Case Report
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Bir Öksüz Kızıl Geyik Yavrusunda (Cervus elaphus) Distal Metakarpus Kırığı ve Bandajlı Tedavisi (Olgu Sunumu)

Year 2022, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 169 - 172, 31.12.2022


Bu olgu sunumunda, Dünyanın en büyük geyik türlerinden olan, 1 haftalık yaşta bir dişi kızıl geyik yavrusu (Cervus elaphus) çalışma materyalini oluşturdu. Yapılan klinik muayenede ön sol ve sağ ayaklarda duruş bozukluğu, ağır derece topallık ve yavru geyikte malnütrisyon belirlendi. Olgunun radyografik muayenesinde sol metakarpal kemikte distal diafizer transversal kırık, sağ ön ekstremitede ise lateral 1. ve medial 2. phalanx distalinde kırık tespit edildi. Kırık tiplerinin komplike kırık olmaması ve yavru geyikteki malnütrisyon sebebiyle genel anestezi tercih edilmedi ve hafif sedasyonla alçılı bandaja alınan ekstremitelerin tedavisi takip altında tutuldu. 21 günlük alçı uygulamasında ilk haftadan sonra ayağa dair açık yara oluşumu fark edilip alçıya pencere açılarak yara tedavisi gerçekleştirildi. Türkiye’de populasyonu azaldığından koruma altına alınan kızıl geyik olgusunda, meslektaşlarımız ve diğer okuyucuları bilgilendirmek ve duyarlılık oluşturmak hedeflendi.


  • DelGiudice, G.D., Fieberg, J., Riggs, M.R., Carstensen, P. M., Pan W. 2006. A long-term age-specific survivalanalysis of female white-tailed deer. The Journal of Wildlife Management 70, 1556–68.
  • Gaillard, J.M., Festa-Bianchet, M., Yoccoz, N.G. 1998. Populations dynamics of large herbivores: variable recruit-ment with constant adult survival. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 13, 58–63.
  • Etter, D.R., Anchor, C.L., Warner, R.E. 2002. Survival and movements of white-tailed deer in suburban Chicago, Illinois. The Journal of Wildlife Management 66, 500–10.
  • Green, P. 2003. Deer. In: BSAVA Manual of wildlife casualties., E. Mullineaux, D. Best, and J. E. Cooper (eds.). British Small Animal Veterinary Association, Gloucester, UK. pp. 166–181.
  • Hasapes, S.K., Comer, C.E. 2017. White-tailed deer fawn survival, home range, and habitat composition in north-west Louisiana. Wildlife Society bulletin 41, 499–507.
  • Jackson, R.M., White, M., Knowlton, F.F. 1972. Activity patterns of young white-tailed deer fawns in south Texas. Ecology 53, 262–70.
  • Langbein, J. 2007. National deer–vehicle collisions project— England (2003–2005). The Deer Initiative Ltd., P.O. Box 2196, Wrexham, UK. pp. 1–96.
  • Lendrum PE, Northrup JM, Anderson CR, Liston GE, Aldridge CL, Crooks KR, et al. 2018. Predation riskacross a dynamic landscape: effects of anthropogenic land use, natural landscape features, and preydistribution. Landscape ecology 33, 157–70.
  • Nisbet, H. O., A. Özak, C. Yardimci, and Y. S. Sirin. 2010. Treatment results of traumatic injuries in 20 roe deer (Capreolus capreolus): A retrospective study. University of Kafkas Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 16(4), 617–622.
  • Piccolo, B.P., Van Deelen, T.R., Hollis-Etter, K., Etter, D.R., Warner, R.E., Anchor, C. 2010. Behavior and survival ofwhite-tailed deer neonates in two suburban forest preserves. Canadian Journal of Zoology 88, 487–95.
  • Schwede G, Hendrichs H, Wemmer C. 1994. Early mother-young relations in white-tailed deer. Journal of mammalogy 75, 438–45.

Distal Metacarpus Fracture and Bandage Treatment in an Orphan Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) (Case Report)

Year 2022, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 169 - 172, 31.12.2022


In this case report, a 1-week-old female red fawn (Cervus elaphus), one of the largest deer species in the world, constituted the study material. In the clinical examination, posture disorder, severe lameness and malnutrition in young deer were determined in the anterior left and right feet. Radiographic examination of the case revealed a distal diaphyseal transversal fracture in the left metacarpal bone, and a fracture in the lateral 1st and medial 2nd phalanx distal in the right anterior extremity. General anesthesia was not preferred due to the lack of complicated fracture types and malnutrition in the young deer, and the treatment of the extremities, which were placed in a plaster bandage with mild sedation, was kept under follow-up. After the first week of 21-day plaster application, open wound formation on the foot was noticed and wound treatment was performed by opening a window on the plaster. It was aimed to inform our colleagues and other readers about the red deer phenomenon, which has been taken under protection because its population has decreased in Turkey, and to raise awareness.


  • DelGiudice, G.D., Fieberg, J., Riggs, M.R., Carstensen, P. M., Pan W. 2006. A long-term age-specific survivalanalysis of female white-tailed deer. The Journal of Wildlife Management 70, 1556–68.
  • Gaillard, J.M., Festa-Bianchet, M., Yoccoz, N.G. 1998. Populations dynamics of large herbivores: variable recruit-ment with constant adult survival. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 13, 58–63.
  • Etter, D.R., Anchor, C.L., Warner, R.E. 2002. Survival and movements of white-tailed deer in suburban Chicago, Illinois. The Journal of Wildlife Management 66, 500–10.
  • Green, P. 2003. Deer. In: BSAVA Manual of wildlife casualties., E. Mullineaux, D. Best, and J. E. Cooper (eds.). British Small Animal Veterinary Association, Gloucester, UK. pp. 166–181.
  • Hasapes, S.K., Comer, C.E. 2017. White-tailed deer fawn survival, home range, and habitat composition in north-west Louisiana. Wildlife Society bulletin 41, 499–507.
  • Jackson, R.M., White, M., Knowlton, F.F. 1972. Activity patterns of young white-tailed deer fawns in south Texas. Ecology 53, 262–70.
  • Langbein, J. 2007. National deer–vehicle collisions project— England (2003–2005). The Deer Initiative Ltd., P.O. Box 2196, Wrexham, UK. pp. 1–96.
  • Lendrum PE, Northrup JM, Anderson CR, Liston GE, Aldridge CL, Crooks KR, et al. 2018. Predation riskacross a dynamic landscape: effects of anthropogenic land use, natural landscape features, and preydistribution. Landscape ecology 33, 157–70.
  • Nisbet, H. O., A. Özak, C. Yardimci, and Y. S. Sirin. 2010. Treatment results of traumatic injuries in 20 roe deer (Capreolus capreolus): A retrospective study. University of Kafkas Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 16(4), 617–622.
  • Piccolo, B.P., Van Deelen, T.R., Hollis-Etter, K., Etter, D.R., Warner, R.E., Anchor, C. 2010. Behavior and survival ofwhite-tailed deer neonates in two suburban forest preserves. Canadian Journal of Zoology 88, 487–95.
  • Schwede G, Hendrichs H, Wemmer C. 1994. Early mother-young relations in white-tailed deer. Journal of mammalogy 75, 438–45.
There are 11 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Case Report

Zülfükar Sarıtaş 0000-0002-7659-6635

Emine Hesna Kandır 0000-0002-2712-6792

Fatma Görücü 0000-0001-7630-0788

Mustafa Volkan Yaprakçı 0000-0003-2793-4295

Yusuf Koç 0000-0002-6342-5466

Gökhan Ünlü 0000-0003-1751-625X

Beste Saraçoğlu 0000-0002-1006-2841

Publication Date December 31, 2022
Submission Date October 20, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 10 Issue: 3


APA Sarıtaş, Z., Kandır, E. H., Görücü, F., Yaprakçı, M. V., et al. (2022). Distal Metacarpus Fracture and Bandage Treatment in an Orphan Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) (Case Report). Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute, 10(3), 169-172.
AMA Sarıtaş Z, Kandır EH, Görücü F, Yaprakçı MV, Koç Y, Ünlü G, Saraçoğlu B. Distal Metacarpus Fracture and Bandage Treatment in an Orphan Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) (Case Report). Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute. December 2022;10(3):169-172. doi:10.24998/maeusabed.1192017
Chicago Sarıtaş, Zülfükar, Emine Hesna Kandır, Fatma Görücü, Mustafa Volkan Yaprakçı, Yusuf Koç, Gökhan Ünlü, and Beste Saraçoğlu. “Distal Metacarpus Fracture and Bandage Treatment in an Orphan Red Deer (Cervus Elaphus) (Case Report)”. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute 10, no. 3 (December 2022): 169-72.
EndNote Sarıtaş Z, Kandır EH, Görücü F, Yaprakçı MV, Koç Y, Ünlü G, Saraçoğlu B (December 1, 2022) Distal Metacarpus Fracture and Bandage Treatment in an Orphan Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) (Case Report). Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute 10 3 169–172.
IEEE Z. Sarıtaş, E. H. Kandır, F. Görücü, M. V. Yaprakçı, Y. Koç, G. Ünlü, and B. Saraçoğlu, “Distal Metacarpus Fracture and Bandage Treatment in an Orphan Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) (Case Report)”, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 169–172, 2022, doi: 10.24998/maeusabed.1192017.
ISNAD Sarıtaş, Zülfükar et al. “Distal Metacarpus Fracture and Bandage Treatment in an Orphan Red Deer (Cervus Elaphus) (Case Report)”. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute 10/3 (December 2022), 169-172.
JAMA Sarıtaş Z, Kandır EH, Görücü F, Yaprakçı MV, Koç Y, Ünlü G, Saraçoğlu B. Distal Metacarpus Fracture and Bandage Treatment in an Orphan Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) (Case Report). Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute. 2022;10:169–172.
MLA Sarıtaş, Zülfükar et al. “Distal Metacarpus Fracture and Bandage Treatment in an Orphan Red Deer (Cervus Elaphus) (Case Report)”. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute, vol. 10, no. 3, 2022, pp. 169-72, doi:10.24998/maeusabed.1192017.
Vancouver Sarıtaş Z, Kandır EH, Görücü F, Yaprakçı MV, Koç Y, Ünlü G, Saraçoğlu B. Distal Metacarpus Fracture and Bandage Treatment in an Orphan Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) (Case Report). Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Health Sciences Institute. 2022;10(3):169-72.

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