Research Article
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Design and development of appropriate desk and chair for secondary schools in Ondo State, Nigeria using anthropometric variables

Year 2023, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 1 - 13, 30.06.2023


Furniture provision is a major component of teaching and learning facilities in schools which is usually done without considering the body measurements of users leading to discomfort for the users. A survey of anthropometric measurements of secondary school students in Ondo State of Nigeria was carried out alongside the size of existing chairs and desks in order to determine the level of mismatch. Obtained data were analyzed and the population of students was grouped into 5th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 95th percentiles. In Ondo State, Bio-characteristics of the students showed that the average age of students from JSS 1-SSS 3 increased from 10 years for JSS 1 to 16 for SSS3 which conformed with the entry and exit age requirement. Ergonomically compliant furniture was designed with adjustable features using 36.25 cm as the lower limit point and with the upper limit of 46.85 cm for seat height while lower limit was 54.46 cm for desk and upper limit having 67.60 cm. With these measurements, a typical desk and chair was produced by using round pipe and laminated board. Selection of non-adjustable furniture is both impracticable and unsuitable for a large of people; hence provision of adjustable compliant furniture was preferred to accommodate the entire population.


  • Aaras, A., Fostervold, K.I., Ro, O., Thoresen, M., Larsen, S. (1997), Postural load during VDU work: a comparison between various work postures, Ergonomics, 40(11), 1255-1268. DOI: 10.1080/001401397187496
  • Aagaard-Hansen, J., Saval, P., Steinø, P., Storr-Paulsen, A. (1991), Back health of students. Nordisk Medicin, 106(3), 80-81.
  • Agha S.R. (2010), School furniture match to students’ anthropometry in Gaza strip. Ergonomics, 53, 344-354.
  • Bendix, T., Winkel, J., Jessen, F. (1985). Comparison of office chairs with fixed forwards or backwards inclining, or tiltable seats. European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology, 54, 378-385.
  • Bhat, A. K., Jindal, R., Acharya, A. M. (2021), The influence of ethnic differences based on upper limb anthropometry on grip and pinch strength, Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma, 21, 101504, DOI:10.1016/j.jcot.2021.101504
  • BIFMA, (2003), International, Ergonomics Guidelines for VDT (Video Display Terminal) Furniture Used in Office Workspaces, Document G1-2002.
  • Branton P. (1969), Behavior, body dynamics and discomfort, Ergonomics, 12(2),316 -327
  • Bridger, R. S. (1995), Introduction to ergonomics, New York: Mc Graw-Hill
  • Castellucci, H. I., Gonclaves, M. A., Arezes, P. M. (2010), Ergonomics design of school furniture: Challenge for the Portuguese school. Proceedings of Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference, Miami, Florida, USA.
  • Chung, J. W., Wong, T. K. (2007), Anthropometric evaluation for primary school furniture design, Ergonomics, 50(3), 323-334.
  • Evans, O., Collins, B., Stewart, A. (1992). Is school furniture responsible for student seating discomfort? In Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Ergonomics Society of Australia, Melbourne.
  • Gouvali, M. K., Boudolos, M. K. (2006), Match between school furniture dimensions and children’s anthropometry. Applied Ergonomics. 37, 765-773
  • Knight G. Noyes J.(1999), Children's behaviour and design of school furniture, Ergonomics, 42(5), 747-760
  • Motmans, R. R. E. E. (2006), Evaluation of three types of school furniture according to EN 1729. Proceedings of IEA World Congress on Ergonomics, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
  • Murphy, S., Buckle, P., Stubbs, D. (2007). A cross-sectional study of self-reported back and neck pain among English schoolchildren and associated physical and psychological risk factors. Applied Ergonomics, 38(6), 797-804.
  • Panagiotopoulou, G., Christoulas, K., Papanckolaou, A., Mandroukas, K. (2004). Classroom furniture dimensions and anthropometric measures in primary school. Applied ergonomics, 35(2), 121-128.
  • Panero J, Zeinik M. (1979), Human dimension and interior space, New York: Watson-Guptill.
  • Parcells, C., Stommel, M., Hubbard, R. P. (1999). Mismatch of classroom furniture and student body dimensions: Empirical findings and health implications. Journal of adolescent health, 24(4), 265-273.
  • Pheasant S. (1998), Body space, Anthropometry, Ergonomics and the Design of Work, Second Edition, Taylor & Francis. P. 3-83
  • Pheasant S. T. (1996), Anthropometrics: An introduction for schools and colleges, London: British Standards Institution.
  • MWP Lab (2015), Sitting-posture measurement device, Mechanical Wood Processing Lab., department of forestry and wood technology, The Federal University of Technology Akure.
  • Thariq M. G. M., Munasinghe, H. P. Abeysekara, J. D. (2010), Designing chair with mounted desktop for university students: Ergonomics and Comfort, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 40 (1), 8-18.
  • Troussier, B., Davoine, P., De Gaudemaris, R., Fauconnier, J., Phelip, X. (1994). Back pain in school children. A study among 1178 pupils. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 26(3), 143-146.
  • URL 1, (2023), Ergonomics for prolonged sitting,, Last Access 11.06.2023.
  • Woodson, W. E., Tillman, B., Tillman, P. (1992). Human factors design handbook: information and guidelines for the design of systems, facilities, equipment, and products for human use, 2nd Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. pp 239-243.

Antropometrik değişkenler kullanılarak Nijerya'nın Ondo eyaletindeki ortaokullar için uygun sıra ve sandalye tasarımı ve geliştirilmesi

Year 2023, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 1 - 13, 30.06.2023


Mobilya tedariki, okullarda genellikle kullanıcıların vücut ölçüleri dikkate alınmadan yapılan ve kullanıcıları rahatsız eden öğretim ve öğrenim tesislerinin önemli bir bileşenidir. Uyumsuzluk düzeyini belirlemek için Nijerya’nın Ondo eyaletindeki ortaokul öğrencilerinin antropometrik ölçümlerine ilişkin bir anket, mevcut sandalye ve sıraların boyutlarına göre gerçekleştirildi. Elde edilen veriler analiz edildi ve öğrenci popülasyonu 5., 25., 50., 75. ve 95. yüzdelik gruplara ayrıldı. Ondo eyaletindeki öğrencilerin biyo-özellikleri, JSS 1-SSS 3'teki öğrencilerin ortalama yaşının, giriş ve çıkış yaşı gerekliliğini karşılayan JSS 1 için 10 yıldan SSS3 için 16’ya çıktığını gösterdi. Ergonomik uyumlu mobilyaların alt sınır noktası 36,25 cm, oturum yüksekliği üst sınırı 46,85 cm, çalışma masası alt sınırı 54,46 cm ve üst sınırı 67,60 cm olacak şekilde ayarlanabilir özellikte tasarlanmıştır. Bu ölçüler ile yuvarlak boru ve lamine levha kullanılarak tipik bir masa ve sandalye üretilmiştir. Büyük bir insan grubu için ayarlanamayan mobilya seçimi hem uygulanamaz hem de uygun değildir; bu nedenle, tüm nüfusu barındırmak için ayarlanabilir uyumlu mobilyaların sağlanması tercih edildi.


  • Aaras, A., Fostervold, K.I., Ro, O., Thoresen, M., Larsen, S. (1997), Postural load during VDU work: a comparison between various work postures, Ergonomics, 40(11), 1255-1268. DOI: 10.1080/001401397187496
  • Aagaard-Hansen, J., Saval, P., Steinø, P., Storr-Paulsen, A. (1991), Back health of students. Nordisk Medicin, 106(3), 80-81.
  • Agha S.R. (2010), School furniture match to students’ anthropometry in Gaza strip. Ergonomics, 53, 344-354.
  • Bendix, T., Winkel, J., Jessen, F. (1985). Comparison of office chairs with fixed forwards or backwards inclining, or tiltable seats. European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology, 54, 378-385.
  • Bhat, A. K., Jindal, R., Acharya, A. M. (2021), The influence of ethnic differences based on upper limb anthropometry on grip and pinch strength, Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma, 21, 101504, DOI:10.1016/j.jcot.2021.101504
  • BIFMA, (2003), International, Ergonomics Guidelines for VDT (Video Display Terminal) Furniture Used in Office Workspaces, Document G1-2002.
  • Branton P. (1969), Behavior, body dynamics and discomfort, Ergonomics, 12(2),316 -327
  • Bridger, R. S. (1995), Introduction to ergonomics, New York: Mc Graw-Hill
  • Castellucci, H. I., Gonclaves, M. A., Arezes, P. M. (2010), Ergonomics design of school furniture: Challenge for the Portuguese school. Proceedings of Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference, Miami, Florida, USA.
  • Chung, J. W., Wong, T. K. (2007), Anthropometric evaluation for primary school furniture design, Ergonomics, 50(3), 323-334.
  • Evans, O., Collins, B., Stewart, A. (1992). Is school furniture responsible for student seating discomfort? In Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Ergonomics Society of Australia, Melbourne.
  • Gouvali, M. K., Boudolos, M. K. (2006), Match between school furniture dimensions and children’s anthropometry. Applied Ergonomics. 37, 765-773
  • Knight G. Noyes J.(1999), Children's behaviour and design of school furniture, Ergonomics, 42(5), 747-760
  • Motmans, R. R. E. E. (2006), Evaluation of three types of school furniture according to EN 1729. Proceedings of IEA World Congress on Ergonomics, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
  • Murphy, S., Buckle, P., Stubbs, D. (2007). A cross-sectional study of self-reported back and neck pain among English schoolchildren and associated physical and psychological risk factors. Applied Ergonomics, 38(6), 797-804.
  • Panagiotopoulou, G., Christoulas, K., Papanckolaou, A., Mandroukas, K. (2004). Classroom furniture dimensions and anthropometric measures in primary school. Applied ergonomics, 35(2), 121-128.
  • Panero J, Zeinik M. (1979), Human dimension and interior space, New York: Watson-Guptill.
  • Parcells, C., Stommel, M., Hubbard, R. P. (1999). Mismatch of classroom furniture and student body dimensions: Empirical findings and health implications. Journal of adolescent health, 24(4), 265-273.
  • Pheasant S. (1998), Body space, Anthropometry, Ergonomics and the Design of Work, Second Edition, Taylor & Francis. P. 3-83
  • Pheasant S. T. (1996), Anthropometrics: An introduction for schools and colleges, London: British Standards Institution.
  • MWP Lab (2015), Sitting-posture measurement device, Mechanical Wood Processing Lab., department of forestry and wood technology, The Federal University of Technology Akure.
  • Thariq M. G. M., Munasinghe, H. P. Abeysekara, J. D. (2010), Designing chair with mounted desktop for university students: Ergonomics and Comfort, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 40 (1), 8-18.
  • Troussier, B., Davoine, P., De Gaudemaris, R., Fauconnier, J., Phelip, X. (1994). Back pain in school children. A study among 1178 pupils. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 26(3), 143-146.
  • URL 1, (2023), Ergonomics for prolonged sitting,, Last Access 11.06.2023.
  • Woodson, W. E., Tillman, B., Tillman, P. (1992). Human factors design handbook: information and guidelines for the design of systems, facilities, equipment, and products for human use, 2nd Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. pp 239-243.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Wooden Buildings and Constructions, Forest Industry Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Jacob Mayowa Owoyemi 0000-0002-9524-8169

Dauda Aliyu 0009-0006-0071-1904

Adetunji Akinnuoye 0000-0002-9885-9790

Early Pub Date June 25, 2023
Publication Date June 30, 2023
Submission Date May 17, 2023
Acceptance Date June 13, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


APA Owoyemi, J. M., Aliyu, D., & Akinnuoye, A. (2023). Design and development of appropriate desk and chair for secondary schools in Ondo State, Nigeria using anthropometric variables. Mobilya Ve Ahşap Malzeme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(1), 1-13.

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