Research Article
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Year 2023, , 80 - 92, 22.03.2023



  • Acharya, A. S., Prakash, A., Saxena P., & Nigam, A. (2013). Sampling: Why and How of it?. Indian Journal of Medical Specialities, 4(2), 330-333.
  • Akpinar, H., & Özer-Çaylan, D. (2022). Organizational resilience in maritime business: A systematic literature review. Management Research Review, 46(2), 245-267.
  • Augier, M., & Teece, D. J. (2009). Dynamic capabilities and the role of managers in business strategy and economic performance. Organization Science, 20(2), 410-421.
  • Barney, J. (1991). Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Journal of Management, 17(1), 99-120.
  • Bathke, H., Münch, C., Heiko, A., & Hartmann, E. (2022). Building resilience through foresight: The case of maritime container shipping firms. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, In press.
  • Becchetti, L., & Trovato, G. (2002). The determinants of firm growth for small and medium sized firms: The role of the availability of external finance. Small Business Economics, 19(4), 291-306.
  • Bolton, J. E. (1971). Small Firms: Report of the Committee of Inquiry on Small Firms. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
  • Brooks, M. R., & Ritchie, P. (2006). Mergers and acquisitions in the maritime transport industry 1996-2000. Transportation Journal, 45(2), 7-22.
  • Campbell, S., Greenwood, M., Prior, S., Shearer, T., Walkem, K., Young, S., Bywaters, D., & Walker, K. (2020). Purposive sampling: complex or simple? Research case examples. Journal of Research in Nursing, 25(8), 652-661.
  • Clarkson Research Studies. (2004). The Tramp Shipping Market April 2004. 56 pp.
  • Delmar, F. (1997). Measuring growth: Methodological considerations and empirical results. In Donckels, R., & Miettinen, A. (Eds.), Entrepreneurship and SME Research: On its Way to the Next Millennium (pp. 190-216). Ashgate.
  • Demirel, E. (2015). A study on the organization and management systems of Turkish shipping companies. International Journal of Human Sciences, 12(2), 51-74.
  • Dovbischuk, I. (2022). Innovation-oriented dynamic capabilities of logistics service providers, dynamic resilience and firm performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 33(2), 499-519.
  • DTO. (2021). Maritime Sector Report 2021. İstanbul. 324 pp.
  • Eisenhard, K. M., & Martin, J. A. (2000). Dynamic capabilities: What are they?. Strategic Management Journal, 21(10-11), 1105-1121.<1105::AID-SMJ133>3.0.CO;2-E
  • Erol, S., & Dursun, A. (2016). Market structure of tramp shipping and evaluation. International Journal of Economic and Administrative Studies, 2016(16), 153-170.
  • Etikan, I., & Bala, K. (2017). Combination of probability random sampling method with non probability random sampling method (Sampling versus sampling methods). Biometrics & Biostatistics International Journal, 5(6), 210-213.
  • Flamholtz, E., & Randle, Y. (1990). Growing pains. Wiley.
  • Glyptis, L., Hadjielias, E., Christofi, M., Kvasova, O., & Vrontis, D. (2021). Dynamic familiness capabilities and family business growth: A longitudinal perspective framed within management accounting. Journal of Business Research, 127, 346-363.
  • Gupta, P. D., Guha, S., & Krishnaswami, S. S. (2013). Firm growth and its determinants. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2(1), 1-14.
  • Harlaftis, G., & Theotokas, J. (2004). European family firms in international business: British and Greek tramp-shipping firms. Business History, 46(2), 219-255.
  • Henderson, R., & Cockburn, I. (1994). Measuring competence? Exploring firm effects in pharmaceutical research. Strategic Management Journal, 15(S1), 63-84.
  • Holmes, S., & Zimmer, I. (1994). The nature of the small firm: understanding the motivations of growth and non-growth oriented owners. Australian Journal of Management, 19(1), 97-120.
  • Holmgren, I. B., & Pritschau, S. (2015). The Perception and management of 24/7 work availability: Work-life balance in the tramp shipping industry [MSc. Thesis. Lund University].
  • Howard, J. L. (2005). Small business growth: Development of indicators. Proceedings of the Allied Academies Internet Conference, Cullowhee, pp. 132-136.
  • Hussein, K., & Song, D-W. (2022). Maritime logistics for the next decade: Challenges, opportunities and required skills. In Merkert, R., & Hoberg, K. (Eds.), Global Logistics and Supply Chain Strategies for the 2020s (pp. 151-174). Springer.
  • Jones, O., Ghobadian, A., O’Regan, N., & Antcliff, V. (2013). Dynamic capabilities in a sixth-generation family firm: Entrepreneurship and the Bibby Line. Business History, 55(6), 910-941.
  • Midoro, R., & Pitto, A. (2000). A critical evaluation of strategic alliances in liner shipping. Maritime Policy & Management, 27(1), 31-40.
  • O’Keeffe, J., Buytaert, W., Mijic, A., Brozović, N., & Sinha, R. (2016). The use of semi-structured interviews for the characterisation of farmer irrigation practices. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 20(5), 1911-1924.
  • Orser, B. J., Hogarth-Scott, S., & Riding, A. L. (2000). Performance, firm size, and management problem solving. Journal of Small Business Management, 38(4), 42-58.
  • Penrose, E. T. (1959). Theory of the Growth of the Firm. Blackwell.
  • Porter, M. E. (1985). Competitive Advantage. Free Press.
  • Qu, S. Q., & Dumay, J. (2011). The qualitative research interview. Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management, 8(3), 238-264.
  • Rumelt, R. P. (1984). Toward a strategic theory of firm. In Lamb, R. (Ed.), Competitive Strategic Management (pp. 556- 570). Prentice Hall.
  • Saarni, J. (2013). Dynamic capabilities in Finnish maritime industry during the years of weak demand and uncertainty from 2009 to 2012. Baltic Rim Economies, 4, 159-160.
  • Sharma, G. (2017). Pros and cons of different sampling techniques. International Journal of Applied Research, 3(7), 749-752.
  • Slack, B., Comtois, C., & McCalla, R. (2002). Strategic alliances in the container shipping industry: A global perspective. Maritime Policy & Management, 29(1), 65-76.
  • Solesvik, M. Z., & Westhead, P. (2010). Partner selection for strategic alliances: case study insights from the maritime industry. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 110(6), 841-860.
  • Song, D. W., & Panayides, P. M. (2002). A conceptual application of cooperative game theory to liner shipping strategic alliances. Maritime Policy & Management, 29(3), 285-301.
  • Teece, D. J. (2016). Dynamic capabilities and entrepreneurial management in large organizations: Toward a theory of the (entrepreneurial) firm. European Economic Review, 86, 202-216.
  • Teece, D. J., Pisano, G., & Shuen, A. (1997). Dynamic capabilities and strategic management. Strategic Management Journal, 18(7), 509-533.<509::AID-SMJ882>3.0.CO;2-Z
  • Teece, D., & Pisano, G. (1994). The dynamic capabilities of firms: An introduction. Industrial and Corporate Change, 3(3), 537-556.
  • Thai, V. V., Tay, W. J., Tan, R., & Lai, A. (2014). Defining service quality in tramp shipping: Conceptual model and empirical evidence. The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, 30(1), 1-29.
  • Tsekouras, G., Poulis, E., & Poulis, K. (2011). Innovation and dynamic capabilities in a traditional service sector: Evidence from shipping companies. Baltic Journal of Management, 6(3), 320-341.
  • UNCTAD. (2021). Review of Maritime Transport 2021. Geneva. 177 pp.
  • Vickers, I., & Lyon, F. (2014). Beyond green niches? Growth strategies of environmentally motivated social enterprises. International Small Business Journal, 32(4), 449-470.
  • Wang, M., & Li, R. (2013). The study on the dimensions of dynamic capability of enterprises. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication Technology for Education (ICAICTE-13), China, pp. 250-254.
  • Weinzimmer, L. G., Nystrom, P. C., & Freeman, S. J. (1998). Measuring organizational growth: Issues, consequences and guidelines. Journal of Management, 24(2), 235-262.
  • Wernerfelt, B. (1984). A resource-based view of the firm. Strategic Management Journal, 5(2), 171-180.
  • Wiklund, J. (1998). Small firm growth and performance: Entrepreneurship and beyond. [Ph.D. Dissertation. Jönköping International Business School].
  • Wilson, J. W., & Eilertsen, S. (2010). How did strategic planning help during the economic crisis?. Strategy & Leadership, 38(2), 5-14.

Growth Strategy Preferences of Turkish Tramp Shipping Companies: A Qualitative Research

Year 2023, , 80 - 92, 22.03.2023


Tramp shipping has played an important role in world seaborne trade since the 19th century. Shipowner companies operating in tramp shipping, which is a mean of maritime transport associated with bulk cargoes that make up three-quarters of all maritime trade, also provide an important economic power to the sector. These shipowners need to grow by making profitable investments in order to survive and maintain their competitive advantage in such a dynamic and competitive market. Based on this, in the exploratory study, fifteen interviews were made with the managers of the fifteen shipowner companies operating in the field of tramp shipping sector, and their opinions were taken about the concept of growth, growth in terms of quality-quantity, the reasons for growth, the factors considered, and the problems encountered in growth process. The data obtained as a result of the interviews were analysed with MAXQDA 2020, a computer-aided qualitative data analysis program. According to the results of the research, it has been determined that the shipowner companies mostly grow by expanding their fleet; market conditions and economic situation of maritime sector play an important role in the decision to grow, and financing, economic crises and government policies and laws are barriers to growth.


  • Acharya, A. S., Prakash, A., Saxena P., & Nigam, A. (2013). Sampling: Why and How of it?. Indian Journal of Medical Specialities, 4(2), 330-333.
  • Akpinar, H., & Özer-Çaylan, D. (2022). Organizational resilience in maritime business: A systematic literature review. Management Research Review, 46(2), 245-267.
  • Augier, M., & Teece, D. J. (2009). Dynamic capabilities and the role of managers in business strategy and economic performance. Organization Science, 20(2), 410-421.
  • Barney, J. (1991). Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Journal of Management, 17(1), 99-120.
  • Bathke, H., Münch, C., Heiko, A., & Hartmann, E. (2022). Building resilience through foresight: The case of maritime container shipping firms. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, In press.
  • Becchetti, L., & Trovato, G. (2002). The determinants of firm growth for small and medium sized firms: The role of the availability of external finance. Small Business Economics, 19(4), 291-306.
  • Bolton, J. E. (1971). Small Firms: Report of the Committee of Inquiry on Small Firms. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
  • Brooks, M. R., & Ritchie, P. (2006). Mergers and acquisitions in the maritime transport industry 1996-2000. Transportation Journal, 45(2), 7-22.
  • Campbell, S., Greenwood, M., Prior, S., Shearer, T., Walkem, K., Young, S., Bywaters, D., & Walker, K. (2020). Purposive sampling: complex or simple? Research case examples. Journal of Research in Nursing, 25(8), 652-661.
  • Clarkson Research Studies. (2004). The Tramp Shipping Market April 2004. 56 pp.
  • Delmar, F. (1997). Measuring growth: Methodological considerations and empirical results. In Donckels, R., & Miettinen, A. (Eds.), Entrepreneurship and SME Research: On its Way to the Next Millennium (pp. 190-216). Ashgate.
  • Demirel, E. (2015). A study on the organization and management systems of Turkish shipping companies. International Journal of Human Sciences, 12(2), 51-74.
  • Dovbischuk, I. (2022). Innovation-oriented dynamic capabilities of logistics service providers, dynamic resilience and firm performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 33(2), 499-519.
  • DTO. (2021). Maritime Sector Report 2021. İstanbul. 324 pp.
  • Eisenhard, K. M., & Martin, J. A. (2000). Dynamic capabilities: What are they?. Strategic Management Journal, 21(10-11), 1105-1121.<1105::AID-SMJ133>3.0.CO;2-E
  • Erol, S., & Dursun, A. (2016). Market structure of tramp shipping and evaluation. International Journal of Economic and Administrative Studies, 2016(16), 153-170.
  • Etikan, I., & Bala, K. (2017). Combination of probability random sampling method with non probability random sampling method (Sampling versus sampling methods). Biometrics & Biostatistics International Journal, 5(6), 210-213.
  • Flamholtz, E., & Randle, Y. (1990). Growing pains. Wiley.
  • Glyptis, L., Hadjielias, E., Christofi, M., Kvasova, O., & Vrontis, D. (2021). Dynamic familiness capabilities and family business growth: A longitudinal perspective framed within management accounting. Journal of Business Research, 127, 346-363.
  • Gupta, P. D., Guha, S., & Krishnaswami, S. S. (2013). Firm growth and its determinants. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2(1), 1-14.
  • Harlaftis, G., & Theotokas, J. (2004). European family firms in international business: British and Greek tramp-shipping firms. Business History, 46(2), 219-255.
  • Henderson, R., & Cockburn, I. (1994). Measuring competence? Exploring firm effects in pharmaceutical research. Strategic Management Journal, 15(S1), 63-84.
  • Holmes, S., & Zimmer, I. (1994). The nature of the small firm: understanding the motivations of growth and non-growth oriented owners. Australian Journal of Management, 19(1), 97-120.
  • Holmgren, I. B., & Pritschau, S. (2015). The Perception and management of 24/7 work availability: Work-life balance in the tramp shipping industry [MSc. Thesis. Lund University].
  • Howard, J. L. (2005). Small business growth: Development of indicators. Proceedings of the Allied Academies Internet Conference, Cullowhee, pp. 132-136.
  • Hussein, K., & Song, D-W. (2022). Maritime logistics for the next decade: Challenges, opportunities and required skills. In Merkert, R., & Hoberg, K. (Eds.), Global Logistics and Supply Chain Strategies for the 2020s (pp. 151-174). Springer.
  • Jones, O., Ghobadian, A., O’Regan, N., & Antcliff, V. (2013). Dynamic capabilities in a sixth-generation family firm: Entrepreneurship and the Bibby Line. Business History, 55(6), 910-941.
  • Midoro, R., & Pitto, A. (2000). A critical evaluation of strategic alliances in liner shipping. Maritime Policy & Management, 27(1), 31-40.
  • O’Keeffe, J., Buytaert, W., Mijic, A., Brozović, N., & Sinha, R. (2016). The use of semi-structured interviews for the characterisation of farmer irrigation practices. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 20(5), 1911-1924.
  • Orser, B. J., Hogarth-Scott, S., & Riding, A. L. (2000). Performance, firm size, and management problem solving. Journal of Small Business Management, 38(4), 42-58.
  • Penrose, E. T. (1959). Theory of the Growth of the Firm. Blackwell.
  • Porter, M. E. (1985). Competitive Advantage. Free Press.
  • Qu, S. Q., & Dumay, J. (2011). The qualitative research interview. Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management, 8(3), 238-264.
  • Rumelt, R. P. (1984). Toward a strategic theory of firm. In Lamb, R. (Ed.), Competitive Strategic Management (pp. 556- 570). Prentice Hall.
  • Saarni, J. (2013). Dynamic capabilities in Finnish maritime industry during the years of weak demand and uncertainty from 2009 to 2012. Baltic Rim Economies, 4, 159-160.
  • Sharma, G. (2017). Pros and cons of different sampling techniques. International Journal of Applied Research, 3(7), 749-752.
  • Slack, B., Comtois, C., & McCalla, R. (2002). Strategic alliances in the container shipping industry: A global perspective. Maritime Policy & Management, 29(1), 65-76.
  • Solesvik, M. Z., & Westhead, P. (2010). Partner selection for strategic alliances: case study insights from the maritime industry. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 110(6), 841-860.
  • Song, D. W., & Panayides, P. M. (2002). A conceptual application of cooperative game theory to liner shipping strategic alliances. Maritime Policy & Management, 29(3), 285-301.
  • Teece, D. J. (2016). Dynamic capabilities and entrepreneurial management in large organizations: Toward a theory of the (entrepreneurial) firm. European Economic Review, 86, 202-216.
  • Teece, D. J., Pisano, G., & Shuen, A. (1997). Dynamic capabilities and strategic management. Strategic Management Journal, 18(7), 509-533.<509::AID-SMJ882>3.0.CO;2-Z
  • Teece, D., & Pisano, G. (1994). The dynamic capabilities of firms: An introduction. Industrial and Corporate Change, 3(3), 537-556.
  • Thai, V. V., Tay, W. J., Tan, R., & Lai, A. (2014). Defining service quality in tramp shipping: Conceptual model and empirical evidence. The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, 30(1), 1-29.
  • Tsekouras, G., Poulis, E., & Poulis, K. (2011). Innovation and dynamic capabilities in a traditional service sector: Evidence from shipping companies. Baltic Journal of Management, 6(3), 320-341.
  • UNCTAD. (2021). Review of Maritime Transport 2021. Geneva. 177 pp.
  • Vickers, I., & Lyon, F. (2014). Beyond green niches? Growth strategies of environmentally motivated social enterprises. International Small Business Journal, 32(4), 449-470.
  • Wang, M., & Li, R. (2013). The study on the dimensions of dynamic capability of enterprises. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication Technology for Education (ICAICTE-13), China, pp. 250-254.
  • Weinzimmer, L. G., Nystrom, P. C., & Freeman, S. J. (1998). Measuring organizational growth: Issues, consequences and guidelines. Journal of Management, 24(2), 235-262.
  • Wernerfelt, B. (1984). A resource-based view of the firm. Strategic Management Journal, 5(2), 171-180.
  • Wiklund, J. (1998). Small firm growth and performance: Entrepreneurship and beyond. [Ph.D. Dissertation. Jönköping International Business School].
  • Wilson, J. W., & Eilertsen, S. (2010). How did strategic planning help during the economic crisis?. Strategy & Leadership, 38(2), 5-14.
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Maritime Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

İpek Akman Durgut 0000-0002-1960-052X

Gül Denktaş Şakar 0000-0002-1072-6150

Publication Date March 22, 2023
Submission Date October 5, 2022
Acceptance Date December 26, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Akman Durgut, İ., & Denktaş Şakar, G. (2023). Growth Strategy Preferences of Turkish Tramp Shipping Companies: A Qualitative Research. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin, 12(1), 80-92.
AMA Akman Durgut İ, Denktaş Şakar G. Growth Strategy Preferences of Turkish Tramp Shipping Companies: A Qualitative Research. Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull. March 2023;12(1):80-92. doi:10.33714/masteb.1184702
Chicago Akman Durgut, İpek, and Gül Denktaş Şakar. “Growth Strategy Preferences of Turkish Tramp Shipping Companies: A Qualitative Research”. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 12, no. 1 (March 2023): 80-92.
EndNote Akman Durgut İ, Denktaş Şakar G (March 1, 2023) Growth Strategy Preferences of Turkish Tramp Shipping Companies: A Qualitative Research. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 12 1 80–92.
IEEE İ. Akman Durgut and G. Denktaş Şakar, “Growth Strategy Preferences of Turkish Tramp Shipping Companies: A Qualitative Research”, Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull., vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 80–92, 2023, doi: 10.33714/masteb.1184702.
ISNAD Akman Durgut, İpek - Denktaş Şakar, Gül. “Growth Strategy Preferences of Turkish Tramp Shipping Companies: A Qualitative Research”. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 12/1 (March 2023), 80-92.
JAMA Akman Durgut İ, Denktaş Şakar G. Growth Strategy Preferences of Turkish Tramp Shipping Companies: A Qualitative Research. Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull. 2023;12:80–92.
MLA Akman Durgut, İpek and Gül Denktaş Şakar. “Growth Strategy Preferences of Turkish Tramp Shipping Companies: A Qualitative Research”. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin, vol. 12, no. 1, 2023, pp. 80-92, doi:10.33714/masteb.1184702.
Vancouver Akman Durgut İ, Denktaş Şakar G. Growth Strategy Preferences of Turkish Tramp Shipping Companies: A Qualitative Research. Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull. 2023;12(1):80-92.