Research Article
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Evaluation of the sex-determining features of upper and lower extremity morphometric measurements in the newborn

Year 2023, , 253 - 266, 31.08.2023


Somatometric measurements are frequently used for identity determination in forensic investigations. Especially in the aftermath of mass disasters, the need arises to determine the age and sex of fragmented body remains, requiring data related to extremities. The literature often highlights the limitations of studies concerning sex determination during the prepubertal period. Therefore, our study aims to identify and evaluate morphometric measurements of upper and lower extremities in the neonatal period for sex determination. The study was conducted on 399 newborns (196 females, 203 males; 326 Turkish, 73 Syrian) without any external anomalies or pathologies. Initially, length and width parameters were measured for the upper and lower extremities of the newborns. Subsequently, index values were determined to examine the proportional relationship between the upper and lower extremities. The obtained data were statistically analyzed and compared based on sex and groups. According to the results, all parameter and index values obtained from the upper and lower extremities, except for the leg/thigh length index, showed no statistically significant difference between sexes. The study's neonatal extremity measurements are believed to contribute to fields such as forensic sciences, fetopathology, anatomy, obstetrics, and pediatrics concerning growth, development, and sex determination.

Supporting Institution

Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü

Project Number



This study was supported by Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Research Fund under Grant (BAP-Project No: 0591-MP-19). And we would like to thank children and their parents and also Obstetrics Clinc in Istanbul Sancaktepe Şehit Prof. Dr. İlhan Varank Training and Research Hospital.


  • Aboul-Hagag, K. E., Mohamed, S. A., Hilal, M. A. & Mohamed, E. A. (2011). Determination of sex from hand dimensions and index/ring fnger length ratio in Upper Egyptians. Egypt J. Forensic. Sci. 1, 80–86.
  • Agnihorti KA, Kachhwaha S, Googoolye K, Allock A. (2011). Estimation of stature from cephalo-facial dimensions by regression analysis in indo-maurition population. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 1; 18:167-172.
  • Amirsheybani, H. R. et al (2001). The natural history of the growth of the hand: I Hand area as a percentage of body surface area. Plastic Reconstruct. Surgery 107, 726–733.
  • Arnold, A. P. (2009). The organizational–activational hypothesis as the foundation for a unifed theory of sexual diferentiation of ammalian tissues. Horm. Behav. 55, 570–578.
  • Butovskaya M, Burkova V, Apalkova Y, Dronova D, Rostovtseva V, Karelin D, Mkrtchyan R, Negasheva M, Batsevich V. (2021). Sex, population origin, age and average digit length as predictors of digit ratio in three large world populations. Sci Rep. 14;11(1):8157.
  • Cohen-Bendahan, C. C., van de Beek, C. & Berenbaum, S. A. (2005). Prenatal sex hormone efects on child and adult sex-typed behavior: methods and findings. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. 29, 353–384.
  • Çöloğlu AS, İscan MY. (1998). Adli Osteoloji, 1.Baskı, İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi, Adli Tıp Enstitüsü, 1998.
  • Dressler, S. G. & Voracek, M. (2011). No association between two candidate markers of prenatal sex hormones: digit ratios (2D:4D and other) and fnger-ridge counts. Dev. Psychobiol. 53, 69–78.
  • Ernsten L, Körner LM, Heil M, Richards G, Schaal NK. (2021). Investigating the reliability and sex differences of digit lengths, ratios, and hand measures in infants. Sci Rep. 26;11(1):10998.
  • Fessler DMT, Haley KJ, Lal RD. (2005) Sexuel dimorphism in foot lenght proportionate to stature. Ann Hum Biol; 32(1):44–59.
  • Giles E, Vallandigham PH. (1991) Height estimation from foot and shoeprint lenght. J Forensic Sci; 36(4): 1134–1151.
  • Goodman, F. R. (2002) Limb malformations and the human HOX genes. Am. J. Med. Genet. 112, 256–265.
  • Gordon C, Chumlea W, Roche A, (1991) Stature, recumbent length, and weight, in: T. Lohman, A. Roche, R. Martorell (Eds.), Anthropometric Standardisation Reference Manual, Human Kinetics Books, Champaign, IL, pp. 3–8.
  • Gordon CC, Buikstra JE. (1992) Linear models for the prediction of stature from foot and boot dimensions. J Forensic Sci; 37(3): 771–782.
  • Gupta S, Gupta V, Tyagi N, Ettishree, Bhagat S, Dadu M, Anthwal N, Ashraf T. (2017) Index/Ring Finger Ratio, Hand and Foot Index: Gender Estimation Tools. J Clin Diagn Res. 2017 Jun;11(6):ZC73-ZC77.
  • Hönekopp, J. & Watson, S. (2010) Meta-analysis of digit ratio 2D:4D shows greater sex difference in the right hand. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 22, 619–630.
  • İris M, Celbis O. (2003) Türk toplumunda humerus uzunluğundan boy tahmini. Adli, Bilimler Dergisi; 2(4): 9–15. Jasuja OP, Singh G. (2004) Estimation of stature from hand and phalange lenght. JIAFM 2004; 26(3). ISSN 0971–0973.
  • Jowaheer V, Agnihotri A.K. (2011) Sex identification on the basis of hand and foot measurements in Indo-Mauritian population – a model based approach, J. Forensic Leg. Med. 18 173–176.
  • Kanchan J, Rastogi P. (2009) Sex determination from hand dimensions of North and South Indians, J. Forensic Sci. 54;546–550.
  • Kanchan, T., Krishan, K. (2011) Anthropometry of hand in sex determination of dismembered remains—A review of literature. J. Forensic Leg. Med. 18, 14–17.
  • Knickmeyer, R. C., Woolson, S., Hamer, R. M., Konneker, T., Gilmore, J. H. (2011) 2D:4D ratios in the first 2 years of life: Stability and relation to testosterone exposure and sensitivity. Horm. Behav. 60, 256–263.
  • Kondo, T., Zákány, J., Innis, J. W. , Duboule, D. (1997). Of fingers, toes, and penises. Nature. 390, 29.
  • Krishan K, Sharma A. (2007) Estimation of stature from dimension of hand and feet in north indian population. J Forensic Leg Med.; 14(6):327-32.
  • Krishan K, Kanchan T, Sharma A. (2011). Sex determination from hand and foot dimensions in a North Indian population, J. Forensic Sci. 56; 453–459.
  • Krogman WR, Iscan MY. (1986) The human skeleton in forensic medicine. Second edition. Springfield, Charles C Thomas; 50–372.
  • Kumar, A., Mundra, T.S., Kumar, A. (2015) Anatomy of the hand. In: Li s. Z., Jain A. K. (eds) Encyyclopedia of Biometrics. Springer, Boston, MA.
  • Kumar, S., Voracek, M. & Singh, M. (2017) Sexual dimorphism in digit ratios derived from dorsal digit length among adults and children. Front. Endocrinol. 8, 41.
  • Kumar G P, Kumar U K. (1993) Estimation of gestational age from hand and foot length. Med Sci Law; 33: 48- 50.
  • Loehlin, J. C., Medland, S. E. & Martin, N. G. (2009) Relative finger lengths, sex differences, and psychological traits. Arch Sex Behav. 38, 298–305.
  • Loth, S.R., Henneberg, M. (2001) Sexual dimorphic mandibular morphology in the first few years of life Am. J. Phys. Anthrop., 115, 179-186
  • Malas MA, Doğan Ş, Evcil EH, Desdicioğlu K. (2008) Yenidoğan - Beş Yaş Arası Çocuklarda ve 16-60 Yaş Arası Erişkinlerde 2.-4. Parmak Oranının Araştırılması. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 2008;15(3):17-22.
  • Malas, M.A., Dogan, S., Evcil, E.H., Desdicioglu, K. (2006) Fetal development of the hand, digits and digit ratio (2D:4D). Early Hum. Dev. 82(7), 469-75.
  • Manning, J. T. (2012) in Handbook of Anthropometry: Physical Measures of Human Form in Health and Disease (ed Victor R. Preedy) 841–851 (Springer New York, 2012).
  • Manning, J. T. & Fink, B. (2018) Sexual dimorphism in the ontogeny of second (2D) and fourth (4D) digit lengths, and digit ratio (2D:4D). Am. J. Hum. Biol. 30(4), e23138
  • Mall G, Hubig M, Büttner A, Kuznik J, Penning R, Graw M. (2001) Sex determination and estimation of stature from the long bones of the arm, Forensic Science International,Volume 117, Issues 1–2,Pages 23-30.
  • McIntyre, M. H., Cohn, B. A. & Ellison, P. T. (2006) Sex dimorphism in digital formulae of children. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 129, 143–150. (2006).
  • Özden H, Balcı Y, Demirüstü C, Turgut A (2005) Stature and sex estimate using foot and shoe dimension. Forensic Sci İnt 2005; 147(2–3): 181–184.
  • Patriquin, M. Steyn, S.R. Loth, (2005) Metric analysis of sex differences in South African black and white pelves, Forensic Sci. Int. 147 (2005) 119–127.
  • Raziye, D., Ceren, U., Kadir, D., Osman, S. & Mehmed, A. M. (2016) A radiological investigation on the hand development in human fetuses throughout the fetal period and an evaluation performed in terms of its clinical importance hand development. Int. J. Morphol. 34, 1539–1552 (2016).
  • Sahni D, Sanjeev, Sharma P, Harjeet (2010) Estimation of stature from facial measurements in northwest indians. Legal Medice 2010; 12: 23-27.
  • Sanlı SG, Kızılkanat ED, Boyan N, Özşahin ET (2005) Stature estimation based on hand lenght and foot lenght. Clin Anat 2005;18(8):589–596.
  • Scheuer, L.: Application of osteology to forensic medicine. Clin Anat. 15,297-312. (2002)
  • Sing, P. K., Tamrakar, D., Karki, S, Menezes, R. G. (2017) Determination of sex from the foramen magnum using 3DCT: A. Nepalese Study. Kathmandu Univ Med J. 57(1),61-5.
  • Stenstrom, E., Saad, G., Nepomuceno, M. V. & Mendenhall, Z. (2011) Testosterone and domain-specifc risk: Digit ratios (2D:4D and rel2) as predictors of recreational, fnancial, and social risk-taking behaviors. Pers. Individ. Dif. 51, 412–416.
  • Ubelaker DH (2006) Introduction to forensic anthropology, In: Schmitt A, Cunha E, Pinheiro J, editors. Forensic anthropology and medicine, Second ed. New Jersey, Humana Press;, 3-13.
  • Wong, W. I. & Hines, M. (2016) Interpreting digit ratio (2D:4D)-behavior correlations: 2D:4D sex diference, stability, and behavioral correlates and their replicability in young children. Horm. Behav. 78, 86–94.
Year 2023, , 253 - 266, 31.08.2023


Project Number



  • Aboul-Hagag, K. E., Mohamed, S. A., Hilal, M. A. & Mohamed, E. A. (2011). Determination of sex from hand dimensions and index/ring fnger length ratio in Upper Egyptians. Egypt J. Forensic. Sci. 1, 80–86.
  • Agnihorti KA, Kachhwaha S, Googoolye K, Allock A. (2011). Estimation of stature from cephalo-facial dimensions by regression analysis in indo-maurition population. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 1; 18:167-172.
  • Amirsheybani, H. R. et al (2001). The natural history of the growth of the hand: I Hand area as a percentage of body surface area. Plastic Reconstruct. Surgery 107, 726–733.
  • Arnold, A. P. (2009). The organizational–activational hypothesis as the foundation for a unifed theory of sexual diferentiation of ammalian tissues. Horm. Behav. 55, 570–578.
  • Butovskaya M, Burkova V, Apalkova Y, Dronova D, Rostovtseva V, Karelin D, Mkrtchyan R, Negasheva M, Batsevich V. (2021). Sex, population origin, age and average digit length as predictors of digit ratio in three large world populations. Sci Rep. 14;11(1):8157.
  • Cohen-Bendahan, C. C., van de Beek, C. & Berenbaum, S. A. (2005). Prenatal sex hormone efects on child and adult sex-typed behavior: methods and findings. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. 29, 353–384.
  • Çöloğlu AS, İscan MY. (1998). Adli Osteoloji, 1.Baskı, İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi, Adli Tıp Enstitüsü, 1998.
  • Dressler, S. G. & Voracek, M. (2011). No association between two candidate markers of prenatal sex hormones: digit ratios (2D:4D and other) and fnger-ridge counts. Dev. Psychobiol. 53, 69–78.
  • Ernsten L, Körner LM, Heil M, Richards G, Schaal NK. (2021). Investigating the reliability and sex differences of digit lengths, ratios, and hand measures in infants. Sci Rep. 26;11(1):10998.
  • Fessler DMT, Haley KJ, Lal RD. (2005) Sexuel dimorphism in foot lenght proportionate to stature. Ann Hum Biol; 32(1):44–59.
  • Giles E, Vallandigham PH. (1991) Height estimation from foot and shoeprint lenght. J Forensic Sci; 36(4): 1134–1151.
  • Goodman, F. R. (2002) Limb malformations and the human HOX genes. Am. J. Med. Genet. 112, 256–265.
  • Gordon C, Chumlea W, Roche A, (1991) Stature, recumbent length, and weight, in: T. Lohman, A. Roche, R. Martorell (Eds.), Anthropometric Standardisation Reference Manual, Human Kinetics Books, Champaign, IL, pp. 3–8.
  • Gordon CC, Buikstra JE. (1992) Linear models for the prediction of stature from foot and boot dimensions. J Forensic Sci; 37(3): 771–782.
  • Gupta S, Gupta V, Tyagi N, Ettishree, Bhagat S, Dadu M, Anthwal N, Ashraf T. (2017) Index/Ring Finger Ratio, Hand and Foot Index: Gender Estimation Tools. J Clin Diagn Res. 2017 Jun;11(6):ZC73-ZC77.
  • Hönekopp, J. & Watson, S. (2010) Meta-analysis of digit ratio 2D:4D shows greater sex difference in the right hand. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 22, 619–630.
  • İris M, Celbis O. (2003) Türk toplumunda humerus uzunluğundan boy tahmini. Adli, Bilimler Dergisi; 2(4): 9–15. Jasuja OP, Singh G. (2004) Estimation of stature from hand and phalange lenght. JIAFM 2004; 26(3). ISSN 0971–0973.
  • Jowaheer V, Agnihotri A.K. (2011) Sex identification on the basis of hand and foot measurements in Indo-Mauritian population – a model based approach, J. Forensic Leg. Med. 18 173–176.
  • Kanchan J, Rastogi P. (2009) Sex determination from hand dimensions of North and South Indians, J. Forensic Sci. 54;546–550.
  • Kanchan, T., Krishan, K. (2011) Anthropometry of hand in sex determination of dismembered remains—A review of literature. J. Forensic Leg. Med. 18, 14–17.
  • Knickmeyer, R. C., Woolson, S., Hamer, R. M., Konneker, T., Gilmore, J. H. (2011) 2D:4D ratios in the first 2 years of life: Stability and relation to testosterone exposure and sensitivity. Horm. Behav. 60, 256–263.
  • Kondo, T., Zákány, J., Innis, J. W. , Duboule, D. (1997). Of fingers, toes, and penises. Nature. 390, 29.
  • Krishan K, Sharma A. (2007) Estimation of stature from dimension of hand and feet in north indian population. J Forensic Leg Med.; 14(6):327-32.
  • Krishan K, Kanchan T, Sharma A. (2011). Sex determination from hand and foot dimensions in a North Indian population, J. Forensic Sci. 56; 453–459.
  • Krogman WR, Iscan MY. (1986) The human skeleton in forensic medicine. Second edition. Springfield, Charles C Thomas; 50–372.
  • Kumar, A., Mundra, T.S., Kumar, A. (2015) Anatomy of the hand. In: Li s. Z., Jain A. K. (eds) Encyyclopedia of Biometrics. Springer, Boston, MA.
  • Kumar, S., Voracek, M. & Singh, M. (2017) Sexual dimorphism in digit ratios derived from dorsal digit length among adults and children. Front. Endocrinol. 8, 41.
  • Kumar G P, Kumar U K. (1993) Estimation of gestational age from hand and foot length. Med Sci Law; 33: 48- 50.
  • Loehlin, J. C., Medland, S. E. & Martin, N. G. (2009) Relative finger lengths, sex differences, and psychological traits. Arch Sex Behav. 38, 298–305.
  • Loth, S.R., Henneberg, M. (2001) Sexual dimorphic mandibular morphology in the first few years of life Am. J. Phys. Anthrop., 115, 179-186
  • Malas MA, Doğan Ş, Evcil EH, Desdicioğlu K. (2008) Yenidoğan - Beş Yaş Arası Çocuklarda ve 16-60 Yaş Arası Erişkinlerde 2.-4. Parmak Oranının Araştırılması. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 2008;15(3):17-22.
  • Malas, M.A., Dogan, S., Evcil, E.H., Desdicioglu, K. (2006) Fetal development of the hand, digits and digit ratio (2D:4D). Early Hum. Dev. 82(7), 469-75.
  • Manning, J. T. (2012) in Handbook of Anthropometry: Physical Measures of Human Form in Health and Disease (ed Victor R. Preedy) 841–851 (Springer New York, 2012).
  • Manning, J. T. & Fink, B. (2018) Sexual dimorphism in the ontogeny of second (2D) and fourth (4D) digit lengths, and digit ratio (2D:4D). Am. J. Hum. Biol. 30(4), e23138
  • Mall G, Hubig M, Büttner A, Kuznik J, Penning R, Graw M. (2001) Sex determination and estimation of stature from the long bones of the arm, Forensic Science International,Volume 117, Issues 1–2,Pages 23-30.
  • McIntyre, M. H., Cohn, B. A. & Ellison, P. T. (2006) Sex dimorphism in digital formulae of children. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 129, 143–150. (2006).
  • Özden H, Balcı Y, Demirüstü C, Turgut A (2005) Stature and sex estimate using foot and shoe dimension. Forensic Sci İnt 2005; 147(2–3): 181–184.
  • Patriquin, M. Steyn, S.R. Loth, (2005) Metric analysis of sex differences in South African black and white pelves, Forensic Sci. Int. 147 (2005) 119–127.
  • Raziye, D., Ceren, U., Kadir, D., Osman, S. & Mehmed, A. M. (2016) A radiological investigation on the hand development in human fetuses throughout the fetal period and an evaluation performed in terms of its clinical importance hand development. Int. J. Morphol. 34, 1539–1552 (2016).
  • Sahni D, Sanjeev, Sharma P, Harjeet (2010) Estimation of stature from facial measurements in northwest indians. Legal Medice 2010; 12: 23-27.
  • Sanlı SG, Kızılkanat ED, Boyan N, Özşahin ET (2005) Stature estimation based on hand lenght and foot lenght. Clin Anat 2005;18(8):589–596.
  • Scheuer, L.: Application of osteology to forensic medicine. Clin Anat. 15,297-312. (2002)
  • Sing, P. K., Tamrakar, D., Karki, S, Menezes, R. G. (2017) Determination of sex from the foramen magnum using 3DCT: A. Nepalese Study. Kathmandu Univ Med J. 57(1),61-5.
  • Stenstrom, E., Saad, G., Nepomuceno, M. V. & Mendenhall, Z. (2011) Testosterone and domain-specifc risk: Digit ratios (2D:4D and rel2) as predictors of recreational, fnancial, and social risk-taking behaviors. Pers. Individ. Dif. 51, 412–416.
  • Ubelaker DH (2006) Introduction to forensic anthropology, In: Schmitt A, Cunha E, Pinheiro J, editors. Forensic anthropology and medicine, Second ed. New Jersey, Humana Press;, 3-13.
  • Wong, W. I. & Hines, M. (2016) Interpreting digit ratio (2D:4D)-behavior correlations: 2D:4D sex diference, stability, and behavioral correlates and their replicability in young children. Horm. Behav. 78, 86–94.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Forensic Medicine
Journal Section Research Article

Emine Hilal Şener 0000-0003-1303-3779

Project Number 0591-MP-19
Publication Date August 31, 2023
Submission Date July 31, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Şener, E. H. (2023). Evaluation of the sex-determining features of upper and lower extremity morphometric measurements in the newborn. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute, 11(2), 253-266.
AMA Şener EH. Evaluation of the sex-determining features of upper and lower extremity morphometric measurements in the newborn. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute. August 2023;11(2):253-266. doi:10.24998/maeusabed.1335426
Chicago Şener, Emine Hilal. “Evaluation of the Sex-Determining Features of Upper and Lower Extremity Morphometric Measurements in the Newborn”. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute 11, no. 2 (August 2023): 253-66.
EndNote Şener EH (August 1, 2023) Evaluation of the sex-determining features of upper and lower extremity morphometric measurements in the newborn. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute 11 2 253–266.
IEEE E. H. Şener, “Evaluation of the sex-determining features of upper and lower extremity morphometric measurements in the newborn”, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 253–266, 2023, doi: 10.24998/maeusabed.1335426.
ISNAD Şener, Emine Hilal. “Evaluation of the Sex-Determining Features of Upper and Lower Extremity Morphometric Measurements in the Newborn”. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute 11/2 (August 2023), 253-266.
JAMA Şener EH. Evaluation of the sex-determining features of upper and lower extremity morphometric measurements in the newborn. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute. 2023;11:253–266.
MLA Şener, Emine Hilal. “Evaluation of the Sex-Determining Features of Upper and Lower Extremity Morphometric Measurements in the Newborn”. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute, vol. 11, no. 2, 2023, pp. 253-66, doi:10.24998/maeusabed.1335426.
Vancouver Şener EH. Evaluation of the sex-determining features of upper and lower extremity morphometric measurements in the newborn. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute. 2023;11(2):253-66.

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