Research Article
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The Effect of Burnout Syndrome on Social Media Addiction: The Case of Healthcare Workers

Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 3, 923 - 943, 30.09.2024


Social media is one of the communication tools whose using and prevalence has increased rapidly in recent years. In particular, the rapid development of information technology and the proliferation of smartphones have created the perfect environment for social media addiction, which affects all members of society, including health professionals. Available evidence suggests that the direct and indirect effects of social media addiction on human health may include, among other things, burnout. This study was conducted to reveal the impact of burnout syndrome on social media addiction. The study utilized purposive sampling technique; face-to-face survey technique was applied for data collection. The findings of the study show that the healthcare workers participating in the study have a moderate level of burnout syndrome and social media addiction. Social media addiction differs according to the gender of the participants. Again, it was found that there was no significant difference in burnout level according to gender, but there was a significant difference according to marital status. A significant difference was also found between the level of social media addiction and educational status. Another important result of the study is that there is a positive relationship and effect between social media addiction and burnout level.


  • Ahola, K., Honkonen, T., Pirkola, S., Isometsä, E., Kalimo, R., Nykyri, E., . . . Lönnqvist, J. (2006). Alcohol dependence in relation to burnout among the finnish working population. Society for the study of addiction, 101, 1438–1443.
  • Andreassen, C., Pallesen, S., & Griffiths, M. (2017). The relationship between addictive use of social media, narcissism, and. Addictive Behaviors 64(2017), 287-293.
  • Andreassen, C., Torsheim, T., Brunborg, G., & Pallesen, S. (2012). Development of a Facebook addiction scale. Psychological Reports, 110(2), 501-517.
  • Ardıç, K., & Polatcı, S. (2008). Tükenmişlik sendromu akademisyenler üzerinde bir uygulama (Goü Örneği). Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2, 69-96.
  • Aydin, S., Koçak, O., Shaw, T., Buber, B., Akpinar, E., & Younis, M. (2021). Investigation of the effect of social media addiction on adults with depression. Healthcare, 9(4), 450.
  • Badri, H., Aboalshamat, K., Abdouh, I., Quronfulah, B., Mahmoud, M., Rajeh, M., . . . Alzhrani, A. (2023). The effect of social media addiction on burnout among health care students and professionals in Saudi Arabia. Int J Acad Med, 9, 11-17.
  • Balcı, Ş., & Baloğlu, E. (2018). Sosyal Medya Bağımlılığı ile Depresyon Arasındaki İlişki: Üniversite Gençliği Üzerine Bir Saha Araştırması. İletişim 29, 211-231.
  • Balcı, Ş., & Demir, Y. (2018). Sosyal medya kullanımı ile mutluluk düzeyi arasındaki ilişki: Üniversite gençliği üzerine bir inceleme. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, (71), 339-354.
  • Balcı, Ş., Bekiroğlu, O., & Yeles Karaman, S. (2019). Sosyal medya bağımlılığının bir belirleyicisi olarak öz saygı: Konya örneğinde bir araştırma. İletişim Kuram ve Araştırma Dergisi, (48), 36-64.
  • Balcı, Ş., Karakoç, E., & Öğüt, N. (2020a). Psychological well-being as a predictor of social media addiction: A survey on health workers. Online journal of technology addiction & Cyberbullying, 7(1), 35-63.
  • Balcı, Ş., Karakoç, E., & Öğüt, N. (2020b). Sağlık çalışanları arasında sosyal medya bağımlılığı: İki boyutlu benlik saygısının rolü. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, (33), 296-317.
  • Baltacı, Ö. (2019). The predictive relationships between the social media addiction and social anxiety loneliness, and happiness. International Journal of Progressive Education, 15(4), 73-82.
  • Beyhan, S., Güneş, Y., Türktan, M., & Özcengiz, D. (2013). Doğu Akdeniz bölgesindeki anestezi hekimlerinde tükenmişlik sendromunun araştırılması. Turk J Anaesth Reanim, (41), 7-13.
  • Budak, G., & Sürgevil, O. (2005). Tükenmişlik ve tükenmişliği etkileyen örgütsel faktörlerin analizine ilişkin akademik personel üzerinde bir uygulama. D.E.Ü.İİ. B.F. Dergisi, 20(2), 95-108.
  • Buran Köse, Ö., & Doğan, A. (2019). The relationship between social media addiction and self-esteem among Turkish university students. Addicta: The Turkish Journal on Addictions, 6(1), 175-190.
  • Cabral, J. (2011). Is Generation Y addicted to social media? The Elon Journal of Undergraduate Research in Communications, 2(1), 5-14.
  • Çam, E., & İşbulan, O. (2012). A new addiction for teacher candidates: Social networks. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 11(3), 14-19.
  • Çuhadar, A., Er, Y., Demirel, M., & Demirel, D. (2019). Bireyleri rekreasyonel amaçlı egzersize motive eden faktörlerin incelenmesi. Spormetre, 17(3), 153-161.
  • De Cock, R., Vangee, J., Klein, A., Minotte, P., Rosas, O., & Meerkerk, G.-J. (2014). Compulsive use of social networking sites in Belgium: prevalence, profile, and the role of attitude toward work and school. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, 17(3), 166-171.
  • Demir, Y., & Kumcağız, H. (2019). Üniversite öğrencilerinin sosyal medya bağımlılığının farklı değişkenler açısından incelenmesi. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 9(52), 23-42.
  • Dwivedi, Y., Kelly, G., Janssen, M., Rana, N., Slade, E., & Clement, M. (2018). Social Media: The good, the bad, and the ugly. Information Systems Frontiers, 20, 419-423.
  • Eroğlu, A., & Bayraktar, S. (2017). Investigation of variables associated with internet addiction. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, 3(1), 184-199.
  • Erol, A., Sarıçiçek, A., & Gülseren, Ş. (2007). Asistan hekimlerde tükenmişlik: İş doyumu ve depresyonla ilişkisi. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi 2007, 8, 241-247.
  • Griffiths , M. (2005). ‘Components’ model of addiction within a biopsychosocial framework. Journal of Substance Use, 10(4), 191-197.
  • Günaydın, N., Gürgöze, R., & Erkan, I. (2023). The relationship between burnout and job satisfaction levels of 112 emergency health workers during the pandemic. Eurasian Journal Of Health Technology Assessment, 7(2), 77-86.
  • Günher Arıca, S., Özer, C., Arı, M., Karakuş, A., Mansuroğlu, Y., & Eraslan, S. (2011). Cerrahi ve dahili bölüm asistanlarında tükenmişlik düzeyleri ve etkileyen faktörler. Smyrna Tıp Dergisi, 7-9.
  • Haand, R., & Shuwanga , Z. (2021). The relationship between social media addiction and depression: a quantitative study among university students in Khost, Afghanistan. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 25(1), 780-786.
  • Han, R., Xu, J., Ge, Y., & Qin, Y. (2020). The impact of social media use on job burnout: The role of social comparison. Frontiers in Public Health, 8, 1-8.
  • Hawi, N., & Samaha, M. (2016). The relations among social media addiction, self-esteem, and life satisfaction in university students. Social Science Computer Review, 35(5), 576-586.
  • Imani, A., Esmaeeli, S., Golestani, M., Ghoddoosi - Nejad, D., Baghestan, E., & Arab - Zozani, M. (2018). Relation between Internet Addiction and Educational Burnout among students in faculty of health management and medical informatics of tabriz university of medical sciences: A cross - sectional study. Modern care journal, 15(2), e66027.
  • Karakose, T., Yirci, R., & Papadakis, S. (2022). Examining the associations between COVID-19-related psychological distress, social media addiction, COVID-19-related burnout, and depression among school principals and teachers through Structural Equation Modeling. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(1951), 1-19.
  • Karasar, N. (2023). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi: Kavramlar İlkeler Teknikler (38.Basım). Nobel Akademik.
  • Kırcaburun , K. (2016). Self-esteem, daily internet use and social media addiction as predictors of depression among Turkish adolescents. Journal of Education and Practice, 7(24), 64-72.
  • Kırık , A. (2013). Gelişen web teknolojileri ve sosyal medya bağımlılığı. In A. Büyükaslan, & A. Kırık (eds.), Sosyal medya araştırmaları 1, (pp. 69-102). Konya Çizgi Yayınevi.
  • Kuss, D., & Griffiths, M. (2011). Online social networking and addiction-a review of the psychological literature. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health., 8, 3528-3552.
  • Maslach , C., & Jackson, S. (1981). The measurement of experienced burnout. Journal of Occupational Behaviour, 2, 99-113.
  • Omay, U., & Gür Omay, E. (2022). Tükenmişlik ve sosyal medya bağımlılığı. İş, Güç Endüstri İlişkileri ve İnsan Kaynakları Dergisi, 24(1), 5-19.
  • Özdemir , H., & Arslan , H. (2018). The moderating roles on the relation between internet addiction and burnout. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 4(1), 31-41.
  • Özdemir, Z. (2019). Üniversite öğrencilerinde sosyal medya bağımlılığı. Beykoz Akademi Dergisi, 7(2), 91-105.
  • Popova, D. (2011). The Good and Bad of Social Networks. Burgas Free University.
  • Sarıçam, H., & Adam Karduz , F. (2018). Sosyal Medya Kullanım Bozukluğu Ölçeği’nin Türk kültürüne uyarlanması: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Eğitimde ve Psikolojide Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Dergisi, 9(2), 116-135.
  • Schaufeli , W., Leiter , M., & Maslach , C. (2008). Burnout: 35 years of research and practice. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 14(3), 204-220.
  • Shahnawaz, M., & Rehman, U. (2020). Social networking addiction scale. Cogent Psychology, 7(1), 1-16.
  • Şahin, C., & Günüç, S. (2020). Davranışsal bağımlılığa ve teknoloji bağımlılığına genel bir bakış. In C. Şahin & S. Günüç (Eds.), Teknoloji Bağımlılıkları (pp. 1-24). Nobel Akademik.
  • Tektaş, N. (2014). Üniversite öğrencilerinin sosyal ağları kullanımlarına yönelik bir araştırma. Tarih Okulu Dergisi., 7(XVII), 851-870.
  • Tok, E., & Arslan Aldemir , M. (2023). . Relationship between loneliness, inadequacy, social anxiety and online social support with social media addiction. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar-Current Approaches in Psychiatry, 15(1), 373-382.
  • Tutgun-Ünal , A., & Deniz , L. (2016). Üniversite öğrencilerinin sosyal medya bağımlılığının incelenmesi. Route Educational and Social Science Journal, 3(2), 55-181.
  • Ülbeği, İ., & İplik, E. (2017). Shirom-Melamed Tükenmişlik Ölçeğinin güvenirlik ve geçerlik çalışması. Çağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi., 14(1), 19-30.
  • Vogel, E., Rose, J., Roberts, L., & Eckles, K. (2014). Social comparison, social media, and self-esteem. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 3(4), 206-222.
  • Yavich, R., Davidovitch, N., & Frenkel, Z. (2019). Social media and loneliness - Forever connected? Higher Education Studies, 9(2), 10-21.
  • Zaremohzzabieh, Z., Abu Samah, B., Omar, S., Bolong, J., & Kamarudin, N. (2014). Addictive Facebook use among university students. Asian Social Science, 10(6), 107-116.
  • Zivnuska, S., Carlson, J., Carlson, D., Harris, R., & Harris, K. (2019). Social media addiction and social media reactions: The implications for job performance. The Journal of Social Psychology, 159(6), 746-760.


Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 3, 923 - 943, 30.09.2024


Social media is one of the most widely used tools of communication, and its prevalence has increased rapidly in recent years. Excessive and exaggerated use of these applications, which facilitate human life in terms of access to information, communication, personal promotion, and creating a different identity, may cause addiction risks. Social media addiction can be effective in various variables, depending on the usage patterns. This study aims to reveal the relationship between social media addiction and burnout syndrome. In the study, a face-to-face survey was applied for data collection using the purposeful sampling technique. Research findings show that the participating healthcare professionals have moderate social media addiction, and the addiction level differs with the gender of the participant. As the age of health workers increases, the level of addiction decreases. According to gender, the level of burnout does not make a significant difference. The results of the study show that there is a positive relationship between social media addiction and burnout level. In other words, social media addiction and burnout syndrome are related and socio-demographic factors such as education, age, and gender have significant effects on burnout and social media addiction.


  • Ahola, K., Honkonen, T., Pirkola, S., Isometsä, E., Kalimo, R., Nykyri, E., . . . Lönnqvist, J. (2006). Alcohol dependence in relation to burnout among the finnish working population. Society for the study of addiction, 101, 1438–1443.
  • Andreassen, C., Pallesen, S., & Griffiths, M. (2017). The relationship between addictive use of social media, narcissism, and. Addictive Behaviors 64(2017), 287-293.
  • Andreassen, C., Torsheim, T., Brunborg, G., & Pallesen, S. (2012). Development of a Facebook addiction scale. Psychological Reports, 110(2), 501-517.
  • Ardıç, K., & Polatcı, S. (2008). Tükenmişlik sendromu akademisyenler üzerinde bir uygulama (Goü Örneği). Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2, 69-96.
  • Aydin, S., Koçak, O., Shaw, T., Buber, B., Akpinar, E., & Younis, M. (2021). Investigation of the effect of social media addiction on adults with depression. Healthcare, 9(4), 450.
  • Badri, H., Aboalshamat, K., Abdouh, I., Quronfulah, B., Mahmoud, M., Rajeh, M., . . . Alzhrani, A. (2023). The effect of social media addiction on burnout among health care students and professionals in Saudi Arabia. Int J Acad Med, 9, 11-17.
  • Balcı, Ş., & Baloğlu, E. (2018). Sosyal Medya Bağımlılığı ile Depresyon Arasındaki İlişki: Üniversite Gençliği Üzerine Bir Saha Araştırması. İletişim 29, 211-231.
  • Balcı, Ş., & Demir, Y. (2018). Sosyal medya kullanımı ile mutluluk düzeyi arasındaki ilişki: Üniversite gençliği üzerine bir inceleme. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, (71), 339-354.
  • Balcı, Ş., Bekiroğlu, O., & Yeles Karaman, S. (2019). Sosyal medya bağımlılığının bir belirleyicisi olarak öz saygı: Konya örneğinde bir araştırma. İletişim Kuram ve Araştırma Dergisi, (48), 36-64.
  • Balcı, Ş., Karakoç, E., & Öğüt, N. (2020a). Psychological well-being as a predictor of social media addiction: A survey on health workers. Online journal of technology addiction & Cyberbullying, 7(1), 35-63.
  • Balcı, Ş., Karakoç, E., & Öğüt, N. (2020b). Sağlık çalışanları arasında sosyal medya bağımlılığı: İki boyutlu benlik saygısının rolü. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, (33), 296-317.
  • Baltacı, Ö. (2019). The predictive relationships between the social media addiction and social anxiety loneliness, and happiness. International Journal of Progressive Education, 15(4), 73-82.
  • Beyhan, S., Güneş, Y., Türktan, M., & Özcengiz, D. (2013). Doğu Akdeniz bölgesindeki anestezi hekimlerinde tükenmişlik sendromunun araştırılması. Turk J Anaesth Reanim, (41), 7-13.
  • Budak, G., & Sürgevil, O. (2005). Tükenmişlik ve tükenmişliği etkileyen örgütsel faktörlerin analizine ilişkin akademik personel üzerinde bir uygulama. D.E.Ü.İİ. B.F. Dergisi, 20(2), 95-108.
  • Buran Köse, Ö., & Doğan, A. (2019). The relationship between social media addiction and self-esteem among Turkish university students. Addicta: The Turkish Journal on Addictions, 6(1), 175-190.
  • Cabral, J. (2011). Is Generation Y addicted to social media? The Elon Journal of Undergraduate Research in Communications, 2(1), 5-14.
  • Çam, E., & İşbulan, O. (2012). A new addiction for teacher candidates: Social networks. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 11(3), 14-19.
  • Çuhadar, A., Er, Y., Demirel, M., & Demirel, D. (2019). Bireyleri rekreasyonel amaçlı egzersize motive eden faktörlerin incelenmesi. Spormetre, 17(3), 153-161.
  • De Cock, R., Vangee, J., Klein, A., Minotte, P., Rosas, O., & Meerkerk, G.-J. (2014). Compulsive use of social networking sites in Belgium: prevalence, profile, and the role of attitude toward work and school. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, 17(3), 166-171.
  • Demir, Y., & Kumcağız, H. (2019). Üniversite öğrencilerinin sosyal medya bağımlılığının farklı değişkenler açısından incelenmesi. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 9(52), 23-42.
  • Dwivedi, Y., Kelly, G., Janssen, M., Rana, N., Slade, E., & Clement, M. (2018). Social Media: The good, the bad, and the ugly. Information Systems Frontiers, 20, 419-423.
  • Eroğlu, A., & Bayraktar, S. (2017). Investigation of variables associated with internet addiction. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, 3(1), 184-199.
  • Erol, A., Sarıçiçek, A., & Gülseren, Ş. (2007). Asistan hekimlerde tükenmişlik: İş doyumu ve depresyonla ilişkisi. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi 2007, 8, 241-247.
  • Griffiths , M. (2005). ‘Components’ model of addiction within a biopsychosocial framework. Journal of Substance Use, 10(4), 191-197.
  • Günaydın, N., Gürgöze, R., & Erkan, I. (2023). The relationship between burnout and job satisfaction levels of 112 emergency health workers during the pandemic. Eurasian Journal Of Health Technology Assessment, 7(2), 77-86.
  • Günher Arıca, S., Özer, C., Arı, M., Karakuş, A., Mansuroğlu, Y., & Eraslan, S. (2011). Cerrahi ve dahili bölüm asistanlarında tükenmişlik düzeyleri ve etkileyen faktörler. Smyrna Tıp Dergisi, 7-9.
  • Haand, R., & Shuwanga , Z. (2021). The relationship between social media addiction and depression: a quantitative study among university students in Khost, Afghanistan. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 25(1), 780-786.
  • Han, R., Xu, J., Ge, Y., & Qin, Y. (2020). The impact of social media use on job burnout: The role of social comparison. Frontiers in Public Health, 8, 1-8.
  • Hawi, N., & Samaha, M. (2016). The relations among social media addiction, self-esteem, and life satisfaction in university students. Social Science Computer Review, 35(5), 576-586.
  • Imani, A., Esmaeeli, S., Golestani, M., Ghoddoosi - Nejad, D., Baghestan, E., & Arab - Zozani, M. (2018). Relation between Internet Addiction and Educational Burnout among students in faculty of health management and medical informatics of tabriz university of medical sciences: A cross - sectional study. Modern care journal, 15(2), e66027.
  • Karakose, T., Yirci, R., & Papadakis, S. (2022). Examining the associations between COVID-19-related psychological distress, social media addiction, COVID-19-related burnout, and depression among school principals and teachers through Structural Equation Modeling. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(1951), 1-19.
  • Karasar, N. (2023). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi: Kavramlar İlkeler Teknikler (38.Basım). Nobel Akademik.
  • Kırcaburun , K. (2016). Self-esteem, daily internet use and social media addiction as predictors of depression among Turkish adolescents. Journal of Education and Practice, 7(24), 64-72.
  • Kırık , A. (2013). Gelişen web teknolojileri ve sosyal medya bağımlılığı. In A. Büyükaslan, & A. Kırık (eds.), Sosyal medya araştırmaları 1, (pp. 69-102). Konya Çizgi Yayınevi.
  • Kuss, D., & Griffiths, M. (2011). Online social networking and addiction-a review of the psychological literature. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health., 8, 3528-3552.
  • Maslach , C., & Jackson, S. (1981). The measurement of experienced burnout. Journal of Occupational Behaviour, 2, 99-113.
  • Omay, U., & Gür Omay, E. (2022). Tükenmişlik ve sosyal medya bağımlılığı. İş, Güç Endüstri İlişkileri ve İnsan Kaynakları Dergisi, 24(1), 5-19.
  • Özdemir , H., & Arslan , H. (2018). The moderating roles on the relation between internet addiction and burnout. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 4(1), 31-41.
  • Özdemir, Z. (2019). Üniversite öğrencilerinde sosyal medya bağımlılığı. Beykoz Akademi Dergisi, 7(2), 91-105.
  • Popova, D. (2011). The Good and Bad of Social Networks. Burgas Free University.
  • Sarıçam, H., & Adam Karduz , F. (2018). Sosyal Medya Kullanım Bozukluğu Ölçeği’nin Türk kültürüne uyarlanması: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Eğitimde ve Psikolojide Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Dergisi, 9(2), 116-135.
  • Schaufeli , W., Leiter , M., & Maslach , C. (2008). Burnout: 35 years of research and practice. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 14(3), 204-220.
  • Shahnawaz, M., & Rehman, U. (2020). Social networking addiction scale. Cogent Psychology, 7(1), 1-16.
  • Şahin, C., & Günüç, S. (2020). Davranışsal bağımlılığa ve teknoloji bağımlılığına genel bir bakış. In C. Şahin & S. Günüç (Eds.), Teknoloji Bağımlılıkları (pp. 1-24). Nobel Akademik.
  • Tektaş, N. (2014). Üniversite öğrencilerinin sosyal ağları kullanımlarına yönelik bir araştırma. Tarih Okulu Dergisi., 7(XVII), 851-870.
  • Tok, E., & Arslan Aldemir , M. (2023). . Relationship between loneliness, inadequacy, social anxiety and online social support with social media addiction. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar-Current Approaches in Psychiatry, 15(1), 373-382.
  • Tutgun-Ünal , A., & Deniz , L. (2016). Üniversite öğrencilerinin sosyal medya bağımlılığının incelenmesi. Route Educational and Social Science Journal, 3(2), 55-181.
  • Ülbeği, İ., & İplik, E. (2017). Shirom-Melamed Tükenmişlik Ölçeğinin güvenirlik ve geçerlik çalışması. Çağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi., 14(1), 19-30.
  • Vogel, E., Rose, J., Roberts, L., & Eckles, K. (2014). Social comparison, social media, and self-esteem. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 3(4), 206-222.
  • Yavich, R., Davidovitch, N., & Frenkel, Z. (2019). Social media and loneliness - Forever connected? Higher Education Studies, 9(2), 10-21.
  • Zaremohzzabieh, Z., Abu Samah, B., Omar, S., Bolong, J., & Kamarudin, N. (2014). Addictive Facebook use among university students. Asian Social Science, 10(6), 107-116.
  • Zivnuska, S., Carlson, J., Carlson, D., Harris, R., & Harris, K. (2019). Social media addiction and social media reactions: The implications for job performance. The Journal of Social Psychology, 159(6), 746-760.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Social Work (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Enderhan Karakoç 0000-0001-8969-6144

Nesrin Öğüt 0000-0002-9026-0839

Avşar Aslan 0000-0002-3423-2438

Publication Date September 30, 2024
Submission Date April 12, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 11 Issue: 3


APA Karakoç, E., Öğüt, N., & Aslan, A. (2024). The Effect of Burnout Syndrome on Social Media Addiction: The Case of Healthcare Workers. Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty, 11(3), 923-943.