Research Article
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Year 2009, Volume: 8 Issue: 31, 93 - 101, 10.01.2009


Çalışmada IT projelerinde başarıyı sağlayacak kritik faktörlerin belirlenmesine yönelik bir yazın taraması sunulmaktadır. Tarama bilimsel dergileri, konferans bildirilerini ve doktora tezlerini kapsamaktadır. Yazın taraması sonucunda tüm IT projelerinde geçerli 20 kritik başarı faktörü saptanmış; örgütsel, kullanıcı odaklı, proje odaklı ve teknolojik olmak üzere 4 grupta sınıflandırılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın bulgularına göre “üst yönetimin projeye desteği ve aktif katılımı”, “proje ekibinin yetkinliği”, “etkin proje yönetimi”, “net hedeflerin konulması, görevlerin belirlenmesi”, “proje içi ve dışı etkin iletişim”, “değişim yönetimi”, “uygun teknoloji kullanımı, sistem altyapısı”, “kullanıcının sürece aktif katkısı”, “proje hamisi”, “kullanıcı eğitimi” kritik başarı faktörleri en sık atıf alan faktörler olarak belirlenmiştir.


  • [1] Akkermans, H. & Van Helden, K. (2002). Vicious and Virtuous Cycles in ERP Implementation: A Case Study of Interrelations betvveen Critical Success Factors, European Journal of Information Systems, 11(1), 35-46.
  • [2] Ang, J.S.K.; Sum, C.C. & Yeo, L.N. (2002). A Multiple- Case Design Methodology for Studying MRP Success and CSFs, Information & Management, 39(4), 271-281.
  • [3] Aron, D. & Sampler, I.L. (2003). Understanding IT: A Manager’s Guide, Prentice Hail, Essex, U.K.
  • [4] Barki, H.; Rivard, S. & Talbot, J. (1993). Toward an Assessment of Software Development Risks, Journal of Management Information Systems, 10(2), 203-225.
  • [5] Bennington, P. & Baccarini, D. (2004). Project Benefits Management in IT-Projects - An Australian Perspective, Project Management Journal, 35(2), 20-30.
  • [6] Biehl, M. (2007). Success Factors for Implementing Global Information Systems, Communications of the ACM, 50(1), 53-58.
  • [7] Bingi, P.; Sharma, M.K. & Golda, J.K. (1999). Critical Issues Affecting an ERP Implementation, Information Systems Management, 16(3), 7-14.
  • [8] Boghossian, Z.J. (2002). An Investigation into the Critical Success Factors of Software Development Process, Time, and Quality, Dissertation in Faculty of the Graduate School of Education and Psychology, Pepperdine University, California, USA.
  • [9] Bradley, J. (2004). Enterprise Resource Planning Success: A Management Theory Approach to Critical Success Factors, Dissertation in Faculty of Executive Management, The Claremont Graduate University, California, USA.
  • [10] Bullen, C.V. (1995). Productivity CSFs for knovvledge workers, Information Strategy: The Executive’s Journal, 12(1), 14-20.
  • [11] Butler, T. & Fitzgerald, B. (1999). Unpacking the Systems Development Process: An Empirical Application of the CSF Concept in a Research Context, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 8(4), 351-371.
  • [12] Cao, D.B. (2006). An Empirical Investigation of Critical Succes Factors in Agile Software Development Projects, Dissertation in School of Business & Technology, Capella University, Minneapolis, USA.
  • [13] Chow, T. & Cao, D.B. (2008). A Survey Study of Critical Success Factors in Agile Software Projects, The Journal of Systems and Softvvare, 81(6), 961-971.
  • [14] Chung, B.Y. (2007). An Anaylsis of Success and Failure Factors for ERP Systems in Engineering and Construction Firms, Dissertation in Faculty of Graduate School, University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA.
  • [15] Cooke-Davies, T. (2002). The ‘Real’ Success Factors on Projects, International Journal of Project Management, 20(3), 185-190.
  • [16] Cravvford, L.; Pollack, J. & England, D. (2006). Uncovering the Trends in Project Management: Journal Emphases Över the last 10 Years, International Journal of Project Management, 24(2), 175-184.
  • [17] Finch, P. (2003). Applying the Slevin-Pinto Project Implementation Profile to an Information Systems Project, Project Management Journal, 34(3), 32-39.
  • [18] Grover, V.; Jeong, S.R.; Kettinger, W.J. & Teng, J.T. (1995). The Implementation of Business Process Reengineering, Journal of Management Information Systems, 12(1), 109-144.
  • [19] Hartmann, F. & Ashrafı, R. (2002). Project Management in the Information Systems and Information Technologies Industries, Project Management Journal, 33(3), 5-15.
  • [20] Howarth, B. (2002). Making IT Pay, Business Review Weekly, 24(23), 65-67.
  • [21] Kamhavvi, E.M. (2007). Critical Factors for Implementation Success of ERP Systems: An Empirical Investigation from Bahrain, International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 3(2), 34-49.
  • [22] Kappelmann, L.A.; McKeeman, R. & Zhang, L. (2006) Early Warning Signs of IT Project Failure: The Dominant Dozen, Information Systems Management, 23(4), 31-36.
  • [23] Kim, C.S. & Peterson, D.K. (2001). Developers1 Perceptions of Information Systems Success Factors, The Journal of Computer Information Systems, 41(2), 29-35.
  • [24] Markus, M.L. & Benjamin, R.I. (1997). The Magic Bullet Theory in IT-Enabled Transformation, Sloan Management Review, 38(2), 55-68.
  • [25] Motwani, J.; Subramanian, R. & Gopalakrishna, P. (2005). Critical Factors for Successful ERP Implementation: Exploratory Findings from Four Case Studies, Computers in İndustry, 56(6), 529-544.
  • [26] Muscatello, J.R. & Chen, I.J. (2008). Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementations: Theory and Practice, International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 4(1), 63-78.
  • [27] Nah, F.F.H.; Zuckvveiler, K.M. & Lau, J.L.S. (2003). ERP Implementation: Chief Information Offıcers' Perceptions of Critical Success Factors, International Journal of Human- Computer Interaction, 16(1), 5-22.
  • [28] Nah, F.F.H. & Delgado, S. (2006). Critical Success Factors for Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation and Upgrade, The Journal of Computer Information Systems, 46(5), 99-113. 29 *
  • [29] Ngai, E.W.T.; Law, C.C.H. & Wat, F.K.T. (2008). Examining the Critical Success Factors in the Adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning, Computers in industry, 59(6), 548-564.
  • [30] Pinto, J.K. & Slevin, D.P. (1989). Critical Success Factors in R&D Projects, Research Technology Management, 32(1), 31-35.
  • [31] Pyle, K.J. (1986). An Empirical Examination of Critical Success Factors fo User-Based Implementation Projects in Management Information Systems, Dissertation in Interdepartmental Area of Business, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska.
  • [32] Remus, U. (2007). Critical Success Factors for Implementing Enterprise Portals; A Comparison with ERP Implementations, Business Process Management Journal, 13(4), 538-552.
  • [33] Rockart, J. (1979). Chief Executives Define Their Own Information Needs, Harvard Business Review, 57(2), 81- 93.
  • [34] Rosacker, K.M. (2005). Managing Information Systems Projects within State Government: Factors Critical for Successful Implementation, Dissertation in Faculty of Graduate College, University of Nebraska, Nebraska, USA.
  • [35] Shanks, G.; Parr, A.; Hu, B.; Corbitt, B.; Thanasankit, T. & Seddon, P. (2000). Differences in Critical Success Factors in ERP Systems Implementation in Australia and China: A Cultural Analysis, Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Information Systems, Vienna, Austria, 537- 544.
  • [36] Sim, J. (2003). Critical Success Factors in Data Mining Projects, Dissertation in Department of Computer Information Systems, University of North Texas, Texas, USA.
  • [37] Slevin, D.P. & Pinto, J.K. (1986). The Project Implementation Profile: New Tool for Project Managers, Project Management Journal, 17(4), 57-70.
  • [38] Soja, P. (2006). Success Factors in ERP Systems Implementations: Lessons from Practice, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 19(6), 646-661.
  • [39] Somers, T.M. & Nelson, K. (2001). The Impact of Critical Success Factors across the Stages of Enterprise Resource Planning Implementations, Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 3, 3- 6 Ocak, Maui, Hawaii.
  • [40] Sum, C.C.; Ang, J.S.K. & Yeo, L.N. (1997). Contextual Elements of Critical Success Factors in MRP Implementation, Production and Inventory Management Journal, 38(3), 77-82.
  • [41] Sun, A.Y.T.; Yazdani, A. & Overend, J.D. (2005). Achievement Assessment for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Implementations based on Critical Success Factors (CSFs), International Journal of Production Economics, 98(2), 189-203.
  • [42] Themistocleous, G. & Wearne, S.H. (2000). Project Management Topic Coverage in Journals, International Journal of Project Management, 18(1), 7-11.
  • [43] Thong, J.Y.L.; Yap, C.S. & Raman, K.S. (1994). Engagement of External Expertise in Information Systems Implementation, Journal of Management Information Systems, 11(2), 209-231.
  • [44] Umble, E.J. & Umble, M.M. (2002). Avoiding ERP Implementation Failure, Industrial Management, 44(1), 25- 33.
  • [45] Umble, E.J.; Haft, R.R. & Umble M.M. (2003). Enterprise Resource Planning: Implementation Procedures and Critical Success Factors, European Journal of Operational Research, 146(2), 241-257.
  • [46] Vidyaranya, B.G. & Cydnee, B. (2005). Success and Failure Factors of Adopting SAP in ERP System Implementation, Business Process Management Journal, 11(5), 501-516.
  • [47] Wateridge, J. (1998). How Can IS/IT Projects Be Measured For Success?, International Journal of Project Management, 16(1), 59-63.
  • [48] Westerveld, E. (2003). The Project Excellence Model 1: Linking Success Criteria and Critical Success Factors, International Journal of Project Management, 21(6), 411- 418.
  • [49] White, D. & Fortune, J. (2002). Current Practice on Project Management - An Empirical Study, International Journal of Project Management, 20( 1), 1-11.
  • [50] Willcocks, L.P. & Skyes, R. (2000). The Role of the CIO and IT Function in ERP, Communications of ACM, 43(4), 33-38.
  • [51] Wixom, B.H. & Watson, H.J. (2001). An Empirical Investigation of the Factors Affecting Data Warehousing Success, MİS Quartely, 25(1), 17-41. 52
  • [52] Yeo, K.T. (2002). Critical Failure Factors in Information System Projects, International Journal of Project Management, 20(3), 241-246.
Year 2009, Volume: 8 Issue: 31, 93 - 101, 10.01.2009



  • [1] Akkermans, H. & Van Helden, K. (2002). Vicious and Virtuous Cycles in ERP Implementation: A Case Study of Interrelations betvveen Critical Success Factors, European Journal of Information Systems, 11(1), 35-46.
  • [2] Ang, J.S.K.; Sum, C.C. & Yeo, L.N. (2002). A Multiple- Case Design Methodology for Studying MRP Success and CSFs, Information & Management, 39(4), 271-281.
  • [3] Aron, D. & Sampler, I.L. (2003). Understanding IT: A Manager’s Guide, Prentice Hail, Essex, U.K.
  • [4] Barki, H.; Rivard, S. & Talbot, J. (1993). Toward an Assessment of Software Development Risks, Journal of Management Information Systems, 10(2), 203-225.
  • [5] Bennington, P. & Baccarini, D. (2004). Project Benefits Management in IT-Projects - An Australian Perspective, Project Management Journal, 35(2), 20-30.
  • [6] Biehl, M. (2007). Success Factors for Implementing Global Information Systems, Communications of the ACM, 50(1), 53-58.
  • [7] Bingi, P.; Sharma, M.K. & Golda, J.K. (1999). Critical Issues Affecting an ERP Implementation, Information Systems Management, 16(3), 7-14.
  • [8] Boghossian, Z.J. (2002). An Investigation into the Critical Success Factors of Software Development Process, Time, and Quality, Dissertation in Faculty of the Graduate School of Education and Psychology, Pepperdine University, California, USA.
  • [9] Bradley, J. (2004). Enterprise Resource Planning Success: A Management Theory Approach to Critical Success Factors, Dissertation in Faculty of Executive Management, The Claremont Graduate University, California, USA.
  • [10] Bullen, C.V. (1995). Productivity CSFs for knovvledge workers, Information Strategy: The Executive’s Journal, 12(1), 14-20.
  • [11] Butler, T. & Fitzgerald, B. (1999). Unpacking the Systems Development Process: An Empirical Application of the CSF Concept in a Research Context, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 8(4), 351-371.
  • [12] Cao, D.B. (2006). An Empirical Investigation of Critical Succes Factors in Agile Software Development Projects, Dissertation in School of Business & Technology, Capella University, Minneapolis, USA.
  • [13] Chow, T. & Cao, D.B. (2008). A Survey Study of Critical Success Factors in Agile Software Projects, The Journal of Systems and Softvvare, 81(6), 961-971.
  • [14] Chung, B.Y. (2007). An Anaylsis of Success and Failure Factors for ERP Systems in Engineering and Construction Firms, Dissertation in Faculty of Graduate School, University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA.
  • [15] Cooke-Davies, T. (2002). The ‘Real’ Success Factors on Projects, International Journal of Project Management, 20(3), 185-190.
  • [16] Cravvford, L.; Pollack, J. & England, D. (2006). Uncovering the Trends in Project Management: Journal Emphases Över the last 10 Years, International Journal of Project Management, 24(2), 175-184.
  • [17] Finch, P. (2003). Applying the Slevin-Pinto Project Implementation Profile to an Information Systems Project, Project Management Journal, 34(3), 32-39.
  • [18] Grover, V.; Jeong, S.R.; Kettinger, W.J. & Teng, J.T. (1995). The Implementation of Business Process Reengineering, Journal of Management Information Systems, 12(1), 109-144.
  • [19] Hartmann, F. & Ashrafı, R. (2002). Project Management in the Information Systems and Information Technologies Industries, Project Management Journal, 33(3), 5-15.
  • [20] Howarth, B. (2002). Making IT Pay, Business Review Weekly, 24(23), 65-67.
  • [21] Kamhavvi, E.M. (2007). Critical Factors for Implementation Success of ERP Systems: An Empirical Investigation from Bahrain, International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 3(2), 34-49.
  • [22] Kappelmann, L.A.; McKeeman, R. & Zhang, L. (2006) Early Warning Signs of IT Project Failure: The Dominant Dozen, Information Systems Management, 23(4), 31-36.
  • [23] Kim, C.S. & Peterson, D.K. (2001). Developers1 Perceptions of Information Systems Success Factors, The Journal of Computer Information Systems, 41(2), 29-35.
  • [24] Markus, M.L. & Benjamin, R.I. (1997). The Magic Bullet Theory in IT-Enabled Transformation, Sloan Management Review, 38(2), 55-68.
  • [25] Motwani, J.; Subramanian, R. & Gopalakrishna, P. (2005). Critical Factors for Successful ERP Implementation: Exploratory Findings from Four Case Studies, Computers in İndustry, 56(6), 529-544.
  • [26] Muscatello, J.R. & Chen, I.J. (2008). Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementations: Theory and Practice, International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 4(1), 63-78.
  • [27] Nah, F.F.H.; Zuckvveiler, K.M. & Lau, J.L.S. (2003). ERP Implementation: Chief Information Offıcers' Perceptions of Critical Success Factors, International Journal of Human- Computer Interaction, 16(1), 5-22.
  • [28] Nah, F.F.H. & Delgado, S. (2006). Critical Success Factors for Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation and Upgrade, The Journal of Computer Information Systems, 46(5), 99-113. 29 *
  • [29] Ngai, E.W.T.; Law, C.C.H. & Wat, F.K.T. (2008). Examining the Critical Success Factors in the Adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning, Computers in industry, 59(6), 548-564.
  • [30] Pinto, J.K. & Slevin, D.P. (1989). Critical Success Factors in R&D Projects, Research Technology Management, 32(1), 31-35.
  • [31] Pyle, K.J. (1986). An Empirical Examination of Critical Success Factors fo User-Based Implementation Projects in Management Information Systems, Dissertation in Interdepartmental Area of Business, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska.
  • [32] Remus, U. (2007). Critical Success Factors for Implementing Enterprise Portals; A Comparison with ERP Implementations, Business Process Management Journal, 13(4), 538-552.
  • [33] Rockart, J. (1979). Chief Executives Define Their Own Information Needs, Harvard Business Review, 57(2), 81- 93.
  • [34] Rosacker, K.M. (2005). Managing Information Systems Projects within State Government: Factors Critical for Successful Implementation, Dissertation in Faculty of Graduate College, University of Nebraska, Nebraska, USA.
  • [35] Shanks, G.; Parr, A.; Hu, B.; Corbitt, B.; Thanasankit, T. & Seddon, P. (2000). Differences in Critical Success Factors in ERP Systems Implementation in Australia and China: A Cultural Analysis, Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Information Systems, Vienna, Austria, 537- 544.
  • [36] Sim, J. (2003). Critical Success Factors in Data Mining Projects, Dissertation in Department of Computer Information Systems, University of North Texas, Texas, USA.
  • [37] Slevin, D.P. & Pinto, J.K. (1986). The Project Implementation Profile: New Tool for Project Managers, Project Management Journal, 17(4), 57-70.
  • [38] Soja, P. (2006). Success Factors in ERP Systems Implementations: Lessons from Practice, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 19(6), 646-661.
  • [39] Somers, T.M. & Nelson, K. (2001). The Impact of Critical Success Factors across the Stages of Enterprise Resource Planning Implementations, Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 3, 3- 6 Ocak, Maui, Hawaii.
  • [40] Sum, C.C.; Ang, J.S.K. & Yeo, L.N. (1997). Contextual Elements of Critical Success Factors in MRP Implementation, Production and Inventory Management Journal, 38(3), 77-82.
  • [41] Sun, A.Y.T.; Yazdani, A. & Overend, J.D. (2005). Achievement Assessment for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Implementations based on Critical Success Factors (CSFs), International Journal of Production Economics, 98(2), 189-203.
  • [42] Themistocleous, G. & Wearne, S.H. (2000). Project Management Topic Coverage in Journals, International Journal of Project Management, 18(1), 7-11.
  • [43] Thong, J.Y.L.; Yap, C.S. & Raman, K.S. (1994). Engagement of External Expertise in Information Systems Implementation, Journal of Management Information Systems, 11(2), 209-231.
  • [44] Umble, E.J. & Umble, M.M. (2002). Avoiding ERP Implementation Failure, Industrial Management, 44(1), 25- 33.
  • [45] Umble, E.J.; Haft, R.R. & Umble M.M. (2003). Enterprise Resource Planning: Implementation Procedures and Critical Success Factors, European Journal of Operational Research, 146(2), 241-257.
  • [46] Vidyaranya, B.G. & Cydnee, B. (2005). Success and Failure Factors of Adopting SAP in ERP System Implementation, Business Process Management Journal, 11(5), 501-516.
  • [47] Wateridge, J. (1998). How Can IS/IT Projects Be Measured For Success?, International Journal of Project Management, 16(1), 59-63.
  • [48] Westerveld, E. (2003). The Project Excellence Model 1: Linking Success Criteria and Critical Success Factors, International Journal of Project Management, 21(6), 411- 418.
  • [49] White, D. & Fortune, J. (2002). Current Practice on Project Management - An Empirical Study, International Journal of Project Management, 20( 1), 1-11.
  • [50] Willcocks, L.P. & Skyes, R. (2000). The Role of the CIO and IT Function in ERP, Communications of ACM, 43(4), 33-38.
  • [51] Wixom, B.H. & Watson, H.J. (2001). An Empirical Investigation of the Factors Affecting Data Warehousing Success, MİS Quartely, 25(1), 17-41. 52
  • [52] Yeo, K.T. (2002). Critical Failure Factors in Information System Projects, International Journal of Project Management, 20(3), 241-246.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Eski Sayılar

İbrahim Edin

Publication Date January 10, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 8 Issue: 31




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