Research Article
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Year 2007, Volume: 7 Issue: 28, 287 - 300, 10.06.2007


Bu çalışmada, zaman serileri analizinde yaygın biçimde kullanılan Bayesci Vektör Oto-regresyon (BVAR) modeller ayrıntılı bir şekilde açıklanmıştır. Bu çerçeve içinde Vektör Oto-regresyon (VAR) modeller de incelenmiştir. Bilindiği gibi Türkiye, çok uzun zamandan beri yüksek enflasyon oranlarının yol açtığı sıkıntılarla uğraşmaktadır. Öyle ki yüksek enflasyon oranları Türkiye’nin en önemli sorunlarından biri haline gelmiştir. Bu faktörün önemi, bizi onu modellemeye yönlendirmiştir. Modelleme için iki ayrı dönem, Ocak 1986 - Aralık 2001 ve Ocak 1986 - Aralık 2000 seçilmiştir. Bu dönemler için yedi farklı BVAR modeli oluşturulmuş ve daha sonra 2002 ve 2001 yılları için bu modellerin öngörü performansları VAR modeller ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuçlar incelendiğinde, BVAR modellerinin Ocak 2002 - Aralık 2002 döneminin
öngörüsünde VAR modeline oranla iyi bir performans sergileyemediği anlaşılmıştır. Bu duruma, 2001 yılında yaşanmış olan ekonomik krizin yol açtığı düşünüldüğünden, Ocak 1986 - Aralık 2000 dönemi için ayrı bir modellemeye gidilmiş ve Ocak 2001 - Aralık 2001 öngörülerine bakılmıştır. Çıkan sonuçlar BVAR modellerinin, VAR modeline göre 2001 yılı gerçek değerlerin tahmininde çok daha başarılı olduğunu kanıtlamıştır.


  • [1] Todd, R., (1984). Improving Economic Forecasting with Bayesian Vector Autoregression. Quarterly Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, 8(Fall), 18-29.
  • [2] Litterman, R. (1986). A Statistical Approach to Economic Forecasting. Journal of Business and Economic Statisiics, 4(1), 1-4.
  • [3] Litterman, R. (1986). Forecasting with Bayesian Vector Autoregression - Five Years of Experience. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 4(1), 25-38.
  • [4] Spencer, D. (1993). Developing a Bayesian Vector Autoregression Forecasting Model. International Journal of Forecasting, 9(3), 407-421.
  • [5] Bessler, D.A. & Kling, J.L. (1986). Forecasting Vector Autoregressions with Bayesian Priors. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 68(1), 144-151.
  • [6] Nelson, C.R. & Plosser, C. (1982). Trends and Random Walks in Macroeconomic Time Series. Journal of Monetary Economics, 10(2), 139-162.
  • [7] Tiao, G.C. &Box, G.E.P. (1981). Modelling Multiple Time Series with Application. Journal of The American Statistical Association, 76(376), 802-816.
  • [8] Tiao, G. & Tsay, R. (1983). Multiple Time Series Modeling and Extended Sample Cross-Correlations. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 1(1), 43-56.
  • [9] Engle, R.F. & Granger, C.W.J. (1987). Cointegration and Error Correction: Representation, Estimation and Testing. Econometrica, 55(2), 251-276.
  • [10] Engle, R.F. & You, B.S. (1987). Forecasting and Testing in Cointegrated Systems. Journal of Econometrics, 35(1), 143-159.
  • [11] Fırat, B.E. (1994). Estimating and Forecasting Exchange Rate: Comparison of Structural and VAR Models. A Master’s Thesis, Middle East Technical University. Master of Science in Economics, Ankara.
  • [12] Doan, T.; Litterman, R.B. & Sims, C. (1983). Forecasting and Conditional projection Using Realistic Prior Disributions. NBER Working Papers Series. No: 1202, Cambridge.
  • [13] Larson, H.J. (1982). Introduction to Probability Theory and Statistics Inference. Third Edition. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
  • [14] Hsu, P.; Wang, C.; Shyu, J.Z. & Yu, H. (2003). A Litterman BVAR Approach for Production Forecasting of Technology Industries. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 70(1), 67-82.
  • [15] Rarnos, F. (2003). Forecasts of Market Shares from VAR and BVAR Models: A Comparison of Their Accuracy. International Journal of Forecasting, 19(1), 95-110.
  • [16] Doan, T. (1992). RATS. Users Manual Version 4. Illinois: Estima.
  • [17] Bischoff, C.W.; Belay, H. & Kang, I. (2000). Bayesian VAR Forecasts Fail To Live Up to Their Promise. Business Economics, 35(July), 19-29.
  • [18] Wi, S. (1999). An Evaluation Of Combining Forecasts and a Strategy For Searching For An Optimum Bayesian Var Prior To Forecast Business Cycle Turning Points. Dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy in Economics. State University of New York, Graduate School of Binghamton University, New York.
  • [19] ( [10.05.2001].
  • [20] Joutz, F.L.; Maddala, G.S. & Tröst, R.P. (1995). An Integrated Bayesian Vector Autoregression and Error Correction Model for Forecasting Electricity Consumption and Prices. Journal of Forecasting, 14(3), 287-310.
  • [21] Lutkepohl, Fİ. (1993). Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis. Second Edition. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Year 2007, Volume: 7 Issue: 28, 287 - 300, 10.06.2007



  • [1] Todd, R., (1984). Improving Economic Forecasting with Bayesian Vector Autoregression. Quarterly Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, 8(Fall), 18-29.
  • [2] Litterman, R. (1986). A Statistical Approach to Economic Forecasting. Journal of Business and Economic Statisiics, 4(1), 1-4.
  • [3] Litterman, R. (1986). Forecasting with Bayesian Vector Autoregression - Five Years of Experience. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 4(1), 25-38.
  • [4] Spencer, D. (1993). Developing a Bayesian Vector Autoregression Forecasting Model. International Journal of Forecasting, 9(3), 407-421.
  • [5] Bessler, D.A. & Kling, J.L. (1986). Forecasting Vector Autoregressions with Bayesian Priors. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 68(1), 144-151.
  • [6] Nelson, C.R. & Plosser, C. (1982). Trends and Random Walks in Macroeconomic Time Series. Journal of Monetary Economics, 10(2), 139-162.
  • [7] Tiao, G.C. &Box, G.E.P. (1981). Modelling Multiple Time Series with Application. Journal of The American Statistical Association, 76(376), 802-816.
  • [8] Tiao, G. & Tsay, R. (1983). Multiple Time Series Modeling and Extended Sample Cross-Correlations. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 1(1), 43-56.
  • [9] Engle, R.F. & Granger, C.W.J. (1987). Cointegration and Error Correction: Representation, Estimation and Testing. Econometrica, 55(2), 251-276.
  • [10] Engle, R.F. & You, B.S. (1987). Forecasting and Testing in Cointegrated Systems. Journal of Econometrics, 35(1), 143-159.
  • [11] Fırat, B.E. (1994). Estimating and Forecasting Exchange Rate: Comparison of Structural and VAR Models. A Master’s Thesis, Middle East Technical University. Master of Science in Economics, Ankara.
  • [12] Doan, T.; Litterman, R.B. & Sims, C. (1983). Forecasting and Conditional projection Using Realistic Prior Disributions. NBER Working Papers Series. No: 1202, Cambridge.
  • [13] Larson, H.J. (1982). Introduction to Probability Theory and Statistics Inference. Third Edition. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
  • [14] Hsu, P.; Wang, C.; Shyu, J.Z. & Yu, H. (2003). A Litterman BVAR Approach for Production Forecasting of Technology Industries. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 70(1), 67-82.
  • [15] Rarnos, F. (2003). Forecasts of Market Shares from VAR and BVAR Models: A Comparison of Their Accuracy. International Journal of Forecasting, 19(1), 95-110.
  • [16] Doan, T. (1992). RATS. Users Manual Version 4. Illinois: Estima.
  • [17] Bischoff, C.W.; Belay, H. & Kang, I. (2000). Bayesian VAR Forecasts Fail To Live Up to Their Promise. Business Economics, 35(July), 19-29.
  • [18] Wi, S. (1999). An Evaluation Of Combining Forecasts and a Strategy For Searching For An Optimum Bayesian Var Prior To Forecast Business Cycle Turning Points. Dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy in Economics. State University of New York, Graduate School of Binghamton University, New York.
  • [19] ( [10.05.2001].
  • [20] Joutz, F.L.; Maddala, G.S. & Tröst, R.P. (1995). An Integrated Bayesian Vector Autoregression and Error Correction Model for Forecasting Electricity Consumption and Prices. Journal of Forecasting, 14(3), 287-310.
  • [21] Lutkepohl, Fİ. (1993). Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis. Second Edition. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Eski Sayılar

Elif Çoker

Funda Sezgin This is me

Publication Date June 10, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 7 Issue: 28




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