Research Article
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Exploring English as a foreign language students’ perceptions and needs of digital competences in a Turkish higher education context

Year 2024, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 76 - 102, 30.06.2024


The purpose of this study is to explore the perceptions of college students towards digital competences and how they evaluate their needs for competence in learning and using English as a foreign language (EFL). The participants are 20 students (10 males and 10 females) learning EFL at the school of foreign languages of a private university in İstanbul, Türkiye. Data were collected via a socio-demographic questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. For the analyses of the qualitative data, codes, and themes were determined and organized according to the inductive thematic analysis approach, for which Braun and Clarke’s (2006) six-step procedure was followed. The results revealed themes of skills for digitalization, ownership of digital tools, positive attitudes towards digital competences in language education, needs relating to language use and learning: assessment, communication, interaction, resources, information, lessons and teachers, and finally, differences between before and after distance education in terms of digital competences. Compared with the present literature, tertiary level EFL learners have positive views of digital competences that cover widely accepted definitions and perceive their own digital competence levels as sufficient, teachers are perceived as having more digital competence than students. Digital competences are widely used in lessons, extracurricular activities, and assessment-evaluation processes, even though school curricula do not sufficiently prioritise them. They also believe that they need similar digital competences in foreign language education, parallel to literature. Although it has been shown that the school gives students enough opportunity to enhance their digital competences, there are still several suggestions made by the participants to advance their academic and professional goals. Furthermore, it is thought that national higher education policies do not place enough emphasis on this issue. In conclusion, digital competences should be prioritised, according to suggestions made by national policymakers, institution administrators, and university instructors as well as students.


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Year 2024, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 76 - 102, 30.06.2024



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  • Gençtürk-Erdem, E., Başar, F. B., Toktay, G., Yayğaz, İ. H. ve Küçüksüleymanoğlu, R. (2021). E-twinning projelerinin öğretmenlerin dijital okuryazarlık becerilerine katkısı [The contribution of e-twinning projects to teachers' digital literacy skills]. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, 7(3), 204-219.
  • Gezer, U., & Ersoy, A. F. (2021). The Effect of Activities Based on Mobile Applications on Academic Achievement, Critical Thinking Skills and Motivation in Social Studies Course. Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences International (AJESI), 11(2).
  • Göldağ, Ö. Ü. B., & Kanat, Ö. Ü. S. (2018). Güzel sanatlar eğitimi alan öğrencilerin dijital okuryazarlık durumları [Digital literacy status of students studying fine arts]. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 70, 77-92.
  • Gürleroğlu, L. (2019). 5E modeline uygun web 2.0 uygulamaları ile gerçekleştirilen fen bilimleri öğretiminin öğrenci başarısına motivasyonuna tutumuna ve dijital okuryazarlığına etkisinin incelenmesi [Examining the effect of science teaching carried out with web 2.0 applications in accordance with the 5E model on student success, motivation, attitude and digital literacy] [Doctoral dissertation] Marmara University. Available atı-ile/docview/2469115393/se-2
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  • Humpl, S., & Andersen, T. (2022). The future of digital and online learning in higher education. Luxembourg: EU Publications Office.
  • Ito, M., Horst, H., Bittanti, M., Boyd, D., Herr-Stephenson, B., Lange, P. G., Pascoe, C. J. & Robinson, L. (2009). Living and learning with new media: Summary of findings from the digital youth project. MacArthur Foundation.
  • Janssen, J., Stoyanov, S., Ferrari, A., Punie, Y., Pannekeet, K., & Sloep, P. (2013). Experts’ views on digital competence: Commonalities and differences. Computers & Education, 68, 473-481.
  • Karmila, D., Berlian, M., & Pratama, D. O. (2021). The role of interactive videos in mathematics learning activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Conference on Educational Sciences and Teacher Profession (ICETeP 2020) (pp. 141-144). Atlantis Press.
  • Kayaduman, H., & Battal, A. (2020). The relationship between digital literacy and distance education perceptions. ICERI2020 Proceedings, 2223-2227.
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There are 75 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects English As A Second Language, Applied Linguistics and Educational Linguistics
Journal Section Research Articles

Murat Akbıyık 0000-0003-2638-6397

Didem Koban Koç 0000-0002-0869-6749

Publication Date June 30, 2024
Submission Date April 20, 2024
Acceptance Date June 20, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 10 Issue: 1


APA Akbıyık, M., & Koban Koç, D. (2024). Exploring English as a foreign language students’ perceptions and needs of digital competences in a Turkish higher education context. The Literacy Trek, 10(1), 76-102.

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