Research Article
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Determining University Students' Anxiety and Problem Solving Skills in the COVID-19 Pandemic Process

Year 2023, , 528 - 541, 31.08.2023


Objective: This study is a descriptive cross-sectional study that was conducted to assess the problem-solving skills and anxiety levels of all students who agreed to participate in the study at the vocational school of health services.
Methods: The population of the study included 1800 students from all departments of the 2021-2022 academic year health services vocational school at a state university in Konya, and the sample included 356 students who voluntarily agreed to participate in the study and provided informed consent. Frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way analysis of variance Kruskal-Wallis H, and Mann-Whitney U tests were used to analyze the data.
Results: When the total mean scores of the Problem-Solving Inventory (PSI) were compared based on the variables of gender, department of education, class, childhood location, income level, family type, and status of receiving problem-solving education, no statistical significance was found. The mean approach PSI score of those with chronic diseases, on the other hand, showed a statistically significant difference. The Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) score was found to be statistically significantly higher in smokers, those with chronic diseases, and those with low income (p-value<0.05).
Conclusion: It is important to plan initiatives and, if necessary, revise curricula to improve the problem-solving and anxiety-management abilities of future healthcare professionals.

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  • Wang Y, Chiew V. On the cognitive process of human problem solving. Cognitive systems research. 2010;11(1):81-92.
  • Wang Y. The theoretical framework of cognitive informatics. International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence (IJCINI). 2007;1(1):1-27.
  • Durmaz YC, Serin EK, Polat HT. Determination of problem-solving and communication skills of nursing/midwifery students. International journal of caring sciences. 2018;11(3):1771-7.
  • Fu W, Yan S, Zong Q, Anderson-Luxford D, Song X, Lv Z, et al. Mental health of college students during the COVID-19 epidemic in China. J Affect Disord. 2021;280(Pt A):7-10.
  • Akın S, Güngör İ, Mendi B, Şahin N, Bizat E, Durna Z. Problem solving skills and internal-external locus of control perception of nursing department students who continue their university education. Journal of Education and Research in Nursing. 2007;4(2).
  • Sirin A, Guzel A. Examining the relationship between university students' learning styles and problem solving skills. Educational Sciences in Theory and Practice. 2006;6(1):231-64.
  • Hajira B, Rana A, Naeem F, Qammer Y. Virtual Skills Teaching of Nursing Students during COVID-19: A Problem-Solving Approach. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2022;32(4):548-9.
  • Salman M, Shehzadi N, Mustafa ZU, Mallhi TH, Khan YH, Khan TM, et al. Self-harm and suicidal ideation in Pakistani youth amid COVID-19 pandemic: findings of a large, cross-sectional study. Psychol Health Med. 2022:1-9.
  • Ozturk I, Akalın S, Ozguner I, Sakiroglu M. Psychological effects of the Covid-19 epidemic and quarantine. Turkish Studies 2020;15(4):885-903.
  • Park YH, Kim IH, Jeong YW. Stress, and coping strategy of university students during COVID-19 in Korea: The mediating role of ego-resiliency. Acta Psychol (Amst). 2022;227:103615.
  • Lee H-S, Dean D, Baxter T, Griffith T, Park S. Deterioration of mental health despite successful control of the COVID-19 pandemic in South Korea. Psychiatry research. 2021;295:113570.
  • Petzold MB, Bendau A, Plag J, Pyrkosch L, Mascarell Maricic L, Betzler F, et al. Risk, resilience, psychological distress, and anxiety at the beginning of the COVID‐19 pandemic in Germany. Brain and behavior. 2020;10(9):e01745.
  • Debowska A, Horeczy B, Boduszek D, Dolinski D. A repeated cross-sectional survey assessing university students' stress, depression, anxiety, and suicidality in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland. Psychological Medicine. 2020:1-4.
  • Klonoff-Cohen H. College Students' Opinions About Coping Strategies for Mental Health Problems, Suicide Ideation, and Self-Harm During COVID-19. Front Psychol. 2022;13:918891.
  • Bourion-Bédès S, Tarquinio C, Batt M, Tarquinio P, Lebreuilly R, Sorsana C, et al. Stress and associated factors among French university students under the COVID-19 lockdown: The results of the PIMS-CoV 19 study. Journal of affective disorders. 2021;283:108-14.
  • Cao W, Fang Z, Hou G, Han M, Xu X, Dong J, et al. The psychological impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on college students in China. Psychiatry research. 2020;287:112934.
  • Liu S, Yang L, Zhang C, Xiang Y-T, Liu Z, Hu S, et al. Online mental health services in China during the COVID-19 outbreak. The Lancet Psychiatry. 2020;7(4):e17-e8.
  • Lee MB, Brysiewicz P. Enhancing problem solving and nursing diagnosis in year III Bachelor of nursing students. Nurse education today. 2009;29(4):389-97.
  • Cholowski KM, Chan LK. Prior knowledge in student and experienced nurses’ clinical problem solving. Australian Journal of Educational & Developmental Psychology. 2001;1:10-21.
  • Abaan S. Problem solving skills in nurses: analysis of self-evaluation results. Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing. 2005;12(1):62-76.
  • Sabahattin Ç, Tümkaya S. Interpersonal Problem Solving in University Students. Çukurova University Journal of Social Sciences Institute. 2006;15(2):119-31.
  • Konkan R, Şenormanci Ö, Güçlü O, Aydin E, Sungur MZ. The Turkish Adaptation, Validity and Reliability of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) Test. Archives of Neuropsychiatry/. 2013;50(1).
  • Kocoglu D, Sergul Duygulu R, Abaan ES, Belgin Akin R. Problem solving training for first line nurse managers. International Journal of Caring Sciences. 2016;9(3):955
  • Bayram A, Özsaban A, Durgun H, Aksoy F, Turan N, Köktürk Dalcali B, et al. Nursing students’ perceptions of nursing diagnoses, critical thinking motivations, and problem‐solving skills during distance learning: A multicentral study. International Journal of Nursing Knowledge. 2022.
  • Kanbay Y, Okanlı A. The effect of critical thinking education on nursing students’ problem-solving skills†. Contemporary Nurse. 2017;53:313 - 21.
  • Ozturk Eyimaya A, Sezer TA, Tezel A. Self-control and problem-solving skills of undergraduate nursing program students, and an analysis of influential factors. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care. 2022;58(2):464-70.
  • ang J, Luo Y, Li Y, Huang W. Social problem‐solving in Chinese baccalaureate nursing students. Journal of Evidence‐Based Medicine. 2016;9(4):181-7.
  • Ancel G. Problem-solving training: Effects on the problem-solving skills and self-efficacy of nursing students. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research. 2016;16(64).
  • Barutcu CD. The relationship between problem solving and creative thinking skills among nursing students. International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies. 2017;4(2):34-41.
  • Batra K, Sharma M, Batra R, Singh TP, Schvaneveldt N, editors. Assessing the psychological impact of COVID-19 among college students: An evidence of 15 countries. Healthcare; 2021: MDPI.
  • Wang C, Wen W, Zhang H, Ni J, Jiang J, Cheng Y, et al. Anxiety, depression, and stress prevalence among college students during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of American college health. 2021:1-8.
Year 2023, , 528 - 541, 31.08.2023


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Project Number



Çalışmaya katılan tüm öğrencilere ve Finansal desteği sağlayan TÜbitak'a teşekkür ederiz


  • Wang Y, Chiew V. On the cognitive process of human problem solving. Cognitive systems research. 2010;11(1):81-92.
  • Wang Y. The theoretical framework of cognitive informatics. International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence (IJCINI). 2007;1(1):1-27.
  • Durmaz YC, Serin EK, Polat HT. Determination of problem-solving and communication skills of nursing/midwifery students. International journal of caring sciences. 2018;11(3):1771-7.
  • Fu W, Yan S, Zong Q, Anderson-Luxford D, Song X, Lv Z, et al. Mental health of college students during the COVID-19 epidemic in China. J Affect Disord. 2021;280(Pt A):7-10.
  • Akın S, Güngör İ, Mendi B, Şahin N, Bizat E, Durna Z. Problem solving skills and internal-external locus of control perception of nursing department students who continue their university education. Journal of Education and Research in Nursing. 2007;4(2).
  • Sirin A, Guzel A. Examining the relationship between university students' learning styles and problem solving skills. Educational Sciences in Theory and Practice. 2006;6(1):231-64.
  • Hajira B, Rana A, Naeem F, Qammer Y. Virtual Skills Teaching of Nursing Students during COVID-19: A Problem-Solving Approach. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2022;32(4):548-9.
  • Salman M, Shehzadi N, Mustafa ZU, Mallhi TH, Khan YH, Khan TM, et al. Self-harm and suicidal ideation in Pakistani youth amid COVID-19 pandemic: findings of a large, cross-sectional study. Psychol Health Med. 2022:1-9.
  • Ozturk I, Akalın S, Ozguner I, Sakiroglu M. Psychological effects of the Covid-19 epidemic and quarantine. Turkish Studies 2020;15(4):885-903.
  • Park YH, Kim IH, Jeong YW. Stress, and coping strategy of university students during COVID-19 in Korea: The mediating role of ego-resiliency. Acta Psychol (Amst). 2022;227:103615.
  • Lee H-S, Dean D, Baxter T, Griffith T, Park S. Deterioration of mental health despite successful control of the COVID-19 pandemic in South Korea. Psychiatry research. 2021;295:113570.
  • Petzold MB, Bendau A, Plag J, Pyrkosch L, Mascarell Maricic L, Betzler F, et al. Risk, resilience, psychological distress, and anxiety at the beginning of the COVID‐19 pandemic in Germany. Brain and behavior. 2020;10(9):e01745.
  • Debowska A, Horeczy B, Boduszek D, Dolinski D. A repeated cross-sectional survey assessing university students' stress, depression, anxiety, and suicidality in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland. Psychological Medicine. 2020:1-4.
  • Klonoff-Cohen H. College Students' Opinions About Coping Strategies for Mental Health Problems, Suicide Ideation, and Self-Harm During COVID-19. Front Psychol. 2022;13:918891.
  • Bourion-Bédès S, Tarquinio C, Batt M, Tarquinio P, Lebreuilly R, Sorsana C, et al. Stress and associated factors among French university students under the COVID-19 lockdown: The results of the PIMS-CoV 19 study. Journal of affective disorders. 2021;283:108-14.
  • Cao W, Fang Z, Hou G, Han M, Xu X, Dong J, et al. The psychological impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on college students in China. Psychiatry research. 2020;287:112934.
  • Liu S, Yang L, Zhang C, Xiang Y-T, Liu Z, Hu S, et al. Online mental health services in China during the COVID-19 outbreak. The Lancet Psychiatry. 2020;7(4):e17-e8.
  • Lee MB, Brysiewicz P. Enhancing problem solving and nursing diagnosis in year III Bachelor of nursing students. Nurse education today. 2009;29(4):389-97.
  • Cholowski KM, Chan LK. Prior knowledge in student and experienced nurses’ clinical problem solving. Australian Journal of Educational & Developmental Psychology. 2001;1:10-21.
  • Abaan S. Problem solving skills in nurses: analysis of self-evaluation results. Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing. 2005;12(1):62-76.
  • Sabahattin Ç, Tümkaya S. Interpersonal Problem Solving in University Students. Çukurova University Journal of Social Sciences Institute. 2006;15(2):119-31.
  • Konkan R, Şenormanci Ö, Güçlü O, Aydin E, Sungur MZ. The Turkish Adaptation, Validity and Reliability of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) Test. Archives of Neuropsychiatry/. 2013;50(1).
  • Kocoglu D, Sergul Duygulu R, Abaan ES, Belgin Akin R. Problem solving training for first line nurse managers. International Journal of Caring Sciences. 2016;9(3):955
  • Bayram A, Özsaban A, Durgun H, Aksoy F, Turan N, Köktürk Dalcali B, et al. Nursing students’ perceptions of nursing diagnoses, critical thinking motivations, and problem‐solving skills during distance learning: A multicentral study. International Journal of Nursing Knowledge. 2022.
  • Kanbay Y, Okanlı A. The effect of critical thinking education on nursing students’ problem-solving skills†. Contemporary Nurse. 2017;53:313 - 21.
  • Ozturk Eyimaya A, Sezer TA, Tezel A. Self-control and problem-solving skills of undergraduate nursing program students, and an analysis of influential factors. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care. 2022;58(2):464-70.
  • ang J, Luo Y, Li Y, Huang W. Social problem‐solving in Chinese baccalaureate nursing students. Journal of Evidence‐Based Medicine. 2016;9(4):181-7.
  • Ancel G. Problem-solving training: Effects on the problem-solving skills and self-efficacy of nursing students. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research. 2016;16(64).
  • Barutcu CD. The relationship between problem solving and creative thinking skills among nursing students. International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies. 2017;4(2):34-41.
  • Batra K, Sharma M, Batra R, Singh TP, Schvaneveldt N, editors. Assessing the psychological impact of COVID-19 among college students: An evidence of 15 countries. Healthcare; 2021: MDPI.
  • Wang C, Wen W, Zhang H, Ni J, Jiang J, Cheng Y, et al. Anxiety, depression, and stress prevalence among college students during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of American college health. 2021:1-8.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research articles

Ülkü Saygılı Düzova 0000-0001-8402-0022

Abdullah Vurgun 0000-0002-0911-3293

Güler Kara 0000-0002-5431-4748

Gülnihal Parlak 0000-0001-6343-9596

Project Number 1919B012108206
Publication Date August 31, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


Vancouver Saygılı Düzova Ü, Vurgun A, Kara G, Parlak G. Determining University Students’ Anxiety and Problem Solving Skills in the COVID-19 Pandemic Process. Mid Blac Sea J Health Sci. 2023;9(3):528-41.

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