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Year 2022, , 288 - 298, 30.09.2022



  • Arnaud‐Haond, S., Aires, T., Candeias, R., Teixeira, S. J. L., Duarte, C. M., Valero, M., & Serrão, E. A. (2017). Entangled fates of holobiont genomes during invasion: nested bacterial and host diversities in Caulerpa taxifolia. Molecular Ecology, 26, 2379-2391.
  • Audemard, C., Le Roux, F., Barnaud, A., Collins, C., Sautour, B., Sauriau, P. -G., de Montaudouin, X., Coustau, C., Combes, C., & Berthe, F. (2002). Needle in a haystack: Involvement of the copepod Paracartia grani in the life-cycle of the oyster pathogen Marteilia refringens. Parasitology, 124(Pt 3), 315-323.
  • Botts, P. S., Patterson, B. A., & Schloesser, D. W. (1996). Zebra mussel effects on benthic invertebrates: Physical or biotic? Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 15(2), 179-184.
  • Callaway, R. M., & Ridenour, W. M. (2004). Novel weapons: Invasive success and the evolution of increased competitive ability. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 2(8), 436-443.[0436:NWISAT]2.0.CO;2
  • Carlsson, N. O. L., Brönmark, C., & Hansson, L.-A. (2004). Invading herbivory: The golden apple snail alters ecosystem functioning in Asian wetlands. Ecology, 85(6), 1575-1580.
  • Chapin, F. S. 3rd, Zavaleta, E. S., Eviner, V. T., Naylor, R. L., Vitousek, P. M., Reynolds, H. L., Hooper, D. U., Lavorel, S., Sala, O. E., Hobbie, S. E., Mack, M. C. & Díaz, S. (2000). Consequences of changing biodiversity. Nature, 405(6783), 234-242.
  • Charles, H., & Dukes, J. S. (2008). Impacts of invasive species on ecosystem services. In: Nentwig, W. (Ed.), Biological Invasions. Ecological Studies, vol 193. Springer.
  • Clarke Murray, C., Gartner, H., Gregr, E. J., Chan, K., Pakhomov, E., & Therriault, T. W. (2014). Spatial distribution of marine invasive species: environmental, demographic and vector drivers. Diversity and Distributions, 20(7), 824-836.
  • Clarke Murray, C., Pakhomov, E. A., & Therriault, T. W. (2011). Recreational boating: A large unregulated vector transporting marine invasive species. Diversity and Distributions, 17(6), 1161-1172.
  • Cook, D. C., Thomas, M. B., Cunningham, S. A., Anderson, D. L., & De Barro, P. J. (2007). Predicting the economic impact of an invasive species on an ecosystem service. Ecological Applications, 17(6), 1832-1840.
  • Crooks, J. A. (2005). Lag times and exotic species: The ecology and management of biological invasions in slow-motion. Écoscience, 12(3), 316-329.
  • Crowl, T. A., Crist, T. O., Parmenter, R. R., Belovsky, G., & Lugo, A. E. (2008). The spread of invasive species and infectious disease as drivers of ecosystem change. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 6(5), 238-246.
  • Dale, V. H., Joyce, L. A., McNulty, S., Neilson, R. P., Ayres, M. P., Flannigan, M. D., Hanson, P. J., Irland, L. C., Lugo, A. E., & Peterson, C. J. (2001). Climate change and forest disturbances: Climate change can affect forests by altering the frequency, intensity, duration, and timing of fire, drought, introduced species, insect and pathogen outbreaks, hurricanes, windstorms, ice storms, or landslides. BioScience, 51(9), 723-734.
  • De Montaudouin, X., Blanchet, H., & Hippert, B. (2018). Relationship between the invasive slipper limpet Crepidula fornicata and benthic megafauna structure and diversity, in Arcachon Bay. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 98(8), 2017-2028.
  • Dorcas, M. E., Willson, J. D., Reed, R. N., Snow, R. W., Rochford, M. R., Miller, M. A., Meshaka, W. E., Andreadis, P. T., Mazzotti, F. J., Romagosa, C. M., & Hart, K. M. (2012). Severe mammal declines coincide with proliferation of invasive Burmese pythons in Everglades National Park. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(7), 2418-2422.
  • Douda, K., Lopes‐Lima, M., Hinzmann, M., Machado, J., Varandas, S., Teixeira, A., & Sousa, R. (2013). Biotic homogenization as a threat to native affiliate species: Fish introductions dilute freshwater mussel’s host resources. Diversity and Distributions, 19(8), 933-942.
  • Dukes, J. S., & Mooney, H. A. (2004). Disruption of ecosystem processes in western North America by invasive species. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 77(3), 411-437.
  • Elton, C. S. (2020). The ecology of invasions by animals and plants. Springer Nature.
  • Eno, N. C. (1997). Non‐native marine species in British waters: effects and controls. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 6(4), 215-228.;2-Q
  • Gallardo, B., Clavero, M., Sánchez, M. I., & Vilà, M. (2016). Global ecological impacts of invasive species in aquatic ecosystems. Global Change Biology, 22(1), 151-163.
  • Gallien, L., Douzet, R., Pratte, S., Zimmermann, N. E., & Thuiller, W. (2012). Invasive species distribution models–how violating the equilibrium assumption can create new insights. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21(11), 1126-1136.
  • Giakoumi, S., Katsanevakis, S., Albano, P. G., Azzurro, E., Cardoso, A. C., Cebrian, E., Deidun, A., Edelist, D., Francour, P., Jimenez, C., Mačić, V., Occhipinti-Ambrogi, A., Rilov, G., &Sghaiero, Y. R. (2019). Management priorities for marine invasive species. Science of The Total Environment, 688, 976-982.
  • GISD. (2021). Global Invasive Species Database. Invasive Species Spec. Group, IUCN. Retrieved on July 5, 2022, from
  • Gollasch, S., Hewitt, C. L., Bailey, S., & David, M. (2019). Introductions and transfers of species by ballast water in the Adriatic Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 147, 8-15.
  • Gozlan, R. E., Britton, J. R., Cowx, I., & Copp, G. H. (2010). Current knowledge on non‐native freshwater fish introductions. Journal of Fish Biology, 76(4), 751-786.
  • Griffiths, R. W., Schloesser, D. W., Leach, J. H., & Kovalak, W. P. (1991). Distribution and dispersal of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in the Great Lakes region. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 48(8), 1381-1388.
  • Hunter, M. E., & Hart, K. M. (2013). Rapid microsatellite marker development using next generation pyrosequencing to inform invasive Burmese python—Python molurus bivittatus—Management. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 14, 4793-4804.
  • IMO. (2007). Guidelines for Risk Assessment under Regulation A-4 of the BWM Convention (G7). International Maritime Organization.
  • Lanciotti, R. S., Roehrig, J. T., Deubel, V., Smith, J., Parker, M., Steele, K., Crise, B., Volpe, K. E., Crabtree, M. B., & Scherret, J. H. (1999). Origin of the West Nile virus responsible for an outbreak of encephalitis in the northeastern United States. Science, 286(5448), 2333-2337.
  • Linders, T. E. W., Schaffner, U., Eschen, R., Abebe, A., Choge, S. K., Nigatu, L., Mbaabu, P. R., Shiferaw, H., & Allan, E. (2019). Direct and indirect effects of invasive species: Biodiversity loss is a major mechanism by which an invasive tree affects ecosystem functioning. Journal of Ecology, 107(6), 2660-2672.
  • Mannino, A. M., Cicero, F., Toccaceli, M., Pinna, M., & Balistreri, P. (2019). Distribution of Caulerpa taxifolia var. distichophylla (Sonder) Verlaque, Huisman & Procaccini in the Mediterranean Sea. Nature Conservation, 37, 17-29.
  • Martin, P., Sébastien, D., Gilles, T., Isabelle, A., de Montaudouin, X., Emery, É., Claire, N., & Christophe, V. (2010). Long-term evolution (1988–2008) of Zostera spp. meadows in Arcachon Bay (Bay of Biscay). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 87(2), 357-366.
  • Molnar, J. L., Gamboa, R. L., Revenga, C., & Spalding, M. D. (2008). Assessing the global threat of invasive species to marine biodiversity. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 6(9), 485-492.
  • Moulin, F. Y., Guizien, K., Thouzeau, G., Chapalain, G., Mülleners, K., & Bourg, C. (2007). Impact of an invasive species, Crepidula fornicata, on the hydrodynamics and transport properties of the benthic boundary layer. Aquatic Living Resources, 20(1), 15-31.
  • Narwani, A., Alexandrou, M. A., Oakley, T. H., Carroll, I. T., & Cardinale, B. J. (2013). Experimental evidence that evolutionary relatedness does not affect the ecological mechanisms of coexistence in freshwater green algae. Ecology Letters, 16(11), 1373-1381.
  • Ojaveer, H., Galil, B. S., Minchin, D., Olenin, S., Amorim, A., Canning-Clode, J., Chainho, P., Copp, G. H., Gollasch, S., Jelmert, A.
  • Padilla, D. K., & Williams, S. L. (2004). Beyond ballast water: Aquarium and ornamental trades as sources of invasive species in aquatic ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 2(3), 131-138.[0131:BBWAAO]2.0.CO;2
  • Pejchar, L., & Mooney, H. A. (2009). Invasive species, ecosystem services and human well-being. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 24(9), 497-504.
  • Phillips, B. L. (2009). The evolution of growth rates on an expanding range edge. Biology Letters, 5(6), 802-804.
  • Piazzi, L., & Balata, D. (2009). Invasion of alien macroalgae in different Mediterranean habitats. Biological Invasions, 11(2), 193-204.
  • Pierucci, A., De La Fuente, G., Cannas, R., & Chiantore, M. (2019). A new record of the invasive seaweed Caulerpa cylindracea Sonder in the South Adriatic Sea. Heliyon, 5(9), e02449.
  • Pimentel, D., Zuniga, R., & Morrison, D. (2005). Update on the environmental and economic costs associated with alien-invasive species in the United States. Ecological Economics, 52(3), 273–288.
  • Proença, B., Nez, T., Poli, A., Ciutat, A., Devaux, L., Sottolichio, A., de Montaudouin, X., & Michalet, R. (2019). Intraspecific facilitation explains the spread of the invasive engineer Spartina anglica in Atlantic salt marshes. Journal of Vegetation Science, 30(2), 212-223.
  • Pyšek, P., & Richardson, D. M. (2010). Invasive species, environmental change and management, and health. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 35, 25-55.
  • Rai, P. K., & Singh, J. S. (2020). Invasive alien plant species: Their impact on environment, ecosystem services and human health. Ecological Indicators, 111, 106020.
  • Readman, J. A. J., & Rayment, W. J. (2016). Crepidula fornicata and Mediomastus fragilis in variable salinity infralittoral mixed sediment. Retrieved on June 13, 2016, from
  • Riley, L. A., Dybdahl, M. F., & Hall Jr, R. O. (2008). Invasive species impact: Asymmetric interactions between invasive and endemic freshwater snails. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 27(3), 509-520.
  • Rizzo, L., Pusceddu, A., Stabili, L., Alifano, P., & Fraschetti, S. (2017). Potential effects of an invasive seaweed (Caulerpa cylindracea, Sonder) on sedimentary organic matter and microbial metabolic activities. Scientific Reports, 7, 12113.
  • Rothlisberger, J. D., Finnoff, D. C., Cooke, R. M., Lodge, D. M. (2012). Ship-borne nonindigenous species diminish Great Lakes ecosystem services. Ecosystems, 15, 1-15.
  • Ruitton, S., Javel, F., Culioli, J. -M., Meinesz, A., Pergent, G., & Verlaque, M. (2005). First assessment of the Caulerpa racemosa (Caulerpales, Chlorophyta) invasion along the French Mediterranean coast. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 50(10), 1061-1068.
  • Sih, A., Bolnick, D. I., Luttbeg, B., Orrock, J. L., Peacor, S. D., Pintor, L. M., Preisser, E., Rehage, J. S., & Vonesh, J. R. (2010). Predator–prey naïveté, antipredator behavior, and the ecology of predator invasions. Oikos, 119, 610-621.
  • Simberloff, D. (2001). Biological invasions—how are they affecting us, and what can we do about them? Western North American Naturalist, 61(3), 308-315.
  • Simberloff, D. (2005). Non-native species do threaten the natural environment!. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 18, 595-607.
  • Stasolla, G., & Innocenti, G. (2014). New records of the invasive crabs Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896 and Percnon gibbesi (H. Milne Edwards, 1853) along the Italian coasts. BioInvasions Records, 3(1), 39-43.
  • Thomsen, M. S., Byers, J. E., Schiel, D. R., Bruno, J. F., Olden, J. D., Wernberg, T., & Silliman, B. R. (2014). Impacts of marine invaders on biodiversity depend on trophic position and functional similarity. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 495, 39-47.
  • Tilman, D. (2004). Niche tradeoffs, neutrality, and community structure: A stochastic theory of resource competition, invasion, and community assembly. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 101(30), 10854-10861.
  • Traill, L. W., Lim, M. L. M., Sodhi, N. S., & Bradshaw, C. J. A. (2010). Mechanisms driving change: Altered species interactions and ecosystem function through global warming. Journal of Animal Ecology, 79(5), 937-947.
  • Walsh, J. R., Carpenter, S. R., & Vander Zanden, M. J. (2016). Invasive species triggers a massive loss of ecosystem services through a trophic cascade. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(15), 4081-4085.
  • Xu, H., Ding, H., Li, M., Qiang, S., Guo, J., Han, Z., Huang, Z., Sun, H., He, S., & Wu, H. (2006). The distribution and economic losses of alien species invasion to China. Biological Invasions, 8(7), 1495-1500.

Review on Invasive Alien Species (IAS): Challenge and Consequence to the Aquatic Ecosystem Services

Year 2022, , 288 - 298, 30.09.2022


The invasive alien species (IAS) are widely recognized as a significant threat to marine biodiversity and severely affect ecosystem services. There has been no measurable global assessment of their impacts and routes of introduction. This review highlights some aspects of invasive species and their impacts on the ecosystem in general. For many roots like global transportation, biological pest control, climate changes, and sometimes commercial, invasive species are introduced into the new environments. Afterward, the invasive species are rapidly dominant over the indigenous species because of their first growth, rapid reproduction, ecological competence, and phenotypic plasticity, consequently, altering the structure of Ecosystems and deterring the biological and physical organization of the system. Many policies have been introduced to stop the destruction produced by invasive animals and plants and to prevent upcoming invasions. Some critical components of getting rid of invasion are concern about transporting wildlife to new areas, Ballast water in tankers, aquarium species, and shipping.


  • Arnaud‐Haond, S., Aires, T., Candeias, R., Teixeira, S. J. L., Duarte, C. M., Valero, M., & Serrão, E. A. (2017). Entangled fates of holobiont genomes during invasion: nested bacterial and host diversities in Caulerpa taxifolia. Molecular Ecology, 26, 2379-2391.
  • Audemard, C., Le Roux, F., Barnaud, A., Collins, C., Sautour, B., Sauriau, P. -G., de Montaudouin, X., Coustau, C., Combes, C., & Berthe, F. (2002). Needle in a haystack: Involvement of the copepod Paracartia grani in the life-cycle of the oyster pathogen Marteilia refringens. Parasitology, 124(Pt 3), 315-323.
  • Botts, P. S., Patterson, B. A., & Schloesser, D. W. (1996). Zebra mussel effects on benthic invertebrates: Physical or biotic? Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 15(2), 179-184.
  • Callaway, R. M., & Ridenour, W. M. (2004). Novel weapons: Invasive success and the evolution of increased competitive ability. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 2(8), 436-443.[0436:NWISAT]2.0.CO;2
  • Carlsson, N. O. L., Brönmark, C., & Hansson, L.-A. (2004). Invading herbivory: The golden apple snail alters ecosystem functioning in Asian wetlands. Ecology, 85(6), 1575-1580.
  • Chapin, F. S. 3rd, Zavaleta, E. S., Eviner, V. T., Naylor, R. L., Vitousek, P. M., Reynolds, H. L., Hooper, D. U., Lavorel, S., Sala, O. E., Hobbie, S. E., Mack, M. C. & Díaz, S. (2000). Consequences of changing biodiversity. Nature, 405(6783), 234-242.
  • Charles, H., & Dukes, J. S. (2008). Impacts of invasive species on ecosystem services. In: Nentwig, W. (Ed.), Biological Invasions. Ecological Studies, vol 193. Springer.
  • Clarke Murray, C., Gartner, H., Gregr, E. J., Chan, K., Pakhomov, E., & Therriault, T. W. (2014). Spatial distribution of marine invasive species: environmental, demographic and vector drivers. Diversity and Distributions, 20(7), 824-836.
  • Clarke Murray, C., Pakhomov, E. A., & Therriault, T. W. (2011). Recreational boating: A large unregulated vector transporting marine invasive species. Diversity and Distributions, 17(6), 1161-1172.
  • Cook, D. C., Thomas, M. B., Cunningham, S. A., Anderson, D. L., & De Barro, P. J. (2007). Predicting the economic impact of an invasive species on an ecosystem service. Ecological Applications, 17(6), 1832-1840.
  • Crooks, J. A. (2005). Lag times and exotic species: The ecology and management of biological invasions in slow-motion. Écoscience, 12(3), 316-329.
  • Crowl, T. A., Crist, T. O., Parmenter, R. R., Belovsky, G., & Lugo, A. E. (2008). The spread of invasive species and infectious disease as drivers of ecosystem change. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 6(5), 238-246.
  • Dale, V. H., Joyce, L. A., McNulty, S., Neilson, R. P., Ayres, M. P., Flannigan, M. D., Hanson, P. J., Irland, L. C., Lugo, A. E., & Peterson, C. J. (2001). Climate change and forest disturbances: Climate change can affect forests by altering the frequency, intensity, duration, and timing of fire, drought, introduced species, insect and pathogen outbreaks, hurricanes, windstorms, ice storms, or landslides. BioScience, 51(9), 723-734.
  • De Montaudouin, X., Blanchet, H., & Hippert, B. (2018). Relationship between the invasive slipper limpet Crepidula fornicata and benthic megafauna structure and diversity, in Arcachon Bay. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 98(8), 2017-2028.
  • Dorcas, M. E., Willson, J. D., Reed, R. N., Snow, R. W., Rochford, M. R., Miller, M. A., Meshaka, W. E., Andreadis, P. T., Mazzotti, F. J., Romagosa, C. M., & Hart, K. M. (2012). Severe mammal declines coincide with proliferation of invasive Burmese pythons in Everglades National Park. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(7), 2418-2422.
  • Douda, K., Lopes‐Lima, M., Hinzmann, M., Machado, J., Varandas, S., Teixeira, A., & Sousa, R. (2013). Biotic homogenization as a threat to native affiliate species: Fish introductions dilute freshwater mussel’s host resources. Diversity and Distributions, 19(8), 933-942.
  • Dukes, J. S., & Mooney, H. A. (2004). Disruption of ecosystem processes in western North America by invasive species. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 77(3), 411-437.
  • Elton, C. S. (2020). The ecology of invasions by animals and plants. Springer Nature.
  • Eno, N. C. (1997). Non‐native marine species in British waters: effects and controls. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 6(4), 215-228.;2-Q
  • Gallardo, B., Clavero, M., Sánchez, M. I., & Vilà, M. (2016). Global ecological impacts of invasive species in aquatic ecosystems. Global Change Biology, 22(1), 151-163.
  • Gallien, L., Douzet, R., Pratte, S., Zimmermann, N. E., & Thuiller, W. (2012). Invasive species distribution models–how violating the equilibrium assumption can create new insights. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21(11), 1126-1136.
  • Giakoumi, S., Katsanevakis, S., Albano, P. G., Azzurro, E., Cardoso, A. C., Cebrian, E., Deidun, A., Edelist, D., Francour, P., Jimenez, C., Mačić, V., Occhipinti-Ambrogi, A., Rilov, G., &Sghaiero, Y. R. (2019). Management priorities for marine invasive species. Science of The Total Environment, 688, 976-982.
  • GISD. (2021). Global Invasive Species Database. Invasive Species Spec. Group, IUCN. Retrieved on July 5, 2022, from
  • Gollasch, S., Hewitt, C. L., Bailey, S., & David, M. (2019). Introductions and transfers of species by ballast water in the Adriatic Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 147, 8-15.
  • Gozlan, R. E., Britton, J. R., Cowx, I., & Copp, G. H. (2010). Current knowledge on non‐native freshwater fish introductions. Journal of Fish Biology, 76(4), 751-786.
  • Griffiths, R. W., Schloesser, D. W., Leach, J. H., & Kovalak, W. P. (1991). Distribution and dispersal of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in the Great Lakes region. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 48(8), 1381-1388.
  • Hunter, M. E., & Hart, K. M. (2013). Rapid microsatellite marker development using next generation pyrosequencing to inform invasive Burmese python—Python molurus bivittatus—Management. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 14, 4793-4804.
  • IMO. (2007). Guidelines for Risk Assessment under Regulation A-4 of the BWM Convention (G7). International Maritime Organization.
  • Lanciotti, R. S., Roehrig, J. T., Deubel, V., Smith, J., Parker, M., Steele, K., Crise, B., Volpe, K. E., Crabtree, M. B., & Scherret, J. H. (1999). Origin of the West Nile virus responsible for an outbreak of encephalitis in the northeastern United States. Science, 286(5448), 2333-2337.
  • Linders, T. E. W., Schaffner, U., Eschen, R., Abebe, A., Choge, S. K., Nigatu, L., Mbaabu, P. R., Shiferaw, H., & Allan, E. (2019). Direct and indirect effects of invasive species: Biodiversity loss is a major mechanism by which an invasive tree affects ecosystem functioning. Journal of Ecology, 107(6), 2660-2672.
  • Mannino, A. M., Cicero, F., Toccaceli, M., Pinna, M., & Balistreri, P. (2019). Distribution of Caulerpa taxifolia var. distichophylla (Sonder) Verlaque, Huisman & Procaccini in the Mediterranean Sea. Nature Conservation, 37, 17-29.
  • Martin, P., Sébastien, D., Gilles, T., Isabelle, A., de Montaudouin, X., Emery, É., Claire, N., & Christophe, V. (2010). Long-term evolution (1988–2008) of Zostera spp. meadows in Arcachon Bay (Bay of Biscay). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 87(2), 357-366.
  • Molnar, J. L., Gamboa, R. L., Revenga, C., & Spalding, M. D. (2008). Assessing the global threat of invasive species to marine biodiversity. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 6(9), 485-492.
  • Moulin, F. Y., Guizien, K., Thouzeau, G., Chapalain, G., Mülleners, K., & Bourg, C. (2007). Impact of an invasive species, Crepidula fornicata, on the hydrodynamics and transport properties of the benthic boundary layer. Aquatic Living Resources, 20(1), 15-31.
  • Narwani, A., Alexandrou, M. A., Oakley, T. H., Carroll, I. T., & Cardinale, B. J. (2013). Experimental evidence that evolutionary relatedness does not affect the ecological mechanisms of coexistence in freshwater green algae. Ecology Letters, 16(11), 1373-1381.
  • Ojaveer, H., Galil, B. S., Minchin, D., Olenin, S., Amorim, A., Canning-Clode, J., Chainho, P., Copp, G. H., Gollasch, S., Jelmert, A.
  • Padilla, D. K., & Williams, S. L. (2004). Beyond ballast water: Aquarium and ornamental trades as sources of invasive species in aquatic ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 2(3), 131-138.[0131:BBWAAO]2.0.CO;2
  • Pejchar, L., & Mooney, H. A. (2009). Invasive species, ecosystem services and human well-being. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 24(9), 497-504.
  • Phillips, B. L. (2009). The evolution of growth rates on an expanding range edge. Biology Letters, 5(6), 802-804.
  • Piazzi, L., & Balata, D. (2009). Invasion of alien macroalgae in different Mediterranean habitats. Biological Invasions, 11(2), 193-204.
  • Pierucci, A., De La Fuente, G., Cannas, R., & Chiantore, M. (2019). A new record of the invasive seaweed Caulerpa cylindracea Sonder in the South Adriatic Sea. Heliyon, 5(9), e02449.
  • Pimentel, D., Zuniga, R., & Morrison, D. (2005). Update on the environmental and economic costs associated with alien-invasive species in the United States. Ecological Economics, 52(3), 273–288.
  • Proença, B., Nez, T., Poli, A., Ciutat, A., Devaux, L., Sottolichio, A., de Montaudouin, X., & Michalet, R. (2019). Intraspecific facilitation explains the spread of the invasive engineer Spartina anglica in Atlantic salt marshes. Journal of Vegetation Science, 30(2), 212-223.
  • Pyšek, P., & Richardson, D. M. (2010). Invasive species, environmental change and management, and health. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 35, 25-55.
  • Rai, P. K., & Singh, J. S. (2020). Invasive alien plant species: Their impact on environment, ecosystem services and human health. Ecological Indicators, 111, 106020.
  • Readman, J. A. J., & Rayment, W. J. (2016). Crepidula fornicata and Mediomastus fragilis in variable salinity infralittoral mixed sediment. Retrieved on June 13, 2016, from
  • Riley, L. A., Dybdahl, M. F., & Hall Jr, R. O. (2008). Invasive species impact: Asymmetric interactions between invasive and endemic freshwater snails. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 27(3), 509-520.
  • Rizzo, L., Pusceddu, A., Stabili, L., Alifano, P., & Fraschetti, S. (2017). Potential effects of an invasive seaweed (Caulerpa cylindracea, Sonder) on sedimentary organic matter and microbial metabolic activities. Scientific Reports, 7, 12113.
  • Rothlisberger, J. D., Finnoff, D. C., Cooke, R. M., Lodge, D. M. (2012). Ship-borne nonindigenous species diminish Great Lakes ecosystem services. Ecosystems, 15, 1-15.
  • Ruitton, S., Javel, F., Culioli, J. -M., Meinesz, A., Pergent, G., & Verlaque, M. (2005). First assessment of the Caulerpa racemosa (Caulerpales, Chlorophyta) invasion along the French Mediterranean coast. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 50(10), 1061-1068.
  • Sih, A., Bolnick, D. I., Luttbeg, B., Orrock, J. L., Peacor, S. D., Pintor, L. M., Preisser, E., Rehage, J. S., & Vonesh, J. R. (2010). Predator–prey naïveté, antipredator behavior, and the ecology of predator invasions. Oikos, 119, 610-621.
  • Simberloff, D. (2001). Biological invasions—how are they affecting us, and what can we do about them? Western North American Naturalist, 61(3), 308-315.
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There are 59 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Hydrobiology
Journal Section Review Paper

Joyanta Bir 0000-0002-7106-7814

Md Rony Golder This is me 0000-0002-6863-139X

Shikder Saiful Islam This is me 0000-0001-7134-6736

Publication Date September 30, 2022
Submission Date March 22, 2022
Acceptance Date July 6, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Bir, J., Golder, M. R., & Islam, S. S. (2022). Review on Invasive Alien Species (IAS): Challenge and Consequence to the Aquatic Ecosystem Services. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin, 11(3), 288-298.
AMA Bir J, Golder MR, Islam SS. Review on Invasive Alien Species (IAS): Challenge and Consequence to the Aquatic Ecosystem Services. Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull. September 2022;11(3):288-298. doi:10.33714/masteb.1091625
Chicago Bir, Joyanta, Md Rony Golder, and Shikder Saiful Islam. “Review on Invasive Alien Species (IAS): Challenge and Consequence to the Aquatic Ecosystem Services”. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 11, no. 3 (September 2022): 288-98.
EndNote Bir J, Golder MR, Islam SS (September 1, 2022) Review on Invasive Alien Species (IAS): Challenge and Consequence to the Aquatic Ecosystem Services. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 11 3 288–298.
IEEE J. Bir, M. R. Golder, and S. S. Islam, “Review on Invasive Alien Species (IAS): Challenge and Consequence to the Aquatic Ecosystem Services”, Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull., vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 288–298, 2022, doi: 10.33714/masteb.1091625.
ISNAD Bir, Joyanta et al. “Review on Invasive Alien Species (IAS): Challenge and Consequence to the Aquatic Ecosystem Services”. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 11/3 (September 2022), 288-298.
JAMA Bir J, Golder MR, Islam SS. Review on Invasive Alien Species (IAS): Challenge and Consequence to the Aquatic Ecosystem Services. Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull. 2022;11:288–298.
MLA Bir, Joyanta et al. “Review on Invasive Alien Species (IAS): Challenge and Consequence to the Aquatic Ecosystem Services”. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin, vol. 11, no. 3, 2022, pp. 288-9, doi:10.33714/masteb.1091625.
Vancouver Bir J, Golder MR, Islam SS. Review on Invasive Alien Species (IAS): Challenge and Consequence to the Aquatic Ecosystem Services. Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull. 2022;11(3):288-9.