Sets Collision Course With Beijing in South China Sea. (Erişim Tarihi: 29.06.2020).
  • Heginbotham, E., Nixon, M., Morgan, F.E., Heim, J.L., Hagen, J., Li, S., vd. (2015). US China Military Scorecard: US Penetration of Chinese Airspace, s: 99-116.
  • Heginbotham, E., Nixon, M., Morgan, F.E., Heim, J.L., Hagen, J., Li, S., vd. (2015). US China Military Scorecard: US Capability to Attack Chinese Air Bases, s: 133-151.
  • Heginbotham, E., Nixon, M., Morgan, F.E., Heim, J.L., Hagen, J., Li, S., vd. (2015). US China Military Scorecard: Chinese Anti Surface Warfare, 160-172.
  • Heginbotham, E., Nixon, M., Morgan, F.E., Heim, J.L., Hagen, J., Li, S., vd. (2015). US China Military Scorecard: Chinese Counterspace Capabilities Versus US Space Systems, 245-250.
  • Kan, S.A. (2010). U.S. China Military Contacts: Issues for Congress, Congressional Research Service, 34-38.
  • Kastner, S.L., Pearson, M.M., Rector, C. (2019). China’s Strategic Multilateralism: Investing in Global Governance, Cambridge University Press, s: 60-62.
  • Kulacki, G. (2014). An Authoritative Source on China’s Military Space Strategy, Union of Concerned Scientists, s:2-12.
  • Kaplan, R.D. (2020). Why the US China Cold War Will Be Different, The National Interest,1-4.
  • Kaplan R.D. (2005). How We Would Fight China, Atlantic Monthly, 1-4.
  • Kaufman, A.A. (2011). The “Century of Humiliation” and China’s National Narratives,, 1-10.
  • Krishnamurthy, D. (2015), Tyranny and the Democratic Value of Distrust, The Monist, Vol 98, No 4.
  • Lockie, A. (2016). How the World’s Largest Military Stacks up to the US Armed Forces, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.06.2020).
  • Mearsheimer, J.J. (2010), The Gathering Storm: China’s Challenge to US Power in Asia, The Chinese Journal of International Politics, Vol:3, s: 386-390
  • Macdonald, A. (2017). China’s Evolving Nuclear Forces: Changes, Rationales and Implications, Journal of Military and Strategic Studies, Vol.18, Issue.1, s: 117-122.
  • MFA China Official Twitter Account, (Erişim Tarihi: 01.07.2020).
  • National Security Strategy, 2010, White House, s: 7-14.
  • National Security Strategy, 2015, White House, s: 7-13, 23-27.
  • National Security Strategy, 2017, White House, s: 2,21, 37-38.
  • O’Rourke R. (2018). Maritime Territorial and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Disputes İnvolving China: Issues for Congress. Congressional Research Service Report. S: 2-7, 43-49.
  • Pang, Z. (2008). China’s Non-Intervention Question. Global Ressponsibility to Protect 1, 237-252. DOI 10.1163/187598409X424315.
  • Pathak, S. (2015). The Peace in China’s Peaceful Rise. E-International Relations. https://www.e- (Erişim Tarihi: 01.07.2020).
  • Popescu, A.I.C. (2017). Kontrol of Key Maritime Straits: China’s Global Strategic Objective International Journal of Economics and Business Administration, Volume.V, Issue.1, s: 100-101.
  • Project Air Force Report, An Attractive Look at the US-China Military Scorecard, 2015, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.06.2020).
  • Principles of China’s Foreign Policy, Columbia University, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.06.2020).
  • REUTERS, China Says U.S. Warship Violated its South China Sea Sovereignty, south-china-sea-sovereignty-idUSKBN1F9088 (Erişim Tarihi: 02.06.2020).
  • Qu, X., Erickson, A., Goldstein, L.J., (2006). Maritime Geostrategy and the Development of the Chinese Navy in the Early Twenty First Century, Naval War College Review: Vol.59, No.4, s:50. Ramkumar, M., Santosh, M., Mathew M.J., Menier, D., Nagarajan, R., Sautter, B. (2020). Hydrocarbon Reserves of South China Sea: Implications for Regional Energy Security, Energy Geoscience, s:3-4.
  • Rinehart, I.E. (2016). The Chinese Military: Overview and Issues for Congress, Congressional Research Service Report, s:12-18.
  • Singh, B., Tan, S.S., (2011). China’s Defence Diplomacy in Southeast Asia. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, s:3.
  • Sheen, Seong-ho., (2019). China’s Military Power Trajectory, EIA Working Paper, Seoul National University, s:2-10.
  • Summary of the 2018 National Defence Strategy of US of America: Sharpening the American Military’s Competitive Edge. S:1-14.
  • The State Council, The People’s Republic of China, 2011, China’s Peaceful Development, White Paper, 2-10.
  • Ikenberry, G.J. (2004). American Hegemony and East Asian Order. Australian Journal of International Affairs. Vol:58. No:3. S: 353-365. DOI: 10.1080/1035771042000260129.
  • Van De Walle, S., Six, F. (2014), Trust and Distrust as Distinct Concept: Why Studying Distrust in Institutions is Important, Journal of Comperative Policy Analysis, Vol 16, No 2.
  • Vaughn, B. (2007). US Strategic and Defence Relationships in the Asia Pacific Region, CRS Report For Congress, Congressional Research Service, s:14-24.
  • Wroughton, L. (2016). Kerry to Urge ASEAN to Find Diplomatic Ways to Ease South China Sea Tensions. (Erişim Tarihi: 02.07.2020).
  • Xiaoyan, W. (2014). China’s Sea Power Nation Strategy, Institue for Security and Development Policy, Asia Paper, s: 8-9;19-20.
  • Yoshihara, T. (2018). The Strategic Significance of the South China Sea: American, Asian and International Perspectives 2. Hudson Institue. (Erişim Tarihi: 28.06.2020).
  • Yamaguchi, S. (2016). Strategies of China’s Maritime Actors in the South China Sea, China Perspectives, N.3, s: 23-30.
  • Zoellick, R.B. (2005). Whither China: From Membership to Responsibility, Remarks to National Committee on US-China Relations, US Department of State, 1-3.
There are 57 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Araştırma

Meysune Yaşar 0000-0001-9073-6350

Early Pub Date October 25, 2022
Publication Date June 26, 2022
Submission Date September 27, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Issue: 106


APA Yaşar, M. (2022). Güney Çin Denizi’nde Sino-Amerikan Varlığı: Jeo-Stratejik Rekabette Tehdit Algısının Sürekliliği. Liberal Düşünce Dergisi(106), 117-140.