Year 2019,
, 253 - 272, 29.08.2019
Faruk Yılmaz
Özgür Aslan
Nowadays, health expenditures increase rapidly
due to several reasons. The main reasons behind this increase are technological
developments, improvements in service quality and the increase in life
expectancy at birth. This situation causes the allocation of limited resources
to be used in the health field to place great importance. The economic evaluation
techniques that can be used in relation to the plans/projects and practices in
the health sector provide important information about what the priorities and
opportunity costs will be. On the other hand, each economic assessment
technique has weaknesses besides its advantages. Within the frame of this
study, economic evaluation techniques applied in health care have been
introduced and evaluations have been made about the advantages and weaknesses
of these techniques.
- ANAND, S., & HANSON, K. (1997), Disability-Adjusted Life Years: A Critical Review, Journal of Health Economics, 16(6), 685-702.
- ANDRONIS, L., BARTON, P., & BRYAN, S. (2009), Sensitivity Analysis in Economic Evaluation: An Audit of NICE Current Practice and A Review of Its Use and Value in Decision-Making, Health Technol Assess, 13(29), 1–61.
- BIRCH, S., & GAFNI, A. (1992), Cost Effectiveness/Utility Analyses: Do Current Decision Rules Lead Us to Where We Want to Be?, Journal of Health Economics, 11(3), 279-296.
- BRENT, R.J. (2003), Cost-Benefit Analysis and Health Care Evaluations, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- BRIGGS, A., SCULPHER, M., & BUXTON, M. (1994), Uncertainty in the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Technologies: The Role of Sensitivity Analysis, Health Econ, 3, 95–104.
- BRIGGS, A. (2005), Probabilistic Analysis of Cost-Effectiveness Models: Statistical Representation of Parameter Uncertainty, Value Health, 8, 1–2.
- BRIGGS, A.H., & O'BRIEN, B.J. (2001), The Death of Cost‐Minimization Analysis?, Health Econ, 10(2), 179-184.
- CAIRNS, J. (1998), Economic Evaluation and Health Care, London: Nuffield Trust.
- COAST, J. (2004), Is Economic Evaluation in Touch with Society's Health Values?, BMJ, 329(7476), 1233.
- ÇALIŞKAN, Z. (2009), Sağlık Hizmetlerinde Önceliklerin Belirlenmesinde Ekonomik Değerlendirme Yöntemi Olarak Maliyet-Etkililik Analizi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(2), 311-332.
- ÇELİK, Y. (2016), Sağlık Ekonomisi, (3.b.) Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi.
- DAKIN, H., & WORDSWORTH, S. (2013), Cost Minimisation Analysis Versus Cost‐Effectiveness Analysis, Revisited, Health Econ, 22(1), 22-34.
- DRUCKER, P.F. (1986), Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices, New York: Truman Talley Books.
- DRUMMOND, M.S.M., TORRANCE, G., O´BRIEN, J., & STODDART, G.L. (2005), Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes, (3 ed.) Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- DRUMMOND, M.F., AGUIAR-IBANEZ, R., & NIXON, J. (2006), Economic Evaluation, Singapore Medical Journal, 47(6), 456.
- DRUMMOND, M.F., SCULPHER, M.J., CLAXTON, K., STODDART, G.L., & TORRANCE, G.W. (2015), Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- DRUMOND, M.F., & STODDART, G.L. (1985), Principles of Economic Evaluation of Health Programmes, World Health Statistics Quarterly, 38, 355-367.
- FAYERS, P.M., & MACHIN, D. (2013), Quality of Life: The Assessment, Analysis and Interpretation of Patient-Reported Outcomes, England: John Wiley & Sons.
- FOLLAND, S., GOODMAN, A.C., & STANO, M. (2013), The Economics of Health and Health Care, (7. ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
- GARBER, A.M. (1999), Advances in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Health Interventions, Cambridge: National Bureau of Economic Research.
- GOLD, M.R., STEVENSON, D., & FRYBACK, D.G. (2002), HALYS and QALYS and DALYS, Oh My: Similarities and Differences in Summary Measures of Population Health, Annual Review of Public Health, 23(1), 115-134.
- GOODACRE, S., & MCCABE, C. (2002), An Introduction to Economic Evaluation, Emergency Medicine Journal, 19(3), 198-201.
- HAAGSMA, J. (2010), Disability Adjusted Life Years and Acute Onset Disorders: Improving Estimates of the Non-Fatal Burden of Injuries and Infectious Intestinal Disease, Doctoral Dissertation. Erasmus University Rotterdam, Holland.
- HUTTON, G., & REHFUESS, E. (2006), Guidelines for Conducting Cost-Benefit Analysis of Household Energy and Health Interventions, Geneva: World Health Organization.
- KLARMAN, H.E., FRANCIS, J.O’S. & ROSENTAL, G.D. (1968), Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Applied to the Treatment of Chronic Renal Disease, Medical Care, 6: 48–54.
- KOBELT, G. (2013), Health Economics: An Introduction to Economic Evaluation,(3. ed.) London: Office of Health Economics.
- LORD, J., & ASANTE, M.A. (1999), Estimating Uncertainty Ranges for Cost by the Bootstrap Procedure Combined with Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis, Health Econ, 8, 323–333.
- MAUSKOPF, J.A., SULLIVAN, S.D., ANNEMANS, L., CARO, J., MULLINS, C.D., NUIJTEN, M., … TRUEMAN, P. (2007), Principles of Good Practice for Budget Impact Analysis: Report of the ISPOR Task Force on Good Research Practices—Budget Impact Analysis, Value in Health, 10(5), 336-347.
- MCGREGOR, M. (2003), Cost–Utility Analysis: Use QALYs Only with Great Caution, Canadian Medical Association Journal, 168(4), 433-434.
- MURRAY, C.J. (1994), Quantifying the Burden of Disease: The Technical Basis for Disability-Adjusted Life Years, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 72(3), 429.
- NEUMANN, P.J., COHEN, J.T., & WEINSTEIN, M.C. (2014), Updating Cost-Effectiveness—The Curious Resilience of the $50,000-per-QALY Threshold, New England Journal of Medicine, 371(9), 796-797.
- NEWBY, D., & HILL, S. (2003), Use of Pharmacoeconomics in Prescribing Research. Part 2: Cost Minimization Analysis–When Are Two Therapies Equal?, Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 28(2), 145-150.
- ÖKSÜZ, E., & MALHAN, S. (2005), Sağlığa Bağlı Yaşam Kalitesi Kalitemetri, Ankara: Başkent Üniversitesi.
- ÖZGEN, H., & TATAR, M. (2007), Sağlık Sektöründe Bir Verimlilik Değerlendirme Tekniği Olarak Maliyet-Etkililik Analizi ve Türkiye'de Durum, Hacettepe Sağlık İdaresi Dergisi, 10(2), 109-137.
- PANDIT, A. (2016), Health Economic Evaluation-Methods and Techniques, IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance, 7(1), 01-09.
- PITT, C., GOODMAN, C., & HANSON, K. (2016), Economic Evaluation in Global Perspective: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Recent Literature, Health Econ, 25, 9-28.
- ROBINSON, R. (1993a), Economic Evaluation and Health Care: Costs and Cost-Minimisation Analysis, BMJ, 307(6906), 726-728.
- ROBINSON, R. (1993b), Economic Evaluation and Health Care: Cost-Benefit Analysis, BMJ, 307, 924-926.
- ROBINSON, R. (1993c), Economic Evaluation and Health Care: Cost-Utility Analysis, BMJ, 307, 859–62.
- SEGEL, J.E. (2006), Cost-of-Illness Studies - A Primer, RTI-UNC Center of Excellence in Health Promotion Economics, 1-39.
- SCULPHER, M.J., CLAXTON, K., DRUMMOND, M., & MCCABE, C. (2006), Whither Trial‐Based Economic Evaluation for Health Care Decision Making?, Health Econ, 15(7), 677-687.
- SHEPARD, D.S., & THOMPSON, M.S. (1979), First Principles of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Health, Public Health Reports, 94(6), 535.
- SIMOENS, S. (2009), Health Economic Assessment: A Methodological Primer, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 6(12), 2950-2966.
- SPERRY, R.J. (1997), Principles of Economic Analysis, Anesthesiology: The Journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, 86(5), 1197-1205.
- STONE, P.W., BAKKEN, S., CURRAN, C.R., & WALKER, P.H. (2002), Evaluation of Studies of Health Economics, Evidence-Based Nursing, 5(4), 100-104.
- VAN DER ROER, N., BOOS, N., & VAN TULDER, M.W. (2006), Economic Evaluations: A New Avenue of Outcome Assessment in Spinal Disorders, European Spine Journal, 15(1), S109.
- WEINSTEIN, M.C. & STASON, W.B. (1977), Foundations of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Health and Medical Practices, New England Journal of Medicine, 296, 716-721.
- WIMO, A. & WINBLAD, B. (2001), Health Economical Aspects of Alzheimer Disease and Its Treatment, Psychogeriatrics, 1, 189-193.
- WIMO, A., GUERCHET, M., ALI, G.C., WU, Y.T., PRINA, A.M., WINBLAD, B., … PRINCE, M. (2017), The Worldwide Costs of Dementia 2015 and Comparisons with 2010, Alzheimer's & Dementia, 13(1), 1-7.
Year 2019,
, 253 - 272, 29.08.2019
Faruk Yılmaz
Özgür Aslan
Günümüzde sağlık harcamaları pek çok sebebe
bağlı olarak hızlı bir şekilde artış göstermektedir. Bu artışın arkasında yatan
temel nedenlerin başında teknolojik gelişmeler, hizmet kalitesindeki
iyileşmeler ve doğumda beklenen yaşam yılının artması gelmektedir. Bu durum
sağlık alanında kullanılacak sınırlı kaynakların tahsisinin büyük önem arz
etmesine yol açmaktadır. Sağlık sektöründeki plan/proje ve uygulamalara ilişkin
olarak kullanılabilecek ekonomik değerlendirme teknikleri önceliklerin ne
olacağı ve fırsat maliyetlerinin görülebilmesi açısından önemli bilgiler
sunmaktadır. Buna karşın, her bir ekonomik değerlendirme tekniğinin
üstünlükleri yanında zayıf yönleri de bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışma çerçevesinde
sağlık hizmetlerinde uygulanan ekonomik değerlendirme teknikleri tanıtılmakla
birlikte, bu tekniklerin üstün ve zayıf yönleri konusunda değerlendirmeler
- ANAND, S., & HANSON, K. (1997), Disability-Adjusted Life Years: A Critical Review, Journal of Health Economics, 16(6), 685-702.
- ANDRONIS, L., BARTON, P., & BRYAN, S. (2009), Sensitivity Analysis in Economic Evaluation: An Audit of NICE Current Practice and A Review of Its Use and Value in Decision-Making, Health Technol Assess, 13(29), 1–61.
- BIRCH, S., & GAFNI, A. (1992), Cost Effectiveness/Utility Analyses: Do Current Decision Rules Lead Us to Where We Want to Be?, Journal of Health Economics, 11(3), 279-296.
- BRENT, R.J. (2003), Cost-Benefit Analysis and Health Care Evaluations, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- BRIGGS, A., SCULPHER, M., & BUXTON, M. (1994), Uncertainty in the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Technologies: The Role of Sensitivity Analysis, Health Econ, 3, 95–104.
- BRIGGS, A. (2005), Probabilistic Analysis of Cost-Effectiveness Models: Statistical Representation of Parameter Uncertainty, Value Health, 8, 1–2.
- BRIGGS, A.H., & O'BRIEN, B.J. (2001), The Death of Cost‐Minimization Analysis?, Health Econ, 10(2), 179-184.
- CAIRNS, J. (1998), Economic Evaluation and Health Care, London: Nuffield Trust.
- COAST, J. (2004), Is Economic Evaluation in Touch with Society's Health Values?, BMJ, 329(7476), 1233.
- ÇALIŞKAN, Z. (2009), Sağlık Hizmetlerinde Önceliklerin Belirlenmesinde Ekonomik Değerlendirme Yöntemi Olarak Maliyet-Etkililik Analizi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(2), 311-332.
- ÇELİK, Y. (2016), Sağlık Ekonomisi, (3.b.) Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi.
- DAKIN, H., & WORDSWORTH, S. (2013), Cost Minimisation Analysis Versus Cost‐Effectiveness Analysis, Revisited, Health Econ, 22(1), 22-34.
- DRUCKER, P.F. (1986), Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices, New York: Truman Talley Books.
- DRUMMOND, M.S.M., TORRANCE, G., O´BRIEN, J., & STODDART, G.L. (2005), Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes, (3 ed.) Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- DRUMMOND, M.F., AGUIAR-IBANEZ, R., & NIXON, J. (2006), Economic Evaluation, Singapore Medical Journal, 47(6), 456.
- DRUMMOND, M.F., SCULPHER, M.J., CLAXTON, K., STODDART, G.L., & TORRANCE, G.W. (2015), Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- DRUMOND, M.F., & STODDART, G.L. (1985), Principles of Economic Evaluation of Health Programmes, World Health Statistics Quarterly, 38, 355-367.
- FAYERS, P.M., & MACHIN, D. (2013), Quality of Life: The Assessment, Analysis and Interpretation of Patient-Reported Outcomes, England: John Wiley & Sons.
- FOLLAND, S., GOODMAN, A.C., & STANO, M. (2013), The Economics of Health and Health Care, (7. ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
- GARBER, A.M. (1999), Advances in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Health Interventions, Cambridge: National Bureau of Economic Research.
- GOLD, M.R., STEVENSON, D., & FRYBACK, D.G. (2002), HALYS and QALYS and DALYS, Oh My: Similarities and Differences in Summary Measures of Population Health, Annual Review of Public Health, 23(1), 115-134.
- GOODACRE, S., & MCCABE, C. (2002), An Introduction to Economic Evaluation, Emergency Medicine Journal, 19(3), 198-201.
- HAAGSMA, J. (2010), Disability Adjusted Life Years and Acute Onset Disorders: Improving Estimates of the Non-Fatal Burden of Injuries and Infectious Intestinal Disease, Doctoral Dissertation. Erasmus University Rotterdam, Holland.
- HUTTON, G., & REHFUESS, E. (2006), Guidelines for Conducting Cost-Benefit Analysis of Household Energy and Health Interventions, Geneva: World Health Organization.
- KLARMAN, H.E., FRANCIS, J.O’S. & ROSENTAL, G.D. (1968), Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Applied to the Treatment of Chronic Renal Disease, Medical Care, 6: 48–54.
- KOBELT, G. (2013), Health Economics: An Introduction to Economic Evaluation,(3. ed.) London: Office of Health Economics.
- LORD, J., & ASANTE, M.A. (1999), Estimating Uncertainty Ranges for Cost by the Bootstrap Procedure Combined with Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis, Health Econ, 8, 323–333.
- MAUSKOPF, J.A., SULLIVAN, S.D., ANNEMANS, L., CARO, J., MULLINS, C.D., NUIJTEN, M., … TRUEMAN, P. (2007), Principles of Good Practice for Budget Impact Analysis: Report of the ISPOR Task Force on Good Research Practices—Budget Impact Analysis, Value in Health, 10(5), 336-347.
- MCGREGOR, M. (2003), Cost–Utility Analysis: Use QALYs Only with Great Caution, Canadian Medical Association Journal, 168(4), 433-434.
- MURRAY, C.J. (1994), Quantifying the Burden of Disease: The Technical Basis for Disability-Adjusted Life Years, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 72(3), 429.
- NEUMANN, P.J., COHEN, J.T., & WEINSTEIN, M.C. (2014), Updating Cost-Effectiveness—The Curious Resilience of the $50,000-per-QALY Threshold, New England Journal of Medicine, 371(9), 796-797.
- NEWBY, D., & HILL, S. (2003), Use of Pharmacoeconomics in Prescribing Research. Part 2: Cost Minimization Analysis–When Are Two Therapies Equal?, Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 28(2), 145-150.
- ÖKSÜZ, E., & MALHAN, S. (2005), Sağlığa Bağlı Yaşam Kalitesi Kalitemetri, Ankara: Başkent Üniversitesi.
- ÖZGEN, H., & TATAR, M. (2007), Sağlık Sektöründe Bir Verimlilik Değerlendirme Tekniği Olarak Maliyet-Etkililik Analizi ve Türkiye'de Durum, Hacettepe Sağlık İdaresi Dergisi, 10(2), 109-137.
- PANDIT, A. (2016), Health Economic Evaluation-Methods and Techniques, IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance, 7(1), 01-09.
- PITT, C., GOODMAN, C., & HANSON, K. (2016), Economic Evaluation in Global Perspective: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Recent Literature, Health Econ, 25, 9-28.
- ROBINSON, R. (1993a), Economic Evaluation and Health Care: Costs and Cost-Minimisation Analysis, BMJ, 307(6906), 726-728.
- ROBINSON, R. (1993b), Economic Evaluation and Health Care: Cost-Benefit Analysis, BMJ, 307, 924-926.
- ROBINSON, R. (1993c), Economic Evaluation and Health Care: Cost-Utility Analysis, BMJ, 307, 859–62.
- SEGEL, J.E. (2006), Cost-of-Illness Studies - A Primer, RTI-UNC Center of Excellence in Health Promotion Economics, 1-39.
- SCULPHER, M.J., CLAXTON, K., DRUMMOND, M., & MCCABE, C. (2006), Whither Trial‐Based Economic Evaluation for Health Care Decision Making?, Health Econ, 15(7), 677-687.
- SHEPARD, D.S., & THOMPSON, M.S. (1979), First Principles of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Health, Public Health Reports, 94(6), 535.
- SIMOENS, S. (2009), Health Economic Assessment: A Methodological Primer, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 6(12), 2950-2966.
- SPERRY, R.J. (1997), Principles of Economic Analysis, Anesthesiology: The Journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, 86(5), 1197-1205.
- STONE, P.W., BAKKEN, S., CURRAN, C.R., & WALKER, P.H. (2002), Evaluation of Studies of Health Economics, Evidence-Based Nursing, 5(4), 100-104.
- VAN DER ROER, N., BOOS, N., & VAN TULDER, M.W. (2006), Economic Evaluations: A New Avenue of Outcome Assessment in Spinal Disorders, European Spine Journal, 15(1), S109.
- WEINSTEIN, M.C. & STASON, W.B. (1977), Foundations of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Health and Medical Practices, New England Journal of Medicine, 296, 716-721.
- WIMO, A. & WINBLAD, B. (2001), Health Economical Aspects of Alzheimer Disease and Its Treatment, Psychogeriatrics, 1, 189-193.
- WIMO, A., GUERCHET, M., ALI, G.C., WU, Y.T., PRINA, A.M., WINBLAD, B., … PRINCE, M. (2017), The Worldwide Costs of Dementia 2015 and Comparisons with 2010, Alzheimer's & Dementia, 13(1), 1-7.