Research Article
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A Literature Review on the Glass Cliff

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 171 - 182, 10.09.2024


Today, women's increasing assearance in business life and their promotion to managerial positions have caused them to face various discrimination practices and career obstacles. This has led to an increase in research focusing on gender equality, gender discrimination, and women's job positions in sub-disciplines of social sciences such as sociology, business, management, and psychology. Before being promoted to senior management positions, women face invisible career obstacles such as glass elavator, double bind, token promotions, glass labyrinth and glass ceiling. Women who overcome these challenges face a kind of career trap described as the “Glass Cliff”', where they are placed in risky management positions where failures are blamed on women and the prejudice that "women cannot be managers anyway" is strengthened. The term "Glass Cliff" describes the experiences and social prejudices that women encounter when they assume senior management roles, particularly during times of crisis. In this study, research on the "Glass Cliff" in Google Scholar and Researchgate databases between 2005 and 2023 was examined, the findings were evaluated, and suggestions were made for future research.


  • ADAMS, Susan M., GUPTA, Atul ve LEETH, John D. (2009), “Are Female Executives Over‐Represented in Precarious Leadership Positions?”, British Journal of Management, S.20(1), ss.1-12.
  • ASHBY, Julie S., RYAN, Michelle K. ve HASLAM, S. Alexander (2006), “Legal Work and the Glass Cliff: Evidence that Women Are Preferentially Selected to Lead Problematic Cases”, William ande Mary Journal of Race, Gender and Social Justice, S.13(3), ss.775-793.
  • BAKER, Kerryn ve CORBETT, Jack (2023), “Gender and Ossosition Leadership in the Pacific Islands”, Politics and Governance, S.11(1), ss.130-140.
  • BECHTOLDT, Myriam N., BANNIER, Christina E. ve ROCK, Björn (2019), “The Glass Cliff Myth?–Evidence from Germany and the UK”, The Leadership Quarterly, S.30(3), ss.273-297.
  • BROWN, Elizabeth R., DIEKMAN, Amanda B. ve SCHNEIDER, Monica C. (2011), “A Change Will Do us Good: Threats Diminish Typical Preferences for Male Leaders”, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, S.37(7), ss.930-941.
  • BRUCKMÜLLER, Susanne ve BRANSCOMBE, Nyla R. (2010), “The Glass Cliff: When and Why Women are Selected as Leaders in Crisis Contexts”, British Journal of Social Psychology, S.49(3), ss.433-451.
  • BRUCKMÜLLER, Susanne, RYAN, Michelle K., RINK, Floor ve HASLAM, S. Alexander (2014), “Beyond the Glass Ceiling: The Glass Cliff and its Lessons for Organizational Policy”, Social Issues and Policy Review, S.8(1), ss.202-232.
  • CHAMBERS, Kaitlyn (2011), “The Glass Cliff: The Contribution of Social Identity and Gender Stereotypes in Predicting Leadership Preference and Trust”, Doctoral Dissertation, Carleton University, Otlava (CA).
  • COOK, Alison ve GLASS, Christy (2013), “Glass Cliffs and Organizational Saviors: Barriers to Minority Leadership in Work Organizations?”, Social Problems, S.60(2), ss.168-187.
  • COOK, Alison ve GLASS, Christy (2014), “Women and Top Leadership Positions: Towards an Institutional Analysis”, Gender, Work ve Organization, S.21(1), ss.91-103.
  • DAROUEI, Maral ve PLUUT, Helen (2018), “The Paradox of Being on the Glass Cliff: Why do Women Accept Risky Leadership Positions?”, Career Development International, S.23(4), ss.397-426.
  • ELSAID, Eahab ve URSEL, Nancy D. (2018), “Re‐examining the Glass Cliff Hypothesis using Survival Analysis: The Case of Female CEO Tenure”, British Journal of Management, S.29(1), ss.156-170.
  • GROENEVELD, Sandra, BAKKER, Vincent ve SCHMIDT, Eduard (2020), “Breaking the Glass Ceiling, But Facing a Glass Cliff? The Role of Organizational Decline in Women's Representation in Leadership Positions in Dutch Civil Service Organizations”, Public Administration, S.98(2), ss.441-464.
  • GARTZIA, Leire, RYAN, Michelle K., BALLUERKA, Nekane ve ARITZETA, Aitor (2012), “Think Crisis–Think Female: Further Evidence”, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, S.21(4), ss.603-628.
  • HASLAM, S. Alexander ve RYAN, Michelle K. (2008), “The Road to the Glass Cliff: Differences in the Perceived Suitability of Mmen and Women for Leadership Positions in Succeeding and Failing Organizations”, The Leadership Quarterly, S.19(5), ss.530-546.
  • HASLAM, S. Alexander, RYAN, Michelle K., KULICH, Clara, TROJANOWSKI, Grzegorz ve ATKINS, Cate (2010), “Investing with Prejudice: The Relationship between Women's Presence on Company Boards and Objective and Subjective Measures of Company Performance”, British Journal of Management, S.21(2), ss.484-497.
  • HENNESSEY, Sean M., MacDONALD, Karen ve CARROLL, Wendy (2014), “Is There a" Glass Cliff or a Solid Ledge for Female Assointees to the Board of Directors?”, Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict, S.18(2), ss.125-139.
  • HUNT‐EARLE, Keziah (2012), “Falling Over a Glass Cliff: A Study of the Recruitment of Women to Leadership Roles in Troubled Enterprises”, Global Business and Organizational Excellence, S.31(5), ss.44-53.
  • KACHHY, Pruva ve BASER, Narayan (2023), “Overview of the Glass Cliff Situation in Indian Context”, Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Asslications, S.72(1), ss.565-572.
  • KRISHNAN, Nithya, BIGGERSTAFF, Deborah, SZCZEPURA, Ala, DOLTON, Monica, LIVINGSTON, Sondra, HATTERSLEY, John, ERIS, Josette, ASCHER, Nancy, HIGGINS, Robert, BRAUN, Hillary, WOOD, Kathryn ve RAYMOND, Neil (2019), “Glass Slissers and Glass Cliffs: Fitting in and Falling off”, Transplantation, S.103(7), ss.1486-1493.
  • KULICH, Clara, RYAN, Michelle K. ve HASLAM, S. Alexander (2014), “The Political Glass Cliff: Understanding How Seat Selection Contributes to the Underperformance of Ethnic Minority Candidates”, Political Research Quarterly, S.67(1), ss.84-95.
  • MAIN, Brian G. M. ve GREGORY-SMITH, Ian (2018), “Symbolic Management and the Glass Cliff: Evidence from the Boardroom Careers of Female and Male Directors”, British Journal of Management, S.29(1), ss.136-155.
  • MULCAHY, Mark ve LINEHAN, Carol (2014), “Females and Precarious Board Positions: Further Evidence of the Glass Cliff”, British Journal of Management, S.25(3), ss.425-438.
  • PETERSON, Helen (2016), “Is Managing Academics “Women’s Work”? Exploring the Glass Cliff in Higher Education Management”, Educational Management Administration ve Leadership, S.44(1), ss.112-127.
  • RYAN, Michelle K. ve HASLAM, S. Alexander (2005), “The Glass Cliff: Evidence That Women are Over‐Represented in Precarious Leadership Positions”, British Journal of Management, S.16(2), ss.81-90.
  • RYAN, Michelle K. ve HASLAM, S. Alexander (2006), “The Glass Cliff: The Stress of Working on the Edge”, European Business Forum, S.27(1), ss.42-47.
  • RYAN, Michelle K. ve HASLAM, S. Alexander (2007), “The Glass Cliff: Exploring the Dynamics Surrounding the Assointment of Women to Precarious Leadership Positions”, Academy of Management Review, S.32(2), ss.549-572.
  • RYAN, Michelle K. ve HASLAM, S. Alexander (2009), “Glass Cliffs are Not so Easily Scaled: On the Precariousness of Female Ceos' Positions”, British Journal of Management, S.20(1), ss.13-16.
  • RYAN, Michelle K., HASLAM, S. Alexander ve KULICH, Clara (2010), “Politics and the Glass Cliff: Evidence that Women are Preferentially Selected to Contest Hard-To-Win Seats”, Psychology of Women Quarterly, S.34(1), ss.56-64.
  • RYAN, Michelle K., HASLAM, S. Alexander ve POSTMES, Tom (2007), “Reactions to the Glass Cliff: Gender Differences in the Explanations for the Precariousness of Women's Leadership Positions”, Journal of Organizational Change Management, S.20(2), ss.182-197.
  • RYAN, Michelle K., HASLAM, S. Alexander, HERSBY, Mette D. ve BONGIORNO, Renata (2011), “Think Crisis–Think Female: The Glass Cliff and Contextual Variation in the Think Manager–Think Male Stereotype”, Journal of Asslied Psychology, S.96(3), ss.470-484.
  • RYAN, Michelle K., HASLAM, S. Alexander, MORGENROTH, Thekla, RINK, Floor, STOKER, Janka ve PETERS, Kim (2016), “Getting on Top of the Glass Cliff: Reviewing a Decade of Evidence, Explanations, and Impact”, The Leadership Quarterly, S.27(3), ss.446-455.
  • RYAN, Michelle K. (2023), “Addressing Workplace Gender Inequality: Using the Evidence to Avoid Common Pitfalls”, British Journal of Social Psychology, S.62(1), ss.1-11.
  • SABHARWAL, Meghna (2013), “From Glass Ceiling to Glass Cliff: Women in Senior Executive Service”, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, S.25(2), ss.399-426.
  • SAMUEL, Michelle ve WENDT, Jillian (2023), “Evaluating the Likelihood of the Glass Cliff Phenomenon for Female Ceos in College and Universities”, Administrative Issues Journal: Connecting Education, Practice, and Research, S.13(1), ss.13-30.
  • SMITH, Amy E. ve MONAGHAN, Karen R. (2013), “Some Ceilings Have More Cracks: Representative Bureaucracy in Federal Regulatory Agencies”, The American Review of Public Administration, S.43(1), ss.50-71.
  • SMITH, Amy E. (2015), “On the Edge of a Glass Cliff: Women in Leadership in Public Organizations”, Public Administration Quarterly, S.39(3), ss.484-517.
  • YAGHI, Abdulfattah (2018), “Glass Cliff or Glass Prison: Think Evil-Think Men in Organizational Leadership”, International Journal of Public Administration, S.41(12), ss.998-1008.

Cam Uçurumu Üzerine Bir Literatür İncelemesi

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 171 - 182, 10.09.2024


Günümüzde kadınların iş hayatında artan görünümleri ve yönetici kadrolarına yükselmeleri, çeşitli ayrımcılık uygulamaları ve kariyer engelleriyle karşı karşıya kalmalarına neden olmuştur. Bu durum, sosyal bilimlerin sosyoloji, işletme, yönetim ve psikoloji gibi alt disiplinlerinde cinsiyet eşitliği, cinsiyet ayrımcılığı ve kadınların iş konumlarına odaklanan araştırmaların artmasına yol açmıştır. Kadınlar, üst düzey yöneticilik pozisyonlarına terfi etmeden önce cam asansör, çifte engel, göstermelik terfi, cam labirent ve cam tavan gibi görünmeyen kariyer engelleriyle karşılaşmaktadır. Bu engelleri aşan kadınlar, bu kez riskli yöneticilik pozisyonlarına getirilerek başarısızlıkların kadınlara yüklendiği ve "kadından zaten yönetici olmaz" önyargısının güçlendiği “Cam Uçurum” olarak açıklanan bir tür kariyer tuzağı ile karşılaşmaktadır. “Cam Uçurum” özellikle kriz durumlarında kadınların üst düzey yönetici olarak atanmalarının ardından yaşadıklarını ve toplumsal önyargılarını ifade etmektedir. Bu çalışmada Google Scholar ve Researchgate veri tabanlarında 2005-2023 yılları arasında “Cam Uçurum” ile ilgili yapılan araştırmaların incelemesi yapılmış, elde edilen bulgular değerlendirilmiş ve gelecekte yapılabilecek araştırmalarla ilgili önerilerde bulunulmuştur.


  • ADAMS, Susan M., GUPTA, Atul ve LEETH, John D. (2009), “Are Female Executives Over‐Represented in Precarious Leadership Positions?”, British Journal of Management, S.20(1), ss.1-12.
  • ASHBY, Julie S., RYAN, Michelle K. ve HASLAM, S. Alexander (2006), “Legal Work and the Glass Cliff: Evidence that Women Are Preferentially Selected to Lead Problematic Cases”, William ande Mary Journal of Race, Gender and Social Justice, S.13(3), ss.775-793.
  • BAKER, Kerryn ve CORBETT, Jack (2023), “Gender and Ossosition Leadership in the Pacific Islands”, Politics and Governance, S.11(1), ss.130-140.
  • BECHTOLDT, Myriam N., BANNIER, Christina E. ve ROCK, Björn (2019), “The Glass Cliff Myth?–Evidence from Germany and the UK”, The Leadership Quarterly, S.30(3), ss.273-297.
  • BROWN, Elizabeth R., DIEKMAN, Amanda B. ve SCHNEIDER, Monica C. (2011), “A Change Will Do us Good: Threats Diminish Typical Preferences for Male Leaders”, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, S.37(7), ss.930-941.
  • BRUCKMÜLLER, Susanne ve BRANSCOMBE, Nyla R. (2010), “The Glass Cliff: When and Why Women are Selected as Leaders in Crisis Contexts”, British Journal of Social Psychology, S.49(3), ss.433-451.
  • BRUCKMÜLLER, Susanne, RYAN, Michelle K., RINK, Floor ve HASLAM, S. Alexander (2014), “Beyond the Glass Ceiling: The Glass Cliff and its Lessons for Organizational Policy”, Social Issues and Policy Review, S.8(1), ss.202-232.
  • CHAMBERS, Kaitlyn (2011), “The Glass Cliff: The Contribution of Social Identity and Gender Stereotypes in Predicting Leadership Preference and Trust”, Doctoral Dissertation, Carleton University, Otlava (CA).
  • COOK, Alison ve GLASS, Christy (2013), “Glass Cliffs and Organizational Saviors: Barriers to Minority Leadership in Work Organizations?”, Social Problems, S.60(2), ss.168-187.
  • COOK, Alison ve GLASS, Christy (2014), “Women and Top Leadership Positions: Towards an Institutional Analysis”, Gender, Work ve Organization, S.21(1), ss.91-103.
  • DAROUEI, Maral ve PLUUT, Helen (2018), “The Paradox of Being on the Glass Cliff: Why do Women Accept Risky Leadership Positions?”, Career Development International, S.23(4), ss.397-426.
  • ELSAID, Eahab ve URSEL, Nancy D. (2018), “Re‐examining the Glass Cliff Hypothesis using Survival Analysis: The Case of Female CEO Tenure”, British Journal of Management, S.29(1), ss.156-170.
  • GROENEVELD, Sandra, BAKKER, Vincent ve SCHMIDT, Eduard (2020), “Breaking the Glass Ceiling, But Facing a Glass Cliff? The Role of Organizational Decline in Women's Representation in Leadership Positions in Dutch Civil Service Organizations”, Public Administration, S.98(2), ss.441-464.
  • GARTZIA, Leire, RYAN, Michelle K., BALLUERKA, Nekane ve ARITZETA, Aitor (2012), “Think Crisis–Think Female: Further Evidence”, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, S.21(4), ss.603-628.
  • HASLAM, S. Alexander ve RYAN, Michelle K. (2008), “The Road to the Glass Cliff: Differences in the Perceived Suitability of Mmen and Women for Leadership Positions in Succeeding and Failing Organizations”, The Leadership Quarterly, S.19(5), ss.530-546.
  • HASLAM, S. Alexander, RYAN, Michelle K., KULICH, Clara, TROJANOWSKI, Grzegorz ve ATKINS, Cate (2010), “Investing with Prejudice: The Relationship between Women's Presence on Company Boards and Objective and Subjective Measures of Company Performance”, British Journal of Management, S.21(2), ss.484-497.
  • HENNESSEY, Sean M., MacDONALD, Karen ve CARROLL, Wendy (2014), “Is There a" Glass Cliff or a Solid Ledge for Female Assointees to the Board of Directors?”, Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict, S.18(2), ss.125-139.
  • HUNT‐EARLE, Keziah (2012), “Falling Over a Glass Cliff: A Study of the Recruitment of Women to Leadership Roles in Troubled Enterprises”, Global Business and Organizational Excellence, S.31(5), ss.44-53.
  • KACHHY, Pruva ve BASER, Narayan (2023), “Overview of the Glass Cliff Situation in Indian Context”, Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Asslications, S.72(1), ss.565-572.
  • KRISHNAN, Nithya, BIGGERSTAFF, Deborah, SZCZEPURA, Ala, DOLTON, Monica, LIVINGSTON, Sondra, HATTERSLEY, John, ERIS, Josette, ASCHER, Nancy, HIGGINS, Robert, BRAUN, Hillary, WOOD, Kathryn ve RAYMOND, Neil (2019), “Glass Slissers and Glass Cliffs: Fitting in and Falling off”, Transplantation, S.103(7), ss.1486-1493.
  • KULICH, Clara, RYAN, Michelle K. ve HASLAM, S. Alexander (2014), “The Political Glass Cliff: Understanding How Seat Selection Contributes to the Underperformance of Ethnic Minority Candidates”, Political Research Quarterly, S.67(1), ss.84-95.
  • MAIN, Brian G. M. ve GREGORY-SMITH, Ian (2018), “Symbolic Management and the Glass Cliff: Evidence from the Boardroom Careers of Female and Male Directors”, British Journal of Management, S.29(1), ss.136-155.
  • MULCAHY, Mark ve LINEHAN, Carol (2014), “Females and Precarious Board Positions: Further Evidence of the Glass Cliff”, British Journal of Management, S.25(3), ss.425-438.
  • PETERSON, Helen (2016), “Is Managing Academics “Women’s Work”? Exploring the Glass Cliff in Higher Education Management”, Educational Management Administration ve Leadership, S.44(1), ss.112-127.
  • RYAN, Michelle K. ve HASLAM, S. Alexander (2005), “The Glass Cliff: Evidence That Women are Over‐Represented in Precarious Leadership Positions”, British Journal of Management, S.16(2), ss.81-90.
  • RYAN, Michelle K. ve HASLAM, S. Alexander (2006), “The Glass Cliff: The Stress of Working on the Edge”, European Business Forum, S.27(1), ss.42-47.
  • RYAN, Michelle K. ve HASLAM, S. Alexander (2007), “The Glass Cliff: Exploring the Dynamics Surrounding the Assointment of Women to Precarious Leadership Positions”, Academy of Management Review, S.32(2), ss.549-572.
  • RYAN, Michelle K. ve HASLAM, S. Alexander (2009), “Glass Cliffs are Not so Easily Scaled: On the Precariousness of Female Ceos' Positions”, British Journal of Management, S.20(1), ss.13-16.
  • RYAN, Michelle K., HASLAM, S. Alexander ve KULICH, Clara (2010), “Politics and the Glass Cliff: Evidence that Women are Preferentially Selected to Contest Hard-To-Win Seats”, Psychology of Women Quarterly, S.34(1), ss.56-64.
  • RYAN, Michelle K., HASLAM, S. Alexander ve POSTMES, Tom (2007), “Reactions to the Glass Cliff: Gender Differences in the Explanations for the Precariousness of Women's Leadership Positions”, Journal of Organizational Change Management, S.20(2), ss.182-197.
  • RYAN, Michelle K., HASLAM, S. Alexander, HERSBY, Mette D. ve BONGIORNO, Renata (2011), “Think Crisis–Think Female: The Glass Cliff and Contextual Variation in the Think Manager–Think Male Stereotype”, Journal of Asslied Psychology, S.96(3), ss.470-484.
  • RYAN, Michelle K., HASLAM, S. Alexander, MORGENROTH, Thekla, RINK, Floor, STOKER, Janka ve PETERS, Kim (2016), “Getting on Top of the Glass Cliff: Reviewing a Decade of Evidence, Explanations, and Impact”, The Leadership Quarterly, S.27(3), ss.446-455.
  • RYAN, Michelle K. (2023), “Addressing Workplace Gender Inequality: Using the Evidence to Avoid Common Pitfalls”, British Journal of Social Psychology, S.62(1), ss.1-11.
  • SABHARWAL, Meghna (2013), “From Glass Ceiling to Glass Cliff: Women in Senior Executive Service”, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, S.25(2), ss.399-426.
  • SAMUEL, Michelle ve WENDT, Jillian (2023), “Evaluating the Likelihood of the Glass Cliff Phenomenon for Female Ceos in College and Universities”, Administrative Issues Journal: Connecting Education, Practice, and Research, S.13(1), ss.13-30.
  • SMITH, Amy E. ve MONAGHAN, Karen R. (2013), “Some Ceilings Have More Cracks: Representative Bureaucracy in Federal Regulatory Agencies”, The American Review of Public Administration, S.43(1), ss.50-71.
  • SMITH, Amy E. (2015), “On the Edge of a Glass Cliff: Women in Leadership in Public Organizations”, Public Administration Quarterly, S.39(3), ss.484-517.
  • YAGHI, Abdulfattah (2018), “Glass Cliff or Glass Prison: Think Evil-Think Men in Organizational Leadership”, International Journal of Public Administration, S.41(12), ss.998-1008.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Gender, Policy and Administration, Crisis and Issue Management, Leadership, Organisation and Management Theory, Organisational Planning and Management, Organisational Behaviour, Management and Organization Education
Journal Section Articles

İsa İpçioğlu 0000-0002-6912-3290

Ahu Taşdemir 0000-0003-1233-4078

Publication Date September 10, 2024
Submission Date February 29, 2024
Acceptance Date June 15, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA İpçioğlu, İ., & Taşdemir, A. (2024). Cam Uçurumu Üzerine Bir Literatür İncelemesi. Uluslararası Yönetim Akademisi Dergisi, 7(1), 171-182.

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