Kounis Syndrome in a Patient who Developed Contrast Material Allergy: A Case Report
Year 2024,
Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 25 - 27, 30.04.2024
İsmail Tekin
Gözde Yılmaz
İbrahim Tüysüz
Haticenur Yıldırım
Necmi Baykan
Kounis Syndrome is one of the consequences of allergic reactions that should be kept in mind as a frequent cause of emergency room visits. Marginal symptoms and ECG changes accompany this phenomenon. Eliminating exposure to the causative agent is the main treatment. In addition, a medications that will provide vasodilation of the coronary arteries and suppress the allergic reaction are also included in the treatment. With this case report, we aimed to draw attention to Kounis syndrome, which may be associated with a wide variety of clinical symptoms and may be overlooked, and to increase clinical awareness.
- 1.Leibee C, Bahrenegash G, Michael RE. Vancomycin-induced Kounis syndrome. AJEM. 2019;37.9:1806.
- 2. Wang C, Deng Z, Song L, Sun W, Fang W, Li Z. Analysis of clinical characteristics of Kounis syndrome induced by contrast media. AJEM. 2022;52:203-7.
- 3.Kounis NG. Kounis syndrome: an update on epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapeutic management. CCLM. 2016;54.10:1545-59.
- 4.Kounis NG. Coronary hypersensitivity disorder: the Kounis syndrome. Clin Ther. 2013;35.5:563-71.
- 5.Yakar Ş, Baykan N, Taşlidere B. Acute myocardial infarction due to bee sting: Kounis syndrome. Anatolian J Emerg Med. 2019;2.1:27-9.
- 6.Shibuya K, Kasama S, Funada R, Katoh H, Tsushima Y. Kounis syndrome induced by contrast media: A case report and review of literatüre. Eur J Radiol. 2019;6:91-6.
Kontrast Madde Alerjisi Gelişen Hastada Kounis Sendromu: Olgu Sunumu
Year 2024,
Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 25 - 27, 30.04.2024
İsmail Tekin
Gözde Yılmaz
İbrahim Tüysüz
Haticenur Yıldırım
Necmi Baykan
Kounis Sendromu, acil servise sık başvuru sebeplerinden biri olan alerjik reaksiyonların mutlaka akılda tutulması gereken sonuçlarındandır. Hastada anjinal semptomlar ve EKG değişiklikleri bu olaya eşlik eder. Neden olan ajana maruziyeti ortadan kaldırmak esas tedavidir. Bunun dışında koroner arterlerin vazodilatasyonunu sağlayacak ve alerjik reaksiyonu baskılayacak ilaçlar da tedavide yer alır. Biz bu olgu ile çok çeşitli klinik semptomlarla birlikte görülebilen ve gözden kaçabilecek bir tanı olan Kounis sendromuna dikkat çekmeyi ve klinik farkındalığı arttırmayı amaçladık.
- 1.Leibee C, Bahrenegash G, Michael RE. Vancomycin-induced Kounis syndrome. AJEM. 2019;37.9:1806.
- 2. Wang C, Deng Z, Song L, Sun W, Fang W, Li Z. Analysis of clinical characteristics of Kounis syndrome induced by contrast media. AJEM. 2022;52:203-7.
- 3.Kounis NG. Kounis syndrome: an update on epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapeutic management. CCLM. 2016;54.10:1545-59.
- 4.Kounis NG. Coronary hypersensitivity disorder: the Kounis syndrome. Clin Ther. 2013;35.5:563-71.
- 5.Yakar Ş, Baykan N, Taşlidere B. Acute myocardial infarction due to bee sting: Kounis syndrome. Anatolian J Emerg Med. 2019;2.1:27-9.
- 6.Shibuya K, Kasama S, Funada R, Katoh H, Tsushima Y. Kounis syndrome induced by contrast media: A case report and review of literatüre. Eur J Radiol. 2019;6:91-6.