Research Article
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Length-Weight Relationships for Fourteen Fish Species Collected by Bottom Trawl From the Eastern Black Sea Coast, Turkey

Year 2021, , 326 - 332, 29.12.2021


Length-weight relationships (LWR) were described for fourteen demersal and pelagic fish species; whiting (Merlangius merlangus), red mullet (Mullus barbatus), picarel (Spicara maena), scorpion fish (Scorpaena porcus), anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), sprat (Sprattus sprattus), horse mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus), bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix), turbot (Scophthalmus maximus), thornback ray (Raja clavata), shore rockling (Gaidropsarus mediterraneus) round goby (Neogobius melanostomus), black goby (Gobius niger) and stargazer (Uranoscopus scaber) caught with bottom trawl (12 mm mesh size) from the Eastern Black Sea. Samples were caught in depths from 10 m up to 60 m between April 2017 and March 2018 at monthly intervals. The minimum and maximum lengths and weights, length-weight relationships, parameters of a and b, ± 95% CI of b, r2, growth type (isometric or allometric) of samples, and statistical analyses of the relationship were determined. Estimates for parameter b of the length–weight relationship ranged between 2.44 and 3.54.

Supporting Institution

Recep Tayyip Erdogan University

Project Number



We appreciate the crew members of the R/V Karadeniz Araştırma and Yusuf Ceylan, Ph.D. and Erhan Ozturk, MSc and Muhammet Emanet for their help in laboratories. This work was supported by the Research Fund of Recep Tayyip Erdogan University. Project Number: FDK-2017-754.


  • Abdoli, L., Kamrani, E., Abdoli, A., & Kiabi B. (2009). Length–weight relationships for three species of mudskippers (Gobiidae: Oxudercinae) in the coastal areas of the Persian Gulf, Iran. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 25(2), 236–237.
  • Ak, O., Kutlu, S., & Aydın, İ. (2009). Length-weight relationship for 16 fish species from the Eastern Black Sea, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 9(1), 125-126.
  • Arneri, E., Colella, S., & Giannetti, G. (2001). Age determination and growth of turbot and brill in the Adriatic Sea: Reversal of the seasonal pattern of otolith zone formation. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 17(6), 256-261.
  • Bakan, G., & Büyükgüngör, H. (2000). The Black Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 41(1-6), 24-43.
  • Berkün, M., Anılan, T., & Aras, E. (2010). Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde sediment taşınması ve kıyı erozyonu etkileşimleri. Türkiye Mühendislik Haberleri, 55(3-4), 47-52.
  • Bologa, A. S. (2001). Recent changes in the Black Sea ecosystem. Regional Developments, 15(1), 463-574.
  • Bolognini, L., Domenichetti, F., Grati, F., Polidori, P., Scarcella, G., & Fabi, G. (2013). Weight-length relationships for 20 fish species in the Adriatic Sea. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 13, 555-560.
  • Bök, T. D., Göktürk, D., Kahraman, A. E., Alicli, T. Z., Acun, T., & Ateş, C. (2011). Length-weight relationships of 34 fish species from the Sea of Marmara, Turkey. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 10(23), 3037-3042.
  • Çalık, S., & Sağlam, N. E. (2017). Length-weight relationships of demersal fish species caught by bottom trawl from Eastern Black Sea (Turkey). Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 58, 485-490.
  • Demirhan, S. A., & Can, M. F. (2007). Length–weight relationships for seven fish species from the southeastern Black Sea. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 23(3), 282-283.
  • Demirhan, S. A., Engin, S., Seyhan, K., & Akamca, E. (2005). Some biological aspects of thornback ray (Raja clavata L., 1758) in the Southeastern Black Sea. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 5, 75-83.
  • Dulčić, J., & Kraljević, M. (1996). Weight-length relationships for 40 fish species in the eastern Adriatic (Croatian waters). Fisheries Research, 28(3), 243-251.
  • Dutta, S., Maity, A., Chanda, A., Akhand, A., & Hazra, S. (2012). Length weight relationship of four commercially important marine fishes of Northern Bay of Bengal, West Bengal, India. Journal of Applied Environmental Biological Sciences, 2(2), 52-58.
  • Erzini, K. (1994). An empirical study of variability in length-at-age in marine fishes. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 10(1), 17-41. 0426.1994.tb00140.x
  • Filiz, H., & Mater, S. (2002). A preliminary study on length-weight relationships for seven elasmobranch species from North Aegean Sea, Turkey. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 19(3-4), 401-409.
  • Gonçalves, J. M. S., Bentes, L., Lino, P. G., Ribeiro, J., Canário, A. V. M., & Erzini, K. (1997). Weight-length relationships for selected fish species of the small-scale demersal fisheries of the South and South-west coast of Portugal. Fisheries Research, 30, 253-256.
  • Jennings, S., Greenstreet, S. P. R., & Reynolds, J. D. (1999). Structural change in an exploited fish community: A consequence of differential fishing effects on species with contrasting life histories. Journal of Animal Ecology, 68(3), 617-627.
  • Kalaycı, F., Samsun, N., Bilgin, S., & Samsun, O. (2007). Length-weight relationship of 10 fish species caught by bottom trawl and midwater trawl from the Middle Black Sea, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 7(1), 33-36.
  • Karachle, P. K., & Stergiou, K. I. (2008). Length-length and length weight relationships of several fish species from the North Aegean Sea (Greece). Journal of Biological Research-Thessaloniki, 10, 149-157.
  • Karakulak, F. S., Erk, H., & Bilgin B. (2006). Length–weight relationships for 47 coastal fish species from the northern Aegean Sea, Turkey. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 22(4), 274-278.
  • Kasapoğlu, N., & Düzgüneş, E. (2013). Length-weight relationships of marine species caught by five gears from the Black Sea. Mediterranean Marine Science, 15(1), 95-100.
  • Keskin, Ç., & Gaygusuz, Ö. (2010). Length-weight relationships of fishes in shallow waters of Erdek Bay (Sea of Marmara, Turkey). IUFS Journal of Biology, 69(2), 87-94.
  • Knudsen, S., Zengin, M., & Koçak, M. H. (2019). Identifying drivers for fishing pressure. A multidisciplinary study of trawl and sea snail fisheries in Samsun, Black Sea coast of Turkey. Ocean & Coastal Management, 53(5-6), 252-269.
  • Morey, G., Moranta, J., Massuti, E., Grau, A., Linde, M., Riera, F., & Morales-Nin, B. (2003). Weight-length relationships of littoral to lower slope fishes from the Western Mediterranean. Fisheries Research, 62(1), 89-96.
  • Moutopoulos, D. K., & Stergiou, K. I. (2002). Length-weight and length-length relationships of fish species from the Aegean Sea (Greece). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 18(3), 200-203.
  • Özaydın, O., Uçkun, D., Akalın, S., Leblebici, S., & Tosunoğlu, Z. (2007). Length-weight relationships of fishes captured from Izmir Bay, Central Aegean Sea. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 23(6), 695-696. https://doi:10.1111/j.1439-0426.2007.00853.x
  • Özdemir, S., & Duyar, H. A. (2013). Length-weight relationships for ten fish species collected by trawl surveys from Black Sea coast, Turkey. International Journal of Chemical, Environmental and Biological Sciences, 1(2), 405-407.
  • Panayotova, M. (2001). Growth parameters of the Black Sea sprat (Sprattus sprattus L.) during the period 1998–2000 along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. Proc. of the Institute of Oceanology, Varna, BAS, 3, 163-169.
  • Polat, H., & Ergün, H. (2008). Black Sea pelagic fish. Yunus Research Bulletin, 8, 1-5.
  • Ricker, W. E. (1973). Linear regression in fisheries research. Journal of Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 30, 409-434.
  • Ricker, W. E. (1975). Computation and interpretation of biological statistics of fish populations. Bulletin of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 191, 1-382.
  • Safran, P. (1992). Theoretical analysis of the weight-length relationships in the juveniles. Marine Biology, 112, 545-551.
  • Samsun, O., Akyol, O., Ceyhan, T., & Erdem, Y. (2017). Length-weight relationships for 11 fish species from the Central Black Sea, Turkey. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 34(4), 455-458.
  • Sangun, L., Akamca, E., & Akar, M. (2007). Weight-length relationships for 39 fish species from the North-Eastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 7, 37-40.
  • Silva, J. F., Ellis, J. R., & Ayers, R. A. (2013). Length-weight relationships of marine fish collected from around the British Isles. Science Series Technical Report no 150. Cefas: Lowestoft. 109p.
  • Torres, M. A., Ramos, F., & Sobrino, I. (2012). Length–weight relationships of 76 fish species from the Gulf of Cadiz (SW Spain). Fisheries Research, 127–128, 171–175.
  • Van, A., Gümüş, A., & Süer, S. (2019). Length-weight relationships and condition factors of 15 fish species from Kizilirmak-Yesilirmak shelf Area, the Southeastern Black Sea. Natural and Engineering Sciences, 4(1), 21-27.
  • Verdiell-Cubedo, D., Oliva-Paterna, F., & Torralva, J. (2006). Length–weight relationships for 22 fish species of the Mar Menor coastal lagoon (western Mediterranean Sea). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 22(4), 293-294.
  • Weatherley, A. H., & Gill, H. S. (1987). The biology of fish growth. Academic Press.
  • Yankova, M., Pavlov, D., Raykov, V., Mihneva, V., & Radu, G. (2011). Length-weight relationships of ten fish species from the Bulgarian Black Sea waters. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 35(2), 265-270.
  • Yankova, M., Danail, P., & Violin, R. (2009). Population dynamics of horse-mackerel Trachurus mediterraneus, as a valuable economic species for the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast. Proceedings of the International Symposium Euro-aliment 2009. Romania, pp. 70-77.
  • Zar, J. H. (1996). Biostatistical analysis (3rd ed.). Prentice-Hall.
Year 2021, , 326 - 332, 29.12.2021


Project Number



  • Abdoli, L., Kamrani, E., Abdoli, A., & Kiabi B. (2009). Length–weight relationships for three species of mudskippers (Gobiidae: Oxudercinae) in the coastal areas of the Persian Gulf, Iran. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 25(2), 236–237.
  • Ak, O., Kutlu, S., & Aydın, İ. (2009). Length-weight relationship for 16 fish species from the Eastern Black Sea, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 9(1), 125-126.
  • Arneri, E., Colella, S., & Giannetti, G. (2001). Age determination and growth of turbot and brill in the Adriatic Sea: Reversal of the seasonal pattern of otolith zone formation. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 17(6), 256-261.
  • Bakan, G., & Büyükgüngör, H. (2000). The Black Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 41(1-6), 24-43.
  • Berkün, M., Anılan, T., & Aras, E. (2010). Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde sediment taşınması ve kıyı erozyonu etkileşimleri. Türkiye Mühendislik Haberleri, 55(3-4), 47-52.
  • Bologa, A. S. (2001). Recent changes in the Black Sea ecosystem. Regional Developments, 15(1), 463-574.
  • Bolognini, L., Domenichetti, F., Grati, F., Polidori, P., Scarcella, G., & Fabi, G. (2013). Weight-length relationships for 20 fish species in the Adriatic Sea. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 13, 555-560.
  • Bök, T. D., Göktürk, D., Kahraman, A. E., Alicli, T. Z., Acun, T., & Ateş, C. (2011). Length-weight relationships of 34 fish species from the Sea of Marmara, Turkey. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 10(23), 3037-3042.
  • Çalık, S., & Sağlam, N. E. (2017). Length-weight relationships of demersal fish species caught by bottom trawl from Eastern Black Sea (Turkey). Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 58, 485-490.
  • Demirhan, S. A., & Can, M. F. (2007). Length–weight relationships for seven fish species from the southeastern Black Sea. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 23(3), 282-283.
  • Demirhan, S. A., Engin, S., Seyhan, K., & Akamca, E. (2005). Some biological aspects of thornback ray (Raja clavata L., 1758) in the Southeastern Black Sea. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 5, 75-83.
  • Dulčić, J., & Kraljević, M. (1996). Weight-length relationships for 40 fish species in the eastern Adriatic (Croatian waters). Fisheries Research, 28(3), 243-251.
  • Dutta, S., Maity, A., Chanda, A., Akhand, A., & Hazra, S. (2012). Length weight relationship of four commercially important marine fishes of Northern Bay of Bengal, West Bengal, India. Journal of Applied Environmental Biological Sciences, 2(2), 52-58.
  • Erzini, K. (1994). An empirical study of variability in length-at-age in marine fishes. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 10(1), 17-41. 0426.1994.tb00140.x
  • Filiz, H., & Mater, S. (2002). A preliminary study on length-weight relationships for seven elasmobranch species from North Aegean Sea, Turkey. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 19(3-4), 401-409.
  • Gonçalves, J. M. S., Bentes, L., Lino, P. G., Ribeiro, J., Canário, A. V. M., & Erzini, K. (1997). Weight-length relationships for selected fish species of the small-scale demersal fisheries of the South and South-west coast of Portugal. Fisheries Research, 30, 253-256.
  • Jennings, S., Greenstreet, S. P. R., & Reynolds, J. D. (1999). Structural change in an exploited fish community: A consequence of differential fishing effects on species with contrasting life histories. Journal of Animal Ecology, 68(3), 617-627.
  • Kalaycı, F., Samsun, N., Bilgin, S., & Samsun, O. (2007). Length-weight relationship of 10 fish species caught by bottom trawl and midwater trawl from the Middle Black Sea, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 7(1), 33-36.
  • Karachle, P. K., & Stergiou, K. I. (2008). Length-length and length weight relationships of several fish species from the North Aegean Sea (Greece). Journal of Biological Research-Thessaloniki, 10, 149-157.
  • Karakulak, F. S., Erk, H., & Bilgin B. (2006). Length–weight relationships for 47 coastal fish species from the northern Aegean Sea, Turkey. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 22(4), 274-278.
  • Kasapoğlu, N., & Düzgüneş, E. (2013). Length-weight relationships of marine species caught by five gears from the Black Sea. Mediterranean Marine Science, 15(1), 95-100.
  • Keskin, Ç., & Gaygusuz, Ö. (2010). Length-weight relationships of fishes in shallow waters of Erdek Bay (Sea of Marmara, Turkey). IUFS Journal of Biology, 69(2), 87-94.
  • Knudsen, S., Zengin, M., & Koçak, M. H. (2019). Identifying drivers for fishing pressure. A multidisciplinary study of trawl and sea snail fisheries in Samsun, Black Sea coast of Turkey. Ocean & Coastal Management, 53(5-6), 252-269.
  • Morey, G., Moranta, J., Massuti, E., Grau, A., Linde, M., Riera, F., & Morales-Nin, B. (2003). Weight-length relationships of littoral to lower slope fishes from the Western Mediterranean. Fisheries Research, 62(1), 89-96.
  • Moutopoulos, D. K., & Stergiou, K. I. (2002). Length-weight and length-length relationships of fish species from the Aegean Sea (Greece). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 18(3), 200-203.
  • Özaydın, O., Uçkun, D., Akalın, S., Leblebici, S., & Tosunoğlu, Z. (2007). Length-weight relationships of fishes captured from Izmir Bay, Central Aegean Sea. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 23(6), 695-696. https://doi:10.1111/j.1439-0426.2007.00853.x
  • Özdemir, S., & Duyar, H. A. (2013). Length-weight relationships for ten fish species collected by trawl surveys from Black Sea coast, Turkey. International Journal of Chemical, Environmental and Biological Sciences, 1(2), 405-407.
  • Panayotova, M. (2001). Growth parameters of the Black Sea sprat (Sprattus sprattus L.) during the period 1998–2000 along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. Proc. of the Institute of Oceanology, Varna, BAS, 3, 163-169.
  • Polat, H., & Ergün, H. (2008). Black Sea pelagic fish. Yunus Research Bulletin, 8, 1-5.
  • Ricker, W. E. (1973). Linear regression in fisheries research. Journal of Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 30, 409-434.
  • Ricker, W. E. (1975). Computation and interpretation of biological statistics of fish populations. Bulletin of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 191, 1-382.
  • Safran, P. (1992). Theoretical analysis of the weight-length relationships in the juveniles. Marine Biology, 112, 545-551.
  • Samsun, O., Akyol, O., Ceyhan, T., & Erdem, Y. (2017). Length-weight relationships for 11 fish species from the Central Black Sea, Turkey. Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 34(4), 455-458.
  • Sangun, L., Akamca, E., & Akar, M. (2007). Weight-length relationships for 39 fish species from the North-Eastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 7, 37-40.
  • Silva, J. F., Ellis, J. R., & Ayers, R. A. (2013). Length-weight relationships of marine fish collected from around the British Isles. Science Series Technical Report no 150. Cefas: Lowestoft. 109p.
  • Torres, M. A., Ramos, F., & Sobrino, I. (2012). Length–weight relationships of 76 fish species from the Gulf of Cadiz (SW Spain). Fisheries Research, 127–128, 171–175.
  • Van, A., Gümüş, A., & Süer, S. (2019). Length-weight relationships and condition factors of 15 fish species from Kizilirmak-Yesilirmak shelf Area, the Southeastern Black Sea. Natural and Engineering Sciences, 4(1), 21-27.
  • Verdiell-Cubedo, D., Oliva-Paterna, F., & Torralva, J. (2006). Length–weight relationships for 22 fish species of the Mar Menor coastal lagoon (western Mediterranean Sea). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 22(4), 293-294.
  • Weatherley, A. H., & Gill, H. S. (1987). The biology of fish growth. Academic Press.
  • Yankova, M., Pavlov, D., Raykov, V., Mihneva, V., & Radu, G. (2011). Length-weight relationships of ten fish species from the Bulgarian Black Sea waters. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 35(2), 265-270.
  • Yankova, M., Danail, P., & Violin, R. (2009). Population dynamics of horse-mackerel Trachurus mediterraneus, as a valuable economic species for the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast. Proceedings of the International Symposium Euro-aliment 2009. Romania, pp. 70-77.
  • Zar, J. H. (1996). Biostatistical analysis (3rd ed.). Prentice-Hall.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Hydrobiology, Fisheries Management
Journal Section Research Article

Hatice Onay 0000-0003-3463-7360

Göktuğ Dalgıç 0000-0001-8619-6160

Project Number FDK-2017-754
Publication Date December 29, 2021
Submission Date February 16, 2021
Acceptance Date April 13, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Onay, H., & Dalgıç, G. (2021). Length-Weight Relationships for Fourteen Fish Species Collected by Bottom Trawl From the Eastern Black Sea Coast, Turkey. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin, 10(4), 326-332.
AMA Onay H, Dalgıç G. Length-Weight Relationships for Fourteen Fish Species Collected by Bottom Trawl From the Eastern Black Sea Coast, Turkey. Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull. December 2021;10(4):326-332. doi:10.33714/masteb.881256
Chicago Onay, Hatice, and Göktuğ Dalgıç. “Length-Weight Relationships for Fourteen Fish Species Collected by Bottom Trawl From the Eastern Black Sea Coast, Turkey”. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 10, no. 4 (December 2021): 326-32.
EndNote Onay H, Dalgıç G (December 1, 2021) Length-Weight Relationships for Fourteen Fish Species Collected by Bottom Trawl From the Eastern Black Sea Coast, Turkey. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 10 4 326–332.
IEEE H. Onay and G. Dalgıç, “Length-Weight Relationships for Fourteen Fish Species Collected by Bottom Trawl From the Eastern Black Sea Coast, Turkey”, Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull., vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 326–332, 2021, doi: 10.33714/masteb.881256.
ISNAD Onay, Hatice - Dalgıç, Göktuğ. “Length-Weight Relationships for Fourteen Fish Species Collected by Bottom Trawl From the Eastern Black Sea Coast, Turkey”. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin 10/4 (December 2021), 326-332.
JAMA Onay H, Dalgıç G. Length-Weight Relationships for Fourteen Fish Species Collected by Bottom Trawl From the Eastern Black Sea Coast, Turkey. Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull. 2021;10:326–332.
MLA Onay, Hatice and Göktuğ Dalgıç. “Length-Weight Relationships for Fourteen Fish Species Collected by Bottom Trawl From the Eastern Black Sea Coast, Turkey”. Marine Science and Technology Bulletin, vol. 10, no. 4, 2021, pp. 326-32, doi:10.33714/masteb.881256.
Vancouver Onay H, Dalgıç G. Length-Weight Relationships for Fourteen Fish Species Collected by Bottom Trawl From the Eastern Black Sea Coast, Turkey. Mar. Sci. Tech. Bull. 2021;10(4):326-32.