Research Article
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Risk Analysis, Assessment and Management for Local Fishing Ports in North-Eastern Mediterranean, Türkiye

Year 2023, , 201 - 211, 30.06.2023


This study aimed to analyze the risks of activities in fishing ports in the province of Hatay. Due to these activities, the fishing port is under health, good, labor, and environmental risks. In this study, risks were identified and evaluated at the four fishing ports. For this purpose; (1) A preliminary survey was conducted with stakeholders on the current situation and the functions of the fishing ports (2) brainstorm meetings were organized in three sessions in one day- three sections with 12 invited participants throughout the year 2016, (3) as a result of these meetings, risk assessments were carried out in terms of the risks identified, loss of health, good, labor, and environment for each fishing port. The risk matrices were presented graphically in terms of the risk effect and the frequency value, and risk tables were created for each risk. Approximately 20 (17-22) risks were identified for each fishing port. The risks identified for the fishing port were found similar these were different impact levels and frequency values. These differences were generally related to the location. The differences in the settlement structure of the fishing port caused advantages and disadvantages to risks of the fishing port risk. When risks were grouped and classified as administrative, structural, pollution, and security, the lack of management and supervision was striking. Risk analysis outputs were evaluated by using the “L type matrix” method with issuing by numerical and statistical comparisons for different fishing ports. The reason for the risks was due to incompatible legal regulations and control mechanisms rather than a benefit for fishing ports than regional and personal shortfalls with the current situation and expected. Finally, these assessments were the result of a regional study, but they were important both nationally and internationally fishing port risk lack of management. This article attempts to provide a range of knowledge, which is compulsory for managers.


This study was carried out without financial support from any institution. We were greeted with hope for the future from the support and willingness of the risk-determining personals of participating in the meetings. Therefore, the authors thank all participants.


  • Akar, Ö. (2017). Hatay İli balıkçı barınakları risk analizi [Risk analysis for fishing ports in the province Hatay] [M.Sc. Thesis, İskenderun Technical University].
  • Akar, Ö., Çalışır, V., Demirci A., & Şimşek, E. (2021). Effects of COVID-19 on fuel gas emissions from marine transportation. Proceedings of the 4th Global Conference on Innovation in Marine Technology and the Future of Marine Transportation, Türkiye, pp. 90.
  • Akar, Ö., Demirci, A., Şimşek, E., Mazlum, Y., & Demirci, S. (2022). Management of fishing ports on the financial performance of the Türkiye fishery sector; A case of fishing ports in Hatay province. Journal of Anatolian Environmental and Animal Sciences, 7(3), 281-288.
  • Atay, G., & Cengiz, Ö. (2022). Investigation of fishing activities in Çitören (Van, Türkiye) for occupational health and safety. Marine and Life Sciences, 4(2), 137–141 (In Turkish).
  • Cengiz, Ö. (2022). Analysis of risk factors in fishing activities in Lake Erçek (Van, Turkey) for occupational health and safety. Momona Ethiopian Journal of Science, 14(2), 139-148.
  • Demirhan, S. A., Alkan, A., & Şimşek, E. (2020). Artificial reef application from the Iskenderun Bay, Northeastern Mediterranean, Turkey; an experimental study. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 24(1), 49-54.
  • Flothmann, S., Kistowski, K. V., Dolan, E., Lee, E., Meere, F., & Album, G. (2010). Closing loopholes: Getting illegal fishing under control. Science, 328, 1235-1236.
  • Gezmen, S., Şimşek, E., & Demirci, A. (2015). Evaluation of dynamics of fish retail trade in Iskenderun. Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research, 1(1), 33-44. (In Turkish)
  • Haimes, Y. Y. (2015). Risk modeling, assessment, and management, John Wiley & Sons.
  • Huntington, T., Nimmo, F., & Macfadyen, G. (2015). Fish landings at the world is commercial fishing ports. Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics, 2(1), 4.
  • Kim, Y., & Sung, J. S. (2016). Fishing port remodeling plan utilizing marine tourism resources. Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture, 44(2), 52-69.
  • Lam, J. S. L., & Notteboom, T. (2014). The greening of ports: a comparison of port management tools used by leading ports in Asia and Europe. Transport Reviews, 34(2), 169-189.
  • MAF. (2015). Fishing Port Regulations. Retrieved on October 24, 2022, from
  • Mazlum, Y., Can, M. F., Yılmaz, A. B., Demirci, A., Gürlek, M., Şimşek, E., Şereflişan, M., & Uygur, N. (2019). Removal of abandoned and lost fishing equipment from various seabeds and habitats. II. Ulusal Denizlerde İzleme ve Değerlendirme Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, Türkiye, pp. 173-174.
  • McNeil, A. J., Frey, R., & Embrechts, P. (2015). Quantitative risk management: Concepts, techniques and tools. Princeton University Press.
  • Mitchell, R., Driscoll, T. R., Healey, S., Hull, B. P., Mandryk, J., & Hendrie, I. (2001). Work-related fatal injuries in the washing industry in Australia, 1989 to 1992. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety-Australia New Zealand, 17(4), 375-386.
  • MSANZ. (2004). Guidelines for Port and Harbour Risk Assessment and Safety Management Systems in New Zealand, Maritime Safety Authority of New Zealand, 67 p.
  • Ross, N. (2015). Understanding the fishing ‘community’: the role of communities of the mind. Sociologia Ruralis, 55(3), 309-324.
  • Scheffczyk, R. B. (2010). Fishing port management, the forgotten subject (pp. 216-244). In Safran, P. (Ed.), Fisheries and Aquaculture Volume-1. UNESCO Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems.
  • Sciortino, J. A. (2010). Fishing harbour planning, construction and management (No. 539): Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
  • Soykan, O. (2021). An analysis on the statistics of occupational accidents in Turkish fisheries and aquaculture sector; 2013-2019 period. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 38(4), 533–544 (In Turkish).
  • TCRG. (2017). The Law Change Supporting to Development of the Production and Industry. Retrieved on December 28, 2022, from
  • UBAK. (2013). Coastal Facilities Business Permission Granting Procedures and Principles. Retrieved on December 28, 2022, from
  • UDHB. (2022). Fishing Coastal Structures Status and Needs Analysis. Retrieved on December 28, 2022, from
  • Yılmaz, A. B., Demirci, A., Akar, Ö., Kılıç, E., Uygur, N., Şimşek, E., Yanar, A., & Ayan, O. A. (2022). An assessment of sea surface and seabed macro plastic density in Northeastern Mediterranean Sea. Pollution, 8(2), 543-552.
  • Yılmaz, A. B., Demirci. A., Uygur N., Şimşek, E., Yanar, A., Akar, Ö., Kılıç, E., & Alptekin, O. A. (2019). Evaluation of plastic waste from Iskenderun Bay. II. Ulusal Denizlerde İzleme ve Değerlendirme Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, Türkiye, pp. 175-178.
Year 2023, , 201 - 211, 30.06.2023



  • Akar, Ö. (2017). Hatay İli balıkçı barınakları risk analizi [Risk analysis for fishing ports in the province Hatay] [M.Sc. Thesis, İskenderun Technical University].
  • Akar, Ö., Çalışır, V., Demirci A., & Şimşek, E. (2021). Effects of COVID-19 on fuel gas emissions from marine transportation. Proceedings of the 4th Global Conference on Innovation in Marine Technology and the Future of Marine Transportation, Türkiye, pp. 90.
  • Akar, Ö., Demirci, A., Şimşek, E., Mazlum, Y., & Demirci, S. (2022). Management of fishing ports on the financial performance of the Türkiye fishery sector; A case of fishing ports in Hatay province. Journal of Anatolian Environmental and Animal Sciences, 7(3), 281-288.
  • Atay, G., & Cengiz, Ö. (2022). Investigation of fishing activities in Çitören (Van, Türkiye) for occupational health and safety. Marine and Life Sciences, 4(2), 137–141 (In Turkish).
  • Cengiz, Ö. (2022). Analysis of risk factors in fishing activities in Lake Erçek (Van, Turkey) for occupational health and safety. Momona Ethiopian Journal of Science, 14(2), 139-148.
  • Demirhan, S. A., Alkan, A., & Şimşek, E. (2020). Artificial reef application from the Iskenderun Bay, Northeastern Mediterranean, Turkey; an experimental study. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 24(1), 49-54.
  • Flothmann, S., Kistowski, K. V., Dolan, E., Lee, E., Meere, F., & Album, G. (2010). Closing loopholes: Getting illegal fishing under control. Science, 328, 1235-1236.
  • Gezmen, S., Şimşek, E., & Demirci, A. (2015). Evaluation of dynamics of fish retail trade in Iskenderun. Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research, 1(1), 33-44. (In Turkish)
  • Haimes, Y. Y. (2015). Risk modeling, assessment, and management, John Wiley & Sons.
  • Huntington, T., Nimmo, F., & Macfadyen, G. (2015). Fish landings at the world is commercial fishing ports. Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics, 2(1), 4.
  • Kim, Y., & Sung, J. S. (2016). Fishing port remodeling plan utilizing marine tourism resources. Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture, 44(2), 52-69.
  • Lam, J. S. L., & Notteboom, T. (2014). The greening of ports: a comparison of port management tools used by leading ports in Asia and Europe. Transport Reviews, 34(2), 169-189.
  • MAF. (2015). Fishing Port Regulations. Retrieved on October 24, 2022, from
  • Mazlum, Y., Can, M. F., Yılmaz, A. B., Demirci, A., Gürlek, M., Şimşek, E., Şereflişan, M., & Uygur, N. (2019). Removal of abandoned and lost fishing equipment from various seabeds and habitats. II. Ulusal Denizlerde İzleme ve Değerlendirme Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, Türkiye, pp. 173-174.
  • McNeil, A. J., Frey, R., & Embrechts, P. (2015). Quantitative risk management: Concepts, techniques and tools. Princeton University Press.
  • Mitchell, R., Driscoll, T. R., Healey, S., Hull, B. P., Mandryk, J., & Hendrie, I. (2001). Work-related fatal injuries in the washing industry in Australia, 1989 to 1992. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety-Australia New Zealand, 17(4), 375-386.
  • MSANZ. (2004). Guidelines for Port and Harbour Risk Assessment and Safety Management Systems in New Zealand, Maritime Safety Authority of New Zealand, 67 p.
  • Ross, N. (2015). Understanding the fishing ‘community’: the role of communities of the mind. Sociologia Ruralis, 55(3), 309-324.
  • Scheffczyk, R. B. (2010). Fishing port management, the forgotten subject (pp. 216-244). In Safran, P. (Ed.), Fisheries and Aquaculture Volume-1. UNESCO Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems.
  • Sciortino, J. A. (2010). Fishing harbour planning, construction and management (No. 539): Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
  • Soykan, O. (2021). An analysis on the statistics of occupational accidents in Turkish fisheries and aquaculture sector; 2013-2019 period. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 38(4), 533–544 (In Turkish).
  • TCRG. (2017). The Law Change Supporting to Development of the Production and Industry. Retrieved on December 28, 2022, from
  • UBAK. (2013). Coastal Facilities Business Permission Granting Procedures and Principles. Retrieved on December 28, 2022, from
  • UDHB. (2022). Fishing Coastal Structures Status and Needs Analysis. Retrieved on December 28, 2022, from
  • Yılmaz, A. B., Demirci, A., Akar, Ö., Kılıç, E., Uygur, N., Şimşek, E., Yanar, A., & Ayan, O. A. (2022). An assessment of sea surface and seabed macro plastic density in Northeastern Mediterranean Sea. Pollution, 8(2), 543-552.
  • Yılmaz, A. B., Demirci. A., Uygur N., Şimşek, E., Yanar, A., Akar, Ö., Kılıç, E., & Alptekin, O. A. (2019). Evaluation of plastic waste from Iskenderun Bay. II. Ulusal Denizlerde İzleme ve Değerlendirme Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, Türkiye, pp. 175-178.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Maritime Engineering (Other), Fisheries Management
Journal Section Research Article

Özkan Akar 0000-0002-8126-2883

Aydın Demirci 0000-0002-7168-9904

Early Pub Date June 20, 2023
Publication Date June 30, 2023
Submission Date January 23, 2023
Acceptance Date June 8, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Akar, Ö., & Demirci, A. (2023). Risk Analysis, Assessment and Management for Local Fishing Ports in North-Eastern Mediterranean, Türkiye. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin, 12(2), 201-211.
AMA Akar Ö, Demirci A. Risk Analysis, Assessment and Management for Local Fishing Ports in North-Eastern Mediterranean, Türkiye. Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull. June 2023;12(2):201-211. doi:10.33714/masteb.1241126
Chicago Akar, Özkan, and Aydın Demirci. “Risk Analysis, Assessment and Management for Local Fishing Ports in North-Eastern Mediterranean, Türkiye”. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 12, no. 2 (June 2023): 201-11.
EndNote Akar Ö, Demirci A (June 1, 2023) Risk Analysis, Assessment and Management for Local Fishing Ports in North-Eastern Mediterranean, Türkiye. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 12 2 201–211.
IEEE Ö. Akar and A. Demirci, “Risk Analysis, Assessment and Management for Local Fishing Ports in North-Eastern Mediterranean, Türkiye”, Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull., vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 201–211, 2023, doi: 10.33714/masteb.1241126.
ISNAD Akar, Özkan - Demirci, Aydın. “Risk Analysis, Assessment and Management for Local Fishing Ports in North-Eastern Mediterranean, Türkiye”. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 12/2 (June 2023), 201-211.
JAMA Akar Ö, Demirci A. Risk Analysis, Assessment and Management for Local Fishing Ports in North-Eastern Mediterranean, Türkiye. Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull. 2023;12:201–211.
MLA Akar, Özkan and Aydın Demirci. “Risk Analysis, Assessment and Management for Local Fishing Ports in North-Eastern Mediterranean, Türkiye”. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin, vol. 12, no. 2, 2023, pp. 201-1, doi:10.33714/masteb.1241126.
Vancouver Akar Ö, Demirci A. Risk Analysis, Assessment and Management for Local Fishing Ports in North-Eastern Mediterranean, Türkiye. Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull. 2023;12(2):201-1.